How come reddit is funnier than Yea Forums now?
How come reddit is funnier than Yea Forums now?
reddit IS Yea Forums
Reddit is litterally retarded
if reddit is so funny why dont u martyr her i bet u kiss girls u fukken queer
That came from twitter, and was reposted on reddit.
I don't truly think it was character derailment.
His character arc was him becoming a better person while away from Cersei. He became. But he'd always love Cersei, he wouldn't just ignore her fall
this is 4channel tho? go back to that racist website Yea Forums
Shitty bait but I'll still bump it for kekz
i dislike niggers
This originated from Yea Forums then Reddit stole it then tourist fags copied it back here again
His dick still would have been hard.
Have you considered that perhaps it is not Yea Forums that has a problem, but in fact it may be your taste in comedy shifting?
the IRA culture wars shills are much better able to act as subverters and keep everyone endlessly talking about identity politics and other gay shit for faggots, while Reddit requires you at least have a username, and isn't moderated by polcel shills.
Reddit, for some reason, does their best to act retarded
Yea Forums IS retarded, watch I'll show you.
>checked and kekd
>In their final scene, Jaime and Cersei embrace as the weight of Kings Landing collapses down upon them
the Irish Republican Army?
it stands for Interdimensional Reptilian Alliance
His character didn't change one single bit besides dropping the arrogant exterior he used as a shield. Jaime s1 is the same like the one who died
Yea Forums's funniest shit comes from the autist incels that /pol/'s been busy turning into FAGApedos. Their idea of funny is just shit that amuses their political in-group, not actually funny. It infects their brains until all they do is shitpost about niggers, trannies, and goblinas.
It's easy to see the shift. Just look at whenever Pepe and Wojak overrun the most frequently posted images on a board.
Yea Forums is now filled with literal religious types and seething racists. People dont post simply for the lulz anymore.
Yea Forums is full of boomers
>Yea Forums post from 10h ago
>reddit post more than a day old
whys everyone so fuckin mad at got jesus christ
the eppies have been great
entitled fucking children
Yea Forums was always filled with racists you fucking transplant scum
Sure, but it wasn't politically motivated shit. It was just obvious retardation. Nobody thought they were sophisticated about it. At some points these fags got addicted to huffing their own farts and hot boxing every board they could. Chanology-style activist faggots who think they're changing the world and actually summoning personal armies are pure, unfiltered cancer the hopes of which Redditards can only dream of achieving.
Yeah its Yea Forums that changed, not western pop-culture as a whole.
Fuck you dude, this shit is probably more your fault than /pol/s.
>Yeah its Yea Forums that changed, not western pop-culture as a whole.
Those things aren't mutually exclusive, retard.
>Fuck you dude, this shit is probably more your fault than /pol/s.
Shit man I didn't bus in a bunch of geriatric Facebook meme posting faggot boomers from Reddit to the site, don't put the blame on me.
Because this place has even less taste than capeshitting redditors if it was possible
Why post for the lulz when there's people like you who get constantly offended by it and whine constantly about it?
I don't think you know what that word means.