Remember the Sacrifice Edition
Remember the Sacrifice Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
why didnt they just give them better diving suits
Most diving suits aren't made with lead
because it was only 3.6 roentgen
they survived
Why didn't they just get the liquidators to lick lead paint for a few hours before going to Chernobyl to protect them from radiation?
>every thread
Lenin would be proud of each of you fine shitposters.
did they really?
>Tfw "billion trillion"
Thank fucking God they didn't just say "trillion" like in the trailer. I pumped my fists in the air when I heard that in the episode.
What was wrong with those ones?
Do you mean like bigger and bulkier ones? That wouldn't be helpful.
youd think after 2 nuclear physicists come along and reveal shits fucked, theyd bring in more nuclear physicists to help
but milk is better than water
One of them died in 2005 and the other 2 are still alive
How many zeroes is that?
well, "survive" is relative
their skin didn't slide off their muscle and they didn't shit their gut out, and they probably got to spend another decade or so with their family, which is better than what a lot of people got
>the irony is that you're projecting because you're literally a russian
back to /k/ you mongol
to be fair, scientists are annoying
>repost from previous thread:
For any retard that is still thinking that the whole underwater operation is true: read what Ananenko says about the whole operation:
>I don't read russian
The water from corridor 001 was pumped out by fireman. Ananenko, Bespalov and Baranov were on duty that day (5 days after the explosion). They walked there in dry suites and respirators with 3 dosimiters, the previous shift made a radiation map for corridor 001 a day before. The water was at knee level in the deepest. Baranov stayed at the enterence of the corridor 001 and Ananenko and Bespalov run to the valves and opened it with ease.
There is an article in business insider, one died in 05 by heart attack, the other two were stilll alive by 2015. Absolute mad lads.
Please keep the retardation contained in the dead thread.
2/3 of them are alive today and the one who died died of a heart attack in 2006 or something
why didn't they just build a wall around it
just listen to the calming tones of the dosimeter
Am i the only one who was annoyed with this complete fabrication?
Super spoonfeedy as well
>more nuclear physicists
What did they even do? I didn't see them do anything. Did I miss it, or will they still be in there the next episode?
That's what the sarcophagus was and is.
yeah, just send all your smartest people in to die, good plan Stalin
>now im in charge :^)
I'm not sure if they got the number exactly right, but a "billion trillion" would be 21 (9+12) zeros. 23 is usually what we start with in chemistry:
To be fair he did say uranium is the bullet
>cannot be translated
Who wrote this?
Any other movies/shows where Jared Harris fucking hangs himself?
>die from fallout spreading all over europe
>send experts in to contain what they could and stop further fallout spreading
Yeah but he was explaining it to dummies so I'd let the inaccuracies slide.
Today I will remind them
>"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood."
>The Ukrainian language word for "wormwood" is чopнoбиль or "chornobyl", the Ukrainian name of the town of Chernobyl.
The Stalinist overtones are giving me real Moose & Squirrel vibes but so far it hasn't been unbearable
I wonder do they still get their yearly 400 rub?
why send in experts when you can send in more Soviet men to lay down their lives for the Workers Republic?
>send experts in
They had phones back then, you know.
you mean the ones they had cut?
It has been translated poorly to evade western intelligence agencies ))))
has anyone done any TDKR memes yet?
That's because the site is in Ukranian but the interview text is in Russian.
Just copy the main text body into google translater and set it RU to ENG
Who fucking wrote it?
I assumed they put them back up after beginning the evacuation. It would be hilarious if they didn't, though.
this guy's flippant joke about getting a checkup reminds me of the way contemporary politicians talk about climate change. sneed
>[helicopter noises]
The show only showed knee high water though
he didn't fold the paper and poke a hole through it so I didn't get what he was talking about
It's written by Yuri Andreev. He is the owner of the SOUZCHERNOBYL.COM He is one of the liquidators.
Why does Jarred Harris kill himself in all his best roles?
>It Aint Me starts playing
Why would you irradiate a man before throwing him out of a helicopter?
would make for a hilarious youtube cut
Is the Belarussian chick real? Sounds kinda preachy
>dr. leganov im politburo
>uh you don't get to bring friends
Why is jewflix shilling this garbage show here? Also how much do they get paid? i wanna get paid to shitpost too.
>make a pretend person
>it's a woman
>thanks to her the problem is solved
Why did they do it?
based retard
>he didnt evacuate Pripyat so good
Composite of the fucktillion of scientists that went "oh shit son"
The fire rises
I fucking hate it.
внимaниe внимaниe
внимaниe внимaниe
внимaниe внимaниe
have sex comrade
2/10 got me to fucking reply
>the first thing anyone says to their superior is blaming someone else
Threadly reminder that "lava" never reached the pool-bubbler anyway.
for you
Giving her the thiccness as we speak comrade janitor user.
>shill arrives in thread
>shill take a second crack at it
>shill samefags to get attention
So what's up with Fukushima?
>when you get dragged to a nuclear holocaust because some crack pot scientist thinks he recognizes some kind of rock
Fukushima needs a reactor-chan too
>containment thread about to begin autosage
>clothes in the basement are still there today
shit's fucked but the ocean is absorbing it quite well
have sex incel
Where's the fucking episode?
>First one to explain to me how nuclear reactors work gets to stay on my chopper
What's there to shill? More than likely all the scientists who did fuck anything to help were men. Russian men. But we couldn't have a committee of men, we needed a stronk womyn rolemodel to let us know and fix men's problems ):
I hate 2019
hells yes comrades
They sure are, why would anyone want to take them?
Plastic doesn't rot and the area is so isolated that they can't really rot.
show went from 8/10 to 4/10, refrain from watching episode 2 until episode 3 is out
based and purgepilled
no she isn't
Did someone with a vagina show up and it rustled your jimmies?
it's a culture wars active measures thing. just endlessly scandal bait about things that are likely to trigger disaffected men and virgins so they're constantly chimping out about identity politiks. they do it in every thread like clockwork.
ok, so payload idea
you know those long tubes they have at construction sites to drop bricks or whatever without hitting pedestrians/workers below? Set up one of those by the core, and have it propel sand out with like a giant fan or something
idk, I just thought they'd bury it or something so it's not a problem in the future
unless you have science or memes please return to your containment thread
ecли y вac нeт нayки или мeмoв, пoжaлyйcтa, вepнитecь к вaшeй тeмe coдepжaния
I knew that was coming, but the entire episode's writing, tone and quality got affected
almost every single scene fell flat on its face, and the one at the end was renedered unintentionally comical, then cut short
yeah, kinobyl is back on the menu, amirite
you're the only shill here bro
so how accurate is the whole thing so far? aside from the mary sue character thats been complained about in every thread so far
Toвapищ, пpичeм здecь Tepeшкoвa
daily reminder that radiation is a meme and there are no mutants and zombies in chernobyl
its really nice here.
yeah sure okay
have fun standing withing 100 yards of the reactor setting that up
Nobody is supposed to enter it again, and nobody would want to spend the effort burying them and get higher cancer rates in the future.
Maybe people just don't like the character?
You know that's not true, the introduction of the female scientist was a mistake, but the show is still worth watching
>тeмe coдepжaния
Your russian is awful.
It should be:
epsiode 1: pretty accurate, based on well publicised
episode 2: not very accurate at all, since they had to make shit up for the bulk of it
>send in helicopter pilots to literally die in the smoke
>set up a cannon apparatus kinda close but less lethal
she's not a mary sue, and the show has been great so far
I wish radiation actually turned people into mutants. I'd take a crack at it.
Someone get this hothead to an infirmary!
helicopter didn't crash until after they started construction on the 1st containment building
way more helicopters were there on the first two days, and a whole lot of those crews got sick and unofficially a lot of them died
Gorbachev says he didn't understand the severity for weeks, not days. even after he sent the scientists, they still weren't telling Moscow the full story, and things didn't automatically get better
now that they got the most bullshit out of the way it may recover to a 6/10 episode 3
tell me with a straight face you didn't see the quality drop sharply
I enjoyed it, the ending was not comfy
episode 1 was spot on
episode 2 they shifted some things around time wise and made some minor changes. biggest discrepancy is the female scientist.
Fuck you I was just about to post this reaction
>not a Mary Sue
You don’t need to be a woman to be able to stand the character, but I can’t see a man ever truthfully saying this.
the quality didn't drop sharply :I
>we fucked up, but what else is new? grow some nuts and get in that water faggots
>stand there for about twenty extra seconds slapping your flashlight
>stand there for another 20 seconds holding your dead co-workers up while they slap the other light
what an awful fucking way to go
>I'm Pripyat's reckoning.
this tranny forgot to dilate
I’m 40 minutes in and damn this show is so good. My dumb sister just woke up from too much fireball and just took another shot and won’t shut the fuck up. She’s like user what’s the stupid show your watching.
that shot was spooky as fuck
>if you don't tell me what i want to hear i'll throw you out of the helicopter
Gee, I wonder why people never wanted to tell the truth in Soviet Russia? It's like a mystery or something....
>the underwater mission
>the helicopter crash
>evacuation only after the west knows
It's all so tiresome.
An no true Scotsman can ever say he likes the English.
>they still weren't telling Moscow the full story
was everyone so afraid to labeled alarmist?
most of them will die within 5 years anyway
the helicopter crews didn't realize they were dying the first few days, multiple crews flew missions all day, only realizing later they were poisoned.
they say by Day 3 the crew members were finally aware and we're going around taking scrap lead plating to put under their seats
this is the ep 1 guy right?
>15,000 roentgens? A trifle! You see,...
I wonder if him and every other dumbass on the bridge got an extended stay at the hospital.
all 3 men survived, look it up
I dodnt remember seeing that bit in the ep.
>or perhaps he is wondering why someone would shoot a man with uranium bullets before throwing him out of a helicopter
Is this shit good? And does it involve a mature cast? I'm tired of fucking zoomer trash ever since Mad Men ended
the only thing worse than delivering bad news, is delivering good news, then going back later and saying "oops, never mind, it's actually fucked"
the moment Dyatlov decided it wasn't a reactor explosion and that news went up the chain to Moscow, nobody wanted to be the first to renege on that
whether or not she's a mary sue depends on the rest of the series
Yeah. The "fire is over there, we're over here" guy who has a plumber friend that works at the plant.
Put your penis in her mouth so she can’t talk.
*record scratch*
Da, that's me. You're probably wondering why I only have 5 years left to live. It all started when I cracked wise about getting an x-ray...
Because the whole scene is made up. The draining operation was done 5 days later after they pumped out the water from the corridor 001. There still was water but at knee level. 2 of the men are still alive, one died in 2005.
these are the posters telling (You) the quality didn't drop and to have sex
How did she know there was more water than normal in the basement?
it's been excellent so far
>my dumb sister
underage b&
It’s easier to disregard the flaws in how a character is written if we can relate to them.
Yes it's good. Watch the first episode and decide from there. It's only 5 episodes total.
>stand on a bridge miles away from a tiny fireball
>don't know shit about nuclear energy
You're being harsh.
Gorbachev did not have to know shit, because it was not his decisions to make. He wasn't even present at the commision meetings.
>a composite of a busload's worth of scientists
>not a mary sue
Why is he so cute, comrades
Someone post a sitnikov wojak pls
>composite, therefore mary sue
kys yourself
>was everyone so afraid to labeled alarmist?
Because having your entire family sent to a gulag for the rets of their lives because your fuck up was not wor4th it. Thats how it worked in USSR, in fact its how it worlds int eh military too. If every is trained and qualified to do a job that means when things go wrong it can only be human error and someone has to be blamed. You see the same shit in the army, people will throw each other under the bus to avoid getting charged.
>Why did you do that?!
>I was ordered too by X
>X! Why did you order im top do that!
>Because sir, Y told me to make him do it that way!
So on an so fourth. Remember RBMK reactors dont explode.
Fukushima was contained because they knew shit was fucked from the beginning with that earthquake. Plus the Japanese already learned from Chernobyl.
Jesus christ sorry for the spelling, I think I just had a stroke.
Can anyone else taste metal?
if she leads the action for the rest of the series and has all the right answers, then yeah, it's a bad choice, but I'm willing to withhold judgement until the end of the series because I'm not a gay faggot
>my feet hurt
>is that metal I taste?
>Why wont they let me speak to the comittee?
>why is she telling me to wait
>dont they know 3.6 roentgens is actually a lot?
It doesn’t help that she’s a composite character who can BTFO government officials and our boy Harris.
You're in shock.
Also, as a thought experiment, I would like everyone to imagine Yea Forums's reaction to a female main character as ugly as Jared Harris
Fix your aspect ratio, nigga.
So if the character has a dick, you immediately relate to him even if he eats babies for lunch. She has a vagina so you can't ever relate to her even if her hole has no bearing on the topic of nuclear physics.
it was badass as fuck
i wonder what a geiger counter would be like in there
composite means she's doing everything all at once
if she's such a great scientist, right, why isn't she at the Kurchatov institute? but she can't be, because she needs to be in Minsk for plot contrivance
You think Emily Watson is much of a looker...? She’s got that “annoying face” thing going on too. I say this outside the context of the show.
arguably the only good scene of the episode
Was anyone else happy when Bryukhanov and fomin were carted off. Even then they couldnt bring themselves to tell the truth. Fomin pisses me off the most, the actor playing him really does it right. Totally spineless.
He lives in a town that solely exists to support the nuclear power plant, that's no excuse.
id give her my geiger counter if you know what i mean
I’m not saying any of that - except for the part where I relate more to characters with dicks. I do. I’m a fan of plenty of Gary Stus, because I’m petty.
t. brainlet
>you will be begging for that bullet tomorrow if you fly into that smoke
I do not
Fun fact she was in a movie with stellan skarsgard where both of them get naked and he pinches her nipple and she touches his cock. Yes you see it all. You see her vag aswell.
lazy writing to elicit easy emotional response, you got played
when people on this board are telling you to turn your brain off, they're doing it ironically, user
Threadly reminder the Guglag system lasted from 1935-1955
The numbers of deaths from forced labor were wildly exaggerated during de-Stalinization and by anti-communist expatriates
Solzhenitsyn, who has been pushed by right-wing governments to be taught in high school curriculum, was unironically a fascist who wasn't opposed to the Soviet oppression system but rather believed it was run by Jews to oppress Orthodox Christians
How are these guys not consideredto heroes the world over? They literally saved tens of millions of fucking people. I don't think anyone in the history of humanity could make such a claim.
Can someone do an edit of this with "40 roentgens" under it like the "40 keks" original.
ruined by Shcherbina uniornically threatening to throw people out of his aircraft like le ebin hollywood big bad russian general
the man was pretty based IRL
>when you nut but she still foaming at the mouth
>old fart with the cane get's evacuated
his faith in soviet socialism was indeed rewarded
>Dont fly into the smoke
>flies into the smoke
>slav logic
back to the reddit gulag with you
our guy
Threatening to throw someone out of a helicopter is pretty based in comparison to a lot of the other old guys.
>the female physicists character didn't exist at fucking all in reality and was entirely concocted for the show
Normally I'm not triggered by this type of shit but this was way out of line portraying it as actual history and only tagging it on in a post episode blip that the Bitch didn't really exist.
Like a bullet
it's great for unintentional hilarity, see The Plane Scene by Nolan (2012), I don't think that's the tone they were going for though
Fuck off D&D, GOT is shit now.
have sex
They have their own medal. And they are considered heroes in some places but the US can't have commies being better than them.
Holy god damn shit cloud chambers are cool
I don't think she was ever very pretty, but "not much of a looker" is an inconceivably generous way to describe Jared Harris
boo fucking hoo.
what am I looking at here
>composite male characters
>composite female characters
the reason I'm alone right now
>she claims a nuclear reactor can explode like a nuclear bomb, wiping out everything in 30km radius
> Formin why did the Deputy Director see graphite on the roof?
I kek'd at that scene.
Soviet medals are fucking kino themselves
great design there
>you can buy these medals for cheap on ebay because they made so many of them and so many of their holders died
This episode definitely strayed into Death of Stalin territory.
not an argument
>they left all the pets
>they get liquidated by hunting parties later
i am trying to enjoy episode 2 but can't find any english subtitles for it
can someone please tell me what is being said during the beginning portion when we see that cool mosiac of 2 naked guys holding an orb of fire/energy or whatever?
thanks in advance
>radiation passing through a drop of blood
Holy fuck that design is kino+
Here's the one Romania gave to mothers that had 10 or more children.
what's with all the trannies defending this shit all of a sudden
The US is still handing out Purple Hearts made in WW2 in preparation for the invasion of Japan.
She would've been shit as a male character too. Literally one person doing what a group of scientists accomplished irl. She comes off as a superwoman with clairvoyance. Even if she did have time to realize the problem with the water tanks the episode doesn't really show that process.
Who is this stronk slavic waman?
That went South so fast!
I dont think they translate it, it wasnt in english in my rip either but it worked for the rest of the episode
I had a look
th-they're all fakes, r-right?
killing the iodine qt more and more with every shot
now that's a pretty sweet medal
You have to go back
>most the animals were dying anyway because they were consuming things off the ground covered in radioactive ash
it was a mercy, thank you brave Soviet Army
>a megaton steam explosion
yeah, right
these medals are cool as fuck
I believe they were splitting it, actually.
No. People in Slavlands are poor and desperate, so they sell medals. Such is life in the third world.
Valentina Tereshkova, first woman in space
my adopted stray radioactive cat is nuking my balls
ty user, appreciate it
not having that one minor part translated was just triggering my autism i guess
It's not translated, but some user found the poem it's from.
should have a giant gaping pussy
But probably not.
would you shove graphite off the roof for one of these Yea Forums?
how'd she keep the blood in her pussy from squirting out and fucking up all the controls?
it's called banter, burger
> The actual deflection paths for alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
Damn, I hope that's real.
Just watched it. Fucking flawless episode.
>you CISHET WHITE MALE stop trying to make things worse!
>the future is female
Her struggle was worth more than the sacrifice of all those trying to put the fire out.
yes, actually
thank you so much
>right wingers got mad because commies have equal rights and women are allowed to speak their minds
That much water ionized into hydrogen and oxygen which then explodes. It's what blew apart the building in the first place and that was from a fraction of the volume.
here's that mural, btw
>never got to speak hers because she's imaginary
>when he starts explaining what will happen if the tanks explode
Holy fucking shit I didn't know it got that close to basically destroying eastern Europe. Did they really only have like 48 hours before a doomsday scenario?
Local retard here. Why did the helicopter just poof apart?
should have had more of her tbqhimo
hoping that pops up in the next episode
but this ones gonna be ok right?
>we need someone to eradicate all these abandoned pets before they spread radioactive contamination or succumb to radiation poisoning
>comrade, the Americans already sent their finest men
hit the crane cable
intense radiation has a habit of frying electronics too
why are you even asking that question when you have that filename
the rotor disintegrated when it slammed into those wires
hard to stay aloft without that
Why don't countries do stuff like this anymore? Everyone whines about declining birthrates in the West but all they do to fix it is bring in immigrants.
they were the good guys all along
i made it the filename because i thought it was but i didn't have a pic saved of it
he would have gotten it if they left in the shot of skarsgaard sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes after he said it
>grab shotgun
>saw off barrel
>throw it somewhere into pripyat
Am I blind I just rewatched the scene and don’t see any wires. Just seems like the rotor combusted
wew what a quality drop
no wonder HBO's not releasing everything at once
>tens of thousands of years later reborn humans with their own evolved language will find this mural in some ancient debris and worship depicted men as deities that conquered the stars.
>not random cops all the time as a goof
They couldn't contain the spread
monetary compensation is way more important and tangible now than pride and patriotism
stop watching YIFY rips
if they don't show this cunt lying face down on the side of the road with some radioactive dog chewing his eyes out I will be pissed
>watching on a potato
>tfw you can't comfort her while her body slowly falls apart
We did conquer stars of our own creation, though we suffered consequences when they escaped our grasp.
Her name is not even real. There is no such name as Ulana. The closest one is Ul'yana. Yuryevna is also spelled wrong.
Oh shit that’s impressive. Nice catch.
>tfw Russia is so cucked it can't into good dramas so Westerners have to do it
Fucking Putin
Crazy Bernie
Because people will start complaining about their rights and that they're not brood mares. Commies picked you up from the streets and gave you a job if they found you wandering about without good reason. You couldn't exactly say no. Nowadays people just lazy about and wait for social assistance. Why work when you drink away the little money you get from the state?
The mother heroine used to also receive a sort of monthly stipend. You just couldn't buy condoms and have abortions.
t. don't know what a megaton in TNT equivalent is
in the other thread someone posted an explaination of the core lava going super critical from contact with water, but it's not plutonium
Did you watch Дypaк?
The KGB-niggers glow in the dark, you can see them if you're flying a helicopter.
You just crash on them.
now THIS is autism
Only 3.6 plus14,996.4 roentgen- not good but not terrible.
"Sixty, yes."
"Whoa dude! Way to be a dick!"
you did NOT see graphite
just watched ep2, that last scene was spooky as fuck
also rip dogs
bigger heroes than the kardashians?
bich please
>Commies picked you up from the streets and gave you a job if they found you wandering about without good reason. You couldn't exactly say no. Nowadays people just lazy about and wait for social assistance.
most countries with good welfare programs are post-industrial now, where labor supply already exceeds demand. I'm not sure if make-work is preferable to welfare
10 years in gulag
*has the KGB stangle you in your bath*
nothing personal comrade
what happened to reactor?
it no longer exist!
uhmm ackshually, comrade general secretary, it's 60 million people
so is the emily watson stuff as bad as everyone was acting like it would be?
Our welfare program isn't that great. We have a labor shortage due to brain-drain and regular immigration. 3-4 million people left the after we joined the EU. I've heard of restaurant chains importing Sri Lankans and Nepalese to work in kitchens since the natives can go to France/Italy and work the same job for way more money.
The concern actually appeared when the heat signature of the molten core dissapeared from the thermal imager that was mounted on the helicopter an was viewing it 24/7. They thought the molten core burned through the reactor bottom. That happend 2nd May 1986. They started to pump out water from the corridor 001 to access the valves for the pool-bubbler that was underneath the reactor. The same day the 30km zone was evacuated because of the concern of the steam explosion. The water from the corridor 001 was pumped out on May 5th and the pool-bubbler was drained the same day.
fuck off, comrade
I’m honestly scared watching this show. Radiation freaks me the fuck out
Yes, but there isn’t much of it and Stellan’s character more than makes up for Emily’s.
Yes but she doesn't really interact with any other characters apart from one scene so it isn't a big deal.
she was fine, don't listen to the rest of these delusional anons
Gorbachev was not on the committe actually, The committee was gathered on 26th april in Pripyat, not in Moscow.
>400 Ruples as a yearly stipend for life if you go kill get cancer
not great, not horrifying
>tfw they ask if you even know how contaminated the reactor is
one thing that got to me was nobody ese was able to refuse orders, one guy had to go out and look directly down into the core room, but she can convince a guard to arrest her ALL THE WAY up to the two guys in charge
That was the worst scene in the show so far - by a mile. What the fuck.
> Make it 800 and you've got a deal!
you all just lost The Game
Oh, yeah. Arya with a phd in nuclear physics.
What's hard to understand? Oh this scientist is talking about shit I don't understand. I'll pass them up the command chain and let them deal with it. Repeat.
because as the show has kept showing us, scientists talking sense doesnt mean shit, because theyre always pushed to do something horrible by some grunt with a gun
Yeah fuck it was good though
The sound the radiation detector made is kinda spooky kino
Hi. It's the year 2005 here. Can we have our meme back please?
I thought EP2 was pretty great, quality/writing and tension on par with EP1.
Did some of you not enjoy it because of Emily Watson? I think she did OK. Sure, we live in a feminist totalitarian world so a bit of a reminder of the propaganda is expected. Just like in Soviet era, you needed a reminder of your faith in the Worker, today in the Western decaying world, we need to remind everyone how our future is brown and female.
At least, for now, they completely forgot about diversity, which is a nice effort.
>legasovs description of how a nuclear plant works
why couldnt I have teachers like this in school
my nigga
That did not happen. The decision to drain the pool-bubbler was made by Ryzhkov on May 2nd. the three guys that went there just were on shift on May 5th when the firemen pumped out the water from corridor 001. The water level was about 1-2 ft. They drained the pool-bubbler and 2 of them are still alive another one died in 2005 from heart attack.
fear not, for the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
It wouldn’t even happen in America. It’s like getting arrested by the local police and asking to see the FBI.
damn I was winning for years FUCK
Are you American?
they literally teach that shit in Russian schools.
we don't hardly do nuclear anymore, because OMG NUCLEAR IS BAD
and because our stupidest states refuse to stop sucking at the teat of Big Coal
They teach some of it but not the specifics of how a reactor works. You work out some basic nuclear reaction equations at most.
He's a kremlinbot.
Everything nuclear is barely touched in russian curriculum
Want some mushrooms brah?
Literally how did they live. In fact a lot of the plant workers lived. I'm starting to think the 3.6 roentgens was true and it was a spread of misinformation
Lies. Depends o the school. Пpoфильныe шкoлы c физичecким yклoнoм.
I have HBO go but the new episode doesn't show there, where can i watch it?
So close yet so far.
29, comrade
Because they were only knees deep in the water. The background radiation in the air wasn't that high desu. Check out Konstantin Checherov. He was within the reactor many times and died only in 2012.
enjoy getting raped by HBO's lawyers
Thread theme:
What are they scared of it's just a water lol
It hit a cable. It actually happened too, theres footage of it. I wonder if the wreckage is still there.
This show is so fucking good. Normie won't be able to ruin this show too right?
God knows they've been trying. Complaining about accents and sjw all day since E1 came out.
What I think;
Alpha and Beta would be stopped by their suits, Gamma would be stopped by the shielding and concrete around the core itself. Anyone outside is fucked because they could breathe in Alpha and Beta, and Gamma is going to fuck them badly with direct LoS to the core.
So Pripyat was only uninhabitable because of all the radioactive dust?
>kill all your good commanders
>send hundreds of thousands to get massacred by a bunch of farmers on skis
wouldnt have been the first time soviets did something retarded
new thread?
it's not like "omg, if you go there for even an instant, you'll die"
but even now, if you stayed in Pripyat, you'd get the equivalent of a chest x-ray every 3-4 days, which is not great
What about the giant steam bomb? Was that accurate?
thats the pocket of water beneath the earth under the plant
the tanks were drained, so it gave them plenty of time
Remember that in the city's vicinity there are radioactive vehicles n' shit, like firefighters uniforms in the hospital' basement (yes, they are there to this day, and they are radioactive as fuck)
>theyd bring in more nuclear physicists to help
Watching a committee of 20 physicists would get pretty confusing