Why were most films shit before the '60s?

Why were most films shit before the '60s?

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Because audiences were just as braindead as they are now and liked shitty movies. Westerns and noir movies were capeshit tier

Yeah but even the critically acclaimed movies from the '50s and before have aged like shit. citizen kane is stupid, hitchcock films are extremely hit and miss

>Why were most films shit before the '60s?

I wish I could reach through my monitor and slap you

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The vast majority of all released films are shit no matter the time period.

But if you think films like The Wages of Fear, All Quiet on the Western Front, The Third Man, Pickpocket, Rashomon or 12 Angry Men are "shit" then you're a helpless mental midget or a woman.

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Yes just like the critically acclaimed movies that have won oscars the past 20 years are 95% shit

i've seen rashomon and 12 angry men out of those and they sucked.

to be fair most of the movies that win oscars are not even critically acclaimed anymore. most critics know the academy awards are fucking retarded

>i've seen rashomon and 12 angry men out of those and they sucked

>most critics know the academy awards are fucking retarded
I wish

>most of the movies that win oscars are not even critically acclaimed anymore
>black panther 99% on RT
>they gave black panther 3 fucking oscars and nominated it for BEST PICTURE

capeshit defies all logic. the spell it has over the brains of audiences is downright bizarre

Kyodo News Plus-vor 51 Minuten
Japanese actress Machiko Kyo, who starred in a number of films by Japanese legendary directors including Akira Kurosawa's "Rashomon,"


>most movies before 2010 are shit except for 12 angry men

Shit taste

>12 Angry Men
Le 56% film

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99% of everything is shit. Including modern movies

So what is good in your opinion lmao

Generalizing is the sign of a lazy piece of crap

appealing to a group of people from a different era who had a different set of sensibilities, lack of technology made many effects/stunts/visuals anywhere from shoddy to impossible, classically trained actors who were taught to perform on a stage and not in front of a camera, a similar story for filmmakers, most films are shit to begin with, etc.

movies before 2007 are hard to even watch. i learned my lesson with spider-man 2 and generally steer clear entirely.

Because you literally posted the best film of the human history

Have you seen Strangers on a Train? It's basically a perfect movie. There are tons of other great films from before the 60s, too many to list, but at least check that one out.

Get some taste

They weren't. You just have garbage taste and/or haven't seen enough movies from before the 60s.
>they suck, they're stupid
Not real arguments.

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If they're so good why nobody remembers them?

Old people and critics do; young people don't care because they're more interested in disney/capeshit and most pre 60s movies are black & white which repels the average moviegoer of today like fucking mustard gas. Also, in fairness most people don't care about good modern movies either.

Not an argument retard. Tjis this is on the same level as "if scientists are so inteligent why they die?"

Movies before Captain Marvel were shit

freaking zoomers in this board. all films before the subversion period are god-tier. God damn, go wank in your capeshit.