>”I... I don’t know”
Other urls found in this thread:
These used to be so kino. Now it’s just overused.
Kino. Death to those who question the edits.
>tfw name is Steven
Yea Forums runs everything into the ground, digs it up and does it again. It reflects the lack of creativity on this board
bros can I hunker down in this thread and get comfy? the catalog is some kind of hellish nightmare
Different name
1 you don't have a girlfriend and
2 you are never gonna have a girlfriend
>having a copy paste name
Someone get these hotheads outta here.
Did he break the 4th wall and speak directly to the audience here?
I don't know
do you have a girlfriend?
That Jew fro is so fucking gross. Why would you ever grow hair like that
T. JaDarishaun
I don’t know
To have
What even is this bongo boy?
>tfw keep seeing this image and don't know where it's from but don't want to ask because then i'm the newfag
David Lynch adaption when?
>I want to feel like I fit in with something I don't care about
Smh senpai
i just want to chuckle at some memes is all
check out lemonparty.org for full deets on this puppy
is that the chair destroyer?
Oh, no no NO! Hahahahhaa!
I’m not that user you dumb nigger, I was ironically laughing along with you.
based as F
Try doing it without memeposting like a child
Try not to suck my dick like a child
wow, he looks really different to what i expected, got a pic of salmon shirt?
can the mods just get rid of the option to use tripscodes ffs, fuck you eric, every single post you make is fucking useless
it takes a bare minimum of 2 hours youtube time in order to understand this meme
Just ask. Yeah, you'll get called a newfag by a couple of newfags, but somebody will eventually spoon-feed you.
Did he do it?
>caring what people on an anonymous image board think of you
>he ain't acting right
you're required to watch the entire thing. Yes, all 2 hours of it. No, you can't fast foward when Stephen is left alone and is just staring at the door.
No he was framed
>got a pic of salmon shirt?
yeah, here you go
>that’s disgusting, stayvun
I wonder what he looks like now. Have any of you written him any letters, or sent him commissary money for the entertainment he's brought to you?
How does he sit still for so long?
I printed out all the stayvuhn memes and sent them to him
What do you think he does in prison all day?
the guy whose job it is to read incoming outgoing mail has got to enjoy these types of events
>"is the same thing that happened to Bella gonna happen to me?"
>"I don't know."
desu, probably just stares at a wall and imagines himself in an anime or playing a video game
i woinder if he regrets that he wasted his life on imageboards and vidya now
>Sexy Cougar He was put in prison for his healthy long hair. He is smart man, he have to defend himself against the bogus charges so he cut his hair, becouse it is better off with a short hair around people with lost hair, due to hair jealousy, that is the biggest jealousy ever, ever. He is innocent man, but he plead guilty. If he didn't do that, they would sentence him to death for his hair. You can see the jealousy, people calling him all kind of way due to his hair, because those people lost their hair or their family members lost their hair, that's a typical jealousy. If he was on the dethrow he wouldn't be able to fight the bogus charges as he can do now. When it comes to pornography maybe they should look in everybody's house and if they would find pornography they should put them in prison for killing that woman as well. If that how the Justice goes, put every single person with pornography together with this guy to prison and charge them for killing that woman as well.
they had literally no evidence at this point (the hair was a lie) and he basically incriminated himself by how he was acting. no innocent person would react like this
did you really? did he respond?
He could be innocent...
>in jail for being interrogated while autistic
an innocent person would be constantly yelling and making a fit about how they didn't do it. imagine you get taken into interrogation for a crime you didn't commit and they're implying you did. you would be absolutely outraged you wouldn't just sit there with a blank expression saying "I don't know"
He's obviously not right.
>kill someone who lives in the same apartment block as you
>clean their apartment and your apartment with the same odorous chemical cleaners immediately after
even if the hair was a bluff and his live news reaction couldn't be conclusive I'm sure they had enough evidence to convince a jury.
Also consider even if he shut up and denied it they probably would have found more evidence pretty quick, reminder Stephen incriminated himself almost immediately after the woman had been marked as missing.
an innocent person would just say some shit that the cops would trip them up on and get them convicted, no matter that they're innocent. I just want to know why the fuck he didn't just shut up and ask for a lawyer
I don't know.
Everyone says it's because he was a law student and thought he could handle himself.
Law students would know better than anyone to shut up.
He was not a rational thinker.
>someone SNATCHED her
What did he mean by this?
he thought that not saying anything that would incriminate him would get him off but it ended up just making him look like someone who was clearly guilty and hiding stuff
what are some sentencing kino?
Based and check'd