Peter Jackson castrates GoT

Attached: Pete.jpg (1485x2048, 776K)

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ive seen this already
never seen a single episode of game of thrones but i wanted to see what the buzz was about so i clicked on the video
safe to say i wont ever go back to watch the series like i did with the sopranos


battle of helms deep is quintessential kino. winterfell looks like someones fanfiction with zero sense of taste

>so it begins

>literal who trashes best show of the decade

Based, now i gotta watch all three again

Liking this redemption arc for Peter Jackson


I can't see shit on the GOT footage, so dark and compressed

the night is dark... and full of compression artifacts

I live in Peter Jackson's neighborhood in Welly...unkempt fucker is always walking about Miramar like an utter slob acting like he owns the place. Good lad, great for a laugh or at taking city council to task, but fuck he is one dirty looking specimen.

>comparing a movie to a tv episode

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>people actually thought Winterfell would be LE BEST BATTLE EVER BECAUSE THEY TOOK 50000 DAYS TO FILM IT

>BTFO out of every medieval siege sequence

hbo lied when they said they're gonna have more money
the reality is they cut down budget hard because they are spending shitton of money on actor's salaries. that's why seasons got shorter

>skateboarding elf archer
>flying midge
>two guy soloing hundreds of orcs in a bridge
Only retards like Helm's Deep

That episode had 10x the budget of LOTR.

GoT makes the Hobbit movies look like LOTR.
It's like The Last Jedi making the star wars prequels look good

Jon Snow surfing on a Shield down the steps would have kicked ass.

>Can't barely see a goddamn thing
>Jon Snow writing his tax policy mid-combat
> dues ex goblin ninja kills big baddie

The current state of GoT fags watching their beloved show be outshined by the granddaddy

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Lol I'll bite

LOTR Two Towers
-$94 million (in 2002 dollars); $134 million (in 2019 dollars)
-180 minutes

Battle of Winterfell
-$15 million (in 2019 dollars)
-80 minutes

WAY more money per minute for Two Towers

20 years of technological advancement outweigh 100 million you autist

>$94 million for an entire movie with thousands of different sets, thousands of extras and a vast number of different filming locations.

>$15 million for one location, a few extras (most was CGI), while having access to FAR superior camera and CGI technology.

Oy vey, D&D shills are still defending this trashfire?

Attached: helms deep vs great battle.jpg (1920x1300, 873K)

Why are there elves at Helm's Deep?

Lurk more so you know how to use those words

>$134 million

Redemption from what? The hobbit? It. Wasn’t. That. Bad. It’s just because we’re comparing it to LOTR. It’s a good 7/10 on average, with AUJ being 8.5

Based Sir Peter.
He's also fucking taking our progressive mayor and scumfuck city council to task over sketchy developments.

says the newfag lmao

knife ears heeded Rohan's call for help

The only thing that makes The Hobbit look good is not having eyes.

Cringe-worthy day-for-night bullshit on the left. That would never fly today.

now post the 6,000 riders of Rohan compared to the 20,000 Golden Company men

Even the fucking opening battle of the fellowship film was better and that was basically a summary of what happened with most of the battle skipped.

Fucking hell, the absolute STATE of GoT

>Peter Jackson castrates GoT
Ironically he castrated himself when he made the Hobbit movies.

You can actually SEE SHIT in the battle of Helm's Deep. And orcs are actually terrifying, unlike GRRM's ice autism zombies.

I wasn’t aware the battle of helms deep lasted 180 minutes, guess you learn something new every day

>Helm's Deep
>they literally have a river running under their wall
>no one ever thought hey this is a huge weak point
>no one ever thought to reroute the river
>no one ever thought to make a, you know, MOAT
>Helm's Deep isn't even a castle, it's a fortress
>almost always abandoned
>a fortress protecting...
>some shiny caves
>orcs select their best runner
>it's a huge guy not an actual runner type
>looks like a pro wrestler
>he dives in the hole like Loony Tunes



Are you not aware that the moon is a thing that exists?

How can you even compare the scenes? Helms deep is a masterpiece

Look how blue everything is. Where's the blue coming from? The moon isn't that color.

>start up watching the bottom one because I haven't seen in before
>end up focusing exclusively on the top one because it's actually coherent filmmaking

>Help! Help! Police? Yes, help me! I've been mogged!

Yeah, it was obviously shot day-for-night. Thank God it was, or you wouldn't be able to see anything.

They didn't spend 15 million on every episode. They spend less on some and more on others. The battle episodes 3 and 5 had more budget.

>For death and glroy
>Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn
LOTR dialogue was nonsensical and cringe

based retards

>To keep the scene intelligible, a misty blueish backlight was used, ostensibly emulating the light of the moon. As a result, the action and actors expressions remained remarkably clear in the dark

What are you talking about? That's perfectly comprehensible. It's just archaic. And it gave me shivers down my spine.

This, Aragorn should have instead decapitated Theoden and thrown his head out a the door and pretend that he was siding with the orcs.
And then, to further prove his loyalty, we would get a graphic scene of him raping his headless corpse.

>Let us be the hour we draw swords together
>*dramatic head raise*

Ogre from Revenge of the Nerds is looking dapper!

it's verse you absolute pleb

Wow. It's almost like the movie isn't set on Earth, but instead in a fictional fantasy world. Really gets your noggin joggin', doesn't it?

Yikes. Let me guess, you were raised by a single mother?

>t. bitter woman who fails to comprehend the poetry.

guess again. arwen and aragons scenes are kino and so was gandalf vs balrog but the dialogue was really lame for lots of it.

Unironically every single one of those are adventure genre kino and make the film much better

I'ld rather have shield surfing at the right time than serious tone deaf boring shit

>don't judge things I like

Helm's Deep had a moat, Helm's Dike

there is literally nothing wrong with any of that

>what is color grading?

you are unbelievably stupid

forever... a cuck

Look at this pleb who didn't get greater cleave for their fighters

Why are /got/cucks so insecure when it comes to lotr?

Classic muhrealismfag

OMG that's Sir Peter Jackson, Lord of the Incels - quite a popular figure in these parts

What does this even mean

seasons 1 to 4 are kinos of the highest order, with season 5 being half kino. There are 22 episodes after that you can skim through to get the the end.

I like how Isengard theme suppress Danny's theme since 3:19


50 days to film, but only three where they remembered to remove the lens cap.

to be fair LotR had a higher budget and top tier talented people working for years on it
not that this can excuse the retarded writing, boring visuals, and stupid creative decisions of GoT

this. it's fucking fantasy. i'd rather have skateboarding elves than GoT's "muh subversion" where every fantasy element turns out boring, mundane and/or useless

The more important question, how would this guys
fair against Danny's forces

you have the iq of a cinderblock

You realise Saruman basically invents blackpowder to breach the wall? The film and book explains this.

well I can kinda understand the darkness in Winterfell, as the wights were supposed to be concealed by it. Like when the Dothraki charged, and ended up getting rekt while you could only see their torched sickles going out one after another. It kinda added a spoopy effect, but yes, the rest of the battle could have been brighter. Like say it's full moon but cloudy, but when the wights reach the first line of defense, the clouds settles revealing the massive army

Getting flashbacks watching this with my brothers in the theatre.

Damn where has the time gone? And our quality filmmaking?

i love lotr but orcs in the movies are quite fucking useless.

>don't think about it bro, it's fantasy
Dumb GoTard.


i get what they were going for with the GoT battle but it just looks like total ass.

Which Hackson left out for one reason or another. Then again leaving out parts of the fortifications mentioned in the books was something of a habit of his.

Attached: Map_Battle_of_Ho.jpg (720x975, 173K)

>Which Hackson left out for one reason or another.
But he didn't, moat surrounded the bridge and the main fortress

considering a human with a bow was able to take down a thousand year old dragon I'm pretty sure they would have no problem dealing with a 10 year old wyvern

>your kneejerk reaction is to jump to the show’s defense
>”o-only some of the seasons are shit”
Don’t be an apologist for a tv show, user.

based Peter dabbing on these libtards

>Wilhelm scream

Always used in Kinos of the highest order

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Love how the thumbnail bottom partition is just black lmao

>what is the purkinje effect

>seasons 1 to 4 are kinos of the highest order
>only half the show is shit

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This is because's Jackson took inspiration from Zulu when he made helms deep, and D&D took inspiration from their colon

>Not appreciating pseudo-anglo-saxon-viking-saga epic rhetoric

What are the great totally not cringeworthy quotes from game of thrones?

Honestly I would like to look at battle without magic (no Saruman, no dragons), only unsullied, notherners and dothraki vs uruk'hai, wargs and dunlanders

what did you expect, every hack needs another worse hack under him

Helm's Deep battle could have been a little darker for "realism", but you literally can't see shit in Winterfell, and it's not done to a good "it's dark so unexpected things happen" effect either, you just can't see shit

obviously middle earth would win because they are the only ones that actually bring seige equipment to battles and place their forces behind walls and for a non meme answer just compare the equipment of the urukai to the unsullied they're heavily armored and have spears twice as long plus they're twice the size of those dickless shitskins

Do you mean the Peter Jackson who plowed so much money and effort into getting the "West Memphis Three" cleared?

Peter Jackson is a fucking hack and his lotr movies get more cringey and shit as they go on

You gotta be kidding. Even in Fellowship of the Ring the orcs are downright horrible.

Attached: lurtz.jpg (584x356, 57K)

Where did you learn that?

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>what say you instead of whaddya say

>Dany's first speech to her khaleesar with dragons
>tyrions confessions in the eyrie
from this season bronns "one handed fuck" line to jamie was hilarious

Working with art and 3D rendering

yeah they look tough but they fight like shit and need a ten to one advantage to kill men

There are many scenes during Helm's Deep where you see a giant bright light behind guys -- which is totally unrealistic (although I understand the decision).
I actually admire Winterfell's lighting for being realistically absent during a night battle. It's like the evolution of space scenes: They used to be made with sound so audience's wouldn't be annoyed by silence. But over time audiences came to appreciate the realism of space scenes with no sound.
Maybe one day audiences will come to appreciate night scenes where you can't see very much.

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>Where's the blue coming from?
same place as the music, fgt

they dindu nuffin

The Hobbit films are pure 2/10 flicks.

LotR and GoT are both trash.

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>20 years of CGI "improvement" and cheaper implementation of CGI

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jackson's a turbocuck, go to 4:20


>I learned a phrase!! Look at me, I learned a phrase, I'm going to repeat it everywhere without knowing anything!!!

Jackson is a libtard, silly

They were shit compared the LotR trilogy. Also putting a period after every word in a sentence doesn't make you sound badass, you just look like a faggot.

What am I looking at? The lower screen of the comparison is almost entirely black.

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Have you ever been outside during a full moon? It's not unrealistic

As I read your comment, I forgot I was on Yea Forums and thought I had been moved to plebbit without my realizing.
This is such a pathetic, useless, thoughtless comment designed to seem insightful and intelligent.
Why are you even here? What you wrote is pure shit.

>Greater cleave
3.5 barbs were fun

Maybe it's not the movies, but the source material.
The Hobbit was written as a kids book, and Jackson did a good job of bringing some levity to the story and adding context within the greater LOTR universe.
Spreading it out across three movies was the biggest issue with the movies, and I think we all know that this is the fault of greedy movie execs wanting to milk the franchise, and not necessarily Jackson.

I want to ask you guys something, because this has bothered me.
How did Peter Jackson change so much from becoming careful and respectful to the LOTR and it's audience, to milking the Hobbit to the point in which it is widely regarded as the worst films he's ever made. It had to have been more than money, nigga killed like 400 horses to film The Five Armies alone.

Attached: UYIHi3q.jpg (712x188, 33K)

the problem with the hobbit compared to the lotr trilogy was the fact that they had a ton of characters in the party that all stuck together and were too interchangeable. the fellowship gets split up right after moria, so the next two films can deal with multiple storylines between the big cast.

with the hobbit all the characters stick together and do the same shit, which doesnt allow for any diversity in the storyline. youre just stuck watching these samey dwarves unga bunga across the land. it doesnt allow you to care for them at all individually. then they put a hamfisted love story in it and gave too much screen time to the unibrow twat.

it was really hard to give a shit about any of the hobbit characters other than gandalf since you know him already and martin freeman since hes the main protag

He had to do whole job after Del'Toro abbandonned half-finished project.
Besides, Hobbit as source metrial wasn't good for 3 movies.
But IMO, first two movies were nice.
Also, WB

>a ton of characters in the party that all stuck together and were too interchangeable
That's the inherent flaw of the book too. As far as dwarves go it's Thorin, then the big fat fucker, and a bunch of nameless redshirts.

I bet you have a "i drink and i know things" shirt