What happened?

What happened?

Attached: DeclineOfWesternCiv.jpg (1375x1063, 1.8M)

>Compares some of the most critically acclaimed movies of all times to a bunch of shit that was called shit when it was released
You fucking disingenuous dishonest homosexual

>Thinks critical opinions matter more than box office
Umm sweetie...

but annie hall is the beginning of the decline. woody allen is the prototypical bugman

Amy Schumer is the worst thing to ever happen to the industry and I don't know what the fuck they were trying to accomplish by pushing her onto us. Why her. Anyone but her.

>still pretending Dr. Strangelove is good

no one nose

The late 70s seem to be when the fall started

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I liked grandmas boy tbqh

I bet you think penis is delicious

>thinks the way the tards of the public spend their money reflect quality
i guess the big mac is the greatest meal of all time time

(((Hollywood))) is finally making the movies they wanted to make from the very beginning without all the goyim filtering them.

>implying the public doesn't know best
in the year of our lord MMXIX one should know better

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We grew up.

Inb4 mouthbreathers start defending grandmas boy

ok just because they get some things right

Mate, all the ad hominems in the world won't make your shitty taste in comedy any better.

Nobody said anything about quality.

>Nobody said anything about quality.
in the context of this conversation yea? nobody said anything about profitability either but you autistically steered the conversation that way

good luck laughing once watching the boring shit on the left.

Strangelove holds up ok. It's not hysterical but still a good film

look up what arabic numerals are right now

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Strangelove. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head

>The humour is extremely subtle
you can't fight in here this is the war room!

I was playing along with the joke dipshit

Blazing saddles is mediocre. All mel brooks movies are really.
The only genuninely histerical one is young frankenstein and that was almost entirely conceived by gene wilder.
The producers was interesting.