You don't need to be worried Dany. Since I'm the rightful heir, I'll simply abdicate the throne to you...

>you don't need to be worried Dany. Since I'm the rightful heir, I'll simply abdicate the throne to you. Then no one will have any reason to question the legitimacy of your rule. You don't need to get paranoid about anything.

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I mean, even if you Dresden bomb and genocide the entire city it's ok cuz you feel hurt

t. op

He could've just done it before she chimped out, especially after the Varys thing.

How do i get a Dany gf?

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if it's (((his))) fault, let's at least agree whamen are lesser beings that need to be restraint at least by omega males in order not to flip out

Really, any time between learning he was the rightful heir and her firebombing civilians would've been appropriate

Him giving her a solid fucking the night before the siege and longterm, them getting married would have solved all of these problems.

Neither of them were willing to compromise, he his values and she her will to rule, but it was the only way to secure a peaceful future. She has the loyalty of a powerful army and a dragon, he has the loyalty of the people.

How is he Aegon if Aegon was the son of Rhagar and the Martel lady?

Sometimes rich give more than one of their inbreds the same name.

But he already had the Targaryen name. In fact, Aegon would be a bastard given that the marriage of his parents was annulled.

No I mean the same first name. There are rich families who like to think they're a dynasty who give every first male child the same name for some reason. "In honour of his father" even though it gets confusing and silly and they have to start calling them Robert jr. and Robert sr. etc.

Royal dynasties did this all the time too. Like in Egypt for a few hundred years literally every male royal was named Ptolemy and every female Cleopatra.

Ok. But there’s no indication anyone does that in the show or the books, or in Throney Land

suck me

Because D&D decided to combine fAegon from the books with Jon and Cersei.

There's no way a beta male will ever be king

It's because the directors keep cutting him off.
Like when she says "then it has to be fear", they just cut the scene without letting Jon say anything.

Wouldn't it make more sense for her to just let Jon rule considering he's the rightful heir and she trusts him? Why is she so obsessed with ruling even after she realized no one in Westeros wants her to rule.

I think the bigger issue is that he rejected her. She straight up says "Is that all I am to you?" before going full Dresden.

>dont get dicked
>commit genocide

sounds logical

>thinking telling a woman not to worry about something won't just make them eeven more crqzy anxious and paranoid

Women are unironically like that. Men too. If somebody had fucked Elliot he wouldn't have murdered those people.

The absolute state of roasties.

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Yeah, men would never do anything crazy over a woman, right?

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