>Your queen? Is that all I am to you? >So be it, let it be fear.
It's in this exact moment that the fate of Kings Landing is sealed. Had Jon given her the sort of dicking that she'd have trouble walking the next day, none of this would have happened.
It's true. For men it's as much pleasure as a prosaic need to expel genetic material. We get it out of the way and we're happy. For women it seems to be the essence of their lives.
Brandon Anderson
Envy them desu. Life must be easy when all that matters is finding a mate and having him fuck you hard.
Jackson Brooks
I mean, it's Danys fault directly. But Jon knew she was getting paranoid and crazy, if he had just married her or abdicated the throne she would have had nothing to be concerned about, which, as someone loyal to her, he absolutely would have done. It's a manufactured conflict
Hunter Stewart
Michael Adams
Perhaps easier than for men, but I'm sure it's no cakewalk. They think they're at war with men, but actually they're at war with younger women and they will lose.
Colton Butler
All their problems would've been solved as you said with marriage. They love each other and a marriage would also put all conflict for the throne aside because Dany would be queen no matter who Jon is seen as. Hell Jon can even say he's Aegon and still let Dany rule instead.
Jose Mitchell
but Jon is a square with a giant stick up his ass and won't do it because she's his auntie
Noah Torres
Aunt-nephew marriage should not be a big deal in a medieval setting. I hate how much these characters behave like 21st century dudes.
Jacob Bell
I understand but they've established that Jamie and Cersei are a bit of a scandal from the very beginning, so the ambiguous approach to incest is built into the show.
Bentley Young
This is my problem with it too, it's so moronic. Dany has only ever pursued the throne as a means to liberate the people and restore her family's legacy. Jon fits the bill for everything she desires, even more because him being recognized vindicates Rhaegar. In no world would the chick from seasons 1-6 have any issues supporting Jon's claim. But even then, Jon would give it up anyway. It's like watching someone scratch a chalkboard.
Nolan Edwards
Yeah, rejection by a person you love can really fuck with your head. That coupled with the deaths of Jorah and Missandei, Varys and Tyrion's betrayal, and the general attitude of Westerosi people pushed her over the edge. She's basically throwing one huge tantrum screaming "Love me, Jon!"
Because Jamie and Cercei are siblings. Also, Cercei is cheating on the fucking king, which is treason, and finally her kids are not heirs to the throne.
Ryan Cruz
Tywin married his cousin, Ned’s parents were cousins or something. It’s totally a non-issue.
Connor White
Jon's DICK is loyal. The moment his DICK realizes how fucking crazy the single mother is, his DICK keeps noping out.
Smart DICK energy
Lucas Baker
>Yeah, rejection by a person you love can really fuck with your head. The pain never goes away. Especially so when it was mutual for a while.
It does feel a bit manufactured. On the other hand if you look at any calamity, airline crash, massacre, dictator coming to power, a number of small circumstances combine to produce the end result.
It's true that Jon could have stopped it, but so could have Cersei, Tyrion. Even Varys who thought he was doing the right thing may have helped create a self-fulfilling prophecy by making her feel isolated and antagonised. Other factors contributed as well, e.g. the northerners frowning at her at winterfell, and the loss of the dragon. Finally Jon being as rigid as ever put the nail in the coffin.