They still have to get past this guy to kill her

They still have to get past this guy to kill her.
How will they do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Probably do it indoors.

Jon will be unburnt or some shit like that

the dragon will realize he did something bad, and he will let jon snow pass.

Weren't most of the dothracki and unsullied decimated at Winterfell? How much of a loyal army does she even have left?

More likely Drogon will refuse to hurt him because of his Targaryen blood.

Jon will stick more than his dick in her the next time they fuck if you catch my drift.

stikit wif da pointy end

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arya will backstab it for 10x damage.

he burned his hand in season one while protecting the old mormont from the zombie.

jon is not a real targaryen because his mother was a stark.

didn’t they fuck in front of the dragons? shouldn’t jon be his stepfather?

DnD will forget he exists.

Yeah because feuding targs didnt burn their own blood at the daily

First cousin

Bad dragon!

Is it me or is the dragon about three times the size it was last episode?

He has to sleep sometime

he is the final boss jon will kill after killing dany.
his sword will be lightbringer after he plunges into danys (nissa nissa) heart.

>According to the Jade Compendium, since that day the sword became as warm as Nissa Nissa was and burned fiery hot during battles. Lightbringer was able to boil the blood of a monster when Azor Ahai thrust the sword through the belly of the beast. After steam poured from the beast's mouth and its eyes melted, its body burst into flame.

A song of ice and fire

A song of the Night king and Daenerys
and the darkness that was defeated by the prince that was promised.

Wrong, he is a real targaryen just doesn't have the unburnt gene but has the dragon rider gene

Alternatively maybe Jon WILL kill her first, his sword will turn into Lightbringer and with it he will be capable of killing Drogon. Kino, but normies won't like it
Also it seems like they still have some glory left for Arya. I don't think they will have her kill Dany. Maybe she will SOMEHOW kill the fucking dragon. Would be pretty ridiculous as desu killing Dany on her own is no heroic feat
Another option is that Arya kills Dany with her face trick by using Jon's face after he dies. This would suck, but probably normies would love it.
Maybe Drogon will simply fly away after Dany is dead. Who knows

It's a different size every time they show it.

According to E6 trailer, a big fucking army

they will hate it more than anything but.....
i think dany will destroy winterfell and kill sansa.
maybe more to try make the audience hate her,

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Drogon will kill Daenerys at her own command.

There are also a lot of Northerners and maybe even soldiers from The Vale amongst them. They should all be tried for war crimes.

What's the most lazy and cheap way to conclude's Drogon's story?
Either he get killed by a cheap shot, either he just flies away

>his mother was a stark
Jew reasoning

Arya kills the dragon and people are going to be physically slinging shit at their tvs.

Personally I'd just let it fly off into the sunset, maybe drop an epilogue at the very end with Drogon sitting on a clutch of eggs

I hope baby drogon lives i don't want him to die because of his incompetent mother. :(

One thing i don't understand in the treatment of the dragons is how their life always seemed to be of little value, like they are just war weapon, when in fact they are literally the last of an extincted species, they should be protected at all costs.

mmmm is that in the teaser?

no it was filmed by drone at the winterfell set after/during the filming for episode 3.
was not used in episode 3.

I wish there were more dnd nerds around working in tv I long to see moments like this brought to life.
All these shows just revert to shitty decisions for the sake of the casual audience

Sansa has been cunt for multiple seasons now. She has it coming.

Arya will cast Knights Of The Round then ride off into the sunset on a gold chocobo

Given his lineage I'm starting to think that he'll also be immune to fire or be able to command the dragons in some way. I kind of expect he'll topple the dragon and then kill Dany. The leaks seem to suggest something along this line.

>Jon Snow bends the knee in the throne room
>His North Men are right behind him
>He stabs the shit out of her
>Before her army of savages can react the dragon swoops in and takes her body and flies away
>Jon throws down his sword and walks away
>Everyone is embarrassed about what they did to Kings Landing and lets him go
>The entire time Bran has been playing 3D chess
>why do you think he told Jon in the first place
>he sits on the Iron Throne, and the last scene is his eyes going blue, because he's the new Night King.

>he burned his hand in season one
um sweetie nobody remembers season 1 you incel, I don't know what you're talking about

uh oh
Been a cunt to the demon child Daenerys and now she's by large been proven right in doing so

Jon killing Dany establishes him as the new alpha and Drogon will fall in line. Then Jon will send him back to Valyria or some stupid shit.

Jons penis will turn into the lightbringer and he will mount his aunt and fuck her until the plot armor falls of the both of them then he will slay drogon, make a dragon dildo from him and kills dany with it

To be fair for most of the history of humans and dragons in the history of GoT usually the only thing that can counter a dragon is another dragon with the occasional lucky shots from a fucking load of ballistas.

Any tech to counter dragons were lost when Valeryia blew and any tech made to counter em in Westerios were mostly forgotten when they went extinct the first time.

It's understandable not to see a literal madman rediscover ballistas and then improve on them as much as he did in such a short amount of tine.

Plus you cant really be prepared for an ice man that can chuck ice spears way up into the sky with enough force to 1 hit kill a dragon

>Jon stabs Dany
>Drogon shatters

True, also remember D&D mentioning Dany being fire immune as a once off thing due to magic bullshit shenigans then a few seasons down the line and shes abusing fire immunity like a forever skinny kid in a candy store.

Drogon kills everyone and takes the Iron Throne, calling it now

that was George that said that not d&d


>he thinks consistency matters in this show

>there will never be a sequel series taking place years later where one of the main plotlines are chasing an even larger, wilder, more agressive Drogon across the world as he randomly assfucks into oblivion every city he comes across and attempting to stop him by any means possible

hidden scorpions

that's a big wyvern

They'll go to Petsmart and buy dragon treats to lure him away.

>Dany goes to dracarys execute Jon/Tyrion
>nothing happens
>she turns around
>Drogon's eyes are foggy
>dragon turns a lays waste to unsullied and dothraki
>Grey Worm protects Dany as Jon attacks
>Dany runs into the shattered throne room
>touches the iron throne
>Jon kills Grey Worm, goes and confronts Dany
>Jon can't do it
>Arya appears and kills Dany
>After killing unsullied/dothraki are dead, Bran forces worged Drogon to commit suicide

they dont tyrion will stab her in the back

Both Asoiaf and Got where ruined when the dragons where brought into the fold. Prove me wrong

>He and his brothers are raised by a single mother
>Brothers died over their mom incompetence
>He is a messed that see no problem with killing civilians

Women were a mistake

My only explanation is that Dragons move much faster when they are targeted compared to being surprised attack. The scorpions couldn't trace him anymore

I don’t want Drogon to die, he’s an innocent baby misused by his retarded, gloating mother.

idk probably someone fast will do it

Working into Drogon having him kill Dany or suicide should just straight up be off the table, having a dragon back in the world helps the world since magic lives again

Off screen

What a retarded name. Like naming a horse ''hurse''

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>Jon confronts Dany about her craziness
>stand off
>nothing happens
>Drogon slowly walks a half circle and gets behind jon
>Hereby, I Jon Snow protector of the realm sentece you to die - dracarys



poisoned shepherd boy

alternatively, shepherd with a vial of wyldfire up his ass

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fucking hell

fuck I hate every single one of you

Damnit frug

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you is high or drunk as fuck, nigga

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He'll just sort of not be paying attention because a reaction on his part would mess up the scene they wanted.

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Yea but Jon was worthless in the long night

>dany doesn't burn
>you know nothing jon snow

>written by Terry Pratchett

Show logic is retarded, we have a long history of Targaryens killing eachother with Fire. None of them were immune to Fire. Dany's immunity in the books was a one time deal, while that red star was bleeding, while Miri Maz Dur was burning, why Dany's eggs were hatching some magic protected her from the fires.

The show explained it by making Dany immune to fire but this is certainly not a common trait for Targaryens or Valyrians.

Dany (presumably) doesn't sleep with Drogon.

As for the dragon itself...

a} Lure it into a relatively confined space. Use some sort of bait; livestock, or some human it is angry with.

b} Keep some sort of distraction in front of it, so it doesn't direct its' fire at you. Ideally throw a couple of ropes around its' neck which are secured to very heavy weights, to keep it from flying off again, and also prevent it from turning its' head back to burn anyone on top of it.

c} Shove multiple spears through its' eye sockets and directly into its' brain.

There's always a way, user...and there are very few things more satisfying to kill, than a dragon.

Maybe the dragon will do it and then bend the knee to Jon

no way, that fucker is named after someone taller

Better question, how do they handle the Unsullied? Surely they will revolt once Dany goes down.

I want Cannibal to eat him

I cant wait for that chinless virgin shitnigger to get it

Wildfire I hope

Are they not still allies with her? All they gotta do is walk up to her and stab her lol.

What do you mean useless. He flew on a dragon! Nobody else on the show could due that according to Tormud.

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But who is the Vimes of ASOIAF?

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Arya one shots it.


By subverting his expectations

Tyrion will sneak up on it and notice that it has a scale missing on its chest and he will messily carve this information into the skull of a burnt dead baby and fling it off the castle before the dragon spots him and runs up and kicks him in the jaw and shatters his jaw and he is lying there with pleading eyes and the dragon stomps on his head and he dies and Arya finds the baby memo like the coconut that JFK carved into when PT109 got cut in half by a jap destroyer and Papuans carried the coconut to American forces because Papuans hated the Japanese because Japanese were eating Papuans and there’s a rule among Papuans that only Papuans can eat Papuans and Arya prepares her dagger to throw at the dragon but the dragon roars and Dany walks up next to the dragon and says that Arya is a disgusting little troll with a unibrow and a trapezoidal forehead and Arya is so shocked she drops the dagger and as it is falling she has a flashback to when they were cutting the dogs head off and sewing it onto that guy’s body I guess it was her dad right and in the flashback dream vision the dog headed dad slowly turns to her and says “woof” and she snaps out of the trance and sees the dagger falling through the air and she kicks it with her foot and it flies way up and Spears the dragon through his chest armor gap and his heart explodes out and he roars and falls on Danny and she screams in slow motion as it rolls over her body like a tank over a Bedouin in Lawrence of Arabia and every organ in her body explodes out of her mouth one by one in a continuous stream of organs and she’s lying there inside out with her eyes wide open and a wide angle shot with her asshole at the end of the organ tube chain sticking out of her mouth and it cuts back to Arya and she sniffs and wipes sweat off her chin with her wrist like Bruce Lee and she looks at Dany’s quivering corpse and smiles and says “Good thing we didn’t let this DRAG ON too long, doncha think?”

In hindsight everyone lucked up that Cersei blew up the church with much of the wildfire under the city, had she not Drogons fire would have set off much more than what did go off and it woulda hit like dominoes throughout the entire city. Kingslanding for all intents and purposes would have been blown right the fuck off the mal

Pssh, nothing personnel kid.

>Come to bed, Dany. I wasn't into it before but that slaughter of the innocent really did it for me.
>Stabby, stabby, stab.
>Drogon your crazy mom lady killed herself
>probably because of something you did
>ride off to the Wall on big ass dragon
>spend rest of life hanging with Ghost, fucking wildlings and hunting mythical shit on your dragon
I don't see why it wouldn't work. Sounds way better than being king. Maybe he just sent Ghost with Tormund because he knew he'd be riding a dragon back.

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If it was a good show now it would refuse to burn Jon has first till Dany starts screaming baths it insane "dracrys" and Jon continues running at it with a sword, his clothes burn but not him. Stab in the heart.

Why they didn't have Dany burn the Kings guard and Jon be caught in the cross fire with her shocked only to see him rise from the fire unburnt and to make her even madder is gay.

Fuck dick n dom

>his clothes burn but not him

they are going to fuck that up big time. no way they are going to cleanse KL of the savage foreign horde

>what are they going to do about all those guys with their dicks chopped off?
on the bright side based on prevailing trends they will only have to defeat 60% of them

Jon convinces Dany to kill it and then they marry and share the throne

Dany wins and realises its wrong to use Drogon as a slave, so she releases him. As he flies off, she reflects on her actions

>"Sometimes it makes me sad, though...Drogon being gone. I have to remind myself that some dragon's aren't meant to be caged. Their scales are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But, still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they are gone. I guess I just miss my friend."

Drogon flies off back to Valyria, show ends with Drogon's voice over as he glides over distant fog covered mountains and rivers:

>"I have no idea to this day what that crazy lady was saying to me. Truth is...I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd like to think she was talking about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in dragon words, and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those flames soared higher and farther than anybody in that puny human city dared to dream. It was like I flapped into their drab little cage and made those city walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, they felt BBQ'd."

Closing credits, que song

That's what they should have done in Season 8. Made it longer and had a 2 month break in between, something major happening in the last episode before the break and it time jump when it returns.

You could have even had older Arya finally finding a happy Cersei with a child called Jamie and Arya killing her. Cliche shit but goddamn anything would be better than the shit we got. /blog


What if it passes like an std. There’s a long history of incest in their family - that would explain it.

Targaryens are not immune to fire.

do you expect anything less for this show?

if walking out of a raging inferno totally naked with your enormous erect penis glowing orange hot from dragon fire is gay then I for one will be heading off to the sewing shop to buy sequins and feather garlands


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wait “Drogon” wasn’t a typo? What the fuck

Have sex with me.

Can't Planetos dragons swim? How the fuck am I to see a dragon versus kraken duel if the fuckers don't take a refreshing dive every now and then? I also want to see Jonny boy on Drogon snatching up a mammoth from a Free folk mammoth pen, Jon has a shit-eating grin that only an asshole raider could have while the free folk mammoth wranglers fire ineffectual arrows at Drogon's belly while shaking their fists at Jon and cursing the piece of shit raiding duo.

Targaryens are not immune to fire, that's just D&D's fanfiction idea.

based if true

>(Migos - Deadz) starts playing


>They still have to get past this guy to kill her.
Not necessarily, it's not like the dragon is around her all the time. Of course if the plot demands it, they will find a way, just like in episode 4. Maybe Tyrion climbs into his mouth and takes a toxic crap or Bran beats him into submission with his magical powers. If you stop caring about internal consistency or good storytelling, the possibilities are endless really.

Bran will warg him and vore her

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How can Dany be the unburnt if the NK didn't burn either?

Arya is the prince that was promised, not Jon

she nobodys prince nigga

what a dumb looking dragon

feed him a barrel of wildfire :^)

honestly, what's stopping him from torching that nerd?


he won't get freed.

that's cause it's a wyvern

No it isn’t dumbass, it literally has the same body layout as the dragon in The Hobbit

smaug was a wyvern and tiny for a Middle Earth dragonkin

Realistically, what are the Dothraki and unsullied going to do? They've got no queen, no knowledge of the continent. They might defeat Jon and the northmen, but there is no way that every house with soldiers left on the continent won't rise up and stomp them out.
So either they leave or they face certain death.

still from dragon senpai

I have read The Hobbit at least a dozen times since elementary school and the word “Wyvern” does not appear even once in the book, you don’t know what your talking about.
go ahead and post the Ancalagon the Black comparison pic where he’s as big as the moon because some idiot misinterpreted him smashing the mountaintop forge chimneys in his death throes to mean his corpse literally entirely covered three separate mountains

>>he sits on the Iron Throne, and the last scene is his eyes going blue, because he's the new Night King.
That would be the most kino Lich King style ending

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>devolves to wyverns vs dragons again
fuck off faggots nobody cares about made up species names

This would be Kino but drogon has to narrate the epilogue

Smack him with a newspaper and tell him he's being a bad dragon.

>drogon’s internal monologue and thought process is basically SCP-682

it's a wyvern famalamadingdongpoopoopeepee

Would you touch dragon peepee?

I would very much touch mommy alexstrasza's peepee yes

no. reptile peepees are scary


Bran will warg into Drogon and eat Dany. The end.

>ok so I have this dragon right
>now to think of a name...
>hmm dragon dragon dragan drogon

they don’t have dicks they have cloacas stupes

The Mountain and the dragon kill each other. Screencap this.

Arya has more girthy problems to deal with.

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a cute

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Arya will clearly kill her, thats why they showed her getting the feels for the mother and daughter. + The symbolism of the white horse covered in blood


i already do friendo :)

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Bravo GRRM

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>not naming your baby dragon until after you've been raped by a horse nigger and then honoring the rapist by naming the dragon after you

This. Its name has different meaning.

cloacas are like multi-tools

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why are they vivisecting that poor dragon ;_;

I hate scalies so, so much

distract it with a tasty peasant child

One good shot.

>Drogon realizes Dany is pure evil
>Dany's fate: eaten by Drogon


Drogon will hide in the earth, only to arise and start GoT - cataclysm years later.

Remember Aegon conquest and that one stark bastard offering to sneak at night and kill dragons? This is Aria role.

>not Game of Thrones: Rampage Edition

Is this canon?

geniune dragon benis cast from real dragon XDD

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Is the first dialogue from Shawshank redemption? And what about the second one.?

they both are, second one was about opera music
scroll down to Red’s lines


>and who
>are you

He isn't going to die, after Jon stabs the bitch, Drogon will grab Dany's corpse and fly off to never be seen again. Screenshot this

That was my guess. She's not done. She will destroy winterfell, kill Sansa and fly off to the other side of the ocean or kill herself.

Can't wait to see someone trying to hit the dragon's voonerables.

For you

god damn it's so fucking retarded

Only if his elaborate plan is revealed via flashbacks as Tyrion looks down at his spilled cup of wine and suddenly puts it together. True kino.

Damn this gay nerd really dabbed hard on that other bigger and gayer nerd

Arya could continue to wear Jon's face and be king

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Wyverns can't breathe fire.

>War Crimes
>In a fantasy medieval setting
Top kek my dude

i can see this happening

arya needs to fuck off for the last episode

It's why Cersei didn't light up Drogon last episode.

Dany wil Dracarys Jon as a traitor. Jon will be immune to the dragon fire and skewers the open mouth of the dragon into the brain with Longclaw.

Leaks say he just flies off with Dany’s body after Jon kills her. Probably gonna feed her to his babies in the Shadowlands or something

How did the dragons hatch in the book?

I assume maestars in the past have studied dead dragons, have any of them written in the books say where the dragon breath comes from? Do they actually have glands and organs that produce the fire breath or is it like a magic spell that produces fire and that's why they can do it infinitely? Cause if it's from their organs I don't see how they can breathe fire non-stop

Dany inserted them into her vag and waited a moment and then birthed them as dragons.

Same way

I hope everyone who uses the words Azor Ahai or Nissa Nissa from now on gets executed by Dany

Nissa Nissa is such a retarded name holy shit

You know he is also a Targaryen

This guy gets it

>Jon kills Dany
>Jon lays sword infront of Drogon
>Accepts his fate
>Drogon decides against it and just fucks off and flies away
>Jon goes to the North to chill with Ghost, Sansa and the Wildings

Mix of Bronn and Jon Snow imo

It was still depicted as a wyvern in the films as were all of Dany's wyverns


they have no food, no job skills, no connections in country. It is the duty of the Westerosi government to help these poor refugees get established. It's not their fault there was a war in their home country. Refugees welcome!

The dragons were shown to swim in GoT, I forgot which season, maybe 4? But they dive into the water and catch fish then throw it up in the sky, burn it, catch and eat it. I'll try to find a clip

So main question is how Jon gonna pass.
With black sword or with the bow

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during one of the hundreds of lengthy "living room" scenes they're doing this season, of course.

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Drogon might care about Dany but without her giving him orders he doesnt do anything and revenge isn’t in his nature. He’ll probably just be sad and fly away or something

I assume its like Seagulls that dive into the upper layer of the ocean to catch fish

Shut the fuck up foggot.

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Sam kills Drogon
He avenges his family
He fulfils the Maester Conspiracy Theory that suggests the Citadel was originally responsible for wiping out the Dragons
The Slayer becomes the only man to ever kill a White Walker and a Dragon
admit it, this is way better than what's actually gonna happen

aww yis



Because in the movie they portrayed him as a wyvern but hes a dragon in the book.

A dragon has hind and front legs alongside wings on its back,a wyvern has wings infused arms,get your dragon lore straight you nigger

Dany will see what she's become and ask Jon to kill her for her crimes. They'll have a last love scene and then he stabs her a la Nissa Nissa.


Turns out setting zombie mountain on fire just turned him into THE DAY KING and he'll kill the dragon by punching its eyes

then Arya will kill the Day King from behind


Her instincts were spot on though what are you getting at here?
Don't tell me you're mad your fantasy waifu YAS KWEEN is getting gutted like a fish in a few days.

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The equivalent to this scene will occur.

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The white horse is literally the incarnation of the director's autism.

>Uh, ooh, fresh out the bed
>Uh, ooh, count up the deads

Targs aren't immune to fire. Aegon V and his son died in fire.

They'll just shoot an arrow through it like the last one surely? Haven't they set up that dragons are one-shot weaklings now?
>never watched an episode and all I know about this shitty show is as a result of Yea Forums threads

I would love a horse named "Hurse"

>jon is not a real targaryen because he burned his hand
So, Viserys is not a real Targaryen? Are you retarded, mate?

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Remove him from the scene. Just go inside a small building. Ez

>Jon goes to the North to chill with Sansa
Is Jonsa the Dutchman of GoT?

Bran will be the one who handles Drogon

>Bran wargs into Drogon
>Flies above the roofless throneroom
>Tosses Dany down like the bitch she is
>Dany gets impaled on the throne, Saruman style
And this is how Dany gets on the Iron Throne. The end.

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Yeah maybe in heraldry if you’re drawing shit on a wooden shield or crest like the Swedes and their lions with mysteriously disappearing dicks but in the real world you’re either a dinosaur or a dragon
Do you think I spent the past seven years playing Puzzles and Wyverns? Over five thousand fucking cards now and not a single Wyvern, not a single Drake, not a single Slow Wyrm, not a single Lung Dragon. Just a thousand motherfucking cards featuring dragons of all shapes and sizes from bone dragons to robot dragons to flashing freak out hell bus ride dragons, and around 4500 other cards featuring lewdly drawn little girls with occasionally vaguely dragon related themes.
Let me tell you, I know a thing or two about dragons.

>he was only pretending to not be able to walk


Just turn of your brain. All incellied exept chinlet are dead after the battle.

What is being the dutchman?

arya kills dany. drogon just dies because dany died. like the night king and his army.

or he will pick up danys body and fly to essos because in the end that was her real home.

one of the cards is a dragon in a bowl of fucking Chinese noodle soup. Actually I think there are three or four different Chinese noodle soup dragons and some Japanese beef bowl dragons and at least one dragon made out of marshmallow who lives in a cup of hot cocoa. And the common thread here is that these are DRAGONS. There is no pork ramen Wyvern, there is no pot sticker dumpling drake. Whether it looks like a stained glass butterfly or a girl with giant cow tits and lizard feet, if it is not a dinosaur, it is a dragon.

he makes thots pay for their own slop

brans gonna warg into dregon and suicide bomb him into danys tower. expectations; subverted.

his mouth is shut so he would just burn his own mouth

>or he will pick up danys body and fly to essos
I didn’t realize you had to put petrol in dragons but I suppose it makes sense

Arya does a Misty step
>duration: immediate action
>Effect: teleport 60ft into any square adyacent to a target. Target is flat-footed (denied Dex to their defense) and you can make a single Attack action but only with light weapons.
And finish her off

I think a dragon can probably blowtorch you through his nostril in a pinch

Fucking based

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umm magical harness?

But why is it called that?

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Mary Sue will nothing personnel her

In this show the armies are always as large or as small as plot needs them to be

Its an endless loop of them burning each other, fade to black

Dragon will be busy eating all the crispy fried townfolk

The Blackfish

>implying D&D will adhere to S1 continuity

It's just a dragon. Just have Arya "nothing personababel".

>jon kills dany
>drogon lifts it's head and starts to open it's mouth
>flaming sword pierces through Drogon's mouth
>Drogon falls forward, revealing Stannis on his neck with the sword in hand
>the rightful king has returned

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They did that. It starred Matthew McConaughey.


>Drogon, eat her fat ass!

they said half of her dothraki and unsullied survived so about 4k unsullied and anywhere between 30-50k dothraki

Ok, I lol'd pretty hard.

>half of her dothraki
>Charge into a pitch fucking black murderfield of unstoppable death
>Half of you still lawlwut nope it out of there and survive

Man that night douche king was a complete pussy wasn't he.

Attached: Do You.webm (750x420, 1.85M)

Attached: 549842CC-61CD-467D-98F3-27FD72CA32EE.jpg (1214x933, 484K)

Attached: nk2.png (1241x490, 123K)

Fuck i wish

>They still have to get past this guy to kill her.
>How will they do it?
Deception, they won't announce their intent until they're in dagger range.

Attached: 1__duck.jpg (800x553, 430K)

Your mother should have aborted you.

Jon is gonna stab her while he bends the knee. Then Drogon is his new pet.

>Dany is squatting to curl out a big shit on Jon Snow's chest
>her thigh muscles clench and flex as the little brown turd makes its way out
>before she can crimp it off, Jon takes his face off to reveal he was Ayra all along, and stabs Dany in the asshole
Screencap this post

Dany: No one can kill a dragon.
Arya: I am no one.

I wish

I fucking beg that the leaks that were posted aren't true.

Why the fuck am i depressed about how the show is ending in such a shitty way?

The ring that Varys took off before his death has poison in it. Tyrion uses it to assassinate Dany without the need to face Drogon.

There's no way she executes Jon Snow is there? Absolutely the most logical thing for her to do, but she won't do it.

Arya will pull the sickest world of roguecraft combos on it until all the viewers gigglesquee in unison and tattoo in feminist symbols on their faces

just one Nissa is good enough, why does it have to be two, fucking GRRM and his retarded understanding of foreign cultures

>Not from the tribe because his mother wasn't from it
>Just like (((them)))

she already crossed the line might as well