Just look at this! This poor privileged and entitled white woman is emotionally destroyed. What was HBO thinking when they let CIS het white makes write this show? Not okay. Sueing HBO should he on the menu.
Incels ruin everything
Other urls found in this thread:
you should watch star vs the forces of evil it is the best tevelision show in the planet
Trump has shown zero anti woman-isms in terms of policy.
Did D&D do this so they can be considered white? Are they betraying their race?
All the whites in the show make awful decisions. The only nonwhite in the show to make terrible decisions is Grey Worm.
sounds like she should just.... have sex
you know how it goes
are all bernie and trump supporters incels?
You know it's gotten to the point where I don't even bother checking if these are real anymore because they always are.
really dude
i cant think of one that wasnt anti-women
AH, FINALLY game of shitrows provides some entertainment value
What the fuck is D&D fucks sake I can't keep up with all this zoomer shit
she looks like she only fucks white men
unironically based and redpilled
Dungeons and Dragons, grandpa
fucking berniebros ruining muh feminist series written by based georgina martina
what? she has a right to be upset.
well the arthur thread wasn't working out
>incels scouring twitter for literal who's opions
also i dont even watch this show, not since khal drogo died. im an incel and those directors are surely not. incels are easier to blame, and shes gotta blame someone
the head writers/producers of game of thrones
baiting normies to love the show only to make them emotionally destroyed in last season was the real Game of Thrones all along. bravo D&D
Completely underrated post
>Or Bernie supporters.
Kill yourself newfag. Seriously.
Your phoneposting is showing.
Oh wow, shocking occurrence, an upset white woman, somebody ring the bells.
lmao roasties BTFO
Did you know that the majority of the traffic on the internet comes from mobile for a few years now. Deal with it grandpa.
>so fucking delicious
I cannot fathom how any Yea Forumschad hated the show last night. Seriously, fuck the show... when the fallout is this perfect, you absolutely cannot complain about anything.
I am legitimately happy and satisfied that left wing females are upset. Fucking give birth.
t. proud incel
Why all things must related to Trump?
Thanks OP, my dick twitched in joy reading that. My white male dick.
you just know this little cock sucker is a sneed poster
incels will claim this is some kind of victory for them but in truth: people like that have the sadbrains and crying about some tv series not pandering to them politically is just a misguided emotional response indicative of the aforementioned sadbrains
incels had the same reaction when arya killed the NK
non mentally ill people don't cry or get mad or feel their life is "ruined" over a tv series
Name 3(three)
>made by a white male
>white male viewpoint
OP's pic is satire...right?
> after years of women killing it
this is the problem, when the kings all got killed and the queens took over I bet she was whooping and shouting YAS QUEEEENNNN
when the queens fight and die though? OMG WHAT IS THIS MISOGYNIST SHIT, FUCK WHITE MALES
SJWs are already being brainwashed by the establishment into thinking Bernie is just as bad as Trump somehow because of how high he scored in the latest polls
This is how women come to ruin all media. They do not understand fiction.
> Dany flips her lid
> a guy kills a woman character
The literally, no joke, unironically, do not get fiction. Every character has to be one they 'identify with', because of female solipsism, and now that they identify with the character in their mind it literally "is" them and it cannot lose or they WILL take it personally.
Who are Lefties going to support in 2020? Actual socialist sorts like Bernie and Yang or more race obsessed sorts like Warren and Harris?
Isn't the mad coke head the highest paid actor on set? 1mill an episode to drink wine and look out a window
>typical delusional Hillary supporter
t. a Bernout who clearly saw that dragon bitch was a psycho
White women are pretty trash tbqh.
Imagine being such a fucking pathetic piece of shit that you get emotionally scarred for life over a fucking tv show and manufactured buzzwords
Migapedes on Yea Forums too?
Bernie 2020
>Who are Lefties going to support in 2020?
Whoever the DNC. Media and Late Night Show hosts tell them to support
Can you stop harassing her??? She is a single mom and her child is trans. People even got so far and misgendered her child over a tweet. This is unacceptable.
>They were the ones consuming product
>They were the ones who made their own connections
>They were the ones that set their own expectations
>White mens fault
Way to not look crazy buddy.
Underrated "nice saggy" poster.
She should remove herself from the internet, it's full of evil white incels.
If you use the internet? newsflash your a nazi eh sort your life out sweetie.
Why do you go to Twitter? It's literally the internets corral for the mentally unhinged.
Breaking up refugee families, his general trned is anti people in favour of corporates and top sliver of 1 % too
More like her own fault. Posting this on public. Especially if it seems not as an answer to a conversation but a monolog to boost her ego or to write her frustration into the wild.
People dont understand how new media works!
How embarrassing. Imagine what broken creatures these fools will raise, if they ever have kids? Society is dead.
Fuck refugees.
we're truly living in the last days of Rome
So is jail also an antiwoman idea because it separates criminals from their children? Should we abolish prison? You people are so fucking stupid it hurts
>giving this psychotic cunt the attention she wants
Obviously grrm you fucking moron.
You mean its the ego bubble of the internet.
>her child is trans
Na, i know that my posting dont matter. And i am selfaware enough to understand what Yea Forums is.
How fucking underage are you that you weren't even around when Stranger Things brought hipsters and fags rushing back to it and claiming it as the new best thing ever?
and yet your new continues to show
That i use it as its intended. Just like you, based bait user!
You see the difference? Selfawareness and knowledge how things work.
Thanks for your (you)s
>That i use it as its intended
All the main characters get a mill an episode
trolls to libturds are anyone that makes them question their shitty worldview which makes them uncomfortable
most of them have to actually do stuff though, dumb fuck.
Boo fucking hoo it’s a show based on British and European medieval history.
Men were the strongest in those times in the conventional sense because their was a lot of fighting to be done. Get got you stupid white whore.
obama did the same thing. So why is she bringing up trump instead of obama?
>says dumb shit
>get called out for it
>just blocks or ignores everyone that calls them out instead of admitting the mistake
typical leftist
I like how most of the time someone introduces a different point of view to their own on twitter, people tend to dismissively hand waving them as trolls.
Removing herself from the gene pool.
It's a fantasy show
thats honestly what I thought it was
Spot on. Incels on Twitter and Yea Forums ruined everything.
drogo trusted dany and let the witch poison him instead of just cutting her head off.
Bad decision if you ask me.
did you know this is an english speaking board
shes right. fuck bernie.
>what is reducing funding for Planned Parenthood wherever possible
>what is reversing overseas Planned Parenthood centres in countries like Mexico
>not a single word spoken against the proposed Georgian abortion laws
Sickening retard.
Heavily based on real history the red wedding is based on a Scottish historical event look it up my point is men will be the strongest in a culture about violence. It’s just a fact. Once Jon convinces Drogon that he is the true king Dany is fucked because she is a woman and not even a proper warrior Jon on the other hand has a physical advantage and has all of Westeros behind him now that the Lannisters are dead and gone. Screen cap this Jon will be king and Dany will be executed by him for being a monster.
>refugee families
Lol they are refugees now?
Cringe. You’re a class traitor and your support for Trump only serves to perpetuate continued oppression of the working class and the poor. Bernie represents perhaps the only politician who is capable of making genuine, socialist change in America - which it needs direly.
She means
>Hire gender studies hairy green-haired students who are obnubilated with making-believing women are somehow superheroes and master-dodging responsibilities and can't ever ever do bad stuff in their lives.
>ubi isn’t socialist
Pro human trump pro women. Or do you think women are more important?
We already know the ending, retard
UBI paints over the cracks in a society that is intrinsically against the poor. The rich get richer whether we have UBI or not. America won’t be fixed until the rich are dragged from their mansions and fed into the guilottines, to pay for the damage they have caused the Earth and it’s people over the last 400 years. Yang doesn’t go nearly far enough.
This worked everytime because the writer was a women!
Dumb twitter femcel! Typical feminist!
guy should drink more vodka
have sex sweetie
>if you don’t let me murder babies you’re anti woman
You know half those babies are girls, right?
This crazy witch hates men so much she turned her boy into girl and pretends he is mentally ill, schizophrenic. Is it possible to report this witch to social services? this kid is in danger
Lol, you don’t treat acorns the same as oak trees, so why pretend that you think fetuses have the same right to life as the women that carry them?
I hope you live long enough to get thrown out of a helicopter
bitch doesn't realise the series of books were written by a man in the first place. How entitled and solipsistic can you get.
"Hire women to "write" the show" so they can what, change the ending so all the women don't die and kill all the men? fuck off...
half those *fetuses, cry more, conservatives will never win this fight, you never have and never will!
Indaboox, he didn't bother using her medicine.
>preventing babies being murdered
This is what libtards actually believe
>you don’t treat acorns the same as oak trees
How do you know how I treat them?
Also, trees aren’t people. I’d say it’s like comparing apples to oranges, but it’s more like comparing trees to humans
>uhh bluh blah blah heligopdah
Mmm, how does that boot taste right about now?
It's not just about the pre birth child but what does it say about humanity as a whole that we kill our babies?
If you add it up, the total run time is about 70 hours.
Where's this twat getting 10 years from? She''s probably spent more time wasting her life on twitter posts.
Can you please use a period? That’s far more annoying than the lazy bait
user. You're involving yourself too much.
Let her kill her child. She will be the one roasting in hell, not you. And the kid will grow in an environment telling him it's beneficial for him to be a tranny.
And then he'll reach 30 and kill himself.
She will think this little shit did it on purpose to make her suffer and will hate him. The kid is lost.
Don't sweat over it.
Weak response from the brainlet, as expected. Fetuses literally aren’t people - they have zero brain activity. It’s morally permissible to terminate life support for people with zero brain activity, ergo it’s morally permissible to terminate gestating fetuses.
Not exactly, he puts her shit on and then removes it when it starts annoying him, putting on some dirt instead.
You’re the one bitching about being oppressed, so you are probably better suited to answer
no, I won’t, blow it out your ass
>not wanting to be oppressed by Jews and lizard people
>licking the boot
A true galaxy brain, wow!
>Fetuses literally aren’t people
And let me guess, you’re defining what a person is now?
>It’s morally permissible to terminate life support for people with zero brain activity
Oh shit, when did you decide that? Have you told everyone about the new moral standards that you have set for us?
People with zero brain activity don't eventually develop into children though retard.
How is being against abortion in any way "anti-woman"?
he'll be dead in five threads
>bitches about being oppressed
>tells the person that tells him he is retarded how it feels to be oppressed
I think you might be retarded
>pretending (you)s are some kind of points
Maximum cringitude
The whole Planned Parenthood thing in the US is retarded.
There is not a single other country where you will see this debated. People understand both that abortion is sometimes the best course of action and that abortion is not something that you want to normalize.
the usual reason is that you deprive them of the possibility of choosing
Because it’s my body and I can kill anything I want in it, shitlord
>dude, it’s okay to murder babies because acorns
RPP is a thing, fucking youlet
>and that abortion is not something that you want to normalize.
Please tell this to the democrats.
I remember when this website was self aware
did they already forget?
I hope the score system comes back next April
We don’t kill ‘babies’, they aren’t ‘babies’, they are fetuses. Further, it’s about rewarding deserved bodily autonomy rather than depriving unborn children of life. I find it hysterical to see the amount of support for such draconian laws here, where you all pretend to be ultra-trad yet openly pine for pre-marital sex and consume alcohol and tobacco, and no doubt have no inclination towards adopting any of these non-aborted kids you’ve created. Also, I can guarantee that if it were men who got pregnant, abortion wouldn’t just be legal, it’d be state-subsidised and even encouraged!
Bitch, laws exist that prevent everyone from killing babies. Is it also "anti-choice" for murder to be illegal?
>literal who on twitter has an opinion
I wish twitter threads were deleted on sight and a permabannable offense
She's crazy and probably high on anti depressant which explains her crazy twitter rants
And neither will fetuses who get aborted.
To be fair, it's not like "white guys run GoT" has ever been a secret. One google search for author or writers, done.
Fucking Imagine your wife having an accident. She is brain dead but will wake up just fine in 9month, then some retard pulls the plug.
>all about how a woman goes crazy
>coping this badly
Did she watch it? Every other character in the show is a lunatic. Considering that the Dany bit has been the main plot (alongside Jon's) this should be seen as a win.
The sad part is that people have become so invested in a tv show that they're taking it personally.
>daenerys: ill take back whats mine by fire and blood
>she actually does
The only reason why abortion isn't seriously debated in Europe any longer is because most abortion laws are still pretty restrictive. In Germany it's not even legal per se, it's just decriminalized. It's NOT normalized, that's why most people can live with it. The problem in the States is that Dems try their hardest to push the limits on abortion. Abortion shouldn't be just legal, it should be a celebratory act of self-determination that you can casually tell your friends about over a coffee.
>they aren’t ‘babies’, they are fetuses.
And what is a fetus again? Ah, right, its a baby that is still inside the womb. Names are just words humans give things, they don't change what a thing actually is.
>where you all pretend to be ultra-trad yet openly pine for pre-marital sex and consume alcohol and tobacco
Speak for yourself faggot, I'm no fucking degenerate. I've got money on you being a woman because you're completely irrational and out for baby blood since you're a psychopath as well it seems.
you could just stop being a slut
>they have zero brain activity
Are you sure about that?
>Thinking (you)s are point.
>Not thinking some one thanks just response and time used to response
The state or brainlets who dont understand intentions and causal connection. Are you sure you are not a NPC?
What kind of person writes this?
>dude, it’s okay to ruin women’s lives and potentially kill them through dangerous childbirth because misplaced sense of moral duty based on non-existent scientific foundations
If you’re so quick to disagree that a fetus isn’t human, then give a reason for what makes a fetus human. A scientific one, not just a tautological, “but they are!!” answer. I decided on the life support thing just then, so deal with it faggot.
John said rule with fear so thats what she did YYAASSS QUEEN STRIKES AGAIN
Whenever I hear people defending abortion it sounds like they're just jokingly playing devil's advocat. Like, I read this and I'm thinking "Come on, nobody actually believes in these nonsensical arguments"
lol, the point is that they have the capacity to develop brain activity whereas a human vegetable is a lost cause.
MistressT is a SJW?
I've witnessed acorns being compared to fetuses in this thread, so don't think anyone will take you seriously from now on.
Or you stop fucking around... Whore.
Brain dead people dont exist, they are ‘dead’ in my moral system that I’ve made, so I would quite happily unplug you’re wife
2 episodes ago a woman (Arya) saved the world. Dany fucked over Kings Landing in a way that would put Genghis Khan to shame.
What is this roasties problem? Is every womyn character supposed to be infallible now?
You know what is a good idea when a woman is getting crazy and medicated for a depression caused by an election? Giving her a kid, letting her take care of it and letting her express her opinions.
I would have burned her on the first sign of hysteria. But that's because I'm a practical person.
LMAO, when you try to insult but instead just own yourself. Please post pics, I want to laugh at how pathetic you are!
Not necessarily, there some pretty amazing stories out there. And even one story is sufficient to prove the point.
>ruin women’s lives
She got pregnant, she "ruined" her life.
>potentially kill them through dangerous childbirth
That, rape and some sicknesses are the only reasons to consider killing the child.
>adopting any of these non-aborted kids you’ve created
Not the user you're having a bitchfit with, but how are internet wizards and nazis responsible for dumb whores getting pregnant? The people who apparently aren't having sex are responsible?
Pro-tip: Celibacy has a 100% success rate of not getting you pregnant. I would say broads should take responsibilities but
>taking responsibility for their action
I am all for PP, don't really care people are murdering their children. The mental gymnastics fucktards go through so they don't have to feel morally conflicted is pretty amusing desu.
Definitely a fucking woman, you swing and miss with your accusations of hypocrisy and then try to resort to ad hom, sad!
That’s a decent argument, but you can say again that you’re equally depriving the potential mother of her true future by burdening her with an unwanted child, or even worse, potentially killing the mother in childbirth. The argument through potentially can go both ways.
Nice /pol/ chart response there tough guy
>muh ad hom
>muh hypocrit
Argue like a man, not like a bitch
>potentially killing the mother in childbirth
I'd say this is one of the best excuses someone could ever have for actually aborting.
>you’re equally depriving the potential mother of her true future by burdening her with an unwanted child
She probably should have though of that before she skipped out on protection/ birth control
>what is reducing funding for Planned Parenthood wherever possible
Not paying for a for profit business to stay open
>what is reversing overseas Planned Parenthood centres in countries like Mexico
Reducing over seas spending to pay for a tax cut.
>not a single word spoken against the proposed Georgian abortion laws
Not talking about something isn't doing something, it's simply not interfering with state matters.
See Women are fucking retarded, having unprotected sex can have consequences, abortions aren't there to fix your bad decisions in live.
You're the bitch here, not me, make no mistake. You get what you give and you have me nothing but trash with personal attacks that have nothing to do with this conversation. I'm against abortion but you should have been aborted.
Contraception can fail, complications can arise. Why should a woman have to give up going out and seeing friends, getting wasted, and having fun just to appease virgins on the Internet by keeping an unwanted child alive? It’s twisted and unfair!
>the abuse I endured during/after the election.
What? That sounds as if she has a very fragil mind that a presidential election affect her that hard. Or she just want dome sorrow now.
Her "daughter" is pretty cute. Hopefully it doesn't puss out and get off hormones before puberty. That looks like it'll be some prime boipussy in a few years.
Haha! Not only have I beaten you into submission, you have even agreed with my stance on abortions! Truly, you are the bitch, and a very dull one too!
>Contraception can fail
I'd like to see the fail rate for birth control, I imagine it's incredibly low, Imagine how much of a slut you'd have to be to hit that highly unlikely fail rate.
Nobody tell her that literally everybody else, men included, are pissed off about how this shit is going.
it has dragons
Because it's been 3 years and they still can't deal with having their perception of the world shattered.
You must be a troll, I will say that you've managed to amuse me at least with this last response.
My grandpa played dungeons and dragons in the 80s
Sorry, when women have sex they acknowledge the risk of getting pregnant and then, they want to murder the inconvenience that arose out of their whoring around....
I'm pro abortion now, don't abort the innocent baby, abort the whores who can't keep their legs shut for more than a day.
The problem is that many people want to be panderd to. And if they are not, its the others fault and they are "insert enemy agenda insult".
And this is very heavily in usa, guess the "Customer is king" mentality made the masses spoiled.
>Why yes I'm an incel how could you tell?
But, why? What is society's benefit form loose abortion laws? Do Democrats not realize that people behind planned parenthood are making money out it?
More like.... Wincel.
>durr how do statistics work
Contraception success rate is fortunately ~99%, but you only need to get unlucky one time and you’re done. You don’t need to be a slut. A virgin on the pill has the same 1% chance of getting pregnant as a promiscuous women. Your dumb incel brain wouldn’t understand that though.
Nah, only the Trump supporter.
>I want to punish women because they won’t have sex with me
Apparently she hates Bernie Sanders more than Trump. She seems to be blaming him for HRC's defeat.
That pro-choice user has BTFO an entire thread of incels. Amazing to see.
There is still one more episode left, who knows, they might subvert expectations again and Daenary's might not be so villainous after all. Besides, she lost a lot after gaining so much. Maybe the smart thing to do was create her own kingdom in Essos, wait for a while and grow in strength then invade Westeros after all the civil wars have depleted the defenders of the realm.
Lets say Drumpf's policies have harmed women the most. Well, I'm pretty sure the bitch you voted for straight up killed more women (and children) than the current administration so far. You fuckin hypocrite.
Imagine being unable to appreciate fiction because the color or gender of the characters
Now THATS racism/sexism
>a decade of my life has been wasted
Maybe she should have done something more than just watch a fucking TV show during that decade.
I would say it goes like this: Ever since birth control came up, women developed the ideology that they are just as entitled to have fun (meaning, sex) as men are and that now that they are sexually liberated, they should basically be able to claim that right without consequences. The only way to guarantee that under all circumstances is to allow abortion as liberally as possible. It's really not about the health of the mother or rape victims or whatever. Those are irrelevant fringe cases. It's about the woman's right for self-determination that in the left's eyes has priority over everything, even innocent life (which a fetus undoubtedly is, no matter the euphemisms and mind gymnastics you use to dehumanize them).
Being an incel and being proud are diametrically opposed. Which means you are probably just a gynophobe wearing the incel skin to deflect criticism. Gross.
Why do they have internet at retirement homes now.
He was being ironic, the joke is that Hillary appears nice to the sheep but is actually a warmongering lunatic like Dany just displayed
To me it's white women that are exclusively pandered to, and everyone has to swalloww it. Once in a while womene get their expectations subverted, they go apeshit. This is what happens when you pander to women, every fem character has to be a flawless Mary Sue, she has to be stronk, independent, never fail and always right. I they're not pissed of Dany becoming a genocidal maniac, they're pissed because they see her downfall coming. The showrunners could have made the genocide more acceptable if they wanted.
That's what I don't get. Joffrey and Ramsey were the poster children for lunatic characters
only said the reason, go argue with them i dont care
When arguments fail, use projection. Pathetic.
web 2.0 was a mistake
She doesn't even appear nice desu. I'm glad I haven't heard her annoying voice in a long time
Look, that is a myth. The only reason why birth control pills don't work is because
>Women forgot to take them
>They took them, but then they had some drunk fun and puked them out again
There is exactly 0 evidence that you can get pregnant while being on birth control properly. Same goes with condoms btw.
When arguments fail, call women whores and then cry in the corner about being a virgin. Laughable.
That seething. And i guess she thinks so because he is a man?
The reason these people are put into high security camps and even separated is that these kids are the #1 targets for pedophile rings, and in many cases it's reported that their parents sell them to those rings.
But, of course, I wouldn't expect a democrat to not show their support to pedophiles
hey gramps its some crazy kids slang, i dont know why they cant use proper worlds anymore
> A virgin on the pill has the same 1% chance of getting pregnant as a promiscuous women
How does a virgin get pregnant without god intervening?
>you only need to get unlucky one time and you’re done
The chances of getting "unlucky" increase exponentially with the amount of times you roll the dice. If you look at it in a vacuum, sure each encounter has the same 1% chance, but the person with the more encounters is more likely to hit that 1%. If they are in a monogamous relationship with someone they love I feel like that would really decrease the likelihood of seeking an abortion if they do fail their role anyway.
The kikes that write Reddit of Thrones.
I'm out of the loop but what crimes has she commited? I assumed her worst flaw was incompetence.
inb4 pizzagate
Why wouldn't a television series that started when Obama was president based on a series of books first published when Clinton was president lossely based on 15th - 16th Century English history, where they had no presidents, not be President Trump's fault you fascist POS, have sex!
Complettly correct. Its not that its rushed or her actions always was ruthless but its completly out of character.
Guess thats their own fault not to read the books, the original and more detailed source!
Yes, women who can't keep their legs shut, fuck around and get pregnant out of wedlock are whores.
And by god, I wish I was a virgin again.
Just think about what "1%" means. The supposed 99% success rate is complete and utter bullshit. It's a made up number so retarded women don't run in the doors of pharma because they got pregnant. If there truly was a 1% chance of getting pregnant despite the pill, there would be a LOT more of those cases.
>Some retarded idiot fuck on twitter is having a spaz
>Yea Forums makes a thread about it
Why? Is this somebody important? Who the fuck cares? Are we gonna make threads about every retard voicing a retarded opinion?
Or is this just a coping mechanism that GoT is shit now? "Well my show sucks, but at least some batshit crazy strawman feminist men hating weirdo that literally thinks anything with a penis is in a conspiracy against her to the point that she even hate bernie sanders for some fucking reason so let's focus on that"? Because this is fucking retarded. There's just as many Lobsterboys unhappy about how downhill this shitty show went, and we really don't need re-confirmation that some people on twitter are batshit insane. It is known.
>fetuses are babies
>conservatards still unironically believe this
>act like a right cunt
>people respond in kind
>omg why are there so many trolls
Yeah, any leftist that doesn't agree with her is a bernibro, because everyone knows only boys voted for sexist Sanders