ITT: shows that started out promising but were immediately ruined by the introduction of le stronk womyn character.
RIP Chernobyl.
ITT: shows that started out promising but were immediately ruined by the introduction of le stronk womyn character.
RIP Chernobyl.
>crazy women
>many ded
\We have enough GoT threads
are you gay?
>le stronk womyn
>in our glorious cccp
>you are delusional comrade, go to infirmary
have sex
Hi, can you please edit your post to remove that sexist slur?
There was literally no reason to use it in the context of this thread. It wasn't funny or clever or interesting, you were just being edgy and offensive for no reason. You don't need to try so hard to fit in, you don't need to pretend to be sexist or homophobic just because you're posting on Yea Forums. No one knows or cares that you've only been here a short while. Just relax and be yourself.
Thanks in advance.
Ah fuck, disregard this post -- just realised you can't edit posts. My bad.
have sex
You made his same thread earlier in the day. Why? Have sex.
Haha OP here, no worries mate, still getting the hang of it myself.
Hi, can you please edit your post to remove that racial slur?
There was literally no reason to use it in the context of this thread. It wasn't funny or clever or interesting, you were just being edgy and offensive for no reason. You don't need to try so hard to fit in, you don't need to pretend to be racist or homophobic just because you're posting on Yea Forums. No one knows or cares that you've only been here a short while. Just relax and be yourself.
Thanks in advance.
Emma ruined the whole show
You're a really nice person.
Thanks for raising awareness. :)
I like your style.
Racism, sexism and Trumpism have no place in the west. You are being replaced.
get pregnant
I've only watched like 5 minutes of episode 2 but fuck that fucking le smart nurse bitch. I imagine Belarus Institute woman will be pretty insufferable
>letting a single character who gets like 5 minutes an episode ruin an entire show for you
Did you really stop watching the show because a woman triggered you so hard?
You do know there were tons of female scientists in the former USSR? Why do they bother you so?
Is it because your incel brain is threatened by the idea of a smart and successful woman? user, stop being such a creep, have sex.
But the series as a whole has a lot to offer, such as a great cast of characters, godly music, and amazing scenery. Why would you disregard all that because of Annoying Egghead Character #66375?
and to add to that, the show is fucking amazing
Hello, joyful redditor and ignited newfag. Hope you like your Yea Forums incursion. By the way, you are a hilarious turbofaggot.
You guys are faggots, they said its fictional character an amalgam of scientific community.
The show is still pure kino.
I can’t tell if OP is saying this ironically. If so it’s really pathetic and you’re basically justifying the incel meme with your petulant whining.
As I assumed, he has no answer!
Reminder this is not about a woman being in the show, but a fictional woman being shoved in to make the men look bad
Reminder nobody complained about Lady Silence because she was always a character and didn’t make any of the male characters look incompetent or pathetic or evil in relation to her.
Stronk women were pretty normal in soviet union
but shes doing the exact same thing jared harris is doing
I say this as deeply and sincerely as I possibly can. I implore you from the bottom of my heart to please, please, please, have sex.
Have sex.
The character had about 10 minutes screen time.
Did she not exist in real life?
>Pretending that this is a choice.
The whole stronk women thing stood out like a sore thumb as it felt extremely contrived and contemporary, fully breaking any immersion I might have had up until that point. It almost screamed: >You are watching television produced in the current fucking year! Female viewers please feel empowered!! Representation and equity!!!
>ITT: shows that started out promising but were immediately ruined by the introduction of le stronk womyn character.
>RIP Chernobyl.
My dosimeter for your incel level is at least 3.6
How does having sex except for having sex while (effectively not really) watching affect tolerance to terrible writing?
At least she's a good actress.
Nope. She's literally there to make all the important men in the room to look stupid.
Sex, you must have, urgently.
Are you offering?
You roasties are so pathetic you have to invent characters in historical dramas just to pretend you had a real place in history.
That's a man baby
> (You)
>How does having sex except for having sex while (effectively not really) watching affect tolerance to terrible writing?
Skews your perspective to the point where the mere sight of a woman on a television triggers your repressed anger.
>muh bad writing
Blog it Ebert
open your anus then mate
Sweet. a/s/l?
Way to miss the point there friendo:
>The whole stronk women thing stood out like a sore thumb as it felt extremely contrived and contemporary, fully breaking any immersion I might have had up until that point. It almost screamed: >You are watching television produced in the current fucking year! Female viewers please feel empowered!! Representation and equity!!!
>he can't edit posts
Should've sprung for the gold account
You're irrational user. Get to the infirmary.
OP = thin-skinned retard
You can, you're just delusional and should go to the infirmary
She only brings the revelation that they haven't accounted for water filling the tanks into account. The professor had literally taken everything else into account.
It's just a piece of storytelling, present it from another angle so that the audience understands easier.
>It's just a piece of storytelling
Are you calling an empowered truth ninja just a piece of storytelling you cishet white male bigot?!
No further mansplaining in this thread please! Check your privilege.
Stop with all the incel bullshit. Emma Watson truly does ruin this show and you all know it.
>tv is this triggered by the introduction of 1 (one) female character into a show where everyone else is a white male
Really makes u think
Don't blame the actress, especially not the wrong one. It's the writers who decided to ruin any potential this show had. Emily Watson's acting explicitly wasn't the problem here, no actress could have played this role in a way that wasn't immersion breaking and out of place simply because it was written that way.
Was Hogwarts communist?
first based and bluepilled post ive seen in my life
I legitimately hate Emma Watson as a person so I haven’t even seen the show
Emma Watson isnt even in this you mong.
We wuz soviets n shiet
I truly hate this fucking board
And this board hates you!
Emily watson
>Emily Watson plays Ulyana Khomyuk, a Soviet nuclear physicist who's trying to get to the bottom of what happened at Chernobyl. According to The Daily Telegraph, this character is a "fictional amalgam of Soviet scientists whose names we don't know, who risked their freedom and reputations to demand the truth be told."
Fucking cringe, they just had to do it. Make up a know-it-all woman because there weren't any and it was MALE scientists who really handled it all.
>ITT: Shows that are good but incels can't handle because theres a woman in it
I'm not going to sperg out over the fact that she's a woman, don't give a fuck, but her introduction does feel out of touch with the whole story and how the series portrays certain events. I'm supposed to believe that a random nuclear scientist from the belarus gets to sit in a meeting with the most powerful people in the soviet union, including Gorbatschow, only because she drove down to chernobyl in her car? She wouldn't even get to tell her story to the first roadblock irl. Her character feels completely forced and out of place.
Of course it's forced, it's completely made-up by the cuck writers.
>Be incel
>Watching a show, it's pretty kino so far
>A person with a XY chromosome appears on screen
>Oh fuck
>Oh no
>Stress levels increase
>She opens her mouth
>Fuck, Jesus Christ no
>She says something
>It isn't dumb
bitch are you for real? the west was literally build on racism and sexism.
Because yeah, who gives a shit about historical accuracy. I bet the next episode will have a hotshot american nigger scientist with his british lesbian arab sidekick who fly in at the 11th hour to save the day.
Very strong first episode - maxed out at 10 out of 10 Roentgens, would have been hard to match anyway.
Female insertion in danger of becoming a Mary Sue though by being too competent in everything! Second episode Not Great, Not Terrible in comparison.
Still looking forward to rest of series.
Feels forced because it is, just like every strong female character. Women by & large are panicky idiots, even the egg heads, and are really the last people you'd want around during an emergency throwing their two cents in.
You ever notice as well when these women are introduced, they're always the voice of reason & the men are suddenly retarded, make mistakes, etc?
Have sex, incel.
Women can be nuclear engineers. Get over it incels!
based inflammatory poster
Two words:
Ngl user, this is pretty fucking based.
Two words
This whole misogyny meme has gotten out of hand
You cannot simply sperg the ever loving fuck out every single time you see a woman
This is fucking insane
disregard any of my posts, I am an idiot.
How would that make this show any more believable?
It's legit horseshoe theory right now. Yea Forums is just right wing tumblr. Instead of "OMGGGG WHITE MAN DID SOMETHING NOT BAD IN MY SHOW REEE" its "OMGGGG WOMAN DID SOMETHING NOT BAD IN MY SHOW REEE"
You are not posting with tripcode comrade, now state will not pay you.
Pasta? For breakfast?
user, dont forget that Chernobyl's other reactors were shut down by 3 African American ladies who were Hidden Figures.
>the men are suddenly retarded, make mistakes, etc
This. Its worse when the man is a top expert in his field and the 'amateur' woman comes along and womensplains the right answer, proving him a numpty. They rarely show the woman making a mistake either.
If this had been some contemporary fictional story you might have had a point, right now this fully ruins immersion for anyone with even an ounce of common sense not under the age of 15.
Where were your incel tears of rage back then huh? You sexist misogynist pig! HAVE SEX SEX SEX SEX REEEEEEEEEE
It wouldn't, the troll just has zero arguments left.
Notice all the male characters these days are Heroes, Villains, Idiots, or a mixture.
Whereas wahmen can only be Heroes, otherwise its SEXIST!!!.
Yep. They purposely inject male blunders where they otherwise wouldn't be to set up the women to save them. In reality, that male scientist who knows every inch of the reactor would've deduced those tanks filling with water in about two seconds.
I dont mind good female roles, just not ones that force this shit down everyone's throats. And women viewers are so dumb they dont even realize it's actually insulting.
I mean, okay, I get it, they want to focus on a female character to make the show more appealing to women. Fine, I understand that choice. But literally making up a person in a historical drama who knows everything better than everyone else, solves all the problems and is brave and virtuous af, come on. It's always the same shit with these guys and I don't understand why women even accept that. They are literally distorting the truth to imply that women were historically super relevant, because they were clearly not, at least not in the sense that men were relevant back in those days. It's so disdainful. It's like, feminists are crying how irrelevant they used to be and people are literally trying to console them by lying to them, like people lie to their children to make the world seem like a less desperate place. It's so infantilizing.
Shut the fuck up.
shit writing is just that and it abounds in television with no one bemoaning it, this is the result of fatigue with hollywood at the end of a number of series people had become invested in, and the millions in wasted dollars thrown away on political bullshit that could be spent in production.
This was disgusting, so much potential to have another TD season 1 tier, fuck I want something good to see.
Im waiting for someone to edit out le stronk wymyn's scene in tonights episode before I render my verdict.
A lot of episodes of Deadwood
I'm still pissed they had do so many Jane scenes, that production time could have been better used for more Wu & Swedgin antics
Third episode will make or break everything, probably.
Literally didn’t happen to me while watching my favourite shows House and DS9 and I hate women
>being so obsessed with your identity politics that you let a single female character with maybe five minutes of screentime ruin the entire show for you
god shut up you worthless tripfag
Why do you love Apollo archetypes with vaginas so much?
>maybe five minutes
shes 30% of the episode. she figures out EVERYTHING all on her own. soviet generals bend to her will. shes immediately accepted into and trusted by inner-most communist political circles. she in meetings with Gorbachev. she never even existed!
Why are all the cringe posts a paragraph long, while the based posts take 1 sentence?
she also doesn't exist. Ignore her and enjoy the rest of the show?
I'd relearn your chromosomes, son.
I think you have too many.
We need three anons, easy stuff who's up?
Because your autismo brain is being rewired to respond to shorthand text/twitter speak, with the attention span of a cat.
Wait a second, I'm reading about the incident from another sources and the only person to blame its some guy named Anatoly that run from
home and didn't even have proper academy formation?
Why nobody said to him the what he was doing was something idiotic, jesuschrist.
Double Plus Have Sex?
>implying that episode 2 of chernobyl was bad
it's disgraceful, really. to spread misinformation at a time like this.
What if men never existed? Would we have nuclear power? No. What if women never existed? Would we have nuclear power? Yes. Thats the problem with the stupid sjw self insert.
There is no greater sacrifice than giving your life so that others may live
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Xena: Warrior Princess
>le stronk womyn character.
Literal /pol/ Nazi here. Get the fuck over it faggot.
While as a whole it wasn't bad/had some merits, it was needlessly bad and could have been way better without having to cost even a ruble more in production. SAD
Some of us like a level or realism in our fiction.
>What if women never existed? Would we have nuclear power? Yes.
The absolute state of incels.
>Would we have had more than one generation? No.
If this isn't bit, which it is, XY is male, XX is female
Then why do you believe in the holocaust?
So the only contributions they make are innate things about their bodies that they have no control over and require no work or dedication. Sounds like you proved the point.
They don’t even try to hide it anymore bud.
Whatever helps you sleep at night cuck.
>bawww someone who does something in the plot about commie filth getting what they deserve has a vagina
Tired of your shit.
>he’s a right-wing feminist
Those are even worse than normal feminists.
Have you ever even held hands with a girl famalam?
>right-wing feminist
Is that what it's called when I don't even think women should be able to vote? I don't think that's what it's called senpai.
Wow, that’s pretty incel of you. Um, sweetie it’s time for you to have sex.
Should I even continue to watch this bullshit or is the show already DOA? you know what, don't bother answering that. I've seen enough shit television to know what to do
You could watch the first episode. It was kino without getting overly feminist.
OMG you guys, seriously, STOP shitposting on 4CHANNEL!
The woman is essentially the "cool science guy" cliche from a lot of disaster stories, but it's an unnecessary addition as far as I'm concerned. May as well have actually had a TEAM of scientists figure it out instead of one person. As it was in fucking real life.
What a boring response.
Why are memes so bad right now. 'Have sex' and clowns. Is it because of radiation?
I want you to know you're a massive faggot and you can turn right around and continue to suck massive cocks on reddit.
have sex
That’s what she said! Aha
Someone please screen cap this shit
>Show takes place in a feminist country
>Show portrays female scientists
>OP is baiting
will you risk your life just to see this with your own eyes? I would
You know you've won an argument when you get this sort of response.
The Terror is better anyway
What's this? More anti-nuclear power propaganda?
>they dont even realize it's actually insulting.
this x 100
>Its another Women are the voice of reason & men are dumb episode
Its all so tiresome
I would touch it. If im going to die better do it in style.
that is not what she says tho
Would the second water vapor explosion actually cause eastern europe to be uninhabitable for 100 years? that seems exessive for one plant
>about to watch a TV show
>call in a whore to have sex so I can calm down before
>have sex, start watching
>there's a woman there
>already pissed off and lose all interest despite having had sex
Help me please
the scene where she walks in and is like "I know this this and that" and then corrects lega multiple times is the only scene that really ruined it for me. If they made her more humble instead of just a insistent lady it wouldn't have been an issue
I like both Jane and Joanie. Trixie on the other hand could STFU one or two times though.
You might be the redditor here if you reply to obvious bait
>. In reality, that male scientist who knows every inch of the reactor would've deduced those tanks filling with water in about two seconds.
He wouldn't and he didn't. Legasov was primarily a chemist, not a physicist or an engineer and the other scientists he worked with knew much more than he did about RBMK reactors and often had to correct him/argue with him. These 'other scientists' have been compressed into this one female character.
And were a single one of those other scientists mouthy women?
You know, I would be okay with that scene if she actually fucking existed. But she didn't fucking exist in the first place. It's disrespectful to Iega's legacy to make up shit like that.
>Between 1962 and 1964, 40 percent of the chemistry PhD's awarded in Soviet Russia went to women.
I can't find the exact composition of the scientists that worked on the Chernobyl disaster (other than Legasov and 'the scientists'), but given that there were more women among Soviet scientists than there are women in STEM fileds in modern Europe, I'd say it is more than likely
I'd jump in
i hope redditors gtfo from this website soon once got shit ends
Your shitty smug sarcasm doesn't change the fact that it is fantasy and propaganda. There was no commie wonderwoman who single-handedly saved Europe from nuclear disaster. So fuck you, leftard.
out of 227 soviet's physics theorists only 2 are woman
So that's a no, then.
>A commission was set up the same day (26 April) to investigate the accident. It was headed by Valery Legasov, First Deputy Director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, and included leading nuclear specialist Evgeny Velikhov, hydro-meteorologist Yuri Izrael, radiologist Leonid Ilyin and others.
They were all men and Emily Watson's "composite character" is an insult to them all.
>muh 40% Chemists are undeserving
Radioactivity and Nuclear Power comes under Physics rather than Chemistry. But you probably didn't realise that as youre probably not science minded.
Physics has always been a lot more male dominated than Chemistry. This articles states Physics is 13% female
>will you risk your life just to see this with your own eyes? I would
It's less risking your life and more throwing it away. If you look into that thing you might as well be looking at a vision of death.
Have you realized yet you can take your faggot ass back to redd!t?
No. Safer to look at it with a mirror, camera, or even safer to just look at factory forge or somewhere else that uses non-radioactive molten metal
>using "nazi"
Hello Seth!
Get pregnant you fucking roastie cunt
Why should i watch this show? Not even many people died in chernobyl, only a couple.
Why should i watch a "kino" about an overdramatised accident?
that last scene was fucking spooky
Shitty bait, can't believe there are retards that actually took this seriously.
time to get some upvotes
Someone tell me why at least some people in this thread are unironically arguing about the female character. It's not like Hidden Niggers where the whole plot is built around imaginary stronk women. I can forgive a made-up composite to make the leads less of a sausagefest.
Also, if you actually read about the accident holy shit the whole thing is just one fuckup after another from the beginning to the end. Making some men look bad isn't exactly a hatchet job on HBO's part.
>Someone tell me why at least some people in this thread are unironically arguing about the female characte
You're on Yea Forums senpai. If you can't recognize shitposting when you see it then there's no hope for you.
desu user, she's not great, not terrible so far. I think we just have got Mary Sue fatigue
Just because men generally have higher percentage of highly intelligent people doesn't mean that women don't have ANY highly intelligent people
its just one thread of the story, it's not like she's the main character
I can't believe someone who isn't paid to do this made these atrocities
the guy who made it is actually pro-nuclear power
This is honestly becoming the worst board on Yea Forums. Worse than Yea Forums.
I didn't know that either. Have a (bump).
How do I post those videos that people post?
Also how do I do spoilers blackouts, it's not like
Reddit where it's a button.
Take a chill pill. (No, not more estrogen.)
So if it wasn't for that toxic male manager, they would have evacuated the city before everyone dies of radiation. A woman would have handled it better. It was all a man's fault people died, a man covered up the radiation to cover another man.
What a pathetic reason to be butthurt.