I can't believe a character did exactly what the character said she was going to do from the very beginning. What a twist.
I can't believe a character did exactly what the character said she was going to do from the very beginning...
>b-but that's just YAAAS QUEEN talk... it wasn't supposed to be serious!
bravo D&D
I mean, who could have predicted she'd do what she said she'd do.
Who could have foreseen that the visions we saw would come to be true?
I can't believe you faggots are unable to make a GOT general as to stop shitting up the place with dragon threads.
>it was ash all along instead of snow
and yet 49% on RT
the execution is what is poor.
No one is arguing that she wasnt going to become the mad queen, we had foreshadowing of that for 7 seasons.
The bullshit is that she made the turn inside of 20 seconds and the sole reason is
I feel like we needed a few more episodes to properly show as to why she wants to kill civilians now, it just feels rushed
That's what a woman with that kind of power would do though.
>it just feels rushed
it IS rushed.
>she does exactly that
What's the problem again?
There looks to be icicles hanging from the pillars, so it probably is snow. But it's clear the damage was still due to a dragon.
The ambiguity between ash and snow is actually quite cool. Love how it fits with the whole theme of fire and ice
Jon the reluctant king again made a poor choice
another brainlet post. explain would not count as rushed, killing an innocent person a day and working her way up? there were countless hints throughout the fucking series.
Hints are not enough when you keep portraying her victories as righteous
It's ridiculous because, here especially, we've spent the last 3 seasons talking about how psychopathic all of Dany's actions have been and how, if it wasn't for plot armour and bad writing, everyone would agree she was clearly a villain.
So now that it turns out she actually is a villain, all these fucking tourists are whining? And yeah, I mean fucking tourists. It's clearly retards from facebook, twitter, tumblr and r/freefolk who are buttblasted.
>literally spent the whole of this episode and last episode showing her acting paranoid
>whole speech with Jon about how she must be feared if she isn't loved while also talking about how jealous she is that everyone loves Jon
>"omg there was no buildup! why did she 180 so fast?"
Except her victories obviously weren't righteous. Dany being evil is the equivalent of someone calling out Sansa for being mentally retarded.
>but Arya said she was the smartest person she knew!
Actions and real-world logic trump dialogue
kind of agree, the timing was acceptable
should have just made like she wants to destroy the red keep and all the civilians hidden inside and under it can go fuck themselves, instead of directly attacking all the houses
would have also saved time, all the burning scenes get redundant after a while
this show sucks. stop defending shit tv.
So much this. Dont we have archives for back them? I'am off today and have been thinking of going there to make a post compilation. The vast majority of people here saw this coming years ago.
>Hints are not enough when you keep portraying her victories as righteous
They never really did, though. Some character (especially Daenerys) considered them righteous and some didn't. Hizdahr zo Loraq didn't think she was righteous, and made a lot of good points. And like and show, she's not always had the most noble of intentions. She's been capable of being a raging bitch in the past.
At least have Rhaegal die during this battle so she has a reason to snap. There was literally no reason for her to burn everyone after the city had surrendered.
>3 minutes of dialogue spread across 2 episodes
this is too smart of a move for D&D
>she's not always had the most noble of intentions. She's been capable of being a raging bitch in the past.
I agree. while they have shown Dany of being a mega turbo cunt, her actions are quickly swept under the rug and we are told through several episodes after to either ignore the tragedy she left behind, or that it was the most proper thing that could have taken place.
Game of Thrones was never good
Honestly serves them right for taking a show personally.
>whole speech with Jon about how she must be feared if she isn't loved while also talking about how jealous she is that everyone loves Jon
yeah, like ten minutes before she goes full Bloody Mary
I swear, D&D had literally zero idea how they were going to end the series until they finished with the Nigh King storyline. After they'd done that they decided to make Dany the bad guy and went back and sprinkled a hint or two through scripts they'd already written, but the writing only clearly turns towards a Mad Queen ending in the last two episodes.
>like ten minutes
You have no concept of the passage of time. Congrats on your retardation
what, was it a whole 20 minutes? Well fuck, I stand corrected
This is the same thing with Anakin, poor execution but he was always going to fall to the dark side no matter what, same with Dany
Rhaegal gets shot at by stingers right after the Bells start ringing (hidden in crowds of people).
Dany must now fire on places she thinks the stingers are located, killing innocents necessarily.
That's better than the shit we got with the added benefit of making the idea of the stringers on the outside being made completely useless more believable (because of 2 dragons doing work).
could have kept her in a much greyer area, the hero vs villain thing was what they were supposed to avoid, didnt gurm say something like that
>fter they'd done that they decided to make Dany the bad guy
PROTIP: Dany was never a "good guy." Her conversion to blatantly obvious villain from annoying privileged pretend queen was not completely out of nowhere.
Okay, this is definitely Dark Souls 3. This is that bonfire in the small church just outside the shortcut to the main cathedral for the the Pontiff Sulyvahn boss fight.
Lucas couldn't think of a subtle way to show it, though, so instead of a gradual descent, step by step, into evil, you get the first few steps and Anakin jumps straight from 'I want to be a good Jedi' to 'I am personally going to murder these small children' in the space of about ten minutes. It's like Lucas panicked halfway through writing the script and decided that he needed to totally kill of any chance of redemption for Anakin if people were going to accept Obi Wan maiming him, so he just took the clearest shortcut available: having him murder a bunch of children.
Likewise, D&D seem to have decided that Jon should be sitting on the Iron Throne at the end, which necessitates him betraying Daenarys. Except that instead of having a morally ambiguous ending where Jon might end up compromising some of his principles and people are left wondering whether Dany might have still be alright as queen, they just decided to take the most obvious shortcut available and have her murder a bunch of children.
And now D&D are writing for Star Wars... it's, it's almost like... pottery.
agree. the whole fucking Jon shit was a political ploy, she never loved the likeable buffoon.
This. The problem is you have a lot of idiot viewers who didn't understand the character and just loved her because "yay girl power" who are now pissed because they named their daughters after a fucking Hitler.
No - like Lucas with Anakin, they got as far as having her take the first few steps down the path to evil.
And then they realised they only had two episodes left to finish the entire story of the show, panicked, and had her jump straight from 'hmm... maybe that was a bit harsh' to 'OMG WHY ARE YOU BURNING CHILDREN ALIVE'.
What they get for even buying a Funk Pop figure.
Imagine naming your daughter after a mentally ill tyrant.
Didn't she decide to end slavery in one city, basically crippling it financially, kill the leaders and then fuck off? And didn't every character point out that her decisions were fucking loony? Isn't that some completely psychotic logic as far back as like season 4? I only watched to season 5 and even then only to keep up with Yea Forums threads.
That second is so dumb that it has to be genuine
No. This was all to prove Sansa right and she'll throw it in Jons face because he thought Dany good. He needed to be fooled at the last minute so Sansa can be proven the smartest person in the world and justify cutting Jons balls off and making him her eunuch
Imagine being such a morally bankrupt piece of shit that you would actually try to defend a woman who burned women and children alive.
Is this what the clown world has come to? Are people truly this repulsive and evil?
LMAO this
>Last year, 560 female babies were named Khaleesi, making it the 549th most popular name for girls in the US.
Poor kids. School will be quite hard for them.
Yep, and she would have left them with zero leadership if her advisers hadn't told her how fucked that'd be. Even then, she left one guy behind only because it got awkward between them after they fucked and he loved her when she only wanted the dick.
Genuine laughs from me anons
>Dany looking like she's trying to figure out basic math in her head
>So, uh.
This is so fucking funny
>I can't believe you faggots are unable to make a GOT general as to stop shitting up the place with dragon threads.
It's because everyone wants to claim the OP post for themselves.
And then there was rampant plague and starvation and cannibalism and Yunkai was reduced to rubble, yes
>Imagine being such a morally bankrupt piece of shit that you would actually try to defend a woman who burned women and children alive.
Nobody is doing that. They're saying she's always been a piece of shit. Go back to school, learn to read, and then come back when you're at around a sixth grade literacy level, you dunce.
She was just destroying the means of production and didn't purposefully target civilians individually. I do think the dragon needs a targeting technology update.
season 6 finale basically ended with her using the dragons to burn the slavers' fleet starving the city and leaving Daario behind to oversee the new government. The show never made it clear that this was probably a terrible idea. It's treated like any other "fuck yeah Dany" moments like the sack of Astapor (where she got her Unsullied) or Mhysa (where all the brown people held her up)
Brilliant. I might go rewatch the series after it falls out of vogue, I did really like the first few seasons
People nowadays are to stupid, they need everything fed to them in the most blatant way possible
>There looks to be icicles hanging from the pillars
No, there aren't.
>There was literally no reason for her to burn everyone after the city had surrendered.
except that the war was now over, she had no leverage, and jon snow was rapidly becoming the favorite for the crown. burning that shit to the ground was the only way for her to assert dominance
>Dany locks Xaro Xohan Doxas in his vault
>Dany burns down Astapor
>Dany burns down Yunkai
>Dany occupies Meereen and rules through fear while all of Slaver's Bay unravels with it's only economy destroyed and all 3 cities essentially leaderless
>Dany leaves Slaver's Bay and makes landfall in Westeros, continuing to rampage and ruthlessly incinerate anyone who crosses her
>Dany burns down another town full of innocent people
An obvious lie. The thing she's riding is a wyvern and not a dragon.
Check and mate, atheists.
Good. Women need to learn the same lessons as boys do: sometimes you back the wrong horse, sometimes you admire the wrong people.
This would like nerds REEEEEing that Raistlan Majere turned out to be the sociopath he was always portrayed as being, or when Boromir turned out to be as weak as everyone else was.
>be a slave until you're 9
>be separated from your mother and indoctrinated by emotionless, celibate monks
>jedi treat you like shit because you're different (joined too late) and masters don't trust you (as seen in episode 1 where they judge him like a piece of meat)
>be told to suppress all your emotions
>be groomed by the greatest manipulator in the galaxy, and he's your only non-jedi friend and the only one that's not stupidly hard on you all the time for your humanly mistakes
>be given a god complex because you're told you're literally the chosen one and soon to be most powerful person of all time
>have nightmares about your mother suffering and dying, but be told by jedi to ignore it
>finally get the chance to see your mom
>she was tortured and raped and dies in your arms
>have to fight on the front lines of a galactic war for 3 years
>have premonitions about your wife dying the same way the ones about your mom came true
>freak out
>jedi still don't trust you, ask you to spy on your best non-jedi friend
>put you on council but don't promote you to master, even though you're top 5 strongest jedi in the galaxy, making you seem like a joke
>still turn in sith lord who promised to save your wife because of your loyalty to the jedi
>jedi don't trust you again and don't take you to arrest the most powerful villain in the galaxy
>go to help anyway and see jedi, who was a dick to you your whole life, about to break his own rules and murder a prisoner, fucking hypocrites
>see last chance to save your beloved wife, freak out in a split second decision and cut douchebag jedi's hand off
>now feel like you've fucked up so hard you have no choice but join the dark side, hey at least you can save your wife
>so honey uh..
I wouldn't. It was fun to watch while it was on and discuss and be a part of, especially when the show was bad (which was fucking often), and it's fun laughing when faggots cry over shit that happens in the series (especially right now with all the people crying about Dan turning heel "out of nowhere" even though it was obviously telegraphed), but without all that, it's just a shitty show that is way too long.
>he was always going to fall to the dark side
You don't know that!
>they decided to make Dany the bad guy
No one decided suddenly for season 8 Dany is to be bad.
its just D&D decided to have her turn so goddamned slow that they forgot about it only to remember "oh fuck" so we get this jarring bullshit at the second to last episode.
>School will be quite hard for them.
Yeah, they're americans.
>Anakin’s change is so sudden lmao
I'll probably throw it on as background noise in six months time just to complete it. The only series I never finished was Dexter, that was my limit on how shit a show can be before I really give up. Plus it has a perfect ending in season 4 anyway
It's like they flipped a switch on that faggot. Bravo, Jorge.
It's amazing what we ignore. At that point she was just too cute to take seriously.
>Dany locks Xaro Xohan Doxas in his vault
He killed the entire city council and stole Dany dragons
>Dany burns down Astapor
He said in the episode: "Kill every man with a whip (slave masters), BUT HARM NO CHILDREN"
>Dany burns down Yunkai
He conquered the city with the inside job of the Seconds Sons, she didn't burn nothing
>Dany occupies Meereen and rules through fear while all of Slaver's Bay unravels with it's only economy destroyed and all 3 cities essentially leaderless
She was dumb here because the slavering was the main form of economy, but that was not fear. the people loved her
>Dany leaves Slaver's Bay and makes landfall in Westeros, continuing to rampage and ruthlessly incinerate anyone who crosses her
This is the way of war. Robb Stark sent 2,000 to death, Stannis attacked King's Landing and failed (leaving thousands to death), The Vale Knights slayed the Boltons. If you have a dragon you have to use him
They rushed the madness. The execution was poor
>people are so committed to defending bad writing now that they'll actually defend the prequels.
Go back and read what I actually wrote. The problem isn't that Anakin joined the dark side (that was pretty much a given), the problem is that when he turned he jumped straight into personally murdering children within ten minutes.
The smart way to handle it would be if the clone troopers had stormed into the younglings' room, Anakin steps forward to stop them, then sheaths his lightsabre and turns away, before the clone troopers open fire.
Likewise, the smart way to deal with Dany's transformation into the mad queen is to have Cersei put up more of a fight so Dany loses her temper in the middle of a battle. But instead, the city was surrendering and she was like 'well, I've spent the last eight years talking about how I'm going to save the common people, but now I'm going to burn them just because, lol, fire and blood amirite?'
Post about it. I'd like to see your reactions, and if you manage to make it beyond Dorne.
>danyfag is a /pol/tard
Nothing suprising here either.
i mistyped
>They rushed the madness
it's been building since season 1
Imagine defending GOTs garbage writing just because it triggered normies
>Do what must be done, lord Vader! Do not hesitate! Show no mercy! - Sheev
WTF why is Anakin killing Jedi? Fucking Hackas!
this is snow, icycles can be seen on some other shots
A few lines of dialogue isn't sufficient. The Red Wedding had several seasons of build-up. Theon betraying Robb also had the same treatment. Dany going crazy just happened. They did talk about it in previous seasons, but to have her jump from slightly going crazy to full-on genocidal maniac in 10 seconds didn't work. Again, much like Arya killing the Night King, people aren't really upset with what happened, but rather it's execution.
90% of the female audience started around s5 and 'binged' the early series too fast to pick up on Daenarys always being a melter.
lmao, this cant be real
The Red Wedding had zero buildup.
REBELLION WILL *gestures with his hand* NOT BE TOLERATED
FIRE *gestures with his hand* AND *gestures with his hand* BLOOD
*gestures with his hand*
*gestures with his hand* THERE *gestures with his hand* WILL *gestures with his hand* BE *gestures with his hand* NO *gestures with his hand* PEACE *gestures with his hand*
Or do this
>Cersei "surrenders"
>Dany's army and Jon goes inside the Red Keep
>Cersei betrays everyone, ambush
>Some main characters die, maybe save Missandei's death there
>Mad Queen Dany
What more fucking build up do you want??? She lost fucking everything!
Except greyworm...
>The Red Wedding had several seasons of build-up
describe it without including dialogue
>A few lines of dialogue isn't sufficient. The Red Wedding had several seasons of build-up. Theon betraying Robb also had the same treatment. Dany going crazy just happened. They did talk about it in previous seasons, but to have her jump from slightly going crazy to full-on genocidal maniac in 10 seconds didn't work. Again, much like Arya killing the Night King, people aren't really upset with what happened, but rather it's execution.
Yall act like people havent been worried about "Targyran madness" since day one, everyone goes on about how her people just lose it
first: wrong. Season 2 is when the madness began. Season 1 is just the catalyst. nothing is set by the end of season 1.
second, the madness was totally rushed. Or at least making it obvious so normies finally understood.
the madness should have been solidly established by the middle of season 7, not kept in a grey area until the second to last episode.
I might do just that. I should stream it with a facecam and get distracted / fall asleep / get drunk and then talk about how it's so great and Yass Kween just to take the piss out of normies who half watch something that they genuinely invest their children's identities into
To all the faggots that are defending this shitfest of a show. There is no evidence in any previous season about Daenerys becoming mad. Even on season 7 when Benioff defends Daenerys decision to burn the Tarly. Now please proceed to fuck off back to r*ddit when your incompetence is protected by other ignorant brainless pieces of shit like yourself.
first: wrong. Season 1 is when it began.
second: wrong, it's been building since season 1.
three: it was established early on when she crucified people, burned them alive, and even in the middle of season 7 when she burned POWs.
deal with it
>he turned he jumped straight into personally murdering children within ten minutes.
You are actually too retarded to comprehend Attack of the Clones of all movies. That's a new low even for this capeshit-ridden board.
>She is like her father
>She is insane
>And she is a sadist
>there's no evidence except the evidence
lol, go back to r*ddit where they're making the same arguments you are while we laugh at you
>No one is arguing that she wasnt going to become the mad queen
Yes, a lot of people in denial are arguing just that
>The bullshit is that she made the turn inside of 20 seconds
She didn't, the closer she got to the finish line the more impatient, angry and ruthless she got, we saw this throughout the show. She solved all her problems by burning things and people.
Though I still agree this season is a bit rushed.
The only reason why this is an issue, is because of the cognitive dissonance from Dany fans who are grimly determined to uncritically view her as awesome, regardless of what she does.
She has ALWAYS been a megalomaniacal, self-aggrandising psychopath. The only real difference between her and her brother is that she learned to be more subtle than him and less OVERTLY arrogant, after his own arrogance got him killed.
She was a Targaryen. That is what they were fundamentally all like. Some fanboys try and claim that "no, Aegon the Conqueror was actually awesome," for some minor reason; but it's crap.
ANY INDIVIDUAL who views themselves as having an inherent right, to unilaterally dictate the destiny of the entire universal collective, is an unconscionable, indefensible tyrant, who needs to be summarily disposed of. It is that simple. Harrison Bergeron needs and deserves to die, wherever he manifests.
From a narrative written point of view the story is just fine in the show.
If you bitch that
>Arya killed the night king
>Danny went full retard
>Jon snow didn't have an epic sword battle with night king
>Jamie fight
Consider you have 70 IQ and are a fucking moron.
It is however okay to bitch that
>it was rushed
>Danny went unchallenged on her dragon and her plan to use a dragon to destroy all the boats is stupid
>that they didn't have a scouting boat to move her army through the water when her second dragon died
The shows story is written very well and most likely similar to the book. However they cut corners on logic to push the main plot.
>So mum, whom did you name me after?
>Danny Devito
Her entire dream has crumbled around her since the end of the last season. It's much more realistic to have her snap suddenly at this point in a moment of anger and despair than to have her cartoonishly evolve into an obvious villain over the course of a few episodes. I mean what were they supposed to do? Have a few episodes where she kills a few civilians at a time? Feeds a few innocent people to Drogon to make it more obvious? This was a long time coming.
Then you are a brainlet who doesn't thing about things he just saw just because thematic music plays as a background.
Literally every place she ever set foot in is either in ruins, or in process of becoming ridiculously violent shithole. All of the Misa retards died of plague and she left the last city she was in in the hands of drunken, narcissistic, bloodthirsty nymphomaniac.
She run around sperging breaking a wheel, but first it sucks when she have no plan to replace it with anything and second it is a wheel of a carriage that she rides on.
did the Mad King in the books ever do something as crazy as she did in this episode?
WAHMYN are arguing that. PEOPLE are pissed because the execution of these character arcs has been a total dumpster fire.
I agree that they showed Dany getting antsy the closer to the throne she got, but again, the build up was too slow. Deliberately slow which would have been okay had season 8 not been this pile of shit rush job of story telling it has turned into.
>Benioff defends Daenerys decision to burn the Tarly.
One of them also said after this last episode that "Dany is a strong woman." They're still complimenting her character after she mass murders civilians. You can't take what they say in these retarded interviews too seriously. They're mostly just pandering to the actors and actresses.
>the showrunners are too stupid to understand how they wrote a character
Why do you act like this means anything?
>Aegon the Conqueror was actually awesome
He was ready to torch the Oldtown and torched Harrenhall. And was napalming Dorne regularly.
>So, uh
After that 'Nononononono, this fucking cannot be happening' headline from PuffHo, I am not really surprised anymore by the millenial news standard.
He lit people on fire alot and his last words were "burn them all"
>who doeen thing a thing huuur
Calling someone a brainlette? Get checked lmao.
I wish this was in vidya format so that you can see divergent paths; have her become mad or somehow save her from her own madness, with actual consequences of course.
Six-limbed lizards do not exist.
Any winged creature gets those wings through modified hands, not miraculously growing a new set.
Well, unless you're an insect, arachnid, mollusk, or other arthropod. In which case you have shitloads of limbs.
>Practically speaking, I may not like Palpatine but I need him alive so he can help me save Padme
>I guess I'll just abandon every principle I've had up to this point do everything he says with absolutely no reservations
>It's not stupid, you just don't understand its genius!
What the fuck has gotten into this board? Why is everyone so eager to defend shitty writing all of a sudden? Look at yourself - you're actually defending the prequels. Sit down and fucking think for a moment about what you're doing.
Are you really willing to defend D&D just because they trashed the normies' favourite character? Are you really so childish that you'll defend total incompetence just because it annoys people you don't like?
Robb had the torn ideals of marrying the girl he loved and a political marriage
He was counselled on it numerous times
He was one of the leading threats against Lannister power and was making serious progress as the King in the North
He decided to betray his political alliance which his council condemned
Those he betrayed were small and would sell their favour whichever way benefited them most
Tywin is rich as fuck so the Freys' best option after marrying into the future royal family is probably to take a huge fuckin amount of money
He then went to make peace with those he wronged, who iirc had a history of breaking their own oaths and customs for their own benefit
The actual scene is the icing on the cake
It's great in that it gets foreshadowed so many ways, and yet is so brutal and abrupt that it's still a twist, but doesn't feel cheap because that's what was going to happen and it was only viewers and characters hoping it wouldn't that gave the event any perceived chance of not happening.
Plus it's a literal ambush so it's somewhat justified on being a curprise to viewers. Someone going mad should be the result of slow character degradation
consider that his shitty wildfire was detonated by drogon during the attack and its damage was far inferior to the one done by the dragon
all aerys did was burn some stupid lord, then they get triggered and start a war that kills thousands just because they are too butthurt to shut up when in front of their king
he literally did nothing wrong
I am not putting any energy into learning your low IQ language.
>Hurr durr the writer's opinion, the ones who write the show, don't count because they are brainlets hurr durr
Seriously you are being pathetic go back to r*ddit
It's so weird people disagree with burning the city. I get normalfags thinking this but I thought people here would be more pragmatic. Jon is just as terrible a choice of ruler. They both flooded the continent with enemies but if Jon disagrees with burning the city then he hasn't learned a thing.
>no one is arguing
This is quite literally the biggest complaint about this last episode.
Maybe you expected her to be a mad queen.
Maybe I expected her to be a mad queen.
Maybe the show and books even foreshadowed this mad queen behavior in nearly every single episode.
But that doesn't mean the retarded idiots out there did.
I suppose you need to be more blunt than "I'll take what is mine with blood and fire", so that these retards can get it.
>people defending this shit becuase normfags hated it
Man I hate Yea Forums.
Didn't she want kings landing though?
>WAHMYN are arguing that.
Whatever you say incel.
You don't get it. There isn't supposed to be any ambiguity or mitigating factors. It's supposed to be a clean shot to your jaw
>Arya killed the night king
jesus fuck
nobody is bitching that she killed him. the bitching is about how irrelevant he became after 8 goddamned years of being told
>he is the final boss. you cannot fight him directly and win. You cannot delay him. he is inevitable.
only to get "nothing personnel kid" randomly and out of 'thin air'
I dont fucking care if Lyanna stabs the night king, the issue is that he was written off like a writer deals with an inconvenient plot hole they dont know how to close.
What does killing the civilians do though? Like I understand destroying infrastructure and destroying armies, but the civilians are mostly irrelevant in the scheme of things
Read this again There’s clearly a lot of set up for his turn to the dark side, the only problem with it is that Lucas did too little to show Anakin’s heroic side. He has always been an angsty emotional teenager rises among space monks who teach him to suppress his feelings and emotions.
literally where
>I mean what were they supposed to do?
Also, it should have been Tyrion feeling out Jon instead of Varys, and she should have burned him over everyone else's objections. I would also have liked to see a few more touches of actual madness, like maybe asking Tyrion to go get Jorah, before remembering a second later that he's dead. Idly playing with a burning coal and putting it down on the table, before knocking it off because she'd forgotten it would leave a scorch mark.
It's not that I object to the fact that they decided to go for a Mad Queen ending. But they'd only just started setting it up - as I said, it's like they realised they only half a season left, panicked, and rushed through about a season's worth of development in an episode and a half.
imagine how i feel since i always supported the show and got called retard
now i keep doing it and get called contrarian
feels good man
Have an upvote friend!
>Six-limbed lizards do not exist.
Neither do dragons.
Check and mate, athetits.
Most retards wont understand what you are saying.
Long Live Harrison Bergeron, to hell with the cult of equality.
>this logic
NO you are just a brainlet. Everyone with a brain was wondering when Danny was going to snap. I honestly thought she was going to loose her shit well before. Low IQ basic bitch babies
read amd again. I said, the problem is not that Anakin turns to the Dark Side when he does, it's that he goes from Anakin to full Vader almost immediately without a trace of guilt or reservation.
>It's not stupid, you just don't understand its genius!
It's not genius though, that's the thing. It's extremely basic but you're still showing lack of basic comprehension with statements like "the turn was so sudden!" as if AotC wasn't an entire movie showing progressive downfall of Anakin.
To spell it out for you there is no arc of "turning evil" becuase unlike what marvel movies told you being evil is not a character trait, it's a post-factum judgement we pass on certain actions. The arc of becoming a person capable of evil actions, which you somehow managed to miss, is absolutely there in the plain view. And in case of GoT it has seven fucking seasons.
how exactly does she convey to her dragon to burn things? does she communicate with him telepathically? does she keep saying "dracarys" over and over? does she have a 'fire' button on his back?
you clearly have not watched the show.
Robb was a fucking idiot and the red wedding is a result of him thinking with his cock.
Lucas was adviced by a friend of his that Anakin's reason for falling in the original version of Revenge of the Sith were too cerebral. All the Padme shit was an aftertought and why her death comes from "broken heart" shit.
>no guilt
Fucking bullshit.
You lost, bitch. This is how it must always be.
>To spell it out for you there is no arc of "turning evil" becuase unlike what marvel movies told you being evil is not a character trait
Dany is raised with tales of her family's entitlements
Counseled on it numerous times by her brother, Jorah, Barristan Selmy, and others
Watches with a sociopathic expression as her brother is murdered
She burned an innocent rape victim in the first season, and has been screaming about fire and blood constantly
Threatens a city with destruction if it doesn't do what she says
Locks XXD in a vault to die
Burns khals alive in a tent
crucified 200 people, some of them werent even slavers.
Burns thousands of soldiers moving food
Burns POWs alive
manipulated jorah to no end.
raided and pillaged cities after cities, overthrowing the government in all of them and replacing them with nothing, resulting in rioting, anarchy and mass murder.
She spent her entire life being told by everyone important to her that claiming the throne was her right. She was seemingly destined to do. She ended up a loved and respected ruler in Essos and traded it all in to follow what she was told to follow.
She ended up losing two of her "children", her only friend in Missandei, her most loyal confidant in Jorah, the vast majority of her loyal Dothraki, the Unsullied who worshipped her as an emancipator. She lost all of these things in brutal fashion.
On top of that, she's gone to a strange land and is distrusted by its inhabitants, whilst being told that she would be welcomed. She's gone from being revered to more or less loathed.
Throughout all of this - all the losses and betrayals - she had a single moment in mind, winning the Iron Throne. Then the bells ring to signify her victory and it rings hollow. She realises its all been a waste, completely futile. She doesn't feel any better about everything she's been through. The bells ring hollow.
Add into that the grief and the Targs penchant for cruelty and madness and there you go.
8 seasons of build up. Prove it all wrong.
> Yea Forums spends the last three seasons of GoT complaining that the writing is shit and that D&D have jumped the shark
> D&D ruin the normies' favourite character and, more importantly, make them and their 'strong empowered female' bullshit look stupid
> Yea Forums: 'well akshually, they've been setting this up for ages and if you can't see what super-geniuses D&D are then you're just a low IQ brainlet'
>defending D&D's writing
>while also condemning it
you r*dditors lol
the dragons are pretty intelligent
>All the Padme shit was an aftertought and why her death comes from "broken heart" shit.
Nah, it was always one of the reasons for his turn, he just decided that cramming up it into a single film would be too confusing for casual viewer so he cut them from the film. They’re still present in RotS novelization, which was based on the movie’s original script and edited by George himself.
They’re both spiritually connected, at least it seems like in the books, basically they’re warged with eachother. In the books rickon was angry because he felt like his mom and Robb abandoned him so he started to sperg out and so did shaggydoggo
That's snow according to the screenplay, and she didn't even burn the throne room when she razed the city kek.
>Prove it all wrong.
Nope. But I will pasta this post because it's the best summation thus far. Bravo.
imagine thinking that devoting all your free time to one tv series is somehow superior to being a tourist.
Jesus your analysis is just plebbit tier man.
You're not anywhere near as intelligent as you think you are.
You've already convinced yourself that the reason for this change in Dany is to see Jon on the throne.
Obviously you haven't been here much, which shows how plebbit you are, because the spoilers explicitly state that Jon will kill Dany, and leave to live with the wildlings, and Bran will be on the throne.
So your entire theory and view of the show and the ending is just flat wrong, not to mention your terrible analysis of Dany.
The bitch has been a cunt the entire series, you just fell for the red herring of "ending muh slavery = saint". You are so brainwashed to believe that someone who hates slavery can do no wrong, and rather than look at her entire arc, her entire history in the show and the books (and admit you were fooled and were wrong), you claim its all a plot contrivance to sit Jon on the throne.
Seriously, go the fuck back to plebbit where your brainlet thoughts are more appreciated.
>does she have a 'fire' button on his back?
A finger in th bum
>200 IQ: wow that was pretty dumb that the plan was for 1 dragon to destroy all the boats and all the weapons against her. Oh well it's not important to the plot and I am not picking. I was waiting for her to snap, I'm more shocked it took this long. Overall a great episode and entertaining.
Only brainlets found issue with this episode and fans who couldn't take hints being slapped in their face. Her entire character point/flaw/defining trait is that she is unwieldy and dedicated to her inner believes which has been since she was a child being some savior of undeniable moral righteousness due to her upbringing and being chosen as the mother of dragons. If her conversations with jon about the northmen didn give you any massive signals you're a retard. She spent every moment in the north demanding fealty without even trying to understand the people she was trying to recruit. This was her entire arc with the nobles taken to greater levels. She's a meglomaniac who thinks its her way or the highway and they gave her a flamethrower tank. there was nothing subtle about it.
it was retarded. 95% of what d&d write is retarded. it's still funny to watch people get triggered by it
>unlike what marvel movies told you being evil is not a character trait
>Marvel movies
the last movie I watched was Barry Lyndon by Kubrick.
Also, THAT'S MY ENTIRE COMPLAINT YOU FUCKING MORON. Instead of showing a conflicted person doing what they believe to be necessary in the moment, when Anakin turns to the dark side its like Lucas flips a switch from 'good guy' to 'bad guy' and just writes him as 'evil' from then on.
>as if AotC wasn't an entire movie showing progressive downfall of Anakin.
it's revenge of the sith you tard
This is why Hollywood gets away with shitty writing. Because you people can't tell the difference.
Dubs confirm.
you forgot
>5000 IQ: a finger in the bum
This place has moderation. Of course this shit is rampant.
Fucking shit, man, I’m not trying to say that prequels are well written movies but Anakin has always been shown as a conflicted character ever since episode II.
>in the show and the books
In the books it's quite obvious she's doing wrong. In the show they downplayed it on purpose because they didn't want to anger their fanbase. It's plain as day and you're just confusing the two mediums because you don't like the character.
It's not though. You were just a dumb cunt never to have seen it when it was in front of your dumb cunt eyes
>decides to incinerate innocent people instead of straight up going for the Red Keep and roast Cercei.
Wow, such a good writing.
Galaxy brain
Jon should’ve fought the nightking though and died though, it would’ve made dany’s heel turn even better
It is pastebin.com
>it was ash all along
People were saying this since season 2 aired. The writers are not as clever as they think they are.
Always liked this one.
>dragon fire can't destroy a pìece of rubble where Jon is hiding in episode 3
>dragon fire makes building explode like they're made of explosives in this episode
would it have made a difference if the burning red keep had fallen on all the innocents burning them all?
That dunkin and donut shit still cracks me up.
It was a statement and she did both. You're acting like the didn't assrape the red keep so hard it crumbled. Right on top of Cersei and all her cronies' stupid heeeeads!
>Obviously you haven't been here much
>implying any of Yea Forums's theories have ever been right, ever.
>implying you're not all just a bunch of bitter cunts who enjoy watching things crash and burn
>The bitch has been a cunt the entire series, you just fell for the red herring of "ending muh slavery = saint".
For the last time, my problem is not that they decided to go for the mad queen ending, it's that they skipped over about a season's worth of development in half a dozen scenes.
>I was waiting for her to snap,
When she was sitting on that tower and he bells were ringing, what was it that caused her to snap?
Nothing. There was no reason for her to snap at that particular point. In order for her to go full genocide at that particular moment they needed to have built her up as full on pants-on-head looney tunes, and they only got as far as 'well, she's been a bit stressed recently'
>character goes off the deep end
>why doesn't she do logical things in a heightened emotional state to a city that has all but given her the middle finger and killed her best friend?
Could you be less dumb?
If she had attacked the Red Keep and killed all the people in it just to get at Cersei it would have made more sense than the mass murder detour she took through kings landing. Seeing her attack the Red Keep despite the bells ringing would also mean the soldiers in the ground would still follow their leader and chimp out on the civilians. We also wouldnt get the level of butthurt towards the show we have now
And that is why you are a fucking moron. If you were fucking smart LIKE ME based on how the story s written only Arya or Sam was going to kill the night King. Jon killing the night King makes no sense, not his character, and he has not been built up for 8 seasons like her sister to be a professional killer.
Fucking brainlettes.
Yeah, because at least the deaths of citizens wouldn’t have been deliberate. Her decision for roasting the plebs for like an hour without reason was extremely retarded.
>There was no reason for her to snap
ever been in a very hard online game and after a while when you are about to finally get upper ground the guy goes "gg" and then offline?
Did I say jon should’ve killed the Nk you fucking brainlet? Everything should’ve ended the same except with Jon fighting the NK and ayra coming out of nowhere doing her 360nocope, at least it would’ve been better than her jumping out of nowhere
War causes people to snap all the time you fucking moron.
Well she did say that several years ago. GoT doesn't have flashbacks like anime to remind people what happened and what was said years ago.
I really don't know why they needed to include the sniper Euron moments before the battle and not right after the bell rang. Jon and Dany are resting on the roof hearing the bells and then Raeghar is shot under Jon. It would explain both the snap and why "natural leader" Jon was yet again usesul as a piece of wet cardboard during the whole ground battle (he wasn't there)
>the last movie I watched was Barry Lyndon by Kubrick.
What are the last 10 movie you've watched? Have you seen Endgame? One film is a very poor sample size
Why don’t you go ahead and map out the “progressive downfall” that was told in Clones? Wait, there wasn’t one, you fucking retard. Annie murders an entire village of sandniggers because his mommy died and that’s literally fucking it.
Revenge did a much, MUCH better job of trying to show a downfall because we have all those scenes of Sheev seducing him. The problem was when he actually starts doing evil things it’s the most evil shit possible. How is killing younglings and Jedi and choking Padme supposed to help you save Padme again? We needed a few more instances of him doing questionable shit, like decapitating Dooku. Maybe another council Jedi could have told him “you will never be a master” or some shit to trigger him and Annie murders the guy.
Likewise, Dany also needed these questionable scenes. Instead she just goes mad because she hears some fucking bells ringing. Like yeah, okay, fire and blood - but she already won! So what is the purpose of murdering the innocents of Kings Landing? It’s retarded and rushed. Maybe she could have executed Sansa while Jon and Arya were away or something, but “muh strong smart women”
>uh, uh, um
jesus christ why would you fucking write like that? talking like that is already bad, why would you fucking write like that fuck
What about the hideous CGI?
The Dothraki materialising out of thin air in the first line?
You are so stupid you missed the fact that the same narrative happened in your post and what actually happened. Arya saved his brother.
Night King shouldnt even be a thing. It's fanfic character created beceause they couldnt be bothered to make the White Walkers complex. Euron is the one who is likely to do everything that the Night King does in the book.
then just assume this is what happened
those guys arent the real authors of the story, their word is as good as yours
fix all the plotholes as you like and focus on the main plot points that are relevant
better than being bitter about this shitfest
She really should have been more capricious about who she killed, much earlier on in the series. Most of what she did looked like justice, not madness. While yes she made a big talk about fire and blood and shit, torching KL was the first thing she did that got people going "wtf lady?"
> D&D ruin the normies' favourite character and, more importantly, make them and their 'strong empowered female' bullshit look stupid
I mean, is that really such a bad reason to defend it?
You retard. He isn’t bran anymore, he’s the 3rd eye raven
>His existence doesn't bask in the absolute irony of this meme
It's your opinion that they were righteous.
>literally tells jon that she is going to rule through fear
>literally tells tyrion that it doesn't matter anymore what the city does
>hurr why doesn't my yass queen do morally righteous things?
third eye raven?
It doesn't make them super geniuses, but it has always been her arc.
We have literally been calling this shit for years.
pretty much spot on
Wtf , she’s being going in about sacking kings landing for years and has been continually dissuaded by her advisers. She has finally showed her true colours now there is no strong moral and wise man there to guide her
>bran is the crow.
now it all makes sense.
>it's not insane from her perspective
did the mad king know he was insane?
Imagine my shock when Dany ended up taking what is(n't) hers with fire and blood!
>We have literally been calling this shit for years.
Yea Forums has come up with literally every theory imaginable over the years. It's not really saying much if one of hundreds of possible endings turns out to be right.
>she wasn't thinking clearly, I swears it!
>she was emotional!
Literal pussy pass. Didn't she at one point during the 40 minute roasting of the city realise what she was doing was wrong? Did she stay in that heightened emotional state for the full razing?
based and soulspilled
because dany burning KL is gonna happen in the books. I mean she even has a vision of it
So what you're saying is that Yea Forums are a bunch of hypocrites... now THAT'S an obvious plot twist.
Sorry posting on phone three eyed raven
>poor execution
This is what retarded boomers believe.
Zero justification for murdering thousands of innocent people. Literally the first time she's exhibited anything coming close to madness, as what she did before is no better or worse than any other character on the show and none of them decided it would be a good idea to mass murder their subjects for fun.
Pretty much. Spot on analysis.
D&D are terrible writers, and the last few seasons of this show has been an epic disappointment, but they definitely didn't hide her madness from anyone.
Her borderline bi polar personality is even exampled in the scene where she talks with Sansa, alone. When Sansa shows even a little resistance, Dany gets that crazy mad look, struggles to maintain her composure and then puts on that fake smile. It finally ends with Dany pulling her hand away and getting visibly angry as Sansa's simple question of "what about the North?"
Rather than attempt to understand why Sansa has resistance to allowing the north to be ruled again by southerners, rather than attempting to assuage her fears of "blood and fire" coming to the north, rather than trying to tell her she has nothing to fear from her and her armies, she gets mad, pulls away and shuts down.
It's not like they hid her madness. But maybe I'm just more able to see it, as my own mother was a crazy cunt like Dany. Fake smiles and fake friendliness when she wanted something, and all "fire and blood" the next moment when you defied her.
The real tragedy here in all these Dany whiners and apologists is the fact that a character like Sansa is being ignored and forgotten for "YASS QUEEN SLAY".
Sansa is truly an example of what a great woman can look like. She isn't an assassin, she isn't a giant woman with armor and a sword, she doesn't have dragons. But despite having none of these plot devices to strengthen her position, she examples all the best traits of femininity.
She is what real feminists should aspire to, rather than these other cartoonish female characters
Absolutely has become the best character of the series, and it's just sad to see no one is paying attention.
>admitting that dany's turn around was pulled off well is the same thing as saying DnD are geniuses.
>Entire thread is about how only retards have contention with obvious plot points that were hinted at way before and even when they were fighting fucking zombies.
>Actually thinking this makes up for killing stannis or that doing one thing right makes up for any wrongs
Maybe you should stop being retarded.
well it did jump the shark.
arya stabbing NK just because
jamie's arc was useless since he is crazy in love with cersei
euron is just there to fill the enemy quota
at least dany was handled fine
>Retards confuse being harsh with being mad
>Show clearly portrayed her as a harsh ruler, nothing more, nothing less
>Bruh, her snap was totally justified! It was foreshadowed!
Best post in thread. There is actual shit to bitch about. And YAS QUEEN going ape shit isn't one of them.
>behaves literally and exactly like a woman with power
>"how could she turn on a dime?"
have sex
>D&D are terrible writers
>Let me proceed to proselytize their writing like it's fucking Shakespeare
Now you're going to claim that Yea Forums hasn't been angry incels who just hate "YASS QUEEN SLAY", because "muh woman"?
At least keep your bullshit together.
Yes, Yea Forums isn't one person, but I'd say the hatred of Dany has been pretty fucking consistent here, over the years.
Sure pal, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Dany has been a monster since book 2 and season 1
I liked Varys for 2~ seasons, but for the 6 seasons I saw all Sansa do was travel to kings landing, be quiet, be with jeoffry, be quiet, then head back north, while she's still quiet but now with ramsey. what changed in the last 2 seasons?
>DnD did one thing right
That’s not how build up works. She was completely fucking fine throughout all that shit, even learning from those events and using them to her advantage. Then she hears bells and loses it. Your little “ring hollow” write up is nice but it’s not what’s shown on the TV. It’s sloppy and rushed.
How about a scene where she yells at her council after losing so much of her army? Maybe after Euron killed the dragon she goes and flies off and burns a town out of anger. Lots of things they could have done for buildup, but the writers are mentally handicapped.
does anyone have a link to the youtube version where they put in the Lich king soundtrack when she approaches the throne? I think they even edited in a frostmourne that she almost grabs hold of
>implying me giving examples of where they show her madness, or having an appreciation for Sansa stark is proselytizing for D&D
Seethe more plebbit faggot. Your queen of the niggers is a fucking psycho bitch now and there's nothing your whining can do to change it.
Shansha did absolutely nothing relevant on her own, only abused her family name to survive.
If the city hadn't been totally destroyed the whole thing would be anticlimactic. It had to happen
GRRM has said over and over that he told D&D the ending. They have the rough outline, they just clearly have no idea how to execute it. Dany burning King's Landing is foreshadowed in the books and the early seasons of the show, it's going to happen. It probably won't be as dumb as
>the bells set her off
You now have learned what it means to infer
see The ambiguity is in whether it is the white walkers or Daenerys who destroys King's Landing.
>defending the one thing they've been consistent about is now doing a 180.
>implying they didn't know about this from GRRM on day 1 and haven't worked to show this side of her since season 1.
Not him but it seems like the overwhelming majority of people here are supporting her even more now, and haters now like her. Why should they be seething?
>completely fine
>loses her best friends
>says shes going to rule through fear after jon fails to reciprocate her lust
>tells tyrion it doesn't matter anymore
>demands fealty from the north because reasons, totally not the same as the nobles
>entire conversations between multiple characters, advisors, over her mental state and lack of flexibility
Okay yeah sure she seemed fine.
You're defending a scene of shitty writing with shitty characters like it has anything approaching concepts like nuance and subtlety.
What they should’ve done is gone more with an uncontrollable dragon. They started it but strayed away. Losing control of a dragon, then it dying along with her closest advisors would’ve shown clearer she wasn’t the capable ruler she thought she was
>t. Butthurt roastie hates the idea of the strongest female character in the series being a feminine woman.
>DnD are good writers
Why do redditors love nu-Wars but hate Lucas?
>doing one thing consistent means the killing of stannis, varys, littlefinger, etc weren't bad
>look ma I don't have reading comprehension just autism!
Right on.
>The show has been complete garbage for years
>Let me defend it
Maybe stop thinking in meme speak.
Pottery. Like having a son in 1939 and naming him Benito
Not to mention the fact that all Dany ever cared about was the throne and once she realized that she had no legitimate claim she begged Jon not to reveal his ancestry. Well, Jon betrays her and everyone is now aware that her rule would be illegitimate, and the facade that she used to cover her innate psychopathy is finally starting to crack. When Cersei surrendered King's Landing she knew that her authority to rule would be challenged and she couldn't leave an intact city to be ruled by anyone but her. Hence the razing and murder of all the inhabitants. It's like pottery if you paid attention, while being slightly rushed, this was not unexpected in the slightest.
Did I ever say nuance or subtlety?
Did I ever say it was well written?
You're literally making my point by pointing out how obvious the scene was written, you dumb faggot.
Her madness is shown in that scene in the most ham fisted and blunt way possible.
And you're mad at me for explaining the scene to you when you failed to understand it?
And this scene isn't the exception, her madness is on full display through the entire series, in the same blunt and ham fisted way as this scene. But you can't see it in the earlier seasons because you're so blinded by the "muh slavery" red herring.
Holy fuck you people are retarded.
Rent free, Eurotrash
it was kino but didn't fit the character because it was rushed
thank you user. I don't think she is mad either, just committed and through
thats the problem it was so rushed
all the ''bad'' things she did before more or less had a reason, then outta nowhere she snaps for no reason
if they showed her killing more and more people before, and not only le evil slavists or le evil lannister soldiers, it would have been fine
>her madness has been on display
No it hasn’t.
Exactly what the cunt has done
It's not well written. It doesn't have nuance or subtletly. But I'm supposed to eat the shit sandwich and like it anyway because there was foreshadowing. And I'm the retard.
All that shit happened in like 2 episodes. She has had worse shit happen to her before and came out on top always. Now she can’t deal with it because...uh...bells hurt her ears I guess?
There needed to be scenes showing her losing her grip. We got the little fear thing with Jon but that wasn’t indicative of madness because we already knew Dany would burn shit if shit had to be burned.
What if she just kinda forgot the bells were a signal of surrender and thought she was doing a good job helping her forces?
khaleesi isn't even her name. showplebs are retards
>Cersei surrendered King's Landing
She did not surrender Kings Landing. Jamie never got to her with the secret code and if everyone realizes Jamie did it in an effort to save Cersei, without her permission, Dany will be the smart one.
I've been waiting for this to happen for years and years. More than just about any other "probably happening" plot point.
Rushed? A bit. It should have happened earlier but I guess at some point they wrote themselves into a corner with the coming war in the north and Fire and Ice romance.
>show too much
>Fucking hack writers have you ever heard of subtlety?
>show too little
>Fucking hack writers have you ever heard of building something up properly? This came out of nowhere.
I don't think there was any pleasing people with this tweest.
But all names have a meaning. doesnt have to be an actually name.
>doesnt have to be an actually name
>an actually name
>not showing just the right amount
literally have sex
>"if something happens in two episodes, it doesn't count!"
Personally, I don't need ten episodes of Dany crying in the corner because nobody likes her. Two is good enough for me to get the point across.
its not show too much or too little
instead of just killing le evil men she could have said something like
take no prisioners, or raze this city and let the dothraki loose
something like that would show her descent into tyrany better then just killing people the show showed as evil
If I were her, knowing Cersei would never surrender (and Cersei never did) and all your untrustworthy advisors wanted to pull a punch and came up with a secret code and then shock, the secret code, I would smell a rat and that would piss me off.
What a shitty strawman. I want to see her do something that reflects her going mad from losing her friends and dragons. She’s had this kind of shit happen before and was okay. Now it happens and she’s full mad queen. It’s sloppy and rushed.
She doesn't care about THE throne anymore. After seeing the city that was taken from her and caused so much suffering to her and her family, she snapped and decided to take revenge on it. Why is it so hard to understand for brainlets? She lost nearly everything fighting for Jon, and not only he betrayed her trust but also her love. That was a point of no return for her.
Entitled white woman that's why
Point is that "right amount" is subjective. I thought it was enough, especially since it's something I've been waiting for, others will never except it or call it random.
Didn't she spend a bunch of time threatening to do exactly what she did? It was no secret that King's Landing was just a HATE SYMBOL to her.
What did the benevolent queen mean by this?
Literally what was said. Check it.
>All that shit happened in like 2 episodes.
Don't say stupid shit if you don't want to get called out on it by someone smarter and better than you.
>I thought it was enough, especially since it's something I've been waiting for
This is the only reason you can consider it a right amount.
I was expecting the heel turn and then nothing happened to make it happen, until it did and it felt like shit
anakin was even dumber since he went along with shit because a dude who looks like an evil monster made him some extremely vague promise
Great writing.
Unironically read a book for once in your life, or re-watch the show. Everything you said goes against her character, hitherto. This is just bad storytelling.
i dunno about you guys but I fucking loved danys the literal hitler
she has always been an evil character, she just hides it
the only reason targaryans rule is because dragons like their smell or some shit, they are all garbage rulers, when they arent feeding the realm to their dragons they are feeding other targaryans to their dragons
jon snow isnt immune to this, he is 50 percent retargatarian too, theres no reason to assume he would be a good ruler just because neddy beheaddy was his foster daddy
HERES WHERE I MAKE MY OPINION>>>>>> honestly the only one who would do a good job on the throne is tyrion, everyone else is fucking loco
The throne is all she cares about, so much so that she completely abandoned Meereen and Essos to chase it the moment she got a big enough army.
>Why is it so hard to understand for brainlets?
why are you trying so hard to justify this garbage?
>I've been waiting for this to happen for years and years.
Same. For years I kept telling people she's fucking nuts and immoral, even by medieval standards, and that they're deceived by her looks and the uplifting music that plays whenever she does something evil, but they wouldn't budge and kept making excuses for her. This is actually deeply worrying because it shows how easily people are willing to accept tyrants and make excuses for their atrocities if they get attached to them and their ideology.
when she said at first she meant the lannisters and baratheons and other big lords, not the common folk, in the show she never went against the common folk, she was only harsh against her enemies and not innocent people, then outta nowhere she pulls a vietnam on the people of kings landing
>if you don't want to get called out on it by someone smarter and better than you.
He's on Yea Forums - I think he's safe
After this siege winter sets in and thousands will die because they have no homes, food stocks of kings landing have probaly been destroyed and the artisan industry of kings landing is also gone. They might even be better of if the night king just killed them. Glorious.
Yet she was distraught when her dragon killed an innocent girl.
And by the way, I foresaw Jon killing Dany and Bran becoming king as soon as Jon bent the knee.
>implying anything pre-season 6 is canon
lmoaing at your cope. but hey at least libs are outraged on twitter amirite??
She is the throne, you brainlets. She doesn't need King's Landing or Iron Throne to be the ruler of Seven Kingdoms. This was a message to all her subjects and enemies to not fuck with her. She decided to rule by fear.
Keep moving the goalposts.
I never said you had to like the writing or the show.
Westeros doesn't even allow slavery, her best friend was under a death sentence for trying to sell slaves in Westeros. Being against slavery doesn't provide any moral basis for ruling a country where slavery has been banned for centuries.
Seasons ago, when she was still loved and adored by all, when she still had three dragons, when she still had friends, when she still had hope, when she still had a claim to the throne. Now all of that is GONE. No love, no adoration, only one dragon, only one dickless practically mute retard friend, no hope, and no claim to the throne.
She meant her enemies you contrarian fuck, she says nothing about being peaceful to her enemies multiple times throughout the series, a sentiment said by MOST of the main cast at some point. Nowhere is it forshadowed that she'll start torching the innocents she goes on about for 7 seasons prior to this season and it's godawful writing.
You got something to say about Benito's pizzeria? How about I call Adolf's bakery over here and we settle this.
Fuck, pretty relatable tbqf
Yeah because it was obvious and boring.
The real subvertion would be a way to stop it from happening. Maybe it would even be good storytelling.
She views them as her enemies, as she explains earlier in the episode, and why shouldn't she based on her own experience. All the "real" innocents rise up in support of her whenever she attacks a city.
She's always been a murderous tyrant, she's just been murdering people you wanted to see dead.
I was going to try and headcanon my way around it but wondering if undead blue dragonfire is somehow weaker, but it's the same substance that breached the Winterfell castle wall just moments earlier in the same episode, and brought a 700-foot-high wall of "magic" ice down
maybe for the best
>dickless so wont want to fuck her
>devoted because of former slave thing
>ruthless because of the death of their shared love of messandy
Best end for Gray wurm.
"Ah yes, Mr. Hilter, good to see you this morning."
>she only killed people the show portrayed as evil like literally all the other characters
its just shit writing, her descent into madness was badly written even if hinted at
youd have a point if she said
i will take what is mine with fire, and blood from the innocent
dany has collectively punished people before, this is just a more extreme example of what she has already done. she has always had the support of the commoners everywhere she went, but they despise her in westeros, so to her that makes them complicit and allied with cersei. she's not murdering innocent people, she's executing enemies
She's still not mad, just the same tyrant she has always been.
No such thing as evil, only evil from her perspective.
Because they were flying when they did that making it easier to breath.
two episodes when they did fuck all seasons 1-5 you ingrate
>"no buildup"
>"okay there was buildup but only two episodes"
Except for all the signs of her being nutty in previous seasons, like in the OP.
They really didn't show it as righteous though.
GRRM played on your prejudices against slavery and your positive attitude toward other liberal prejudices to fool you into thinking this mad woman was somehow righteous.
Whats righteous about overthrowing a bunch of nations she has no right to rule, let alone having any idea on how to rule? Who is she to enforce her ideas against slavery on a civilization that knows nothing else and literally relies on it to survive?
The books (and even the show, to a lesser extent) go to great lengths to show how much these people end up hating her because of how ignorant she is about ruling.
Dany is a great Khaleesi, but terrible at everything else. She is a conquerer, not a ruler.
It's blatant and obvious.
Psychosis is a thing. Personally burning a whole city full of people is the kind of catalyst that would turn any person mad. How could she still remain the same Dany after doing something like that? No doubt she's going to be completely unhinged now and this is where Jon comes in to put her out of misery.
>GRRM played on your prejudices against slavery and your positive attitude toward other liberal prejudices to fool you into thinking this mad woman was somehow righteous.
You mean the show did. The books never shied away from portraying her as half-mad and didn't portray her actions as something heroic or just. This is especially evident in the last book where everything goes to absolute shit in Slaver's Bay due to Dany's actions.
imagine spending 10 years following this garbage and coming out no better than when you went in instead of watching history documentaries and finding out how the world actually works
I have never seen a single episode and I dont plan to start
Serves them right for blowing money on a fucking Funko Pop figurine.
Cheap plastic trash to milk money from retards
Ironically manufactured by (basically) slaves. So much for the breaker of chains .