I've told you to fuck off twice and yet you're still here.
I've told you to fuck off twice and yet you're still here
Ahhh, the Fucker
If everyone just listened to him half the problems in the series would not have occurred.
Allow me to pop a jaunty little bonnet on your purview and ram it up the shitter with a lubricated horse cock.
I think he was right. He's always fucking right.
On here Aussies get a lot of praise for their casual swearing, but I'd wager the Scots are better at it.
This guy had to go ahead and download illegal porn and ruin a perfectly good comedy series, fucking bravo
Us Aussies are softcocks compared to Scots. Americans are probably infatuated with us precisely because we're not as threatening. Scots have the advantage of their national identity being based solely on seething resentment against the English.
Nah season 3 and 4 were kino.
I told you to fuck AND suck
literally me haha
Nice lack of taste faggot, I wish I could filter you from the entire internet
>female character replaces him
>"waa waa it's bad"
Have sex.
lmfao if you can't admit the commission episode was pure and unadulterated kino then you're literally retarded.
Especially since she was, if anything, more of a retard than Hugh.
Her acting is worse than that of a wet sock
i had a wet sock whenever she was onscreen if you get my meaning
God he's fucking perfect. Rewatching this and I seriously can't tell if which one is best, him or Tom Hollander.
>download illegal porn
Yeah, he got busted for downloading cp or something. Effectively killing his career.
>but I'd wager the Scots are better at it
Yeah, but who can tell? You'd have to understand what they're saying before you could prove it.
His actor was arrested for child porn
She was good at playing the incompetent character she was supposed to be, and her dynamic with Malcolm was great
Fucking kek, never heard of this.
ACtually, hold on a sec. He was busted with "Level 5" child pornography. You know what "Level 5" is?
>Sadism and Bestiality
What a mad lad.
Didn't he try to pass it off as "research" for a role or something too?
>Sadism and Bestiality
>Her acting is worse than that of a wet sock
So this is the level of taste on Yea Forums. Rebecca Front plays it perfectly.
I always felt bad for Glenn. A MAN doesnt deserve such apalling treatment.
>You're on the last chopper out of Saigon
>I'm having it up the arse with Ho Chi Minh
>you were so well suited to the Daily Mail
Its one of the best insults ever put to paper.
In terms of actually being funny:
Peter > Malcolm > Hugh > Glenn > Olly >>> Nicola
Peter was far away the funniest
>not Stuart
His interactions with Stuart were incredibly well written from start to finish. He did cynical and biting better than Malcolm, even. They played incredibly well off each other.
Ok fair enough when those two are in the slide trying to get signal I nearly pissed myself
His reaction when confronted with the picture of him on playing on a slide while Mr Tickle had committed suicide was hilarious.
>Innovation, self-investment, revenue flux, growth, ergo a healthy network. What's so complicated about that?
>...All the words you just used.
>How many Mr Tickels does it take to change a lightbulb?
>He doesn't have a lightbulb, he lives in a tent
The whole episode with them at that retreat is genius.
I actually served him twice in my local Sainsbury’s, asked him if he was collecting the active kids vouchers which they did at the time. He said no, to which I replied ‘probably for the best.’
I have never seen a man have such a look of fear and despair when I uttered that line.
>works as a cashier in Sainsburys
wow get a load of this high flyer!
They've let Ian Watkins out already?
and then the vouchers clapped
You bought a bank out of social embarrassment?
I sometimes buy the big issue out of social embarrassment, I don't buy a FUCKING BANK
Well, Nicola is supposed to be the one that´s so lousy that coudn´t fall and hit the ground.
You won't get any more swearing from us you MASSIVE GAY SHITE.