>h-have sex
BASED liberal chads going extinct
H-have sex
>right tail skewed normalmdistribution
Birth rates are also tied to education and intelligence. The dumber you are the more kids you have
Dumb people having more children has been a thing forever
>To smart to keep my genetic line going
What is this relative to? What IS extreme? Is this economic or social issues. Honestly a brainlet survey
Right = reason
Left = emotion
Based moderates will inherit the earth
>to smart to have sex
>Being a cuckold with no offspring is a smart choice
No shit, trannyfag.
Right is emotion too you dense fuck
Seeing as some of you got pretty emotional over a cartoon rat off a show that hasn’t been relevant in 20 years, it’s not that simple
So you agree that middle Easterners and chinks are literally dumb subhumans?
All political views stem from one's own personal interest.
>it's in my best interests not to reproduce and let beaners take over the country
Pick one
Also it doesn't matter because these kids will go through the same brainwashing as everyone else.
A lot of people don't care for having children irrelevant of how you feel about it.
Good for you bro fail at the literal meaning of life.
redditfags on suicide watch
>who big liberal family here?
mother went to Cal, if I was born 10 years later I'd probably have a neo-vagina now
Because Leftards are educated beyond their intelligence.
Liberals and conservatives are the same thing (in mainstream political usage)
I would fuck you as a tranny
The biological imperative =/= the meaning for agnostic existence or even the creator's will
That contradicts the birth rates though. Emotion would compel parents to have more sex and keep the children. Heat of the moment means less birth control.
Reason says use birth control appropriately as we don't need more kids on this planet.
Liberals can’t go extinct, in the same way any political ideology can’t go extinct. It’s something that people can always read up on and be inspired by. You shouldn’t be planning to brainwash your kids into whatever you believe (especially since liberals are criticised for very obviously trying to do this) because they will rebel against it, and it’s also just manipulative
...he said as he made fun of the right for being stupid and religious but letting legions of brown zealots into his country because of his feefees.
>reality doesn't exist if i get metaphysical
>we should just go extinct bros
I literally just said good for you. Fail at your purpose having less liberals around is based.
More like liberalism will never go extinct because, just like atheism, it is a parasitic belief system that its only function is to deconstruct instead of creating meaning.
Wtf thats racist
Maybe if they stopped spawnkilling their voterbase they would have a chance
>i can’t think of a good comeback so I’ll bring in the mass refugee immigration and automatically assume that i support it because you think im a lib
Thanks for proving that the right is just as fucking retarded as the left.
>Dumb people fuck like monkey
wew i guess niggers and conservatives have more things in common than i thought
lol triggered
>op still not having sex
"Have sex" is part of how you live in the world. It is not WHY you live in the world.
name on mainstream leftist politician or party that openly opposes third world immigration
>creating meaning
Existentialist nonsense. Life has inherent meaning
>Being this much of a faggot
>says the /pol/tard NEET
>reproduction isn't the point of life
and africans yes
i mean check birth rates with country and iq
People desire something more than filling a cunthole, virgin.
If he is a liberal then he definitely isn't.
Reproduction is life's purpose just as much as raining is the purpose for the clouds.
It's a natural process that life does.
>a cuckold with no offspring.
Yeah, having "my wife's son" is infinitely better, lol. Superimpose the birth rates with statistics that every third baby is not the hubby one.
what does it make me if I'm a left leaning liberal who wants scandinavian model but strict immigration laws?
>if nothing reproduces life will just continue by osmosis
Simple reproduction doesn't make people happy, though.
> the literal meaning of life.
Is to survive. Maybe, if you fags weren't screwing the job market since cuckservative boomers, you'd have more fucking children.
Liberals don’t have kids because they’re selfish. Check out reddit, they have a big childfree following and have people in their fucking early 20s voluntarily getting themselves sterilised because “I want more money to spend on myself”
That’s literally the reason.
>survive to old age
>don't reproduce
>mass extinction event
based neet brainlet
> openly opposes third world immigration
Because Third World Immigration is literally hiring shitskin scabs to take the negotiating power from the worker class.
I don't give a fuck. I am not going to ruin my life for the system that does nothing to me.
Self-interest, bitch. And no cuckservative moralfag nagging will convince me in the opposite
>he’s a materialist
Yikes! You have a beating heart and are alive, if that doesn’t tell you everything you need to know you are a dumb slave. If you need orders, wether from others or yourself, to give you purpose or find meaning, you have utterly failed to see any actual meaning
Triggered as FUCK, lmao.
>B-B-But I wanna bring more kids into a world that is literally dying.
"communists" is not a mainstream politician or party. please try again
An actual left-wing person with a moderate to high IQ
Personally I'm capitalist as they go so we'll never agree on economics, but you literally cannot both have a functioning social healthcare etc system AND open borders (AND wars, AND deals with foreign governments)
Which is why if I were you and voted Democrat I'd be against memes such as the TPP and whatnot that cuck US workers and I'd vote either Tulsi Gobbard or Bernie
I mean I'd still vote for either of those if they ran independant, on their foreign policy alone
>tfw too educated to serve your sole biological purpose
>hehe wot if i just never get a job xd xd
>too smart to breed
lol how do you even conclude that I am a materialist is beyond me
Probably some kind of /pol/ kid or some shit.
I'll pray for you
That's not that he said.
Just because life wouldn't exist without reproduction, doesn't mean reproduction is the purpose of life. Life also wouldn't exist without consumption of sustenance. That doesn't mean the purpose of life is to eat.
The confusion in this fucking thread is upsetting. Life doesn't have a purpose in the normative sense. Thinking this is disproved by pointing out that life wouldn't exist without certain conditions being fulfilled is stupid.THINK.
>to smart to have sex
Daily reminder that game of thrones belongs to us incels now, you lost again.
Having kids is also selfish. It's not like you're having kids for the kids' sakes. The kids won't suffer from not existing.
>life has no purpose goy
All these seething replies
I have kids. If you're considering having them to feel fulfillment and purpose in life, then don't do it. The sad fact is that life goes on much like it did before and you're still the same flawed and bored individual as always, but now with more duties and obligations that you have to meet.
>creating independent life is selfish
>haha no bro I'm not having kids not because I am unable to find a loving woman or being a decent person haha it's because I am TOO good as person and definitely not selfish at all!
If you think that "x is required for the continuation of life" proves that "x is the purpose of life", then you're a literal low-IQ retard. Prove me wrong.
I thought right wingers had high birthrates??? What the fuck, according to this cucked retarded moderates are the ones with high birthrates! This country is truly fucked.
This. Liberals are having a panic attack right now
How is it not? Again, what harm comes to a child from not existing?
No the nebulous "biological life"'s objective is to self-preserve by various methods
Many things get on fine without "have sex"
You clearly don't know many dumb, poor, bible belt, conservatives
Actually, I do have kids. And it was for very selfish reasons that I got them. I *wanted* them. That's it. Cry more, incel.
Who wouldn't agree with that.
Sex=|= having kids retard there is something called protection you might have heard about it
Biological purppse? No such thing
Based centrist Chads here to dominate for all eternity.
Stop hitting fucking enter before you start typing you retarded redditor.
>I spontaneously spawned kids because I got assraped intellectually
>prove me wrong
Literally just proven yourself a mouthbreather. You prove your claims, I don't disprove them. Read a book.
darker skinned people are more sexual and lower intelligence than whites, this is scientific fact