so we all agree this is all Sansas fault for needlessly being a cunt and bully towards Danerys when she came over to help. even though her useless ass would have been BTFO without Dany and her dragons, which lead to Danerys having to showboat and prove to others she shouldn't be fucked with
So we all agree this is all Sansas fault for needlessly being a cunt and bully towards Danerys when she came over to...
The Night King would have never got past the wall without Viserion.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
They should have fucked to release the tension.
imagine if danerys made her bend the knee.... and lick
>her useless ass would have been BTFO without Dany
? You mean that girl who let the undead hordes invade Westeros by giving them a dragon?
Danny has only caused problems. Cersei didn't even cause this much shit
Always hated her ugly bitch face.
This only made it worse. Cunt should be burned alive for breaking a promise/oath a few minutes after she agreed to keep quiet about it.
Jon should be lashed for being such a fairy tale believing retard that thinks everybody would keep quiet. I mean what did he learn from Season 1-7? That everyone is trustworthy and a nice guy?
Yes but Danny still chose to be a child murdering psychopath
Dany had no way of knowing that. She was noble in her intention to save Jon.
i hope that Dany flies direct to Winterfell and burn that shit to ashes in the next episode
>Night King would have never got past the wall without Viserion
he would. why do you think Jon and co. were so worried about the NK going South? had the wall been a real solution they wouldn't have lifted a finger
I unironically fear for her life rn
Her intentions for saving Jon were noble but not for saving Winterfell. The oy reason she helped Winterfell was so they would bend the knee and help her claim the throne. She didn’t go to Westeros and just decide to help them out for nothing.
>Jon only north of the wall because of Dany
>Wall only destroyed because of Dany
>Somehow Sansa is responsible
Nice reaching there
I mean it's not just that... If Dany didn't help, everyone would have died including her and her army in the end. It was for her survival and the survival of humankind before it was strategy.
Sansa was an actual role model for women. She faces a world of danger with nothing bit wits and will to survive.
Dany was a whiny bitch who hid behind men and her dragons her entire life. And upon having to suffer less than half what Sansa had to, promptly lost her mind.
Feminists don't want genuine strength or a real character arch. They want Mary Sues who never struggle with anything.
I agree it was needless, but if you think it was without reason then you're dumber than D&D.
She hated Dany for petty catty female reasons, but ends up being right about her. That line about "What do dragons even eat?" being answered with "Anything they want" and a smirk was a giveaway. If Dany wanted to be disarming, she would have said "Tee hee hee, weeeeell, like maybe some sheep or a horse or two every now and then." But the answer she gave and the way she gave it was basically a "Fuck you" to Sansa. That kind of thing instantly flips on the hate-switch.
t. female
Sansa was being a cunt first though.
Jon was north of the wall because he was a retard. He should have known the dead can't cross.
Sansa hated her before that tho.
she hated dany because the retard writters wanted to turn Sansha into a policitian master after being raped.
Now everyone will say "oooh sansha's was right along all the way"
D&D are fucking hacks
Jon should be lashed? Did you mean to make me wet?
Exactly, it’s her arse on the dragon.
pls be in london
Dany isn't going to fuck you
NASA wouldn't know what the fuck to do with you, they haven't had to categorize an orbiting body this distant from a female before
That was her plan all along. Destroy King's Landing using mindbroken Dany.
They could have literally just climbed the wall.
the absolute state of danitards
>mostly feminists
>first people to tell everyone that you shouldn’t be afraid of who you are. It’s ok to be fat, it’s ok to be a tranny, it’s ok to whatever you feel on the inside or whatever
>mad as fuck Jon told his family his real name
You are an absolute retard if you think my comment had anything to do with Daenerys. It has mostly to do with my absolute hate for the shit tier acting of Sophie Turner and her character itself.
Not to mention that like I said Jon was being a retard and told him about his true origins with no other reason than "I have to they are MUH FAMELEY"
Sansa makes a better Queen than Dany any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Sansa has removed Dany and Cersei from the equation without leaving her seat in Winterfell.
Jon will kill Dany and then exile himself in guilt.
Bran is a fucking tree. Anyone believing the spoilers about King Tree is a fucking moron.
Sansa will be queen, whether she sits the Iron Throne, or rules from the North.
Pissing Dany off and telling Tyrion about Jon were perfect moves for playing the game.
Except she also wants Jon's dick. Not so smart move on that front.
Jon was the one that got that dragon killed
Exactly. Sansa fancies herself queen. always has and why she didn't flinch when Neds head rolled.
The unfortunate thing is now Sansa will berate Jon for what Dany did and say she was right all along and why she's the smartest person in the universe.
sansa does NOT want jons dick
Sansa was a conniving little bitch from the start. She is just pissed everytime she hitches herself to a nearly king it fails. She turned her back on daddy as she sucked up to Cersei and Joffrey
Yep. She sits in a dark room or arrogantly on a wall while everyone else kills each other. She is masterful in using everyone against each other
Jon was also the one who told Sansa about his true lineage, who subsequently spread the secret and caused Dany to go mad (coupled with his refusal to bang her).
Seriously, Jon is the most incompetent character in the show. He has done more harm than good.
Sansa will be queen and I hate her for it
She doesn't want his dick but will take it to be queen. Same shit Dany did. They use the likable buffoon
Yep, no doubt he's a fucking idiot and easily manipulated by the women
>this is what women believe
Accept that you crave dick
How retarded are some of you posters?
Yea sure Sansas feefees is the sole thing that made Daenerys mad. No absolutely no way Dany would have succumbed to her insanity unless this redhead questioned her.
Quite literally kill yourself
no, we just live with it to get by. if you crave anything then you lose