After finishing Prison Break and The Sopranos i'm looking for something new to fill the void

After finishing Prison Break and The Sopranos i'm looking for something new to fill the void.

Will the OZ do this?

Attached: the_OZ.jpg (182x268, 9K)

100% yes

the show is JK Simmons and the cast of The Wire and CSI NY

oz is fucking terrible don't waste your time

now I dont know what to do :(


oz is kino all the way through
don't listen to the people that the show gets bad in season 4. the aging pill storyline is absolute fucking KINO and pleb filter. watch the ENTIRE SHOW. you won't regret it.

but it does all go downhill when funny hat man dies

First season is okay, watch latter seasons at your own risk.

>aging pills
>sorry I shanked you McManus!
>the variety episode

op just watch seasons 1-4.5, 1-4.5 is top 5 anything HBO has ever done really

It's good but it's fucking miserable.

ok but im trying to find a good torrent but i find 480p shit max

is this show even in 1080p?

watch up until the first half of season 4 (first half ends at episode 8) then quit. you'll feel like a retard if you waste your time finishing the whole series.
if you're looking to fill the Sopranos void there are two options:
The Wire when it comes to crime and characterization kino
Mad Men when it comes to existential crisis kino

its good, characters are good, lots of funny and kino scenes. My main problem with it was how repetitive it got, just a bunch of killing with no real consequences

nope, they never mastered it like they did with the wire

>to fill the void.

Theres alot of that in the show.

ok so I should just go with a shitty 480p version?

is it at least normal wide screen or is it like old square screen?

already seen the wire 2x didnt really like it


it's 4:3
like I said you have to get used to it.

no widescreen available at all?

Fucking zoomers

>durrr i love using 30 year old electronics now a days cause im old school!

jesus christ dude

do you want a 1080p cut? did you see what happened to buffy? cam ops and grips in the shit. did you see what happened with the wire? same fucking shit and also took away from the documentary style Simon wanted which is why he stayed in the 4:3 ration the entire five seasons.
fucking christ.

it gets pretty fucking dumb but it never stops being entertaining as hell

the shows was made in the 1997...this shit is older than the sopranos

a/v 10 thanks alot yifi!

meanwhile on same Yea Forums

>jesus christ dude just watch shitty pixel shit are you a zoomer or something?

dude OZ started in fucking '97 and is the show responsible for HBO taking a chance on Sopranos which is why you got your fucking Walter White and muh dragons. shut the fuck up and watch it in 480 low shit tier quality like the rest of us grandpas did when it fucking aired