
Attached: yasspain.jpg (624x261, 36K)

They seemed happy with how a man wrote her for 7 seasons untill she do a bad

she needs to include argument of why the male characters were better written than he women otherwise its all pointless

imo everyone been written shitly these past few seasons (look at jaime and varys), whilst basically everyone was written well in the early couple of seasons

First we can’t jump, and now we can’t write female characters? Is there no end to this oppression?

>unknown chink woman thinks knoes better.

Attached: 1404582414923.jpg (400x386, 37K)

Their power fantasy was destroyed.
They would rather have a straightforward character who they can insert themselves into, rather than interesting writing.

This is because they consume media, not as
emotional storytelling, but as a way to build their ego through empathization. It's the same thing that happens when they gossip / talk behind peoples back.
Women are notorious for wanting to live vicariously through others.

>another twitter screencap thread about Game of Shits
I'm going to bed

She is a fool and weak. She should have died long ago in qarth. All her decisions were someone elses

>zoomers think twitter posts are essays

this particular instance isn't "omg men can't write women"
the writing for this entire season has been shit, and that's because the writers seem determined not to do anything logical, because we were probably already expecting it
they would rather have a big surprise for shock value than have it make any fucking sense

Do people write essays on twitter?

I agree with your thinly veiled sarcasm. Let us throw out thousands of years of great literature produced by men because some roasties don't like them.

almost every male character that survived the first 3 seasons got completely butchered and shes crying about dragon bitch lmao

>This is because they consume media, not as
>emotional storytelling, but as a way to build their ego through empathization

to be fair this isn't just women

Dumb bitch didn't even read the book.

Time for some game theory (1/287)

Where's the essay?

D&D can't write, it's not just female characters.

Why weren't these people complaining when D&D butchered Stannis? Was that proof that men can't write male characters?

You know who I hear is great at writing female characters? Roasties. Something about the roastiness inherent in them

>she needs to include argument
No she doesn't, these kinds of people make themselves inaccessible to engage with, thereby doing away with any onus to properly justify their statements. They only post on curated sites like Twitter or Resetera where the likelihood of a dissenter even replying to them is low, and on the off chance it happens they can and will instantly block the person and move on. They're cowards and would engage in good faith.


>she needs to include argument
No she doesn't, these kinds of people make themselves inaccessible to engage with, thereby doing away with any onus to properly justify their statements. They only post on curated sites like Twitter or Resetera where the likelihood of a dissenter even replying to them is low, and on the off chance it happens they can and will instantly block the person and move on. They're cowards and never engage in good faith.

Femcel trolls have review bombed the latest episode of GoT - here's why they're wrong

They're good at writing invincible, infallible roastie characters and making sure the actresses who play them on TV aren't too pretty.


>here is a twitter screencap of a tweet that is supposed to enrage you
>deposit (You)'s here
here you go OP, hope it helps

Nothing is more delicious than the salt of dumb twitter whores that bought into the YAS QUEEN meme and didn't see this coming

thank you

>hoes mad

It's the opposite. Most women will just write female characters as perfect while men will write them as real people.