>leave a blank line for the new paragraph
>get called reddit spacing for some reason
What the fuck is this? How am I supposed to start a new paragraph?
>leave a blank line for the new paragraph
>get called reddit spacing for some reason
What the fuck is this? How am I supposed to start a new paragraph?
not sure how that works myself
People have been formatting their posts like that since Yea Forums was young, there's no right format for Yea Forums, take no notice of some dipshit anonymous who think's they're in some sekrit club.
>whining like a little bitch cause some retard called you a r*dditor
You have to go back.
go back
It was probably me that said that to you. I say it every time just because it consistently gets (You)'s. It was never personal and I know it's bullshit.
If you're that faggot from the other thread, sentences are not paragraphs
actually the point of the contest is to make your post as illegible as possible while still feigning effort
No, I'm literally writing a long paragraph, then start another one because it gets too long and the subject changes.
leaving a blank line for a new paragraph
isn't reddit spacing.
typing like this is.
if anyone disagrees with this
call them a redditor
And why does reddit do this? I mean leaving a blank line for each sentence or whatever?
they think it makes them sound intellectual
You're not supposed to write posts that long that warrant a new paragraph in these shitty boards, unless you want to seem like a autistic shit.
not sure i've seen anyone type like that here
This is how you make a new paragraph and not get called reddit, okay little buddy?
Like this, you see? You do this, people won’t call you reddit.
What kind of long-winded, pompous faggot needs to write multiple paragraphs? Nothing you have to say is interesting enough to require that many words, I promise.
I was talking about the intricate differences between queefs and farts.
If it makes you feel any better, check the archive. "Reddit spacing" was common as fuck back then. It was why I was genuinely confused when I saw it suddenly being thrown around, I've been here for years and never once noticed it until I presume actual former-redditors began pointing it out and accusing others of doing it.
Now I've had to alter my posting style to accommodate these faggots after almost ten years.
>trapped here since 2007
>never been to reddit
>still get accused of reddit spacing