Why is there not a single movie about Hitler?
And I don't mean documentaries or movies portraying him as a caricature of a villain.
I mean a movie about his youth and young adult life. From the point when he applied to art school until the day he became the Fuhrer?!
Why is there no movie with Hitler as the main character that shows how he became the man we all know and love?
The Time in Vienna, when he learned to hate the jews. That time when he joined the DAP and turned into the NSDAP?
It can't be a coincidence there is not a single movie like that.
Hitler Movie
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There are you brainlet retarded. Learn to Google, not gonna spoonfeed you
The closest thing is Der Untergang.
It's still about his late life, but it doesn't portray him as a cartoon mustache-twirling villain.
Who would want to watch 3 hours of gay sex besides faggots like you?
>It can't be a coincidence there is not a single movie like that.
There aren't many biopics covering such a long period of time.
Hitler: A Film From Germany
Yeah why wouldn't (((they))) want to make a movie like that?
greatest story never told, on yt
The best Hitler biography is Shin Devilman.
Hitler must remain an insane cartoon villain to distract from the fact that the allies should have intervened sooner, and were under no illusions that the Germans wouldn't mistreat their POWs when supplies ran low.
Just keep it black and white.
>Greatest Meme Never Told
Soviet tier propaganda
Look Who's Back is pretty based.
>Why is there not a single movie about Hitler?
Because of who runs the movie industry
t. amerifat
In my experience it's usually only burgers that fall for this nonsense
It would make for an interesting movie, but anybody even connected to it would have their careers ruined. Activists would harass them at dinner in restaurants, camp out at their house, vandalize their cars. Pressure groups would even go so far as to run them out of the country.
There is. I swear I remember watching one that portrayed him right from his young age until NSDAP. I don't remember the title because I was a kid back then but it was a good movie.
Because that would only appeal to insane natsoc larpers like yourself
Ofc course tgsnt is biased and not 100% correct, thats why you watch everything, read everything to get a perspective
What good is a skewed narrative that makes up bullshit in order to push an agenda? Yes this applies to comically evil portrays of Hitler as well.
I'd rather see a movie about Dresden showing those kraut fucks getting what they deserved
this link title alone is making me cringe into a singularity
edgy cuck
>Sie werden ersaufen in ihrem eigenen Blut!
>not a cartoon mustache-twirling villain.
In all seriousness, I think we need more documentaries portraying the positive sides of Hitler. Not because he was such a great guy, but because showing that he was actually a human, who liked animals and loved his gf, would do well to show people that Hitler wasn't just like you said a cartoon villain who foamed at the mouth and did nothing but yell "JEWS, JEWS, JEWS!!!" all day. And showing the human side of Hitler to me is way, way scarier than anything else. Because it is easy to just see it as "Well this couldn't happen again because nobody is that cartoonishly evil" And the truth is, while he did unthinkably bad things, he wasn't "evil" in the sense that he just wanted destruction like some nihilistic mass murderer, but that he had hopes and dreams, and beliefs that drove him.
>>not a cartoon mustache-twirling villain.
Dude, this was a moment when he was losing his shit because he was losing the war. Most people in his shoes would act like this.
I mean sure, but it was still pretty out there.
Also, I think the most chilling hitler footage is when his gf is filming him and he smiles and flirts: "what are you filming an old man for? I should be filming you" Because it doesn't fit at all with how he usually is portrayed as the physical manifestation of hate and rage.
The same reason why there isn't a film detailing the early lives of the 9/11 bombers. His actions were so monstrous that they overshadow the man he was before. Also humanising someone who killed millions and devastated the entire world would be redundant, not to mention dangerous as there are still idiots who idolise him despite the fact that he'd have all of them executed for some arbitrary reason if he were still alive.
>be Hitler
>apply for art school
>get rejected because your art has "not enough heads"
>ff to ww2
>be Fuhrer of the Third Reich
>killed 6 million jews
>cut off all of their heads
>bring them to art school
>"Here, are these enough heads or do you want more"
>Hitler's actions
Top lel.
He was entirely justified in his every action.
Have sex.
The jews won't allow it.
Bear in mind if he were alive today the police could come knocking at your door and take away you and your family to be disappeared. Even his most loyal were not safe from this danger.
Well I remember hearing him talk about something. He had a very calm deep voice. Definitely not the madman people portray him as... But that said - he was probably really losing his temper a lot. A ticking bomb basically.
I'm sort of the same desu. I'm a calm loving guy normally but when shit hits the fan I go nuclear.
Rise of Evil is pretty good
it is inaccurate in some respects though
For example Hitler didn't hate jews before 1918, despite what he wrote in Mein Kampf.
"I'm basically hitler" -guy on Yea Forums
In Drifters he was on the good guys' side (although they're all pretty morally dubious) and he founded the human empire that rules pretty much everything. True his regime led to the oppression of other races like elves and dwarves, but even one of the other characters that was a part of the empire during his rise to power claims that he was a brilliant administrator and while the other races suffered he unfucked the humans. He's dead by the time the show takes place though
Its actually the Americans that believe this bullshit because their history lessons dont go further than 'muh holocaust'
Time to do it.
You're right, you should.
>m-muh Jews
No, it's because there are no such movies about ANY historical figure, be it positive or negative. Where are movies like that about Roosevelt? Churchil? Lenin? Stalin? Mao? Hell, even Napoleon doesn't have a movie that would cover this period of his life.
Just like the rest of Yea Forumspol :D
>the man we all know and love?
You're asking for a lie. Just go watch some Neo-Nazi apologetic trash.
>Why is there not a single movie about Hitler?
There are literally whole billion dollar industries dedicated to profiteering of his infamy. Games like CoD, movies like Downfall, You tube parody channels, comic books, novels, extensive in-depth documentaries and so forth.
>And I don't mean documentaries or movies portraying him as a caricature of a villain.
What? Listen shitposter, he was a complicated, interesting and larger than life figure. He was also as evil as the bloody devil. You want a documentary? Go watch one, but don't whine about leftists and Jews because the man was human garbage and you can't main stream support for the tosser.
>It can't be a coincidence there is not a single movie like that.
Ignorant tossers always think someone is conspiring against them when they are just simply wrong.
This is bloody good bait, champ.
Fuck off. You know what I meant.
so, just like China? US aren't that far off either.
Because film ultimately is made for you to sympathize with the protagonist.
Any film that actually showed Hitlers side of the story would legitimately get people sympathizing with nazis.
Literally just pick up a text book you uneducated retard.
Hitler was incredibly calm individual, and contrary to popular jewish belief, not a raving lunatic madman. The movie is a propaganda for brainlets.
Watch Hitler's private conversation or The Greatest Story Never Told. Anything else is jewish produced garbage.
Hitler was a leftie liberal
Fuck socialism
I know, that's what I meant. But then again, even despite being generally calm, the stress and drugs must have made him lose it after a while.
You have to admit it's a little weird that he's the only villain you're not allowed to portray, and not only that but saying anything less than him being the most evil man ever makes people lose their minds.
Hitler never really acted insane. He was very sickly in his last days and barely had any energy
Yes, lets all die for Israel our greatest ally. They need a few more billions too
Fuck off American
This. Everyone always agrees that history is written by the winners, except recent history, that's 100% factual and the nazis were objectively all evil people that drowned babies. Same with people that agree that science in the past had to give up objectivity because of the culture of the time (earth is the center of the universe for example) but that then turn around and claim modern science doesn't have any such influences and is 100% true in all cases and if you disagree you're a loony
Greatest story never told
>If you disagree you are a looney
Maybe he is generally portrayed as a cartoon villian is because he was a cartoon villian you 2 digit IQ autismo