[dosimeters clicking loudly, repeatedly]
[dosimeters clicking loudly, repeatedly]
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>most of the first wave of helicopter pilots die from acute radiation poisoning in the following weeks/months
>those mad lads survived for years afterwards
did they really?
they should have picked wemen divers, they would have done the job
They did. Baranov died in 2005 from heart attack. Ananenko and Bespalov are still alive. The whole draining of the pool-bubbler actually happened on May 5th, and they were only knees deep in the water. The show perpetrating myths.
my grandmother had the same shotglasses they used in the hotel
fuck this show is so based
>the military officer volunteering to drive the dosimeter truck himself instead of sending another soldier to do it
its the west trying to weaken our perception of power once again
the cold war never ended comrades
>What did this guy just say to me?
>and they were only knees deep in the water
but they were in the show too
and we haven't seen them die yet in the show
Threadly reminder that the whole thing was fake
>it happened days later, around may 6th
>they weren't promised rewards
>water was pumped out a day before and was at ankle level, knees at the deepest
>they wore simple respirators and could speak
>Baranov stayed at the entrance in case of complications
>there were none
>once they got back dosimeters showed around 10 roentgen
>all 3 were fine and lived
Total chad officer. That would never happen in a western country. Some cunt officer would send a private in there who'd no doubt be scared shitless, fuck it up and then die as a result. He'd be court martialled on his death bed too.
>guaranteed pension
>impossible to fire
>endless supply of alcohol (comes with the office)
>opportunity for promotion way, way past your capabilities with often-dangerous consequences
Are bureaucrats the most powerful race on Earth?
I didn't cry on my brothers funeral, but I cried like a little bitch when the three men stood up. It's been years since i last saw true kinema.
The only reason myths like that exists is due to lack of transparency in the first place.
Yeah man Im totally sure they werent scared shitless as a result of any of that. Do you think the scene would have had the same effect?
It did actually happen. General Pikhalov did this together with a soldier who was driving. Pikhalov himself was mapping the radiation around the nuclear plant.
Yeah, except the mission happened more then a week after the explosion. They did not have diver equipment. And the decision to drain the pool-bubbler was made by Ryzhkov.
>>they weren't promised rewards
being a hero is its own reward brother
>Shcherbinas reaction after lugasov informing him that they're fucked
fuck me the acting in this show is phenomenal
No, those myths happened because Soviet jornos needed heros. They made up a story about the divers that died 10 days after the"dive".
>Leatherbarrow has spent five years researching the disaster. His book gives a slightly different, but no less heroic, version of events.
>"The basement entry, while dangerous, wasn't quite as dramatic as modern myth would have you believe," Leatherbarrow said.
>Firefighters had tried a couple of times to use specialized hoses to drain much of the basement. The three men were, according to Leatherbarrow, all plant workers ā no soldiers ā who happened to be on-shift when the firefighters' draining procedure stopped.
>They weren't the first in the watery basement, either. Others had entered to measure the radiation levels, though Leatherbarrow said he could never discover who they were, how many had entered, or what their conclusions were.
>"Some water remained after the firemen's draining mission, up to knee-height in most areas, but the route was passable," Leatherbarrow's account reads.
>"The men entered the basement in wetsuits, radioactive water up to their knees, in a corridor stuffed with myriad pipes and valves," he continues, "it was like finding a needle in a haystack."
>The men worried they wouldn't be able to find the valves.
>"When the searchlight beam fell on a pipe, we were joyous," mechanical engineer Alexei Ananenko said in interview with the Soviet press, as quoted by Leatherbarrow. "The pipe led to the valves."
>The men felt their way to the valve in the dark basement. "We heard a rush of water out of the tank," Ananenko went on, "and in a few more minutes we were being embraced by the guys."
>Definitively, Leatherbarrow said, none of the men died of ARS. The shift supervisor died of a heart attack in 2005. (Leatherbarrow attributes this to a mix-up with an employee with the same surname who did succumb to ARS.)
i like my opinion more than yours
All liquidators were rewarded and still get pensions and shit, they just weren't promised anything at the time.
Legasov said they didn't have exact readings. I doubt the expectation IRL was that they would be totally fine when they went in.
based truth speaker
>tfw too smart and critical to have succeeded in the USSR
Yeah, Iām good with living in a first world country
the unflooded path to the corridor 001 was mapped for radiation by the previous daily shift on May 4th. The only thing they did not know was how radioactive the water was. Which they figured out pretty quickly before they went for the valves. Read the Ananenko interview to the souzchernobyl.
i can tolerate distortions of facts as long as ''m being served a kino as pure as this.
what the fuck, next you'll be telling me that there was no rousing patriotic speech that led those men to volunteer either
There was none. They were simply on shift that day.
IRL all the men in that room volunteered as soon as they know what was going to happen, but only 3 were picked. Real slavs know their lives are worthless.
buy they must have payed out the ass for OSHA violations that day
Why would you make shit up on Yea Forums?
No, not really, they all got the same shitty pension as the other liquidators. Nothing special.
How did he get ARS? I don't recall him being one of the first responders
What are some good documentaries for the disaster on youtube?
>show dramatizes stuff
no shit
Yeah, I didn't get that. Wasn't he the guy on the bike that the firefighter's wife first ran into?
God DAMN that last scene was total kino, even if it was fictional.
He took his wife and newborn down to the boulevard to watch the radioactive shitshow from a not so safe distance... They were one of the people sticking their tongues out to taste the radioactive snowflakes.
right but then why is the baby not showing any signs of ARS?
You're right
I'm not going to lie. Acts of heroism and selflessness like that make me cry.
desu this kind of thing is the only thing that can make me shed a tear
Children are apparently more resistant to radiation as their cells regenerate more rapidly, but health issues might come in the long term
The shot of the abandoned pet running to catch up with its anonymous owner on the bus was kino a.f.
No words required, nobody had to explain that pets had to be left behind, all of that was captured with ONE shot. Shown, not told.
"I'll do it" - Chadinkov Chadinovich
based and chadpilled
>How could I be responsible, I was asleep!
nothing could top this line
>Yea Forums shills show into ground and memes the fuck out of it like it's the 2016 election all over again
>show introduces one female character
>one super smart wemen character that serves as a replacement for the dozens of real life male scientist
its the current year, who gives a fuck about the real people that changed history, just make it a woman lol
This didn't make sense to me because his friend worked as a plumber there and basically told him "hey dude it's safe overall but there is bad shit in here, if you get close to fuel you need to drink some booze to get the poison out". I know he was kidding around with his buddy, but, it's one of those things were you kinda know a joke has some seriousness to it. Like if I joke around with a coworker "hey dude if you breath enough of that carbon dust when we grind this you'll build a whole boat in your lungs :^)" - I'm fucking around but in the joke basically saying "dude this is nasty shit put your mask on"
You do know there were female scientists in the USSR? Why are you so butthurt over the one fucking female character that isn't a nurse or a secretary? fucking incel shit
do you have links to accounts of this? I'd like to read it as well
One of these things is not like the others
did the helicopter pilot die before the crash?
Yes we need to explore every single one of those real people. Also we need the series to be five hundred hours long. It is entirely common to compress a complex matter of history in a way that makes it possible to craft a coherent narrative from it, you are just mad because the woman told the man he was wrong about something. Disregarding of course the various other cases in the show so far of dumb arrogant men like yourself being told they are wrong by smarter and better men. But oh no, one of them happened to be a w-w-woman! God forbid! Stop being so easily triggered and grow a sack, this board is getting god damn pathetic these days
was this some sort of a passion project for him?
I mean, shows fantastic. All the other stuff he's done is garbage. Maybe he finally got to show his teeth.
It must be some sort of trick, it's completely impossible that someone who doesn't agree with us politically is also talented
>who doesn't agree with us politically
what now??
you just know this would have been james gandolfini if he hadn't died
It's from an interview with one of the 3, I don't know if there's a translated version somewhere