Leave fantasy kino to me
Leave fantasy kino to me
literally 0% chance this will be any good because of that
Isn't like half the cast niggers? Including triss, the guy Yen cucks Geralt with, Toussant, and several Nilfguaardians? Yen is also a Pajeet for some reason and didn't they put out a casting call for nigger Citi before everyone reeed? Yeah I'm thinking it's DOA.
Imagine game of thrones but without the based moments and only the pozzed moments...there's your witcher bro
It’s gonna be so fucking bad bros why did they do this
Yeah I will pass
>without the based moments
what was based about needless sex scenes that add nothing to the plot?
fucking disgusting cast
Why do they do these things anons?
Why do they hurt that which we love?
I hear the same thing is going to happen to HALO.
Why anons...
Poland was a mistake
A year ago, I saw a Black Ciri cosplayer. I wish I could find her again so I could shitpost all Witcher threads.
Oh nonono
eh... no
Witcher 1 will have better story telling than this netflix shit.
before we get 200 replies of pol bitching, is there any actual new info about the show?
you know why
The Last Kingdom is pure kino and if you say otherwise you’re a bitchnigga Vikings shill
To be fair Witches can take whatever form they want, and it's unfair to compare this to the games, they can design the perfect characters with precision, Netflix got quota's to hit.
IT only become popular because anons liked it.
Why do the normies then get to tell us why their version is superior...
Why does the world make us hurt?
Can we no longer just have something done without an agenda?
Can we no longer just have... entertainment?
it's fucking woke numale sjw garbage what else do you need to know
>literally every character except geralt is a wog even fringilla vigo despite assire thinking that black people are an oddity in the books
yeah real """"""""""kino""""""
>and it's unfair to compare this to the games
Why? The only thing anyone wants is for them to actually conform with what they are suppose to look like in the books. They don't even have to be stunningly beautiful, just get the fucking hair and skin color right for gods sake. It is such a basic task.
Was it this girl? Maybe she has something.
Key Bear or so she's called
But how? if the people they pander to don't even watch this?
use more buzzwords next time
Because you just can't now, you don't have to respect Polish mythology in the modern world.
The Age of Heroes prequel for Game of Thrones is full of PoC for example, nobodies work is sacred anymore.
the proof is out dumb ass
>written by a cringe ex-Marvel television writer
Looks like GoT season 8 isn't the only unintentional comedy we're getting this year boys.
I really, really don't understand, god damn it.
It's not like there isn't a canon, we have books that describe the physical appearance of these characters. If you're willing to change this, might as well create an entirely new fantasy show, since this has nothing to do with the books.
She was darker. All I remember was that she was at Fanime 2018.
>whatever form they want
I doubt that they want the 3/10 indian/black/mystery meat form.
if they could take whatever form they want then they wouldn't be black
>we have books that describe the physical appearance of these characters
not only that
assire specifically thinks that the northern sorcerreses would have black servants, she thinks they are an unusual oddity in the books
so of course the cunts at netflix make fringilla a nig
They are doing Edge of the world & Lesser Evil from The last wish, pretty cool.
yennefer should have been kate beckinsale or hayley atwell
I know but I'm just playing devils advocate, there is really no other way to defend it because race plays such an important role in The Witcher universe.
if they wanted their negroes and other brown people, why didn't they adapt The Bounds of Reason?
>Idiot carries two swords instead of lacing an iron sword with silver The Official Series™
god i hate women fucking things up
>losers exposed to the series by wildly inaccurate games are now suddenly hyper critical because of a wildly inaccurate show
The dragonhunting story and the Butcher of Blaviken escapade?
The games at least had the decency to actually use the book as source material.
the books are generally accurate though. the worst i can think of is the white frost being more of a sudden apocalyptic event rather than more like climate change, and triss and geralt look a little different than in the books.
>why didn't they adapt The Bounds of Reason?
They do, but the zerrikanians aren't black in the books.
Blaviken and the Slyvan story. I have no clue why they would choose those though as they are probably the worst in the book.
Neither are triss and half the other cast, but at least if the make one of the zerikkanian mercs a negro, it could at least sort of make sense.
>doomer who neither reads books nor plays video games successfully baits people who do into replying
I have zero recollection of the Sylvan story, but the name rings a bell. Fuck this, I'm not rereading some 7/10 fantasy for some SJW TV show.
>so I could shitpost all Witcher threads.
Cosplay = Literal adaption of the source material
How do you figure that this is in any way shape or form the same thing? Or hell, that it would annoy anons? Have you ever seen or been to a comic convention? Overweight/underweight and different skin color/sex people cosplay characters all the time. It doesn't bother people because it is literal make believe dress up. However, if I fucking walk up to you dressed as a sewer rat and told you I was the new Pikachu and the fucking creator was standing next to me agreeing with me and saying my moldy rat costume was amazing then I'm sure you would be bewildered.
So I ask again how would your cosplay pic bother anons? In fact, as I wrote this whole response I realized I actually skipped over this image. I went back to it and thought Oh, she is pretty hot and then paid it no mind. Do you know why that was my reaction? If you don't then read this post again...
Last Kingdom is a BBC production you absolute brainlet.
Geralt being a muscular, spell slinging Chad when he was a depressed, self-loathing baby that gets beaten up by literally every significant female in his life. The tone being shifted to autistic Skyrim tier quests and a grand political narrative with absolutely no resentment from the guy who constantly reiterates that he isn't capable of doing these things. Triss being upgraded from plot vehicle for Yen to standalone, cardboard character that Geralt cares about and who handles him with kid gloves the entire time. Yen losing pretty much all of her characterization from the first three books in favor of her being attractive wizard lady who was missing. Dandelion being turned into 1D quip man like a Marvel character.
Characters didn't look, act, pursue things or interact with each other in line with the books. The only difference is autists on here have an axe to grind because black/Indians/whatever the fuck half these actors are in the series - then again, game only knuckledraggers would be mad if they went to the North of the continent since there are significant non-white populations up there being run by matriarchies. It's just super pathetic watching people sob over the show not being faithful to the material when they'll slobber all over the video games.
I've read the books multiple times, which is more than the zero (0) times most of the detractors in these threads have or will. The show will be shit because it's going to water down a unique setting with the same mass appeal hose that turned the games into good looking generic fantasy fetch quest simulators.
they dropped it and netflix continued it.
You are genuinely completely fucking wrong about everything you posted here, literally the only thing you are somewhat right about is triss, and that's just in the first game.
Every gripe you mentioned is about TW3, consolebabby.
This way Netflix couldnt cast n*ggers.
Why can't they just leave us alone, bros?
I wish I knew bro...
>Edge of the world
how Gerald met Dandelion and introduction of Human/elf conflict.
>Lesser Evil
exposition heavy short story and origin of Geralt famous "evil is evil" speach. It had finall with western-Dollar trilogy atmospher
>The last wish
how Geralt met Yennefer.
It's true on every single level, find me a SINGLE BOOK where you cannot find Geralt having a massive self loathing cry about his circumstances. His magic is turned into zap zap lasers for brainlets like you in the games, when things were incredibly low magic in the books. He's described as thin, sinewy and weak looking in the books, whereas he's a jacked Chad in the games. I know you've never read the books, but literally all of this is true and you are 100% incapable of proving me wrong.
Witcher 1 is the only game that even comes CLOSE to potraying Geralt close to what his appearance is described at in the books, otherwise every other gripe applies.
Lol, are you mad people hate the show for the wrong reasons? This is peak Yea Forums.
Yes they are, try reading the books instead of consulting a Wiki page.
So a character being portrayed a bit different personality wise is your main gripe with this?
This doesn't hit the canon correctly?
Fair enough I agree with you. Now justify everything else the show has changed...
How does bitching about Yennefer's characterization or appearance apply to 1 or 2? The Skyrim quests?
Also I don't understand why Triss serving a different role in the plot somehow makes the games "inaccurate". You do realize they are sequels to the novel series and have completely different plots, don't you?
Very progressive. Thank Netflix
its a book adaptation
You literally don't seem to remember the games at all. Geralt is constantly fucking whining in TW3.
He uses fairly powerful magic a few times in the books and with ease, it's just sparse because he's rarely fighting.
He's weak as fuck looking in TW2 as well.
stupid fucking nigger
>part of you is in pain, part of you angry
>Yes they are
The characters in the short story don't mention it and Geralt recognized them as zerrikanians because they have zerrikanian swords.
is this real
>The tone being shifted to autistic Skyrim tier quests and a grand political narrative with absolutely no resentment from the guy who constantly reiterates that he isn't capable of doing these things
The books were absolutely filled to the brim with politics and Geralt was in the thick of it because, guess what, he was protecting the only heir to the cintrian (?) throne. And you have probably forgotten but Geralt pretty much discards his stupid moral grandstanding at the end of the last book and that is what gets him killed. Sure, Geralt shouldn't do the quest to kill Radovid or give a shit about Emhyr, but you can be "canon" and shit on politics all you want. It is an RPG after all.
>Triss being upgraded from plot vehicle for Yen to standalone, cardboard character that Geralt cares about and who handles him with kid gloves the entire time.
Triss was never a "plot vehicle" for Yen so I have no idea what you are talking about. They have a love triangle thing going on sure, but Triss has always been a separate character. Except for that wierd shit in 1 where she WAS Yen.
>Dandelion being turned into 1D quip man like a Marvel character.
Reread the books. He is pretty much that for 80% of the time. the other 20% is being the moral support for Geralt.
The only thing I will give you is Geralt's personality change because he is way to cheery in 3, but I can hand wave it off as him gaining his memories back and his change as a character in the last book.
The White Frost being delegated to a shitty "end of the world" thing is the only serious qualm I have with the games.
What book?
Cause it sure as hell isn't The Witcher.
Or do you consider Kujo an amazing adaption of Clifford the Big Red Dog?
>whereas he's a jacked Chad in the games
You haven't actually played TW1 have you?
Yes, and I'm surprised people are still finding this out out months after the fact...
You are even more delusional than the people who still find GoT acceptable.
(((rubs hands)))
>The White Frost being delegated to a shitty "end of the world" thing is the only serious qualm I have with the games.
I remember nothing in 1 about it being an instant event. Quite the opposite, in the Epilogue when you're in a post-White Frost world, you fight creatures which are heavily implied to be humans evolved to withstand the harsh conditions, which would in turn imply at least a somewhat gradual change.
I was specifically talking about 3. I don't really remember much of the endgame of 1, just that they tried to make the kid a pseudo Ciri
Confirmed dead on arrival
Don't worry about forgetting things, that has only played 3 anyway.
>"Why, yes, I am a witcher. How can you tell?"
>His magic is turned into zap zap lasers for brainlets like you in the games, when things were incredibly low magic in the books
he uses one of the signs as a continuous stream at least once in the books, the magic in the books and the games are pretty much the same, aside from quen and the heliotrope. Axii is shown to be ineffective against some characters like the shilard fitz oesterlen. for someone who seems to have read the books so many times and seems to be so sure about the games, you don't remember much of either.
The casting criticism is completely legitimate and you have to be a raging sjw contrarian to think it isn't, but at the end what matters is if they deliver a good product or not, maybe even with such a cast it becomes an amazing series, who knows. Do you think it will be an amazing series? The game was considered one of the best ever, so the narrative changes they did to make it more playable and open world (and not make you drag for 2 books with Cahir, Milva, the Vampire and Jaskier between the Nilfgaardian and Northern lines and trying to cross the Yaruga river) was well received. They also seemed to ignore young Ciri getting lesbo-fingered by one of her Rats companion (I don't even recall they mentioned the Rats at all), which probably was necessary to being able to even publish the game at all.
The changes they did in the game were redeemed by the fact that they delivered an amazing product. We will see how that goes in the series.
Btw, Triss is also supposedly a main character in the Netflix series as well as the almost irrelevant Fringilla Vigo, so what a stupid criticism, especially because she really was a relevant figure in the books even if not a protagonist (which she really isn't in the game either); Triss has an affair with Geralt and helps to educate Ciri in Kaer Morhen and also plays a role on the Thaned Island events and afterwards, she was also an important figure in one of the victories against the first Nilfgaard invasion as well as being one of the plotters in the secret sorceress council, yeah she doesn't get much protagonism by herself but she has to be there.
>They also seemed to ignore young Ciri getting lesbo-fingered by one of her Rats companion
In one of the flashbacks on Skellige some chick mentions the tattoo on Ciri's thigh and she can respond with "I was stupid and in love" or something like that. So they do mention it, even if it is very slight. Ciri can also say she is a carpet muncher.
wasn't the tattoo right above her vag in the books? wasn't sure if i was misremembering that part in the book
Based Netflix shitting all over gamer incels and casting real woman and not your toxic male fantasy dolls
>They also seemed to ignore young Ciri getting lesbo-fingered by one of her Rats companion (I don't even recall they mentioned the Rats at all
They whitewashed Ciri and the villains (emhyr/nilfgaard, Avallach, Philippa) for some reason.
Somewhere in that region yeah. I only remember it because right afterwards Ciri nearly fucks that half dead dude.
The type of people that like The Witcher are the type of people that don't deserve being catered to
I'm glad this is going to be a traiwreck. No more vidya adaptions, fucking make something original Hollywood
It's not a vidya adaptation.
Emhyr was whitewashed in the books, Phillipha was portrayed as a scheming cunt throughout the games, they tried to make you empthasize with her in 3 after she'd been tortured for months, but she's still up to her lodge shit as soon as she can.
>The type of people that like The Witcher are the type of people that don't deserve being catered to
>Emhyr was whitewashed in the books
You know, now that I think about it, I really wish 3 had fake Ciri in it. Would have been interesting to see her and real Ciri interact.
You don't deserve movie adaptions incel
>Emhyr was whitewashed in the books
How? He was one of the most evil character in the books.
yeah, her and emhyr's interactions were some of the better parts in the books.
Not at all, read the books again, read his interactions with fake ciri and what he doe with ciri after finally finding her.
you can say he's evil because he acts like an emperor should, but even then it's made clear at the end of the books that the emperor is just a puppet of the merchant guilds.
>read his interactions with fake ciri
I did and they were extremely creepy.
>he acts like an emperor should
Really? An emperor should kill his wife and try to rape his daughter because he read about a random prophecy?
>another good series to be ruined by tv and turned into swordshit
you are a fucking idiot, read the books. he didn't kill his wife.
This in a world where prophecies are notorious inaccurate and MC pays them little heed.
>kate beckinsale
THe fuck is this plastic monster?
Didn't think someone on Yea Forums could unironically name a worse pick than netflix but you did it
>‘I wonder,’ said the witcher coldly, ‘what a man feels after murdering his wife?’
>'Worse than a mangy dog,’ Emhyr replied promptly. ‘I felt worse than a mangy dog, like a true scoundrel. Even the fact that I never loved her didn’t change that. The end justified the means. However, I regret her death, I did not want it and I did not plan it. Pavetta died accidentally.’
>‘You’re lying,’ Geralt said dryly, ‘and it does not become an Emperor. Pavetta could not live. She would have denounced you. She would never let you do what you intend to do to Ciri.’
>‘She would have lived,’ Emhyr contradicted him. ‘Somewhere else … Somewhere far away. There are many remote castles … perhaps Darn Rowan … I would not have killed her …’
>‘Even for the purpose that justifies the means?’
>‘Always,’ the Emperor rubbed his forehead, ‘you use a less drastic solution. There are always many options available.’
>‘Not always,’ said the witcher, looking into his eyes. Emhyr avoided his gaze.
did you even read that fucking quote lmao
Probably so he could tell people that's who was casted as ciri, you know to fuck with them. Ya fuckin dingus.
Yes, he didn't plan it but he killed her "accidentally".
yes, accidentally.
he would not have killed her, as much as he tells himself the ends justify the means, he's soft as shit when it comes to his family. even despite not loving pavetta, he wouldn't have killed her.
he lets ciri go after finally finding her for fuck sake.
>he lets ciri go after finally finding her for fuck sake.
He didn't rape his crying daughter. Wow, what a good guy.
This is what happens when you let Britstains do your casting.
>the emperor is just a puppet of the merchant guilds.
Oy vey
don't know if you're just shitposting or you're actually stupid as fuck
Its agendaism. Your book could say
>She was a fair woman, with skin white as milk, hair the color of golden wheat, and eyes ablaze with the searing light of a summer's dawn.
and they'd cast her as a groid right off the boat from Nigeria. Everything has to be blacksoiled. Black black black.
It's about shitting on white people/culture and inventing the myth that non-whites have always lived in white lands. Therefore mass-immigration is good.
Why is Fringilla even cast already?
Wait, why is Triss even cast already?
They don't even show up personally until later. Don't tell me they want to cram 5 books into one season
>>It's about shitting on white people/culture and inventing the myth that non-whites have always lived in white lands. Therefore mass-immigration is good.
I found it funny that netflix added a scene in Outlaw King with a couple blacks, the camera hovers over them very shortly, but just long enough to really rub it in, cunts are shameless. literally just doing shit out of spite.
SJW's WILL defend this.
They had to cast that nigress as someone user, so they had to use one of the characters for her
Ironically the Witcher already contains some pretty heavy commentary on immigration if you really think about the aftermath of the Conjunction of the Spheres
American girls need their self inserts.
>Americans are white
Um no sweetie. Not in the under 20 age bracket they're not.
>Why is Fringilla even cast already?
>Wait, why is Triss even cast already?
Because it's a fanfiction with sorceresses and love triangles.
>I really, really don't understand, god damn it.
SJW's feel that taking established white characters and casting them as baboons is a giant "fuck you" to white people. And SJW's fucking LIVE for giving "fuck you"'s to white people.
That's all there is to it. They view it as a cultural victory.
>sjws will defend it
>pol will endlessly cry about it
>most normies won't care and it'll just be that new fantasy show on netflix
I'm so fucking mad!
Ah, now it makes sense.
Wouldn't surprise me if they turned Dandelion gay with a shitton of gay black lovers everywhere
Name a Western country that is still majority white under age 20. Everything west of Poland will be a brown caliphate in 40 years.
Your primarily white Male message board has given you the false impression that there exists white people to watch this show. It's a show aimed at young people.
Young Americans are not whiiiiiiiiiite.
>Name a Western country that is still majority white under age 20
every european country
Holy shit
This is what happens when you let Britbongs do your casting.
All European countries are majority white in the under 20 age bracket.
The US is majority NON white among its children. Every TV show is majority mutts now because that's the majority of their audience.
>Yennifer isnt young Eva Green
The game was rigged from the start
this is 56% fantasy
>not watching it just for Henry
>if I pretend that everywhere is as fucked as the US then it's not so bad
Have sex.
Not really. I give them a 0.1% chance.
>most normies won't care and it'll just be that new fantasy show on netflix
The only thing you're right about is
>most normies won't care
Yeah, they won't care enough to watch it and Netflix will slip further into debt.
Jennifer Connelly my guys
And here you are defending it.
Thanks for proving him right.
>this delusion
The actor playing triss has already died irl
it's not delusion, that image doesn't disprove my comment.
>cherry picking
>still wrong
You're a retard if you think "normal people" aren't currently waking up to the hypocrisy of "whitewashing" being a crime but blackwashing being "good because muh diversity".
The pendulum has already started to swing, faggots.
But it is, you lot just refuse to see it. Germany is majority non-white already in youth demographics. France intentionally suppresses race stats, but it's obvious. White British will be a minority in every demographic category by 2050.
You guys think you're above the fire and you're not.
>accurately portray US demographics in a fantasy TV show
Fairly pathetic for an American to complain about this.
2019 is not 2050
>has never visited Germany. Wont provide proofs
>cant prove anything about France
>t-twenty f-fifty UK I promise
That's not really the same as
>verifiably non white right now. This moment in time. With US government collected data.
50 years from now you'll still be promoting that claim on Yea Forums to people a fraction of your age who think you're a pathetic old bastard because let's face it, that's what you'll be.
I really liked those stories. Can't wait to get them butchered haha
should work out well for all those /pol/ mutts anyway
No, he's right.
the only good thing to ever come out of Netflix was the Daredevil series, and even that was pushing it in some episodes. And the fact that all the other capeshit shows they've produced next to it were all completely awful shows that it was only good by accident
>everyone will wake up and agree with me any day now
keep on trucking kiddo
shes autistic right?
there's a reason the media is constantly complaining about the far-right being "on the rise" you know
so you acknowledge that the guy is right, but you're so shortsighted and ignorant that you just don't care, because it's still far away
>your country will die first so I win!
Yes, your non-existent white nationalist party will certainly cleanse Europe, Chadwick.
>My assumptions are fact because my worldview depends on it
This constant effeminate catty shit-flinging from Euros does much to actually further the argument that the destruction of the West is probably a good thing.
This is what happens when your life is browsing Yea Forums lmao
because it gets a lot of clicks from people who live on the internet
Foreign does not mean not-white retard, how many of those are Europeans?
>i know le future
I bet your dumb ass thought this was some kind of epig comeback too.
You seem to make the mistake of thinking the status quo of today will exist for decades, when the world today is a very different place than 10 years ago.
Hm no it's reflected in politics and culture quite a bit.
they'll make Renfri into a stronk sexy femme fatale we're supposed to feel sorry for, made into a bad person by ugly misogynistic white men, won't they?
>public opinion isn't shifting
Whatever you have to tell yourself.
Leftists played their hand too overtly.
>made into a bad person by ugly misogynistic white men
She was made into a bad person by superstitious mages.
Not her, actress playing teenage Triss in a flashback died. She was 16 or something.
You made a ton of assumptions thinking I would be shitposting to annoy user or that I said anything negative about the cosplay (it was fairly well made aside from the vinyl boots, if you had to know). I thought it was funny in hindsight because of how topical it is right now.
Do you guys think HBO let D&D sabotage GoT to make sure that the Witcher doesn't become as successful?
yeah, most people in the real world are just living their lives, sjw leftists and altright poltards are a vocal minority, public opinion is that they're both annoying retards that need a hobby.
wrong, she was a psychopath since the day she was born due to brain mutation
what a fucking idiotic and inane post lmao
>take whatever form they want
Read the books. Witches have mutations and spells done to them to be as attractive as possible.
They're all fucked in the head.
>based off the books
>brain mutation
lol no
Even Stregobor said that's probably bullshit.
>In the Blood and Wine expansion, Geralt mentions Renfri if he chooses to rescue Syanna from the Land of a Thousand Fables. He remarks that he still doesn't know if Renfri was actually cursed or if her harsh past shaped her into the cruel person he knew.
It's been left vague on purpose retards
that said it's obvious how Netflix will choose to present it
>Devils advocate
You mean, not a /pol/tard?
If you look at all the Netflix series, you could have guessed it was going to be like this. Anyone who is suprised by this is a brainlet. Let's just hope they don't change the lore too much.
literally nobody is surprised by netflix filling the cast with darkies
Oh GOD what the FUCK
They likely just said they wanted British accents. Britstains did the casting and explicitly sought "BAME", which isn't a term that exist in America. They originally wanted a black Ciri, too.
lol no
Stregobor witnessed her torturing animals for fun before he even started dealing with her
also she'd impale her victims alive (mostly traders she robbed), also for fun - you need a psychopatic brain for this kind of activity, not just shitty past
>using game as a point of reference
fuck off, Geralt kills her because killing her is literally a lesser evil than letting her live, dont give a fuck about game writing
no it's probably the american showrunners and writers who decided it long before casting started.
ahh at last true BLACKED fantasy has arrived
Foreign means European in most cases.
Based mutt retard.
>also she'd impale her victims alive (mostly traders she robbed), also for fun
Ciri killed random innocent people for fun, too.
>geralt is going to be black
>he's not
>ok but ciri will be
>she's not
>but trust me they really wanted to lets be mad about it anyway
Poor Henry.
not by impaling them so they stay in agony for hours, also killed much less
and even then Ciri is a piece of shit who should be hanged for her crimes, I agree with you on this user
Ciri didn't torture animals as a kid, she was a sociopath, while Renfri was an actual psychopath naturally enjoying causing suffering
>stay in agony for hours
She let them bleed to death for minutes.
>The Nilfgaardian slipped from his saddle, fell to the floor, then rose to his knees, howling, trying wildly to stem the violent flow of blood pumping from his artery. Ciri watched him for a moment, fascinated as always by the sight of a man who struggled with all his might against death. She waited for him to bleed to death. Then she left without looking back.
>The only good episodes will the the ones without yennefer and ciri
Just like the books.
destiny is all..you arseling.
Who's playing Dandelion? Samuel L Jackson?
readalso don't pretend bleeding out is comparable to impalement, you're grasping at straws
Seth Rogan is the obvious choice for a bard. He is always pulling hot girls in movies.
>I play an excellent retard, Hollywood. Hire me!
Geralt and Ciri aren't black but most of the characters are brown or black.
Why is it always the Anglos, aka the most mixed-race people in Europe, who constantly refer to their betters as "mutts"?
>"You're a mutt!"
>t. product of Celtic cum, Roman cum, Danish cum, Norwegian cum, French cum, Dutch cum, German cum, Arab cum, Indian cum, Paki cum, African cum
Have sex
seething mutt
read some epictetus faggot, the fact that you even have this image makes you a slave
what's wrong with black people?
Sure thing, bro.
>"You're a mutt!" Nigel typed, the hot tears streaming down his swollen cheeks and lips crusted with the finely ground dust of a dozen Greggs sausage rolls. His beady black eyes tried hard to focus on the shimmering image of the computer monitor, but alas they could not. Surely, such a powerful retort will silence them, he thought. Surely I am better. But inwardly, Nigel knew the truth. The results from the ancestry test had slipped through his mail slot months before like a dozen Pakis through his gin-soaked sister, and the results were damning.
>"I'm 'British'," he wailed, remembering the results with all the anguish his pudgy bisexual body could muster. The genetic patterning of the chart had been lit like the sound board of an Afro-Caribbean night club.
Guess I gotta go shoot up a studio fellas.
>Porn parody tier costumes
It was over before it even begun
>sjws and pol were the reasonable people all along
my mind is blown
>the redhead is no longer a redhead
every fucking time
what's wrong with making a movie about Egyptians and casting white people?
>Porn parody tier costumes
The porn parody has better costumes
this didn't age well
but Yea Forums told me literally the whole cast except cavill were black, did you make this pic up?
>i'm winning the argument that never happened
Quit my Netflix membershit recently. It wasn't just Witcher but the heavy dose of racial politics being shoved down ones throat. The witcher was just the final straw.
Back to good old pirating whatever I wanna watch. Should have never bothered with streaming services.
That's a hard pass for me
She's not a redhead in the books. Her hair is chestnut.
>Leave fantasy kino to me
Man this is going to flop big time, can't wait for the lulz
Yes faggot, "/pol/" are the ONLY people noticing this shit.
Keep telling yourself that.
can't get any worse than game of reddit
Daily reminder that these are the people who make the media you consume.
Have Sex
>real women
Wrong, bigot! They don’t cast real women... Pic related is a real woman. She never gets cast. You disgusting hypocrites shame toxic men for having beauty standards and yet you would never have sex with or a watch a film starring pic related... Who are you to say she isn’t beautiful...??? are you a toxic male?! If you do not have sex with her right this instant, you are a Nazi and deserve to be ostracized. You are the scum of society. Go kill yourself, incel!!!
it amazes me how such vile people can weasel their way into these positions
Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.
The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.
For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY
>weasel their way
They were specifically hired because of their politics. That's the redpill.
fuck who are the dudes playing? this is the first I've seen the last row.
I am a nigger and i am disgusted,why jewflix is doing this just why, this nightmare will never end!
futa yen x futa triss confirmed canon
they could have at least made the little black guy the Botchling
what the fuck
its gonna fucking suck super hard cancelled after 8 episodes
How are literally anyone still surprised that Netflix hate whites? Most of their shows and advertisement is aimed at blacks, so ofcourse they'll pack all their shows with blacks.
Despite being only 13% of the US population
This is actually gonna be a gigantic trainwreck and it's a shame Cavill was roped into it
>roped into it
the dude loves Witcher, he probably begged to be part of it
>implying the NWO hasnt purged Yea Forums along with all the other chans by then
>excited to play Superman
>DC ruins everything and makes him miserable
>excited to play Geralt
>Netflix ___
Elektra was the worst part of Daredevil