So why the fuck was the dragon cutting building like they were made from paper?

So why the fuck was the dragon cutting building like they were made from paper?

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Dragon fags jerk off to this shit. It's disgusting.

shitty mortar

Eastern dragon folded 1000x.

Inferior gaijin bricks stand no chance.

and do they have an infinite energy or something? jesus christ
why don't they have to refuel?


There's no way a dragon that size could have realistically destroyed King's Landing that quickly desu.

It's magic

>why doesn't The Mountain die after being impaled with a longsword?
>how did the dragon dodge all the scorpion shots?
>how did Jon survive after being surrounded by all the nightwalkers?

Haven't you faggots learned yet?

GOT is a trashass unrealistic show made for normies and cucks.

IDK but I hope the last episode is just an hour of dany flying around burning down every city in westeros.

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What I don't get is why they bothered establishing the scorpion shots ONE EPISODE AGO to just 180 on it the next episode. Like lmao

he had a lot of refried dorneians for breakfast

Because Varys was worth 100 million pet experience for Danny's dragon, so he was able to level up enough times to purchase the "explosive dragon breath" talent.

This. I mean I hate the argument that normies make that nothing needs to make sense because of zombies and dragons but here it actually fits. It's just dragons, mate.

Well dragon fire is hot enough to make a human go from human to ash in just seconds, how hot do you think that is?

Pretty sure dragonfire is magic, not just a flamethrower. Probably has a lot of weight behind it

It's like establishing cryptonite in one minute and then present a huge pile of cryptonite only to reveal that they are just like normal rocks.

Based video game sensibility poster

That's why MANA exists in fantasy. Nothing should be infinite without a reason.

I picked up my phone and started watching YouTube videos about rock climbing once I saw the dragon slice through the tower of the hand and send it crashing into the sea. Fucking laser beam light saber tier breath. Even fucking napalm doesn’t do that shit

Yeah it's stupid, but you COULD make the case that the dragon fire is so hot that the stone instantly melts and then vaporizes, which would cause explosions due to the difference in pressure between the aggregate states of the stone. This isn't the stupidest thing that has happened in GoT by a long shot.

Brutal phone disregard bro. HBO will never fuck with you again

Dragon fire was the secret to the Auschwitz ovens.

Not all fantasy settings has mana

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Establishing scorpions as being able to reliably take down Dragons was the mistake. Dragons are supposed to be near invulnerable in the air, only a one in a million shot is supposed to be able to take them down. On the other hand it’s always been established that dragons were OP as fuck. Aegon conquered Westeros and razed Dorne with just 3 dragons. The whole point of dragons is that they’re like nukes. Great for conquest and intimidation but literally nothing else

At least give the dragon armor

>Even fucking napalm doesn’t do that shit
Yep, was thinking the same, dragon's breath must be some hellish cocktail of flame fougasse and napalm to explode AND burn afterwards.
Daenerys dragon must be on par with Aegon the Conqueror's ones. Army literally wasn't needed to burn down enemy forces and city with this kind of firepower.

You need to balance the odds somewhat, and it makes sense that someone would come up with an anti dragon weapon. Just like we have anti nuke weapons

They should've put obsidian armor on the dragon. It would have been badass

>shooting at a coasting dragon flying in a straight line with lots of time to aim with perfect viewing conditions
>shooting at a dragon that is darting vertically down on top of you while it has the sun in its back

why cant you fucking idiots understand the concept?

But in episode 3 Jon hid behind that pile of rubble, and Viserions fire breath did nothing. But a season earlier he destroyed the wall.

i would literally marathon all of game of thrones if this happens

t. only watched pilot back when it aired

Can someone explain why some of the fire was green?

>and do they have an infinite energy or something? jesus christ
>why don't they have to refuel?

Drogon had about 800 double beef and cheese habanero burritos that morning.


That was Cersei's remaining wild fire stockpiles exploding.

This is anti-semitic.


Do you think she was surprised when spouts of green flame just "randomly" spurt out from beneath the ground?

Thats an actual retard argument because internal logic and consistency is a thing. Dabid just don't give a fuck and haven't for many seasons.

The buildings kinda forgot they were made out of stone.

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Mana is great in games and DD faggot but this is a show.

Why didn't the wildfire in this episode do anything?
I man they pretty much just pyrotechnics, nice to look at but barely destructive when before relatively small amounts of wildfire obliterated an entire fleet and rduced a huge sept to rubble.

when I saw this episode all I could think is why the fuck didn't they just spam breath like that in ep 3

Because magic.

seems like the cgi artists just added it as extra flare as a like "yeah remember this was here too"

what's worse, death by sword or fire?

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>sword or fire?

That defeats the purpose of magic then, doesn't it? It doesn't necessarily have to abide by arbitrary or natural laws.

its a callback to Dresden and the horrors of war.

It's literally magic. Of all the shitty things in this season to complain about, "dragonfire is too strong" is the dumbest, especially when in earlier seasons we saw Harrenhal, a massive castle destroyed by just one dragon.

>when I saw this episode all I could think is why the fuck didn't they just spam breath like that in ep 3

they were chasing the night king around remember?

Mana only exists to players be more and less equal in power, game-mechanics wise.


yea it literately melted a castle down, but most people are surprised because of how easy the dragon was killed last episode.

that was ice breath


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They've thrown continuity out the window. Fuck it. This show will go down as having the worst last season ever.

>>shooting at a coasting dragon flying in a straight line with lots of time to aim with perfect viewing conditions
drogon was flying straight towards the ships and closer than raeghal and they still missed him

>So why the fuck was the dragon cutting building like they were made from paper?

Kings landing was built by an american company. You see stones but the framing is all wood.

its like a super powerful jet engine force

Why do we never see them shit?

>GRRM is obsessed with explaining taxes and ruling policies and shit
>doesn't bother going in the logistics of fire breathing dragons
Is this an example of dishonest writing?

no nigger but they maxed out mana regen, and bought some int items who give more mana and mana regen, so the dragon was able to spam fire. why the fuck are you on the internet without knowing this things?

>Dragonfire can't melt steel beams.

Yeah but viserion didn't have dany's womyn power

It's more fanstasy-science than magic. The maesters of Westeros IIRC figured out that dragons spit two different liquids whose mixture is highly flammable and seemingly ignites itself at the dragons teeth. The chemistry part and the fact that this doesn't kill the dragon belongs tot he realm of fantasy, the question wether he can run out of body fluids to spit is legit in terms of the logic of the GoT Universe

>but you COULD make the case that the dragon fire is so hot that the stone instantly melts and then vaporizes

yeah it's the unknown issues that make it happen being we are dealing with a mix of magic laid over the top of an assumed real life setting. Just because one lacks the info on the how, doesn't make it impossible.
Take anyone from early 1900s and show them modern WIFI, broadcast standards, HD camera footage or pretty much anything that isn't mechanical so you can see the gears of how it works it would all seem impossible.
WWII tanks were monsters, but a modern depleted uranium round would punch past them like paper and seem to like total BS. Same for a hand held rocket with laser target or just laser targets or GPS or even simple radar.

>Dragon flying AROUND, definitely not in a straight line (look at their paths you idiot)
>First shot hits without a leading shot
>Subsequent shots also hit
>All shots after miss, even when Dany flies straight at them
This episode was more realistic, it's just bullshit that they killed Rhaegal the way they did. Dragons shouldn't be shot out of the sky so easily. At least make it so that Euron used some charm or the horn to land one critical shot after missing all of them.

The entire city should have been green. Wildfire is known to not go out, but burn until there's no more fuel. One little spark of wildfire could burn down an entire city if buildings are in close proximity.

Expanding air from fire causes outward pressure force. The old walls just crumble

shut the fuck up

Harrenhall was melted, not burned to the ground

Viserion is an incel dragon with low test
Drogon is uber powerful mega chad with maximum test and endless firebreath

Balerion the Black, ridden by Aegon the Conqueror, was the largest, most powerful dragon the Targaryens ever had. And it couldn't blow apart stone structures as evidenced by the exterior stone of Harrenhal keep which is described as being melted.
But hey, fuck lore when you can have sweet ass explosions and shit.

Their saliva is basically napalm. Do you run out of saliva regularly?

because all the houses were made of shit

shit burns

Dragon fire is magic, it's incredibly powerful of inflammable things say humans, so it makes sense Varys doesn't even scream when burnt he should instantly go to dust if anything, but even the biggest dragon of all time couldn't burn down a castle.

To add to that, the castle essentially turned into a big oven and Harren and his sons were literally cooked inside of it. Imagine how fucking kino it would have been if that happened to everyone inside the Red Keep. Flesh blistering and writhing, falling off to show glistening, exposed muscle, tendons and meat below, screams of utter anguish and agonized torment. Mmmmmm.

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viseryion was missing half his face

also why didn't rhaegal just blast viseryion with fire, wights hate fire lol

LMAOing at these video game blood splatters, the VFX team must’ve had a blast

The show is about dragons, undeads and flaming blood magic fucking everywhere, unrealism is part of the theme.

In season 6. The dragons have to spit fire continually for 5+ seconds to destroy one ship

I imagined the dragon lingering with it's flame long enough to melt the wall, not the flame having the force of a 500lb bomb

>[high pitch noise intensifies]

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not to mention like 1 or 2 episodes ago Drogon and that one bitch dragon was starving because theres no goats to eat, how the fuck is Drogon still up?

We don't spit out large amounts of saliva continuously. We would run out if we did. The dragon must have contained more napalm than his body volume to linger over the battlefield so long

he runs on solar energy, thats why they never attacked at night. not that attacking at night would matther because suddenly the ballista can't aim for shit lol

/kinobyl/ thread waits for you

>high pitch
Hold my drill

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Games have shit like this because they need to balance magic with faggots swinging swords.

Most novels don't give a crap. Magic just does magic things.

its aery's leftover wildfire caches blowing up, symbolising that dany has basically become him

>Ghidora is three of Dany's kids in one

Why don't the Lannister soldiers fold down their eye protection? Was it hubris?

why? the armor does abolutely nothing to stop blows anyway


10 years from that day it would be called a series of gas explosions blamed on Cersei and Quiburn and anyone who would mention a dragon would be called nuts.

Turn off your brain and have sex

Because they were made out of paper and so was the gate.
Also that was a fake kings landing and Dany kinda forgot the adress of the real one. Everything is fine.

>razed Dorne with just 3

He didn't raze shit. His sister and a dragon both got slaughtered.


This. Literally all armour in S8, probably before, may as well have been made of fucking paper. Remember Jorah fighting one of Drogo's men all those seasons ago? Now Sandor can push his sword clean through two layers of plate and whatever's in between, probably two layers of mail and padded cloth and the torso of a (very large) man. Jorah himself has his armour rendered wholly ineffectual against old, rusty undead wildling daggers. What a joke.

Im pretty sure he wiped out a good half of Dornes population before he called it quits, if Grrm didnt have such a hardon on for the mary sue coubtry they would have been as easily defeated as anyone else.

I bet your expectations got subverted

I hate this faggot argument. "it's not supposed to be realistic" isn't a free pass for ignoring the precedent and rules you yourself have presented previously in the setting.

"It's fantasy" doesn't mean if Jon Snow sprouted wings and started shooting rainbow lazers out of his asshole it'd be a good writing.

And how does it not run out of fire?

bro the sjw's are sooo mad best episode ever GOT redeemd ;)

Nah, every time they flew to Dorne the cities were empty and they were hiding in caves. The Dornish were pretty adept at in caves. The Dornish resisted for 100 years until they married into the Targaryean family.

Residual humidity in rocks can cause them to explode when exposed to a high temperature. Dont throw wet stones into bonfires bros


Its fucking fantasy, you tard

They got nerfed.

because explosions are cheaper than melting buildings

>dany cried on the forums and got the scorpions nerfed before she attacked again

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That's wrong. Pretty explicitly stated that the Targaryans decimated Dorne.

>Remember Jorah fighting one of Drogo's men all those seasons ago?
ironic seeing how in the book he only beats that guy because his sword gets stuck in jorahs thighbone instead of gets locked against the armor

>his sword gets stuck in jorahs thighbone

>can cause them to explode
>makes them explode everytime with 100% certainty
these are different


The turned dragon obliterated the wall that was much thicker than the buildings of Kings Landing so they are being consistent at least.

Why didn't Dany just melt the keep immediately after taking out the scorpions?

Dany upgraded it with a new turbo system to condense the air and make the blast bigger

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Dragonfire opens up plotholes, like why Winterfell wasn't blown up by Wight!Viserion, or why Rhaegon and Drogon didn't absolutely demolish the entirety of the Army of the Dead in minutes.

cuz she mad

>Their blood boils and sets stuff on fire too.
>Their bones are black and make good bows.
Shit's magic yo.

At what? The peasants that Cersei doesn't care about?

Probably made out of wood. Viserion couldn't melt a rock JS was behind, so they can't melt stone.

didn't it need to drink sometimes? PETA should fucking boycott the show for animal cruelty

whats that

Now you are being delusional. There were no graphites in westeros


>how did the dragon dodge all the scorpion shots?

lol he didn't, just was one shot from the ships, and another from the walls, I guess the other "archers" were in strike

Yeah I was wondering the same when the dragon flew over the streets and everything his flame touched just EXPLODED like the bricks were Napalm or something.

I'd at least would have seen something more akin to "fire breath" but the Dragon flying is shown to pretty much non-stop spew fire in one continuous stream that kinda pulls you out of it.
I mean sure, they're fantasy dragons, but when they just keep doing it without pause it makes you wonder: So what is it? Do they just breathe? If so surely they need to breathe in eventually. Is it some liquid? If so then surely they can't go non-stop forever.

It's weird for them to do it un-interrupted.

I never said anything about good writing, I said that spouting "it's unrealistic" is hardly relevant.

It's unrealistic within it's own universe based on the rules we've already seen established which makes it bad you obtuse nigger.