The pathological need for the Burlington Bar

I'm beginning to realize that, the obsession with the Burlington Bar in this board stems from a pathological need of mocking them in order to sustain and realize this place’s elitist ideology regarding popular culture and media consumption. It doesn’t matter what happens during the reaction videos, Yea Forums will always have an opposite opinion which is justified by diminishing the people in it labelling them “plebs” or “normies”. Here, the Burlington Bar functions the same way the wife of the jealous husband does in Lacan’s Seminar Book III:

>Even if what a jealous husband claims about his wife (that she sleeps around with other men) is all true, his jealousy is still pathological

In this way even if most of Yea Forums’s claims about the Burlington Bar’s viewers were true (they are normiess, idiots and plebs), this sense of elitist superiority would still be pathological - because it represses the true reason Yea Forumsneeds popular culture elitism in order to sustain their ideological position.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Funny, isn't it. This whole time it was you who was the hipster

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I've seen some autistic shit on this board, but I think this is the most extreme case yet

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That doesn't dissprove my point, though.

Good argument, and you posted a picture of a dog.

based and redpilled. *tips fedora*

And are we wrong? What normal person would film their stupid reaction to a television show and put it on the internet for all to see if he wasn't a narcissistic fuck looking for attention?

reaction videos are lame.

The reason we laugh at the Burlington Bar is because they cheer like trained seals at moments intended for that purpose, with no individual understanding of the source material or even what they're looking at. This is why they cheer when Arya kills all the Freys, and jeer when Olly kills Ygritte.

> ill use some big psychological words to give my retarded argument power
theyre literally faking their reaction to fit in the hivemind. Typical 15y old overthinking everything

are you quoting a literal fucking postmodernist on Yea Forums?

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You are assuming they are doing it for attention and not because they enjoy watching things in a bar with their friends. Again, you might be right and you might be wrong but that doesn't dissprove what my original argument was. Even if these people are what you say they are Yea Forums's collective identity needs these subjects to exist in order to justify its cultural superiority.

>Craft brew drinking Hipsters huddle in a bar reacting to GOT
>Smelly Yea Forums memers huddle in a thread reacting to Hipsters reacting to GOT

We're not so different you and I...

Lacan was a psychoanalist, but you do you bro.

Nah I'm elitist because my taste is elite
Not my fault most of the world is, by definition, plebeian
The 90% will always look for leaders or icon, it's perfectly normal that the 10% like me are born as such to keep the balance
Not pathological, merely genetics

Burlingting Bar is the physical manifestation of everything thats wrong with TV nowadays. It's bec of these kind of people we only see capeshit and animated reboots

The fact of the matter is GoT turned into goofy ass shlock. A far cry from it started out being before it gone mainstream. Further proof that normalfags ruin good things because producers insist on catering to them. Instead of bringing media down to their level, it should be lifting their audience perception within the media they consume.

I miss the days where The Sopranos was discussed as a disappointment only because it blacked out at the end.

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>I'm beginning to realize
You're only BEGINNING to realize this? Mate, everybody with a brain already knows this.

Yep, this one's going in my cringe compilation

there is no behavior that does NOT conform to this concept. ALL behaviors serve the bias of individuals or communities who adhere to them.
you're stating the extremely obvious.

>because they enjoy watching things in a bar with their friends
And posting it on the fucking internet for views.
This is the jewbook generation and you are right I despise every single one of them and it does make me feel much better knowing I'm not like them.

Reminder that these people are fully aware millions of people watch them and they're putting on a show which is apparently incomprehensible to incels

>juden peterstein

you don't know what postmodernism is petershit

>you do you bro.
kill yourself

You read into it way too much. We just like to make fun of people, look at girls and comment on their appearance(negatively and positively). It's really all there is to it.

All that pointless drivel in op's post just for some couple of (you)s.

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>they just enjoy watching a TV show in a bar.

Completely avoided the whole filming part.

Your hypothesis is easily overturned because you haven't yet taken the course that covers logical you're an a solute faggot.

I watch them sometimes because I can’t believe how weak and infantile they are. Grown men and women screaming over a good-mediocre TV show is weird. It’s obvious some of them are hamming it up for the cameras too. You can analyse this any way you want.

they are not normies, they are turbo-basedcucks

just fucking look at them. no matter what you think about us, we are right, we are justified in being repulsed by them on multiple levels

The girl that sits next to Chad all the time is underrated. She's the cute leftie that I like.

Just as you're assuming anyone who enjoys shitting on them is doing it to maintain plebeian pecking order or some shit.

You're assigning innocent enjoyment to the party you've decided is the innocent one and are claiming the other party is the one doing what they enjoy for any otw reason than enjoyment.

Where are the Marxists, Peterson?

> quoting a literal fucking postmodernist on a literally the most avant-garde postmodernist place on the Internets

Why do they all look and dress exactly the same? Why is it white people?

There is lots o behaviours that do not conform to this concept. You are right in assuming that in the process of identity formation there are internal and external elements, meaning that you conform your identity relating to other things or people. The fact of the matter is the obssession Yea Forums has for the Burlington Bar, one could justify his intelectual superiority from the knowledge he has gathered from books, the experiencies he has had, the amount of time he has pondered over subjects, etc. But in the case of Yea Forums, intelectual/cultural superiority is expressed by the denigration of the other, in the same way racists justify their worldview in relation to other "inferior races". It is why Lacan was so influenced by the hegelian Master/Slave dynamic.

>Even if what a jealous husband claims about his wife (that she sleeps around with other men) is all true, his jealousy is still pathological
The absolute state of commies

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Why you gotta keep racism alive like that. I know you can do better

Would would I watch a bunch of people overreact to a tv-show? They are well-aware that they are being filmed so it's all exaggerated and fake.

>Even if what a jealous husband claims about his wife (that she sleeps around with other men) is all true, his jealousy is still pathological
that's the most retarded sentence I've seen all day

What's that got to do with communism?

You underestimate soi's power

You're an idiot if you can't understand this

You left wing leaning parasite. You expect me to sit here and listen to your drivel?

Burlington Bar is the true manifestation of herd mentality. It forces whoever's there to cheer whenever the rest is cheering and so forth. Even if you don't feel it you need to show on camera your reaction.

Yeah yeah whatever. What I want to know is what happened to the chick with the massive gazoongas?

>Burlington Bar is the true manifestation of herd mentality.
That is also true with Burlington Bar reaction threads.

everybody does that
religious people look down on unbelievers
educated look down on the uneducated
skilled look down on the unskilled
rich look down on the poor
Maury Povich fans look down on his guests
and I look down on you
all use their "inferior" as the template of what they're NOT supposed to be like

It's funny how none of them are consuming anything. There's a charcuterie plate in front of them and only two cans. From a business stand point I think this thing is quite unprofitable.

Imagine watching a tv show filled with rape and slaughter in a public setting.

>a fucking board of incels making fun of people watching tv with friends at a bar

No words

A lot of people know about the bar because of those videos.

I've genuinely never seen a Burlington Bar video because I think reaction videos are dumb but at least that fat chick has big tits.

People here like to be contrarians. Even if you agree that Burlington bar is stupid you'll defend them just for the sake of opposing to Yea Forums.

You were at the bar, weren't you

Reminder that each burlington bar hate thread is a thinly veiled "I have no friends" ressentiment thread

Depends if they just go home after the show or decide to stay and consume more.

They don't really need to go the the GoT nights, they just think "Oh it's games of thrones bar, let's go see what it's like" and that's it. If they kept doing it all those years I assume it's because they get more money than before.

>The 90% will always look for leaders or icon
>rejects responsibility
big talk for someone that worships a double helix

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So basically the bar is doomed after the show is over?

>Even if you agree that Burlington bar is stupid you'll defend them just for the sake of opposing to Yea Forums.
I just don't watch those videos because I think it's stupid to watch unironic reaction videos. Arguing why it's stupid to watch it is a better use of my time than to watch it.

What? I worship nothing, I just lust for power, wealth, and the annals of history

>Yea Forums

Are you talking about the same board who only ever talks about Hollywood shit and who's idea of the height of film is Hackson's Lord of the Rings?

Yea Forums's film used to be On The Silver Globe, newfriend
It just toon a hard U turn for the worse in the early 2010s

>That is also true with Burlington Bar reaction threads

Ah, the "no u" argument. Do you know what are the differences between these two reaction things?

>the other one is a video where people put on a fake show and think that by emoting the most, they feel the most.
>this is an anonymous taiwanese origami message board where you can be honest, the same cannot be said about the fake people at burlington.

For example that starwars dude who posted a video about his reaction to the new trailer. Do you know why he "cries"? Because he doesn't blink.

>es juus genetixs
get outta here you weak willed degenerate

I wont say doomed but yeah one can assume the weekly attendance rate will go down by a good percentage. Given how people probably show up hours in advance to get a good spot in front of the camera they probably do a good portion of their money on GoT nights

>make a point about current board
>insecure newfag acting like an oldfag talks about board culture a decade ago

Oh thats what you mean
Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but explaining the obvious doesn't mean I worship it
Same as how if I say that 1+1=2 I don't worship the abaccus

>Ah, the "no u" argument
It's not "no u", it's both one and the same.

>message board where you can be honest,
Are you arguing nobody lies on Yea Forums? It doesn't matter if you think they are stupid and grotesque. What matters is that people feel the need to show up in threads about it and show and tell everyone how they hate them just to feel part of the kool kid klub. It's virtue signaling. The reality of the feel doesn't make it less pathetic

AHEM, read society of the spectacle instead of relying on a hack like Lacan

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nah it's mainly about these people reacting in the same way all together without a single individual emotion amongst them
they cheer
>cersei is on screen

go to a bar once in your life and see if people are all the same
they are not
these faggots at burlington know they are being filmed and thus they behave in the most acceptable way to not stick out meaning they all conform to a herd of people acting the same to not be singled out as the one person that doesn't fit in

next time OP

>I'm beginning to realize that, the obsession with the Burlington Bar in this board stems from a pathological need of mocking them in order to sustain and realize this place’s elitist ideology regarding popular culture and media consumption.

We just hope to see Bessie again.

you are probably right lmao

>I-im just right o-okay
you must be a lawyer by day and a comedian by night holy kek

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why are there so many autistic pseuds on this board?

Ever since Twitter and reaction videos came flooding in, Yea Forums has taken an increasingly positive stance on this season. The night of, the best most posters would say about it is that it was delightful to watch the show crash and burn and dragging Danyfags into the dirt with them was the icing on the cake. But now? We have people saying it was kino. People were defending Arya's impenetrable plot armor and the hamfisted symbolism of the white horse. People were defending Jaime throwing all of his character development away to be Cersei's fucktoy one last time. The defended Dany snapping like a twig for basically no reason after the battle had already been won. All because "SJWs" disliked it. For people on Yea Forums, everything really is political, right down to what your stance is on an episode of a Yea Forums show.

This is the equivalent of people calling you a sexist for not liking The Last Jedi. It's people with politics ingrained so deeply in their brains that they can't separate a single thing from political ideology. The NEED to disagree with literally everything.

Did Preston make his video yet? Did he go nuclear over his pure dragon waifu burning people to death?

You are getting confused, you should read again what I responded to you. You are conflating identity with ideology, religion and social strata.

Yeah the video is out

>But now? We have people saying it was kino. People were defending Arya's impenetrable plot armor and the hamfisted symbolism of the white horse. People were defending Jaime throwing all of his character development away to be Cersei's fucktoy one last time. The defended Dany snapping like a twig for basically no reason after the battle had already been won. All because "SJWs" disliked it.
if you think the people who are saying it is kino are being genuine, you are genuinely a dumb cunt

if you think the people who are defending the shit writing of that episode are the same people who are saying it's kino ironically because it makes cretins seethe, you are an even bigger stupid cunt

20% of teachers

>ahaha, REEEEEEEEEEEE my fellow user!

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He's still trying to go on about "B-BUT VARY'S SUPPORTED A GUY WHO WAS PRO SLAVERY" when iirc that comes up once and seems very much a throwaway remark to get Jorah on board by saying "Well I wouldn't have you exiled for selling people into slavery".

>What matters is that people feel the need to show up in threads about it and show and tell everyone how they hate them just to feel part of the kool kid klub. It's virtue signaling.

They are two different things. The people at the bar wouldn't react to GoT like that if they weren't filmed. These people are not normies. It's always the same people who sit in front and want to "belong" by shrieking and shouting at a tv-show as an adult, faking being upset, angry and ecstatic. That's not very normal, is it?

Then there are these threads where people, both normies and betas alike, laugh at these people, their antics and how they unironically feel bad that they cant go to a bar to get filmed and posted on internet for millions to see. It's not about hate, it's about laughing at these people with their fake reactions and remembering the fat chick's milkers. Normies watch this (just like any other tv-show) with their girlfriends and/or friends at their homes with snacks and dricks at hand. We normies go watch sports with our buddies in a bar.

>You're assigning innocent enjoyment to the party you've decided is the innocent one and are claiming the other party is the one doing what they enjoy for any otw reason than enjoyment.

It is impossible to know the reasons behind the people that come to the bar, they could be extremely diverse and not just conforming to "herd mentality". Also the fact that the owner decides to record the reactions and upload them could be very well a social media marketing startegy. People here are being equally as dishonest by assingning a "need for attention" as the motive. But, as I have already said several times, I do not ascribe any sort of reason since it is irrelevant to the argument. Even if these people are "basedboys, cucks, normies" or whatever, the fact is that Yea Forums needs these ideological subjects in order to reinforce their beliefs.


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Why is 'the other' necessarily better than Yea Forums then?


Who cares who is better? I am not trying to say anyone is better. It is the fact that you have to see everything ithrough that prism o superiority which really confirms what happens in this place.

I have not once refered to these people as "normal" or "the majority of people".

> It's not about hate
I think you're occulting a very real part of the people here that are obsessed with these reaction videos, or the fact that it seems that a lot of people think they are representative of other people watching the show.

who gives a fuck either way?

I don't even watch tv I just like memeing on fat nerds like yourself lmao.

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I do, I find it interesting. I would say it is a pitty what Yea Forums has become, but then again it was always fucking shit

dont bother, you pretty much nailed it on the head, except its not just Yea Forums its literally all the other boards. if anything just laugh at the memes these retards take seriously

then maybe you should fuck off you autistic freak.

>I would say it is a pitty what Yea Forums has become, but then again it was always fucking shit

Does anyone have their reactions from the massacring? It's not on their youtube.

And I don't give a fuck about these bar retards either.
Stop posting them like they matter.
Who gives a total fuck about some Niche hipster bar faggotry just because they livestream got?
First of all I don't give a fuck about your armchair psych college tier shit op

Make me, faggot.

The people at the bar are a very, very small minority.


No, user. People just like to make fun of things. You know, not every single thing and differenting opinion is hate speech, phony things like "microaggression" and hate in general. We are just discussing about their fakeness and laughing at them, as do most people

this bitch on the left looks like Arin Hanson

why would i make you, it's only yourself you are hurting, stupid cunt.

You're confused, because you somehow think this is different
I'd be more inclined to believe that you're just stupid, though.

Op is a redditer
Op is a redditer
Op is a redditer
Op is a redditer

And fuck this thread and all the posters in it
including me literally giv sex

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Lacan was a fraud and a meme

>>Even if what a jealous husband claims about his wife (that she sleeps around with other men) is all true, his jealousy is still pathological
Dude sounds like a white-knighting faggot. Why the fuck would anyone listen to his 'seminars'?

>I'd be more inclined to believe that you're just stupid, though.
Spoken like a true intellectual, read a fucking book you fucking mong.
>why would i make you, it's only yourself you are hurting, stupid cunt.
Im just killing time

>Im just killing time
no you aren't "just" killing time

Danny is a child killer who burned women and children alive the first chance she got


You're not really convincing me that you're the intelligent one here; you just keep making yourself look even more naive.

Nice essay Redditor. Good to see you defend your kind.

Maybe the reason people are laughing at the overly emotional green haired SJWs and their beta orbiters with thick rimmed glasses and balding heads is because they represent everything wrong with modern cosmopolitan young adults. No wonder the third world looks at the West and sees a people ripe for demographic conquest.

Let's ignore all the "WHERE'S THE VIDEO" threads when this week video had a slight delay then. Totally not obsessed.

>The pathological need for this kind of posting

why would you think that's obsession?

HOLY FUCK where is this bar and please tell me it's Burlington VT cause I live an hour away and I want to go and start clapping if Jon kills Dany

Why would you not, if not that you don't want people that seem to share your interest to be depicted as obsessed

>Why would you not
great argument

i don't even care about the burlington bar shit, it's a video where a bunch of faggots overreact to a tv show, not very interesting to me.

Please do it user, be as obnoxious as possible without getting thrown out.

>thought the girl on the right was the worst of the three in the pic that gets posted here constantly
>with bessie gone and the girl on the left having hit the wall she's the only qt left


Idk man I just want to see a Truck of Peace ram into the building.Be pretty great if they could live stream the whole thing.

>quotes Lacan


>Yea Forums: "hey guys let's enjoy cucks throwing a tantrum"
>OP: "the only reason you like watching this is you enjoy cucks throwing a tantrum"
Are you a psychologist or something?

That's actually not what Lacan meant at all.

no but he wants to be one. just another pseud cunt who doesn't seem to get Yea Forums but spends all his time here.

I only watch to see big tit girl and she hasn't been on this entire season. Feelsbadman


>why would I want to read a bunch of people over react to a tv show? They know their posts are public. It’s all for attention.

>never watched an episode of game of thrones
>never watched a video of burlington bar
>only posting in this thread to show my massive objective superiority

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Trump rallies are similar.

Heed this user here Say things like
"Cunt had it coming"
"A white man finally gets his dues..who would've thought.." then laugh nervously


Fuck off libtard!!! Trump rallies are totally different, we just love the high energy

Say things like

>he is the rightful heir after all
>Jon would have shown mercy to the city and wouldn't execute everyon
>all varys did was for good of the realm
>dany is just like her father
>jon would make a far better ruler desu

You will be shunned for wrong think but it will be worth it

Your shitty little JewTube channel receives little to no attention here. Fuck off, faggot.

Stand down and deliver knight, you have no power here

Yes, evangelical churches too.

i know right, i laugh at how Yea Forums laughs at these guys and they are obsessed with them

it's in Chicago

Trump rules, libtards drool

TV hates what non-autists enjoy, it's always been that way

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why the fuck would you make a post like this

Meltdowns are funny, even if you don't know or care about who is freaking out.

It's no different from watching the gilets jaunes and the Ferguson riots, except this is more socially acceptable.

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>need of mocking them in order to sustain

What's the relation here?

There is no NEED to justify anything, their very existence is proof of the lowest common denominator which is very clear from their behavior.

I don't think the mocking has anything to do with preserving anything, people are just having a good time laughing at them just like the bar-goers are having a good time enjoying the television show. It's entertainment nothing else.

I didn’t need that excerpt about the guy being wrong to criticize his whore of a wife for being a whore of a wife to know that you’re a cuck; all I had to see was you defending those tumblrites.

I really really like this image. Do you mind if I copy it?

None of us have any power here, you goddamned faggot. And talking like that doesn't convince anyone you're less of a faggot.

They’ll probably just start airing the spinoffs.

ouch.. women are whores.