I am a sexually active man and I have never seen a single episode of GOT

I am a sexually active man and I have never seen a single episode of GOT.

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Is this the new "look at me I'm vegan"?

HelIo reddit

Have sex


HeIlo reddit

Not hard at all to find people like you.
After all, everyone knows redditors don't get laid.

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Hello 4channel

have consensual sex

Did I fucking stutter? You think disliking something because it's popular makes you interesting? It doesn't! Eight fricking years and it's all coming to an end this is the most significant television event in the history of the medium and I for one am thankful to be taking part in it.

I just did so, on Saturday, and I'm having sex again on Friday with my girlfriend. I don't let my girlfriend fuck other men, btw. She only has sex with me.

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Absolutely based. I'm pretty sure you're a cute couple, my friend.


Funnily enough, same. From the snippets I've seen it's a pleb show.

>the absolute state of gotfags

el fake del gay...r-r-right g-g-uyse?

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Imagine posting on this shithole, using frog memes and thinking youre better than anyone.

Same, except for being sexually active

And you think this gives you power over me?

same, but I shitpost about the show on Yea Forums for the memes

stop having sex, you are supposed to be an incel

you sure about that lil friend?

I am a virgin but I have never seen a single episode of GOT too and i don't want it, in fact i will probably never watch it even after having sex.

i'm not even sure if i will watch it on my entire life, maybe never actually, I would actually be more bothered about watching an episode of GOT than never having sex of my life.

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That picture is made worse by the fact that not only do the post their generals, which I would be fine with, but they post about a million threads that shit up the board. That’s the main reason that they’re cancer, and the fact that they spew their redditry in unrelated topics is icing on the shitcake.

>hating something you've never seen just because it got popular

Have sex

I just did so, on Saturday, and I'm having sex again on Friday with my girlfriend. I don't let my girlfriend fuck other men, btw. She only has sex with me.

> sexually active
> Pepe posting
Pick one.

>Happy that Game of Thrones is finally ending so Yea Forums will shut up about it in a few months
>Turns our that there are like 4 spinoffs in the works
>If GRRM makes another book, Yea Forums is going to make threads about it because technically it’s relevant because it’s related to the tv show


I’m so fucking tired of all of this GoT bullshit on this board and in every normie space I go, FOR FUCKING YEARS. You fags had a good thing going, but the powers that be at HBO and the normie fandom won’t let this shit fucking die, and it’s killing Yea Forums and public spaces in the normie world. Fuck this shit.

Don't have sex.

You know you can kill yourself

>I’m so fucking tired of all of this GoT bullshit on this board and in every normie space I go, FOR FUCKING YEARS.
Get out of the house.

Wow. Does this mean that there are actual chads on Yea Forums?

I am. She only has eyes for me, and her pussy is tight and pink.

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no. chad has never even heard the term 'internet'

My sides are in orbit

Can confirm.

You should kill yourself for obsessing over this mediocre fantasy bullshit.
You fuck off, Redditor. At least stick to the got general, fuck.

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I've had more sex in one month than you've had in your entire life.

normalfag fans*
fandom is such a god damn cringey tumblr term i can't believe you fags picked it up and use it unironically. fan base. fans. fanboys. you have so many regular ass terms and you pick the shitty one

gonna need to see some proof of this my man

I chose fandom because this show is the most tumblr fangirl bullshit there is and you deserve to be shamed as part of its “fandom.”

Im not the one making threads, you are.

Redditor cuckoldry at it's finest, being dominated by cartoons for Christ sake.

I’m a different guy than the OP. You people obsess over this fucking show and make multiple threads about it a day. FFS this whole board isn’t your general.

>stop taking about tv shows on Yea Forums

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Your fucking constant threads make it impossible to talk about anything that isn't fucking GOT. You normalfag fucks and your softcore porn make me sick.

>can’t have a discussion without shitting up 75% of the catalogue

>implying anyone's going to follow them after this shitshow

GoT aka Reddit the show is for normie faggots and people who like things they are "supposed" to because they lack any taste or individuality. Kys please. Pic related it's a got watcher.

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>implying they won’t
Normies are fucking retarded, and Yea Forums is going to shitpost about it regardless.

You are redditors who need 5 generals up and another 60 threads to discuss a show known for its garbage, 13 year old-tier writing.
What's there to discuss from a show that's not even above Marvel movies?

Just a way for 2018 newfags to expose themselves

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Bullshit. GoT spam was never this bad. You’re just biased.

It's ALWAYS been this bad you fucking 2018 scum. The whole point of those tourists even getting their general was to contain them(which they did until hbo paid the mods to look the other way)
This sunday will be just as bad as when lost and breaking bad ended though
it'll be interesting to see how many of you 2018 parasites can last the board being completely unusable for the rest of the month

I’ve been on Yea Forums since 2013 and Yea Forums for longer. It was never this bad you tard. The generals never bothered me but the retards decided that it wasn’t enough for them to be contained to generals. Either way, just because YOU believe it was worse earlier doesn’t mean it’s not cancer now. We need to purge GoT fags because we already gave them the general warning and they didn’t listen to that.

>I’ve been on Yea Forums since 2013
Fucking cancer
Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Yea Forums and Yea Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.
What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Yea Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Yea Forums is for memes and memes only. Yea Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Once the teenage reddit mexican Yea Forums and Yea Forums faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death.

I’ve probably been on Yea Forums longer than you, you fucking elitist. I just never really visited Yea Forums all that much until 2013.

>i never visited Yea Forums until moot and his boyfriend killed off the old userbase in favor of the redditors who came here for epic game of thrones memes
Fucking scum

>thinks I came for the game of thrones memes when I’m the one who wants to purge them
Fucking retard. I got tired of browsing /pol/ and Yea Forums and Yea Forums so I decided to see what else there was. It has nothing to do with moot changing shit.

you're on 4channel so you're a fucking loser no matter what you do

We’re still better than the fucking Reddit migrants.

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Fucking scum
I'm spot on about you

What epic boards did you browse beforehand, Reddit?