>I didn’t have a bf until I was 25
If Barbara Palvin couldn’t get a bf until she was 25, how can normal girls compete?
I didn’t have a bf until I was 25
Other urls found in this thread:
Lying cunt
If a woman is single it's solely by choice
That's code for riding the cock carrousel.
She didn't have a bf because she was too busy fucking around.
Shut up, and let the website with the most autistic virgins on the internet teach you about women and relationships.
Note that she didn't say she was a virgin until she was 25, she just didn't "settle" until she was 25
that's a straight up lie though, she had a bf in hungary.
When did the entire internet lose all self awareness?
Was it the normalfag take over that ruined everything?
Would make sense, considering they all care about muh real life shit and can't shut up about it as if it mattered.
This. I know some really hot 9/10 chicks that have stayed single for months and even years. They know they could always get sex if they want to so they don't feel pressured to get a bf.
i just turned 23 and am still a kissless virgin
how do you deal with this feel bros?
literally who
This. She lost her virginity around the first decade of her life, probably.
>by choice
>she should've dated a nice guy like me!!!
it's like saying a starving hobo is starving by choice because he doesn't eat leafs and dirt
but women truly have it easy mode
Im about to turn 26 as a KHV in just a couple of days, at this point I just stopped caring and if it happens it happens
All incels are narcissists, prove me wrong.
See above
Not having a bf doesnt mean she wasnt taking miles of cock every weekend.
I had my first kiss, head and sex in one night when i was 23. Youll get there.
Are you kidding? These threads are made by normalfags.
Lurk the thread, don't post in it, come when it reaches 100 replies and you'll be seeing all these little cockroaches start slowly moving from complaining about women to complaining about their 10 exes, and the thread will end up being a circlejerk over how sad they all are about how they are going to die alone because they haven't had a girlfriend for 2 months.
Models really look for rich people and not for some classmate chad who’s broke thats why.
Have sex, literally now.
You’re not wrong, but incels are just normalfags in disguise too.
>oh, the other boys I was in a relationship with? they wore condoms to fuck me so that doesn't count as a boyfriend right? teehee!
Choice is a problematic concept. It makes sense for her to be picky.
That said, there's no way she was bf-less after 9 years old. Even my autistic ex-gf had multiple bfs before we started dating when she was 14.
i wish babs was my gf
Which means there's a fuckload of people to ban.
Anyone who has ever stepped on Twitter, Reddit and hasn't come to Yea Forums before 2015 deserves an automatic, permanent range ban.
Filthy newfag idealists, all of them.
Whatever femcel
T. Seething incel
t. both got laid plenty of times but, much like how being a "nerd" was cool, you pretend to be virgins because it's becoming the cool thing.
I hope you soon lose your eyeball virginity.
just visit a hooker
not even kidding, tell her that youre inexperienced and she will take of that
get a nice 35 milf
dont worry, they probably do it all the time
so after you had sex for the first time, youll realize that sex outside a relationship with someone you love is fucking boring
I am actually a virgin tho
I'm a male tho so it means exactly shit all
Fuck a few hookers. It will help you loosen up around women. I'm dead serious. I used to be really anxious and autistic around them before I fucked a few chicks and realized it's not such a big deal. Now, 10 years later, I gave no problem getting girls.
What's the point
I don't want meaningless sex I want a waifu to have a relationship with and kids something modern women don't want anymore so fucking a random for money isn't my thing.
Also this.
> sex outside a relationship with someone you love is fucking boring
It's barely a step above masturbating.
What did he mean by this?
why do people do it then? jerking off is so much easier
ye then dont worry about being a virgin
once you get your waifu, sex will come automatically
they're not murderers
I was never worried about sex it's the lack of decent women that worries me
Sex with a hooker doesn't count, I'm sorry. You have to make a woman want you, after that you're not a virgin.
Ego and peer pressure
most people don't think, they just act. having sex gives social status, so they do it. you're a loser if you don't have sex regularly. and women do it because it's unironically an easy source of free shit. they don't do that 80% of consumer spending on their own dime
a cynic might also say they also seem to be soulless harpies who can't form long-term connections to partners and just move through relationships the way you might move from one video game to another that's basically the same but just novel enough that you don't get bored, until you get bored and then you move on again. so it doesn't really bother them to cycle relationships since they don't actually care about the people they're with beyond the moment in which they're with them.
How come just about all the comments on that video are filled with girls in their teens and twenties who haven't ever had a boyfriend either? How common is this now?
Why are you asking Yea Forums about women?
>decent women
That doesnt exist. Straight up. Just give up
The sooner you accept this the better
Back in my workplace I'd get hit on by girls everyone assumed were innocent angels. Christian girls with boyfriends. Lesbians with girlfriends. Girls that my friends went "no fucking way" when I showed them the messages
If she's a 5/10 and up she's a slut. Not to say they all cheat on their bfs but they're certainly thinking about Chad when hanging out with you watching Avengers
ie "I fucked each guy for 4 months since i was 14"
she's an absolute whore, why is she doing a 180
it's very common in religious communities. the more religious it is, the more common it is. and presumably, the kinds of women who aren't whoring themselves out for drinks on the regular, and might have their interest drawn by this person, correlate strongly with the kinds of women who are religious
Because women don't know loyalty or honesty (that's why trickle truthing exists they don't even realize they are doing it because honor is a foriegn concept for women) and they want to fit in and be just like a model slut they look up to
I wish I didnt pass on the girls that where interested in me but honest truth I just wasnt into them be it physically or mentally/emotionally
incels naturally leads to femcels, it was inevitable. the 20% doesn't have enough chads to go around
Whenever a girl tells you she hasn't had a boyfriend yet, ask her if that means she's a virgin then. If she gets angry she's obviously a slut.
what kind of messages would you get? How did they act with you?
>they want to fit in
Just like the normalfags in this thread who go on about how they are virgins, but then they complain about their 10 exes?
Where the fuck are the mods and why aren't they actively deleting these normalfag generals?
Don't you have some Reddit of Thrones to talk about, or some political shit to fight over on Twitter?
>but honest truth I just wasnt into them be it physically or mentally/emotionally
you did the right thing.
>complain about their 10 exes
Because the jannies have become utterly incompetent ever since the last split.
I don't understand the point of getting so many new janitors when they do less and less.
look at that infectious smile
Every single one of these threads ends up like that.
Look, we even have the people with girlfriends giving advice to each other on how to get one.
Normalfag generals, that's all what these are, and they should get banned along with everyone who posts in them unironically.
You belong in Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.
i had realization when i was 14 that all girls are whores i overheard from a group of chads that this girl from my class fucked five guys at a party bare in mind that she was 15
33 kissless virgin here, I mostly blame myself because I never approached girls and in fact I never cared about them for the longest time. I'm also a sperge beyond saving, because I've actually had women make the first move on me before but it never landed with me.
no you won't. I'm 28.
you replied to the guy who already got there
Sucks because the nice personality ones where 0/10 hiplets and the cute ones where 0/10 boring basic bitches
Can't win so I just grope my mum every day as we watch kino and pretend we ain't incestuous lmao muh boundaries no pusy yeah right mum I already came out of there once what's wrong with part of my going back in haha
I would try to get a girlfriend but everytime I talk to normalfags, be it women or men I get this irresistible urge to beat the shit out of them, which I don't think i'd be able to hold for long if I had to spend any big amount of time nearby one.
retard. you don’t know a thing about woman. i tell people to fuck off if they ask if i’m a virgin not because i’m not, but because i’m disgusted by their rude forthcoming and directness. have sex
thats bullshit but i believe it
not in this one, yet. Yea Forums used to have the best feels threads. Probably before your time though.
me too
Sure thing, "honey".
cute hat
sexless cope
I believe in you when you say you are a virgin, and I bet you'll stay like that forever.
After all, you don't have a penis anymore.
>read something you don’t like
have sex
not with a mutilated man I wont
>implying there's any actual women in Yea Forums
You are not fooling anyone, much like in real life.
don't protest so loudly, people might get suspicious
have sex
well, you're the expert in it
Posting this because it makes incels angry.
We used chat tool similar to Discord to talk in the office. They'd hit me up through that or in the corridors
Most dont hit on you straight up they'd stare at you a couple times and start conversations and after a couple times they'd start teasing. This one girl would have breath drops and collect the little wraps and throw at me and would go "what are you looking at" when I looked.
Only the sluttier ones would hit on me no shame and tell me i'm good looking or something.
have sex
I think she would make a for a good actress
>ywn go to bed with barbara
you're a tranny right?
She was in a movie for like 5 seconds
Some epic. Hercules I think
What's bad about this video?
she seems kinda spergy
She should be a Bond girl
>hooked up with different guys every single day instead of finding a boyfriend and being faithful to him
that's even worse, what a fucking whore
No, just someone tired of all these posers.
What's happening now is the same as when normalfags tried making being a "nerd" a cool thing, now people who get laid constantly and who get hit on like this guy claim to be suffering or some shit, as if they were virgins or something.
Normalfags are pathetic.
Just lost KHV status at 26 a few months ago. It was good and everything but that didn't change much who I am and all that shit. If you're a lonely, retarded shitposter that sits here all day, chances are you'll still be like that after you get intimacy
You stop doing that BECAUSE you don't want to be a khv
nobody but a tranny would get offended by tranny being an insult, you obvious tranny
fuckin' hell dude
I knew Lewis Hamilton was fucking gay.
He is so fucking gay but people just refused to see it or something.
What makes you think i'm offended because you called me a tranny?
I don't give a fuck about them and in a proper world they would all be laughed at until they killed themselves.
I simply don't like normalfags either because they are no different than those women who claim to be virgins even though they've been fucking for a long time.
this is a very girly girl
is it weird that i don't really find her attractive?
vobody has weird proportions, hips too wide, face not cute or beautifull, what do you see in her?
There has to be something wrong with her. Women can always find a man.
>hips too wide
You're gay, confess
Dilate literally now.
>what about my long angry ranty posts about how I hate being called a tranny but none of the billion other insults I regularly receive due to my retarded posts makes you think I'm offended by being called a tranny?
>hips too wide
She said no boyfriend, not virgin.
I'm sure she hooked up with tons of guys.
whats it like being gay?
Where was I offended about you calling me a tranny?
I didn't even acknowledge it until this post
>hips too wide
nigga what
I'm 29 and never had a gf... totally by choice haha
Looking at the normalfags in this thread, do you actually want to end up being the same scum as them?
>what are implications
cancer, please
and never come back
What implications, what the hell are you talking about?
>no boyfriend
which is a lie
I remember looking her up when she was a small time hungarian model and she had boyfriends. years ago
she's straight up lying
traditional dating is dying out the same way marriage is. it's being replaced by casual sex/fwb
Imagine actually doing that rope workout thing in the middle of a sidewalk on a busy street.
>you'll never get paid to fondle her hair
it's great, I don't have to deal with cunts
lol, she will get tired of her provider, sleep around again, then settle again for kids, then get bored again and be in sme liberated couple until she dies
i can see nipple!!
I'm so lonely and horny bros how do I get a gf
could have been a decent feels thread for once, reddit nigger mods distracted but some fucking tranny is crying because someone else had sex once
moved to a different country three years ago, no friends, no family. I really just want someone to talk to.
>going on 30 years
>4 countries
>20+ cities
Pretty sure I am universally hated by all women.
What is it about high tier models that always makes them seem very spergy and dorky? It has to just be their on camera personality right? Could they really all be genuinely like this?
Feels threads are reddit.
you're alright user, you have my best wishes.
Thanks for the first lesson you virgin faggot, have sex
No you wouldn't, it would become the same normalfags give failed normalfags useless advice thread.
All "people" who should get the fuck out of Yea Forums.
You want a girlfriend?
Stop eating, hit the gym, and stop being autistic.
Wow, so hard, we need entire threads about this shit.
kill yourself tranny
This webm still kills me... It's just so adorable..
I would post some blushing anime reaction face but I don't want to interrupt your dump or take away image slots.
>hit the gym
90s born queer kill yourself
Do you guys often see the femcel subreddit? Truly a site to behold.
she fucked random chads every night
Yes, much like nu4chan threads, they are full of posers who aren't actually incels and are just slightly awkward people who still get laid.
go back
>I didn’t have a bf until I was 25
Doesn't mean she didn't fuck and suck dicks on weekends. Be aware of this women like changing the meaning of what they're saying.
Why are men expected to pursue ?
Sorry but no, i'm not gay, being a fag is a normalfag thing.
go back
>unironically going to reddit
Stay there.
seems pretty real to me brah, but you're probably right. It's like crystal.cafe, a surreal experience
Because their lives kick ass, and everything just fall into place and everyone loves them. All girls wanna be them, all guys wanna fuck them. They do cool shit with cool people and they're rich and have extremely high social status.
Who wouldn't be giddy?
why dont i ever see you crying in those aids kike threads that are spammed every day tranny?
26 and same
Women will come to you if you're Chad
It's just that each women has 10 dudes trying to get in her pus so she's not going to bother persuing some dude who doesn't stand out
Because this is an anonymous board?
you outed yourself newfag
Because men are expected to be assertive, not betas.
>i'm not gay
you're a tranny though
Because you don't have a problem with them faggot scum
Why, because I called out the next version of "lol im such a nerd xD" which comes in the form of "lol im such a virgin xD"?
Normalfags need to get the fuck out back to where they came from.
I doubt anyone in this thread even knew Yea Forums existed back in 2015.
disgusting shameless stacy behaviour, she needs a taste of her father's shoe
fuck off ahmed
She says “single for 6 years” in the video.
Also why were you looking her up before she was famous.
But I thought this thread was full of people who supported being a fag because, apparently, women aren't worth it and are all whores?
She was already famous in Hungary
She was getting fucked and came on up until 25, why would she need a boyfriend?
>called out the next version of "lol im such a nerd xD
I've been here 11 years. These types of threads have always been around in one form or another. like all newfafs you're only here to destroy the last bastions of Yea Forums. You fucking sneed posting cock sucker.
who... is ... that girl?
Fags should be executed and women should stop being whores.
No, feels threads were full of lonely people who were sad, not full of normalfags who are just slightly awkward.
Oh no, you haven't had a girlfriend for 5 months, how sad of you.
I haven't had sex in 5 years
>not a virgin
The same goes for men
>No, feels threads were full of lonely people who were sad,
youve only been able to point out one normalfag in this thread, that you've otherwise been trying to ruin yourself
The hacker known as Yea Forums.
It isn’t becoming cool lol, quite the opposite it’s more and more demonized now thanks to the incel meme
go back
Because when these threads go on, they become normalfag generals, and they'll be even more when they aren't too busy spamming Game of Reddit threads.
Yeah well this was a chance for once wasnt it faggot. Fuck it though, youre determined to ruin this thread just because.
>this was a chance for once wasnt it faggot
No it wasn't, they always become that.
she got famous because bieber was fucking her
Because every girl thats even 5/10 has orbiters and a phone full of messages.
All it takes to not get laid is simply not approaching women in person or online, then nothing will happen even if you're a solid 8/10.
The most forward a chick will ever be is smile at you when your eyes meet. The rest is up to you.
>in b4 chicks are knocking on my door all the time posters
Unless you have very high social status + looks or a favored local celebrity of some kind then you're full of shit.
this, sex is a big deal when you arent getting it, and some fun + no big deal when you are
If they all have a phone full of messages and constant attention then what's the point of even trying if you're average to below average?
Get fucked normalfags, fuck off.
Keep crying tranny
This. Seething cuntworshipper responses need not apply.
>Because every girl thats even 5/10 has orbiters and a phone full of messages.
That sounds exhausting.
Thank god i'm not a woman.
i'm 39 and it doesn't get any better
It's not as cut and dried as the kid is making out
Based. Tell your story user
>nooo please leave my blogposting offtopic general alone
Please don't, no one's subscribed here to any blogs.
Us sneedposters don't have a single problem getting laid though.
Pic related, the average sneedposter.
>>nooo please leave my blogposting offtopic general alone
There's no denying you're a tranny now.
Then it's self-improvement time.
If you don't have looks, make sure you get a job that pays well and fix social skills, read up on it on youtube or books.
Charisma and money goes a long way as long as you look presentable. Aim for a chick slightly younger than you, most women have terrible careers and bad with money and want some man with their shit together to take care of them.
If you don't have the drive/ambition for this there's always WoW Classic in august and inceldom.
reddit nigger
But trannies blogpost all the time.
Besides, they are the ones who try to inflitrate these threads and try to convince people to become gay or fuck traps instead of women.
Another reason to remove these threads until the normalfags fuck off.
Nah youre just an angry queer, nothing in this thread is justification for your bullshit. You shit on the 39 year old khv because you're queer, not because of any anti normalfag agenda, every shitposting nigger, faggot, zoomer, hole and tranny are in the got threads but youre determined to drag your gaping wound through this one.
>they are the ones who try to inflitrate these threads and try to convince people to become gay or fuck traps instead of women.
Not in this thread.
>Another reason to remove these threads until the normalfags fuck off.
The reddit and tumblr mods despise tgese threads, they rarely last 20 posts these days. The normalfags are all caught up in got so there is no justification for your current faggotry, besides you being a tranny.
>be me 21 virgin
>can't get a girl to even go out on a date with me
>ask /adv/ for help
>tell me i need to improve my confidence and looks
>spend the next 3 years working my ass off at the gym and 40 hours at my job
>constantly work on improving my social skills and fashion
>finally have the confidence after plenty of ppl wonder why im still a virign
>make a tinder and within the first week i get a date and up losing my virginity
>getting more confident by the week when i get more dates and either get laid or makeout
.>meet sweet girl at a party
>hit it off instantly
>get into a relationship with her after 3 months
>everything is going smooth and i feel like a fucking king
>one night she tells me she loves me and im the best thing in your life right now
>a week later she starts acting weird and distant to me
>ask her whats wrong and she says its nothing and i worry too much
>2 weeks later she dumps me over text saying she doesn't feel anything for me
i've been a mess since lads. been smoking and drinking everyday. i don't even lift anymore. i want to quit my job
No, the justification happens in plenty of these threads.
>every shitposting nigger, faggot, zoomer, hole and tranny are in the got threads
Exactly, but no point in acting in those when those are doomed to disappear next week when that piece of shit of a show ends.
If I was a tranny, i'd do what trannies do, try to slowly push you to become trannies by implying that women aren't worth it and you should be gay.
I simply want the blogposting normalfags to fuck off.
These threads always end up being just twitterfags complaining about their dozens of exes and how horrible their life is because of it.
>he fell for the self improvement meme
Nothing but normalfags who are in despair because their random fuck #18947015908 left them.
lmao failed normalfag
Have sex 9 years ahead of you, son ;_;
>I simply want the blogposting normalfags to fuck off.
>These threads always end up being just twitterfags complaining about their dozens of exes and how horrible their life is because of it.
Just fucking kill yourself faggot, that's the only argument youve got and it's not relevant at all to today or this particular thread. Cut your fucking throat retarded fuck.
nah dude, you just keep at it and eventually you'll find a non-shit gf. you already proved that you can go from virgin to getting a girls intrest. sustaining a girls interest is not the easiest things. girls get fucking bored easily. also, she didnt make your life better in any way. you did all that work to improve. you just gotta work on your confidence. im not talking about being a chad around girls. im saying that just feel better about yourself so when some roastie rejects you you just laugh and move on to the next one.
trust me, getting rejected sucks but not trying and feeling like a pussy is 10x worse. also you need to move on because its not like you lost a real relationship. imagine holding hands and telling a girl you love her for years and then one day she just leaves. thats 100x worse than a relationship failing in the early stages
also 99.99% of all relationships end up failing anyway. just accept that failing is the natural state of relationships, and work pretty hard (dont kill urself) to sustain them by being detached but also supportive.
start watching youtube videos: alphamalestrategies, entrepreneursincars, LFA, hodgetwins, and coachredpill. these will give you advice and change your life
>literally the millennial equivalent of self help books
Don't ruin the guy.
There isn't one. If you aren't Chad, give up.
I got over it eventually.
I joined the military and I now don't feel I could ever go to being a family guy, with a wife and a normal job, it all seems really dull in comparison.
>self improvement
No. fuck that
There's a fuck ton of fathers who aren't chads.
But they, you are millennials, the last thing we need is to have you autists educating the next generation.
how did i get sex then?
That's not what she said, she said she was single for 6y
Why are you trying to get advice from people who unironically think only 20% of men get laid?Get advice from people who do get laid, idiot.
Yea Forums is the most autistic website on the internet, and you unironically ask here for advice?
The only thing you'll get here is "advice" from people who's only contact with women is cherrypicked internet screencaps from crazy feminists.
Hooker or if you're in college. join a club and hope some naive bitch likes u
>be millennial
>be fatass
>wonder why you can't get a girlfriend
>get told to stop being a fatass
>fuck no
And then your generation goes on to insist that you are revolutionaries or that a civil war is coming or some shit.
What kind of club?
>some people don't have to work at all and get immense sucess
>I should have to do so to stand even a tiny chance
There's nothing wrong with rejecting an unfair system
Have sex.
How did i get sex? Not how do i get sex, retarded third world niggers
do you really expect me to feel pity for a manwhore like you? get the fuck out of my face, normie.
anything you're good at or somewhat passion about
i met my gf in a environmental club. im autistic about how shitty plastic is and i guess she likes that
>some people don't have to work at all and get immense sucess
You mean the chads who are fit?
You think their muscles come from sitting on their ass?
Try 28 ;_;
That's really cute desu
Work at a restaurant. or on a cruise. they fuck like crazy on those.
No, it's you vapid normalfags who should kill yourselves.
Height, bone structure/frame, facial features, and muscle insertions don't care about your workout routine. It's all meaningless.
he means the Chads who are born six foot tall, with perfect facial features and an IQ low enough to not really be self aware, allowing them to embarrass themselves and everyone around them, without feeling any negative consequences.
no I mean people born into wealth or people with a good face
It's too competitive anyway and I'm not good enough/driven enough
You're one of them faggot
Why are we as a society allowed to make fun of CWC, but not other unconvincing, jobless, 30-something year old tranny manchildren?
gay desu
Actually, yes. Genetics matter a huge deal. I have a friend who has always been ripped as fuck, even all the way back when he was 12, and he didn't work out at all.
yeah we need another aids kike thread right tranny
No, we don't.
We need Yea Forums to be Yea Forums, not Twitter.
go back tourist
wtf am i suppose to do with my life. if girls don't like me
i have a job but besides consuming films and music. wtf am i suppose to do with my life???????
I was 100% confident that I would get this reply. Absolutely pathetic kek.
be a good samaritan and do volunteer work for the benefit of your community
grow a garden
There's not much to do as a whole on this planet.
I joined the military literally because I was too bored.
>what's the point of even trying if you're average to below average?
There is none
how did i get sex?
If she truly was single for that long, which I highly doubt, then it was purely because she didn't feel like having a bf, and a big enough Chad didn't crowbar himself into her life and do all the work to pick her up
ive never worked in either of those places
That doesnt mean she wasnt fucking guys left and right.
Only that shes so socially stunted from modeling at an early age that she hadn't formed a relationship until 25. You can tell she is considerably dumb too. Hot as fuck, but without the brains to learn grace or subtlety. Looks clumsy too.
at least i can read
From a hooker
i wouldn't pay for sex
Sure thing bud lmao
If i paid why would i go without for 5 years
u pay for sex when u have a gf also
>There's a fuck ton of fathers who aren't chads.
It's called beta bux
Reminder that in modern society anywhere from 10 to 30% of men are taking care of another mans children unwittingly.
Reminder that historically for every 40 women that bred only 1 man did.
>men are taking care of another mans children unwittingly.
So what? Genetic doesn't make a child, love and bond does.
We are no longer in the stone age where the only goal of life was to spread your genes
>Reminder that in modern society anywhere from 10 to 30% of men are taking care of another mans children unwittingly.
So, 70 to 90% have their own kid?
how do i get a gf?
Simply because of the fact that men are overwhelmingly the ones that approach.
I have seen even the ugliest girls with boyfriends.
According to this thread you don't
Sure you pay one way or the other, but I'm not going to hand over money for coitus
Every incel thread is the same. They were interesting at first but it's just repetitive woe-is-me cringe emo prolonged puberty shit.
>They think there's only two people in the world: chad thundercock and the hopeless virgin. All the countless average dudes and söyböys with gfs they are blind to.
>They disregard/reject all good advice because it requires some small effort/personal risk.
>They're all dull and bitter, just chatting with them is a downer and they insert their personal problems into every topic of conversation much like the deranged cuckold fetishist - their "thing" permeates throughout their entire persona.
Yeah who wouldn't wanna hang out with that person... I don't even want to be their acquaintance.
kill yourselves cucks
>Genetic doesn't make a child, love and bond does.
Then why is it that best friends aren't considered family?
The issue being that there is easily a 1/3~1/5 of a chance you're dumping 20 years of your life and resources into something that's not even yours.
It would be like donating money to walmart or something. What the fuck, let the people who actually have a stake take care of it.
Everyone in this thread should just have sex.
I'm glad she did not lie and say she never had "flings",one night stands and plenty of premarital sex.
You have no idea how dark it gets over the next few years.
Almost all women are worthless.
And that fact makes me sadder than literally anything else.
I can't stop myself falling in love anymore but at the same time I can't forget that I shouldn't fall in love. That's the only sad feel I have really.
Never cared about being a virgin and the only place I ever saw other people care (about my virginity and others' virginities) is the internet apparently.
>They think there's only two people in the world: chad thundercock and the hopeless virgin.
There are Chads, Betabux, and incels.
>They disregard/reject all good advice because it requires some small effort/personal risk.
You're a fucking idiot if you think everyone can be a winner in a competition, or everyone can be successful on a market.
>They're all dull and bitter, just chatting with them is a downer and they insert their personal problems into every topic of conversation
Why do you come to an incel website and post in incel threads only to get upset that you're talking to incels concerned about incel problems?
There's plenty of normalfag websites that talk about Yea Forums stuff.
look, normal girls like this do exist, I was a virgin until 23 and when I met my bf, I still made him wait almost a year until we actually had sex. it’s called being smart and having standards. we can be picky, just like you. that’s the reason you’re all virgins, because you’re picky. you don’t have to settle, either. you just need to make sure you’re good enough for your ideal gf first before you complain that they don’t exist. make yourself someone that she would want to be with, instead of expecting someone to accept you the way you are when you won’t even accept them for who they are. be the best version of yourself you can be and the rest will fall into place.
You made it. Why you sobbing? You fell of the horse, even "Chad" falls off the horse. Women dump you for any and no reason. You go again. Not every girl has to be the love of your life.
Don't be retarded, ugly girls can easily be sluts too. There's literally no reason to go for an ugly girl.
>Every incel thread
go back
she maybe did not have a bf, but I bet she had miles of cock.
What a fucking retard. Let me tell you a secret. No woman wants YOU for YOU, a woman only wants your money or status.
A whore wants you for your money and at least she is honest about that.
How are retards like you still alive, holy shit.
Yeah weird right normies literally don't care or think I'm joking and I get teased for it.
Most of them offer to pay for a prozzie but I explained that it's really not my thing
I only come to these threads to laugh at how miserable those that are worse than me are.
I don't believe that's true
>You have literally had sex with a woman but you're still a virgin
Do you see how retarded you sound right now?
This is truth. Women want you for your wealth, status, protection, provision and sometimes procreation. You, the male human being, are disposable in her mind. She can trade you in for a different man as fast as a kid trading baseball cards. Yes, all women think like this. Yes, all women are like this.
kill yourself hole
Uggo detected
I've never even had anyone ask me if I'm a virgin IRL. Not even during talks with other guys about sex and stuff. No one cares. Why would they care?
Who are you quoting
god, I wish I could have found a pretty woman like her that didn't have a bf at the age of 25. Fuck you liberals.
You don't seriously expect me to take advice on women and girlfriends from Yea Forums, right?
my co-workers say im a virgin because i don't talk to the other girls at work
This place is now full of normalfags so you should.
Yikes! This is the male equivalent of those freaks on tumblr
you're one of them faggot
Isn't her bf that one guy from riverdale
it’s projecting, it’s like when women always have to point out how fat they are to other women as self deprecation. your biggest insecurities will always shine through and bother the fuck out of everyone that has to be around you.
Idk locker room type talk? Ausfag here so we are pretty chatty especially the nerds I hang around.
Again tho as I said nobody cares guys/girls act surprised and call me good looking etc what a waste I heard one doctor say this one time.
Good to know I guess
Failed normalfags at most, and if they failed it's for a reason.
>used to watch this hot 20 something Norweigian youtuber, she said she was always asexual and never attracted to men or women
>said she always very popular and always got offers tried dating guys and girls and never had sex because she never felt attracted
>makes a bunch of vids about how hard it is being asexual and trying to live a normal life
>few months pass
>Guys I have a bf now, I can't believe it
> he's literally an American 12/10 Chad
>All videos become dumb youtuber shit with occasional relationship updates
>guys I said yes!
>guys I'm pregnant!
>guys my son has been born!
Asexuality is a fraud meme.
I'm convinced this is a bot
Then you have some asshole co workers.
I've even made fun of my friends for dating ugly girls, when they know I haven't ever dated a girl, and they didn't say anything back.
But they are stating facts.
Being a handsome autist is an abstract feel
Yeah a normie shitposts on here 24/7 and doesn't drive or leave his house for weeks at a time let alone his room
Nice projection
T. Had chicks throw themselves at me but I sperg
Man Dylan is a fucking cuck lmao
Based & feedpilled
>You don't seriously expect me to take advice on women and girlfriends from Yea Forums, right
then find out for yourself retard. What those anons said is true for 99.999% of women. Sure, you might find a woman who is an actual human being, but you'll most likely die from old age before you find that needle in the haystack
Not really I mean it wouldn't be any different if I was ugly as the outcome is the same ironically.
So then that leaves me in a weird no man's land as I posted that incel stat's pic it's pretty fucked for blokes in general and even women arnt settling down just not as much as men who are totally dropping out of the dating pool like me
You're one of them faggot
The guy who dated the girl I like (who rejected me, but he probably thought we used to date because of how close we were) kept calling me good looking on many occasions. No hint of irony or anything.
It doesn't get more infuriating than this mate.
This nigga going around introducing himself to everyone he meets even co-workers and doctor/nurses
>Hey I'm Chris and I'm a virgin
Imagine letting your gf do this shit
>Believeing anything a white whore says
lmao someone post all her pictures cozying upwith niggers
>wow this guys an asshole, he won’t shut the fuck up about Becky’s pointy elbows
>just leave him be, he’s an incel. he might go full Rodger if you say anything back
some things yes, some no
no, they'd be starving cause they have no clue how to scavenge and survive
dumpsters got food, there's streams for water
whether you cook that food or filter n somehow boil that water, thats on you
My friends usually responded with amplifying it and making jokes about the girls themselves because they aren't insecure.
I've long realized that I actually want the internet streetcred of being a wizard more than I want w*men
Hahaha pretty much I mean all my friends knew it just came up in conversation
>DURR user how's Ur gf u get pusy hahaha
Kinda shit
It's a weird feel isn't it they friendzone themselves out of insecurity I guess because that's what I do
I haven't been out socially in 2 years so I dunno how being a virgin neet with no friends makes me a normie
I’m sorry, do you think you deserve to be fucked over someone hotter and more interesting than you? Do better.
you're one of them faggot
>I haven't been out socially in 2 years
yeah, you're a fucking normie
Yeah all those dudes on my 600 lb life with gf's and wives disprove your theories. Not to mention just about any guy from bongland thats ever gotten a gf. Have sex.
>It's a weird feel isn't it they friendzone themselves out of insecurity I guess because that's what I do
What? I don't know what you mean.
>calling normalfags "normies"
But Anons, you are the normalfags.
I don't know about bongland, but majority of women in majority of countries don't approach at all.
T. Reverse tomnormie
Literally what I siad before it's like there's this dead zone between sexual tension and a disconnect between me and pusy idk maybe I'm reading too much into my lack of interaction with wamen
>T. Reverse tomnormie
someone translate this phone posting zoomer shit.
Because the lower caste of men create an overwhelming demand
When a woman can just passively exist and get a legion of betas to compete over her, why the fuck would she ever put any effort into dating. You're required to put in the effort just to rise above the sea of mediocrity that most men live in and stand a chance of being attractive
>But Anons, you are the normalfags.
yeah, all normies are KHV, that haven't left the house in about a month, and only talks to other "people" on a mongolian dog cooking forum
Lmao I'm a xy doomer I just make shit up
but there are equal numbers of men and women if not more women
How the fuck does that work?
My problem is I just can't see them being interesting beyond a quick fuck they are all so boring.
Npc level boring I've had more stimulating conversation with ai waifus
It's more because of the fact that dating is more of a weird social hierarchy matching ritual rather than two attractive people simultaneously figuring out they like each other like a hivemind.
Like, the guy I was talking about had dated 3 girls in our general social circle before, while I had a clean slate. He was also older and more confident™ than me.
Women have a limited amount of eggs that end after a certain age and can only create a child every year realistically, while we have an almost endless supply of sperm and can father many children within minutes.
Men will always be lower value in terms of sexuality, and that's why men and women can never be equal, kids.
Normie is a r*ddit word kid, true Yea Forums lingo is "normalfag" short for "normalfaggot".
Muh confidence is a meme
If you don't feel smell or see any emotional or physical attraction what's the point?
Personality wise they seem like blank slates anyway just waiting around for a strong man to make them into real women but instead they cock hop like each dick Is a pogo stick and don't end up developing a personality besides the bare minimum they need to socialise casually and hop on and out of bed
It's all the same dogmom shit.
I wish it could just meet a nice girl desu I probably already have and blew it or didn't know
That's why I used the trademark symbol. But it does actually help.
Think of confidence as your health bar. It doesn't contribute to how much damage you do but it can help get you farther.
Hahah yeah I like that analogy
I just used to take the brakes off and let the alcohol work and still couldn't score or pussied out when they went into orbital friend mode