He made the movie he wanted to make. He didn't care who he would traumatize or piss off. Artistic vision should never be stiffled.
He made the movie he wanted to make. He didn't care who he would traumatize or piss off. Artistic vision should never be stiffled.
Rain Johnson knew star wars is ultimately a shitty ninja movie for children. He did the right thing and is hated by neckbeard fags for no good reason
thank you for showing everyone that star wars is worthless
>get hired to make enjoyable escapist fun to follow a huge story that was built up over decades
>deliver incoherent poorly thought out mess
>"b-but muh artistic vision!!"
and this makes the movie good how exactly?
>He made the movie he wanted to make.
confirming once again that hes a shitty director, and only damaged the brand beyond repair.
>Dares to do something a little different in a 40 years old franchise
>Nostalgiafags and manchildren seething all over the place
Absolutely based and I have nothing to apologize for since he never did anything wrong in the first place.
Let's just say, he made the movie he was capable of making.
built up over decades but still amounts to 5 hours in a room for george
it IS a great movie, you just don't like it. Art is subjective.
>Apocalypse Now
artistic vision
>The Mirror
artistic vision
>Star Wars: The Last Jedi
"artistic" "vision"
It IS a bad movie, you just like it. Art is subjective.
I'l take 100 TLJs over the pieces of shit the MCU pumps out every single day. They fucking ooze corporate medlling and focus testing.
Movies made for the intelectually undeveloped, they offend no one, you forget about them the moment you walk out of the cinema. The essence of out cultural decay.
Doesn't matter. He told a shit story and it's treated as such.
>it IS a great movie
>Art is subjective
let me guess, you're only pretending to be retarded?
Neck yourself, cummie scum.
lmao, you that the MCU is basically the canary in the coal mine for the upcoming communist wave in your country?
you know its true
>this man is a failure
Why do you think the communist drones in China like the MCU so much?
The United States of America is fucked my fren
IX will be much worse
>Artistic vision should never be stiffled.
Except Rian Shitson's 'artistic' vision was forced to be even shittier than it already was by Kathleen Kennedy. Neck yourself, mousenigger.
>He made the movie he wanted to make.
Would have been fine if it was his own movie, but shitting on a long established franchise just to do your own thing and ruining everything is different
He has no vision. A feminist bruce Lee reference isnt a vision...its trite and boring. I haven't been so bored watching a star wars movie in years.
Even episode 2 had a payoff...and some great complimentary material.
He filtered all the plebs who like dogshit movies like rogue one
he's based
Why are Star Wars fans unable to recognize kino?
lol if you consider the last jedi a traumatic experience you should seriously have sex
The most common cancer among writers is that they assume they are more intelligent than their audience and take for granted what they want. Especially when they get a whiff of fame and start rubbing against other, more prominent writers they may admire who have this attitude.
You are never better than your audience. Without them you have no career, you'd be eating cup noodles in a ramshackle apartment unironically. Artistic Vision is good, it's your right, but when you have others paying you to make A, you don't make B. When you inherit the reins of an established universe, you make your vision fit into the rules and standards of said universe.
When you're self-funding a project, then you can do whatever the fuck you please. But until then, you have to temper your vision with what people want to see.
t. Industry Professional
>Artistic vision
>imlplying he is an artist or has some semblance vision...
good bait