Hiro approved meta thread, do not delete

This board is supposed to be about films and series, yet /r9k/ and /pol/ are constantly infiltrating us and posting misogynistic content.

The mods obviously aren't doing their job so it's up to us to take care of this issue that's degrading the quality of the forum and driving women away who could make important contributions to the discussions.

What can we do to fix this?

Attached: 1555629073387.jpg (546x700, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/"have sex"/

Seethe more you cuckold

Yea Forums is a /pol/ board

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Have sex

OP coping hard


You just know that this loser is a fucking incel who doesn't respect women. And not only that. He probably has a facebook account where he likes L E E P I C S H I T P O S T I N G M E M E S pages. God, this makes me angry
>l-lol you r triggered triggered
Yeah so? Congratulations, you "playing" a retard payed off, right? You probably are a black haired American anyway with a name like Billy Bawb Sanchez. You aren't white.

Pic related

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lmao just look at the seethe


epeck maymays, fag. are you literal NPC's incapable of using any form of communication other than the memes you "download" from /pol/?

"have sex" needs to get worfilered ASAP

slow down there incel. You can't just ban words that offends you




I liked it better when jidf was the boogeyman. At least jidf is a grand world wide jewish cabal. it makes a much better villain than a group of trannies


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you have to go back

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can you /pol/cels please get a life and stop shitting up the internet with nazi larping just because you can't get laid?

we get it -- disenfranchised skinnyfat nerd is angry so he becomes a radicalized alt-right puppet, blame the jews, blame the blacks, blame women, blame everyone and anything, what a cliche

maybe do something with your life sweaties

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they used to wodfilter certain expressions when they were getting memed too much, like how F-A-M is now senpai, and T-B-H is now desu

"have sex" is a non-argument meme response, and usually the entire content of the post. It clearly needs to get wordfiltered. It's not about offencive words, the only offence is the low effort.

Yeah the writing for this soap opera got real shitty since 2016.

>important contributions
Oh I'm laffin

only words that leftists dislike get filtered. see söy. incel and have sex are mod-approved no matter how much they get spammed

The only thing worse than insufferable schizo /pol/fags are women and soibuddies.

Fuck off faggot.

>anime avatar downloaded from knowyourmeme.com
tl;dr, you're a tranny

It's amazing how you can booty blast fags with shit like this. Keep being based.

How do you plan having sex with that attitude? Yikes!

We kill all niggers, spics, moors, fags, dykes and specially kikes.
After that, the problem will be solved.

Are you saying right wingers hate sex?

Fokken saved.
Oh, something like ?
Or are these valid post responses?

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Boo hoo. Neck yourself, nigger

>go back to /pol/

Attached: gender reveal.webm (800x502, 2.8M)




have sex

Samefagging this hard... Pathetic.

I really wish both /pol/ and discord trannies would fuck off.

no i'm saying the mods are leftists so they filter words antileftists use but leave leftist buzzwords alone

So "have sex" is a leftist buzzword? So in other words, right wingers don't have sex?

You first, queer.
They hate what they can never have. (paid and pity sex are not sex).

yes, it is a leftist buzzword. no, "right wingers" do have sex, which explains why they have more children than do leftists

Senpai desu onions onions

we both know which one of us has, incel

don't embarrass yourself

phone post nudes and lewds in response to polcel bait

always be phone posting nudes and things that require jannies in response to polcel bait

jannies just ignore reports of off topic if it suits their culture wars fagenda, but if they constantly have to be dealing with nudes in response to it, they'll eventually just get tired and start banning the thing causing the nudes and lewds.
post pictures of your tits ivan

Attached: levy bub.jpg (640x480, 91K)

Okay, so don't get so gosh darn offended about it then. Just have sex to prove them wrong.

This whole thread needs to have sex.

>said a fag on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
maybe get a life first, tranny

sex doesn't have to do with anything. you might as well write "eat cheese" as it would have as much meaning

Theres a good site for you that doesn't allow free speech. it's called reddit

nuke /got/ threads

deal with it faggotron

>waaah waaaaaah why are different opinions allowed here?
have kids

You mean Yea Forums

Yea Forums is a wholly-owned subsidiary of /pol/, as far as I am concerned.

I see nothing wrong here.

I meant have sex with women. and no trannies arent women

>turn on my filter
>90 percent of posts disappear

Stop infecting this board and fight it out on pol

>can you /pol/cels please get a life and stop shitting up the internet with nazi larping just because you can't get laid?

Attributing the motivations of everyone you don't like, to celibacy or a lack of sex, is seriously starting to get repetitive and old; not to mention what it says about your own priorities in life.

You might be able to accuse some people of being sad and pathetic because they never have sex, but if you view sex as the apex of human existence, and your apparent reason for being alive, then what exactly does that say about you?

>which explains why they have more children than do leftists

yes because /pol/ and the alt right consist of caring fathers and family men right? kek

there are 3 types of conservatives -- the rich, the religious, and disanfranchised middle class white nerds

get real kiddo, it's the oldest stereotype in the book:
>can't get laid
>get picked on
>wtf I hate jews and blacks and women now

Attached: norm.gif (338x250, 1.98M)

Yeah you can catch some 3 day bans for dumb shit here but that is pretty minor compared to a lot of other sites where wrongthink will get you permabanned.

>only words that leftists dislike get filtered. see söy.
I'm aware of söy becoming onions, the argument that this is to prevent leftists taking offence is retarded, I could tell from the tenor of this thread someone would make this utterly retarded argument which is why I pointed out T-B-H and F-A-M are wordfiltered, there's nothing about that leftists would take offence to, it's just people were posting it way too much and it was degrading the quality of discussion here, just like how "have sex" is having the same effect

they're not valid responses, but personally I've not seen them spammed obnoxiously outside of this thread

Go dilate, you fucking thin skinned nigger faggot.

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I constantly defend women and minorities online, yet no girl or even a transgirl wants to fuck me.
I bet the alt right frogs did this

the main motive behind the majority of /pol/ and the alt-right stems from their frustration from a lack of social success, true or false?

not sure how you can even deny that

>it's the oldest stereotype in the book
Except it's literally not. It came into being in the past 10 years.

lmao I love watching these niggers seethe.
if words drive you mad then you have no place in the real world.

Attached: chadhan.png (720x540, 751K)

Yeah GOD has already ruled on this.
Now fuck off new fag.

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>/pol/ and the alt right
rent free

Ahem... fuck jews, fuck women and most imporantly fuck OP

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The stereotype exists only in your mind.
In real life all unemployed sexless morons are leftist activists like you.
Even statistics agree that conservatives have more active social lives.

False. I don't need to deny it, you need to prove it.

republicans own property and earn >50k per annum.
Liberals do drugs in crack dens fueled by their barista bux.

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Based Geralt

Attached: have-sex.png (500x298, 149K)

Why do trannies want to invade spaces that they have no interest in, only to spread their filth and insane politics?
You cunt's don't even watch TV

also I should add, literally mocking people for not having sex is the fucking go-to leftist insult when they've run out of arguments, so to claim my suggestion it should be wordfiltered is because leftists would take offence to it has me scratching my head
>conservatives mock AOC for being objectively retarded
>the left (including the left media): lol, they're obsessed with her, they certainly want to fuck her, they must be lacking in sex

yes, but "have sex" will not be filtered. which makes you think


Have sex

no one here is a tranny you idiot, do you really think that buzzword has any implication?

whereas when I call you an incel, you know it's true -- you know the reason for your anger and blameshifting is your inability to get a girlfriend, to be popular, you are one of the thousands of cliche disenfranchised middle class late bloomers who joins an edgy fringe movement to displace his frustrations on

you know it, I know it, everyone reading this knows it

It's also the go to insult of women interestingly enough.

lmfao liberals literally going extinct

not the republicans that post on /pol/


You could start by killing yourself, cuck

based moderate chads slaying pussy left and right. go ahead and reply by posting some smuggies about horseshoe theory, I'll be too busy impregnating your mom to see them.





Attached: mfw discord tranny.png (1370x614, 249K)

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I'm not an activist or even liberal, but that's a moot point, I come here to discuss movies and shows, not have some angry virgin spam threads up with holocaust and crime statistics and spergouts about blacks and women when we all know the primary cause of this frustration

What the fuck is this shit,? When you say have sex it means you've never had sex.

>moderates above replacement level
>conservatives with a strong 2.6 birth rate
>liberals not reproducing at all
have sex has to be the biggest projection the left ever came up with

Serious question, why not go to Reddit? Why do you have to ruin Yea Forums too?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Kys faggot with your stupid mentality.
>I don't like something therefore I need to change it
No, either you change/accept or fuck off.

have sex, incel

post a timestamped picture of your girlfriend famalam. i'll wait.

>I came here to discuss movies and shows
>On Yea Forums

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>I've not seen them spammed obnoxiously outside of this thread
Are you new? This shit is constantly spammed when polacks hear a dissenting voice. These are just the newest iterations.

>I come here to discuss movies and shows
Why aren't you doing that, why do you instead choose to spam shitty meta threads like an angry virgin.
All you retards who always fall back on the "I'm only here to discuss movies" are lying hypocrites, if you really were only here to discuss movies you would be discussing movies.

Hey buddy why don't you enjoy the smooth sounds and lovely sights of Reddit dot com slash movies or Reddit dot com slash television or Reddit dot com slash cuckoldry or Reddit dot com slash trans or Reddit dot com slash anime or Reddit dot com slash politics or Reddit dot com slash LGBT or Reddit dot com slash Reddit dot com? I think you'd like it there sweatypie~~~

If you want to prove you're not projecting shouldn't you post a timestamped picture of your girlfriend?

>degrading the quality of the forum

>driving women away who could make important contributions to the discussions

/pol/fags are bad because they’re literally women tier npc minds.

>what can we do to fix this?
Where the fuck do you think we are? You can bitch about it on /qa/ as much as you like but asian moot doesn’t care about Yea Forums‘s shitty reddit drama, there’s nothing we can do and it’s only going to get worse with the 2020 election round the corner.

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I'm confused by the underlining.

seethe is from Yea Forums newfag

yeah someone else put it there

nope. When people project specific sexual perversions at other people, it's because they have weird feelings about those sexual perversions and assume that everyone else is equally as affected by those things as they themselves are.

You're a tranny faggot, so you call everyone else a tranny to externalize and project it at others.

And that goes into the other aspect where the rise in "tranny" as an insult over the last 2 years has primarily been caused by Russian nigger and Brazilian nigger shills that are "hyper masculine" AKA "gay for dudes but not willing to accept that so they staple tits on them."

>n-no u-u
exactly as expected incel.

But now you're just projecting sexual perversions onto me, are you admitting to something here then?

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>muh russia

>What can we do to fix this?
Learn to code and make your own discussion forum.

So you don't have a girlfriend then?

yes, them too. Yea Forums and /pol/ are normalfag central these days, baby.
You shitty trannies are in fact the status quo you fought against a decade ago.
Being a non-tattooed straight white christian male is the equivalent of being a punk rock hippy in the 70's .
You people are as ridiculous lookong as your politics are insane, hence why they're flocking to us.

>no one here is a tranny
>when you happen to argue and type like every tranny on /lgbt/

But you just called him out on being a tranny could you also be a tranny? Oh no am I a tranny?

Attached: FINESPECIMEN.png (214x245, 118K)

True, also incel as proven here

>have sex has to be the biggest projection the left ever came up with
>the left
this isn't a dichotomy thing nigger you just make everything about your virginity. EVERYTHING gets boiled down to muh identity politiks and muh culture wars because you're sexually disaffected faggots that need someone to blame for your life.

The "have sex" meme is a reaction against the "incel" meme. Which is NOT "the right." You're just nigger retard kids that radicalized yourselves into being permavirgins. Which is why saying "have sex" is so spicy. It triggers your eternal adolescent seethe and there's nothing you can say in response other than "pfft like I'd want to" or whatever.

It boils down your motivations to their core. You've been being psychographically microtargeted and bombared with messaging strategy for the past 5 years designed to train you to follow your sexually frustrated feelings and lash out at the people you're told are causing them.

Learn to cope faggot.

worst thread on Yea Forums right now. you should all be ashamed of yourselves


>The "have sex" meme is a reaction against the "incel" meme
how does that work? how is have sex a reaction against incel? if anything they seem pretty much the same to me

>n-no u-u
still waiting

I'd chop you up and feed your estronautical materials to my brap sows, you tranny fap addict

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>seething essay
have sex leftist drone

so if i'm angry about demographic replacement and thought control that actually means i want to have sex but can't?

I don't have a girlfriend, and clearly neither do you. Guess that makes us both a pair of dumb incels then.

>Are you new?
>These are just the newest iterations.
What argument are you making? Did you think it through?

I've seeen both "tranny" and "seething" clealy be in the vocabulary of people on /pol/, but as I said, I've not seen them spammed in a dismissive way like in this thread, not on /pol/, neither on Yea Forums. Maybe I've simply missed it.

But what I have seen is people posting "have sex" like crazy, and I've only been seeing it so far on Yea Forums. It's absurd from the outset. This board is for discussion of specifically TV and films, not for general casual conversation, so when someone, posting on Yea Forums makes a post enthusiastically going into detail about something Yea Forums related, the response is a dismissive "have sex", because if you're too interested in that thing, and if you had sex you'd get your priorities in order? Then what's the point of specialised boards at all? That's why this shit needs to get wordfiltered.

The only group complaining all thd time about muh /pol/ bullies is Yea Forums, who are stealthily taking ovwe this site.

>You've been being psychographically microtargeted and bombared with messaging strategy

>You've been being

Literally /pol/ level of delusion.

What should incel and have sex be filtered to?

Yea Forums is a tumblr colony and needs to be purged

>/pol/blames the joos for their problems
>this seething tranny blames /pol for their problems

>mfw I can literally sexually assault women as a man by making noises
God I love being a white male.

Attached: god-damn-i-love-being-white-4416371.png (500x699, 175K)

Why is porn so essential to the leftist lifestyle?

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Chad and have a nice day

tl;dr “all women are queens”

>mfw being a handsome nazi and sex haver

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>n-no u-u
>im an incel so everyone is

incel = myself
have sex = keep doin' what you're doin'

To what?

Communism will win

The problem with filtering "have sex" is that there's so many different ways to say it, it's not like söy.

>But now you're just projecting sexual perversions onto me,
nope. I didn't call anyone a tranny. I called you a degenerate nigger faggot.
you're the one that jerks off the weird shit my dude. Whoever smelt it dealt it.
posted from st petersburg
>keeps pictures of weirdo perverts saved on HD to justify why they are a weirdo pervert
post pictures of your gash next time tranny

Attached: laughing hard.webm (652x1080, 773K)

no it won't honey

Attached: 1549544853863.jpg (577x608, 55K)

Can you or can you not prove you have a girlfriend? Your criteria for not being an incel is being able to prove you have a girlfriend, you can't do it so by your own rules you're an incel.
Sorry, I don't make the rules.

It's because "have sex" triggers you and your ilk. Not so fun having your own tactics used against you, eh?

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You can't fix this board, it has been pure cancer for at least 5 years. You couldn't save it 3 years ago or 2 years ago you can't save it now.

This board legit has the most shithead normie taste possible when it comes to movies. Really shitty hiveminds and opinions. Like looking at twitter or reddit opinions on movies

>I didn't call anyone a tranny.
You said a bunch of people get off to trannies, though I guess by your logic that means you were getting off to trannies.

get some taste

Nothing should be filtered. Just wait until some other shit starts getting spammed

you mean like when james gunn got fired and leftists got mad even though they did the same thing to roseanne?

It kinda will. Making preconceived ideas about people from internet memes ain't a good idea.

Attached: nazi-furries.jpg (625x350, 61K)

Look in the mirror

Have sex, nigger.

>OMG why can't Yea Forums be like 99% of the internet yet????
Based totalitarian PC leftist.

i see a handsome nigger

What really pisses me off is that incels already have their own boards (/pol/, Yea Forums and /r9k/), PLUS reddit, yet they feel the need to come here and shit up discussions about movies. Why?

Yeah but those weren't leftists, they were liberals. Wanna know how I know you're an americoon?

>open a new tab
>steven pinker
>click wikipedia link
why do I even bother when I knew before I did it what the result was gonna be?

This place is dead.

Attached: This just in, pol sucks..jpg (400x400, 104K)

just go to /lgbt/

I'm triggered by the lack of engagement. If instead of "have sex" the stock response was something innocuous like I don't know, "eat more carrots" I would be just as annoyed.

What's the point if every time you attempt to discuss something in more than one sentence, you guaranteed to get a reply that's equivalent to "hah! loser". How about you actually respond to the content of my post? Why are we even here? Just to suffer?

um no sweetie

Attached: wm1861_chart1.gif (500x535, 39K)

what a truly awful thread

what is it about inceldom that attracts someone to far right politics? You would be in the gas chamber with the rest of the freaks and undesirables.

Attached: 154820093311.png (645x773, 11K)

wanna know how i know you're a leftist or come from leftypol?
rent free

no shit trannys are peak cringe

seriously leftists need to be banned on sight

>rent free
This is simply proof that you're /pol/

Not if you helped usher them in
>y-you cant gas me, i am a true alpha nationalist sick hayl

Nice free speech

/r9k/ was taken over by women and white knights like (You). Enjoy the rewards of that takeover

your obsession with /pol/ proves it lives in your head rent free

>how does that work? how is have sex a reaction against incel?
"incels" are people that are radicalizing out against society as a reactionary emotional impulse caused by their sexual frustrations. Celibacy implies they are special and involuntarily places the blame on everyone else.

People with "incel" tendencies are culture warrior cucks that make everything about reactionary sex and gender and identity politics. So when you come across someone making everything about their sexual frustrations, saying "have sex" is a natural extension from that.

>if anything they seem pretty much the same to me
one is a group of people reacting against everything because of their virginity, "have sex" is what everyone else says to them when they start smearing their shit all over the place.

>strawman propaganda
>no u
posted from St Petersburg
post pictures of your gunt you cash
>so if i'm angry about demographic replacement
yeah this is ENTIRELY about baiting sexually frustrated rootless males that are concerned they may not have kids of their own.
>and thought control
you're on the wrong "side" if you don't want thought control. everything you care about is workshopped and run through councils of I/O psychologists to groom you into compliance. All your "anger" about being "replaced" by death and sex is astroturfed by people that want you to kill your self.
/pol/ is Russian counterintelligence dumb nigger
tldr: you're going to commit suicide within the decade and it's your fault
>You said a bunch of people get off to trannies, though
yep 100% of the virgins that endlessly shriek about trannies are ESL faggots that jerk off to weird shit. POST GASH

Attached: laughing daisy.webm (740x720, 700K)

Wait why is this a bad thing? Who wants to chat and discuss things with bitter incels?

That's what makes it so great.

can't have free speech when one side wants to get rid of it. free speech requires mutualism

>Defending /pol/
It doesn't get any more obvious.

Absolutely based

>i am not from /pol/ you dumb leftist, although /pol/ is a great board full of keks and red pills

Attached: 1183196643.jpg (250x197, 9K)

incel is just a reddit boogeyman

>can't have free speech when one side wants to get rid of it
Yeah, the nazis


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reminder that this is an insane leftist who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency," and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him. he's literally crazy. just ignore it

here is a selection of his derangement:

it just goes on and on like that, thread after thread

Anyone else regret voting for that orange retard?

Attached: 1490682811267.jpg (978x1494, 269K)

have sex...with my wife :)

Attached: you.png (227x222, 6K)


Attached: Screenshot_20190514_082211.jpg (681x796, 84K)

>reminder that
/pol/ needs to go back

Reminder /pol/ is the reason why the internet is full of capeshit and trash taste
males are unartistic filth for the most part

Attached: so this is maga.jpg (600x598, 71K)

Woah did you compile all of this? Dude, get a life. Get laid, loser. I bet this took you an hour of your so called life to do. Fucking cringe.

>redditos flod Yea Forums because GoT
>complaining about /pol/ starts
like a clockwork

Attached: 1548837484564.jpg (480x640, 12K)

ah yes the nazis lobbying tech giants and banks

>archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/"have sex"/
>102467 results

>83204 results
i think it's time to filter both you absolute niggers

rent free
this thread was made by a leftist complaining about people posting opinions he disagrees with, and full of other leftists calling for /pol/ to be deleted. there are no nazis calling for speech restrictions here; you are literally imagining it

Praise kek

Attached: 2ucq4j.jpg (800x1024, 174K)

One two three four no more misogynistic incels on my board
Respect respect respect respect respect
Treat all based women with respect
What you give is what you get
Treat all based women with respect I say
Heads up racist, sexist, misogynistic, incels I’m talking to you
Life’s pretty fucking privileged for a disgusting cishet white male like you, so what you gotta do
Step to the plate and respect all women
Never insult a woman or claim she’s not a queen
It’s just wrong and a rape crime too, some day you’re misogyny will catch up with you
Times have changing, not worshipping all women will no longer go down and be accepted
Use your disgustingly inferior cishet white male mind, not your disgustingly oppressive cishet white male voice
True love is full of male castration
Keep your wagie job, stay out of jail, respect all women or no more bail
Treat all based women with respect, what you don’t respect is why you don’t have sex, treat all based women with respect I saaaaaaay

Attached: 2F45EE1B-78C8-4D4E-9F95-52F586567CE8.png (1334x750, 2.16M)

True but /pol/ is still the root of all this rubbish.

>implying game of thrones and /pol/ aren't both cancer

Holy bobba, this is based!

took about 10 minutes and i only had to do it once. stay mad though

Looks like the leftist schizoid that is obsessed with glow-in-the-dark KGB niggers is posting again.

You're a fucking moron, you know that?
Instead of just making up stories about the people who disagree with you, why don't you actually try listening to them and make some attempt at solving them. All of this goes away if you get wages to increase. But because that truth reveals something that discomforts you about women, you refuse to face it. Women like money and won't date anyone who can't do something for them economically. Men didn't just suddenly get uglier or shittier at communication. They've just gotten progressively poorer--and drastically so following the great recession.
Screeching hypocritical feminist slurs like 'incel' at people is just an attempt at building all of your enemies into strawmen and does nothing but increase the balkanization in our society.

*kills your board*
*flood it with normalfag threads*
*spams numerous meta threads complaining about other boards that belong on /qa/*

Attached: 1550084393265.png (1108x615, 357K)

>rent free

>Women like money and won't date anyone who can't do something for them economically.
I was jobless for 4 years and had a gf and banged like 5 different women. Cope harder.

I think we all know what needs to be filtered right now.

nope it started in 2014 with supreme gentlemen and was a concept that unfuckable faggots unironically rallied behind for years before that Canadian ran over a bunch of people for the "incel" movement.
>no argument
>ad hominem
reminder that this poster is posting from St Petersburg and they are statistically more likely to commit suicide than any tranny.
yeah you're on a Russian messaging platform kiddo. Learn to cope tranman

>Men didn't just suddenly get uglier or shittier at communication.

not the evidence of /pol/ or /pol/-influenced Yea Forums breh. or are you tacitly acknowledging your substandardness?

>post "have sex"
>autoban for 1 hour
>message delivering the ban says "take your own advice"
>after the hour's up, you get back on and find your post
>it now says "I suck dicks"

yeah, another meme you couldn't come up with so you had to co-opt it

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I wasn't old enough to vote back then so it's not my fault haha.

This board was already a marvel sponsored hellhole before this season started.

reminder that this is an insane leftist who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency," and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him. he's literally crazy. just ignore it

here is a selection of his derangement:

it just goes on and on like that, thread after thread

Are you mad that alt right NPCs are more cringe than lefties and are the go to NPC now?

Nobody believes you.
Again liar, what else changed about this society? As I said, men didn't get uglie in some sort of odd biologal devolution? Men didn't suddenly start sucking at everything. The only major change is that most men are much, much poorer--and it's hardly a coincidence that this 'incel' problem spiked massively following the great depression.
Even if you aren't lying (and the only way you aren't is if you have income from some other source), your datapoints don't override all of the others. Your simply citing the statistical fallacy of composition like the brainlet you are.

>yeah, another meme
Response, you're more buggy than I thought. When's that new patch due?

>all based women
so none of them?

Woah did you compile all of this? Dude, get a life. Get laid, loser. I bet this took you an hour of your so called life to do. Fucking cringe.

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>Yea Forums is a /pol/ board
Unironically this
Also reminder that /pol/ is Yea Forums

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rent free
rent free

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Delete pol

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I’d rather have all capeshitters purged from Yea Forums than /pol/acks

Imagine if you spent this time having sex

>Nobody believes you.
It's the truth. She used to buy me food and stuff all the time. Shit was great.
>The only major change is that most men are much, much poorer-
No its not. You are ignoring all the young men who are spending all their time online and playing vidya. You don't need money to find a gf or have sex, people were poor as shit 100 years ago too.

The best thing about real, true pol is that it is normalfag repellant.

films are jewish propaganda
the fact that you don't get this is why you need more pol in your life not less
grow the fuck up

Television is just a broad commonality we all share, as are politics. We don't own all read comic books lor play video games like 14 year old boys. People rarely read these days. And the other hobby boards are even narrower. The jerk-off subs are large, but politics rarely has a real reason to show up.
But everyone watches television, so it will probably be the board most representative of this forum as a whole.

that's amazing. you LITERALLY don't realize you're repeating the EXACT same things he's saying back at him. incredible.

rent free


>/pol/ is a Russian counterintelligence messaging platform
>mods and jannies are Russian shills
technically you aren't wrong

I dislike /pol/ but I hate kikes infinitely more.

Most capeshitters are /pol/acks
They are all mutts and shitskins

/pol/ are shitskins larping as whites
capeshitters are mostly latinos and non-whites

The entire concept of wordfilters is regarded. It doesn't stop anyone from saying anything and just highlights the mods rage for pixels on a screen

leftists totally lack self awareness

>that's amazing. you LITERALLY
In contact with an NPC. I know what a world.

>daaaaa joooooos
This board and the entire social media internet complex is propaganda

/pol/'s not even a /pol/ board, as that picture of the meetup you assclowns always go into hysterics trying to get deleted amply demonstrates

essentiall every trumpfag you interact with on Yea Forums isn't an American. The only people still beating that drum are the ones that want America to die.

Attached: pol meetup.jpg (1374x1031, 125K)

>an explanation of a Yea Forums meme by a clueless redditor who doesn't understand Yea Forums memes
great, just what I needed.

whats wrong with homosexuality
and do you think /pol/ likes trump? it all redditors

the left can't meme

>daaaaa joooooos

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That’s what happens when a “Yea Forums meme” is basically reddit incarnate.

reddit is better than this cesspool :)

The right can't into film as cinema is inherently feminine in motion. The art of editing is feminine.

Sure it is.
Men spent their time online since the early 00s. They have been playing video games since the 80s. Neither coincides with this anywhere near as heavily as the Great Recession.
The difference then, is that we had enforced monogamy. A woman then would have been shunned by society for acting like women now and were pushed by their families into marriage. They were also completely reliant on men for income, making the ability of even a poorer man to asist her financially many orders of magnitude greater. Most would have been completely destitute without one. You act like the two-income trick of the 80s and 90s never happened.
Again, you dismiss the truth and spew nonsense because that truth discomforts you. You don't like to admit that women are what they are. Why, I don't know. You don't blame a thing for being what it is. But you have to create a system that accounts for it. Our current system does not, and hiding like a child behind the couch will not change that. No matter what your parents told you, ignoring your problems will not make them go away.

literally the first mention of trump in this thread is your own post. you are obsessed

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senpai desu

>never complain when blacked is spammed
>never complain when aoc or bernie threads are spammed
>never complain when the catalogue is full of pointless got threads
>always make dumb meta threads to spam your kekistani folders

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Racism is not okay.

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>the left isn't in a newspeak cult that uses pictures of things to trigger retards into shilling for Exxon

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Unironically, yes.

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