>a last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor
Where the fuck were the dwarves?
>a last alliance of men and elves marched against the armies of Mordor
Where the fuck were the dwarves?
Other urls found in this thread:
in the Misty Mountains bellow
Doing their taxes
Having sex
Nobody could see them
waiting, they turned the men and elves against based orcs so they could expand their dwarfholds into new mountains
Making bearded babies with their bearded trap wives.
Unironically this
Was too busy with orcs and goblins.
Also, some dwarves from Red Mountains fought for Sauron
Dwarves didn't really give a shit
It was the second age, Dwarves were doing too well for themselves to care.
Moria dwarves fought in the last alliance too
In a far away and called Israel
Why weren't the dwarves in the lotr? They weren't in the beginning and they never sent an army to help.
The only dwarf was gimli
They were under siege from saurons forces in the north, King Dain died in the siege of erebor around the same time siege of minas tirith was happening
This was the end of the 2nd age retard
He asked why they weren't in lotr you dumb stupid cunt and mentioned they only had gimli who sure as fuck wasnt around in the 2nd age
W-where are you going with this?
They didn't care. My guess is since they were not sons of Eru they just didn't give a fuck about fighting to save middle earth and only cared about their mines and mountains.
Weren't they all killed by the Balrog?
You're mixing things up. OP is talking about the opening narration.
Also the balrog and orcs only killed the dwarves of Moria, which was a major dwarvish kingdom, but not the only one.
All the dwarves of the lonely mountain (which we see in the hobbit trilogy) were alive and well during the events of the lotr trilogy.
In the books they get a throwaway line about how they had been busy fighting sauron's forces in the north while everything was going to shit at gondor.
They were there fighting along their Noldor BFFs and saving the SILVAN FUCKING SHITS
>lonely mountain dwarfs alive and well during lotr trilogy
yes and no, since many of them died with Balin's expedition to Moria and about the time of the Battle of Pelennor they were attacked by Easterlings and Dain and Bard's grandsom died fighting a rearguard while the people hid in the mountain.
In their basements playing engineering games and making anti-elf threads on the internet.
it was tax season in dwarven society
They were on both sides.
Notably, Durin's Folk, the Dwarves of the stock of the ones you see in The Hobbit and Lotr, fought on the side of the Free Men and Elves.
This is legit elven propaganda some dwarfs did fight.
Get a load of this retard
Some fought for sauron? Truly the best race.
No they didn't. They didn't start that colony until after The Hobbit.
>Legolas have I ever told you about my father Oropher? In the Battle of Dagorland during the War of the Last Alliance refused to place his army under the command of the High King of Noldor, Gil-Galad, over some ancient feud. Instead, disobeying the battle plan, he abandoned his elevated position and he charged with his light infantry straight into the enemy lines on the valley bellow to satiate his inferiority complex. Our people perished like flies on what today is know as the Dead Marshes, in fact this is how your mother died and she probably is still floating facedown on some dirty puddle over there. What few of us remained were only saved because of the valiant intervention of the Dwarven and Noldor armies that rushed to our aid and winning the battle. Then I made up some bullshit story about fire dragons of the north and Gundabad to cover up our shame. Never trust the dwarves son, they are scum. He was a good friend.
to give you the actual lore answer, they were there and fought. the army was just called that because its aesthetic and adding even more names to it gets long winded. the ubermen and elves also have a history of helping each other at that point (mostly the men saving the elves ass) and this is the last war they fight together so there is significance in that hence the name
this is low quality bait
The dwarves financed both sides
Their representatives at the Council of Elrond talked about how Orcs and Easterlings were becoming more belligerent. When the Fellowship got to Lothlorien the elves there also warned that Dol Guldur was growing in power.
It was pretty well set-up to show that war was coming to all the Free People, which is why we didn't see armies from other races come to help Gondor or Rohan.
Found the Sinda hippie
Did they? I don't remember any of that from the books (I mean the dwarves fighting in the last alliance).
They were late because of their little legs.
>tfw I always pick dwarf
why are dwarves the best?
yes they did. its mentioned in the appendix or something like a lot of other filler information. they had no major part to play in the battle though
Damn that's dope I didn't know that