Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#510 Fort Comf Edition
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>32 posters
looooooool. that means there are 20 dudes (32 posters are just different ips from different devices) who spend the whole day talking about a movie
fucking lol
Alright, last night I said I was gonna start writing, and I've managed to make good on it. However due to the sheer size of this particular undertaking, I have decided to publish this writing in chapters.
Here's chapter 1:
Bless this thread with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
>Alita is champion at end of movie 1
>she has to fight Jashugan to become grand Chapion
>Arc where she falls out with Ido
>end of movie 2 act one
>Alits beats him and goes to be comfy with Ido and his family before going to Zalam
>Ido makes her a new doll body as a gift
>Alita takes of beserker
>Nova steals it
>end of movie 2 act two
>instead of letting Alita come to Zalam Nova gives zapan the beserker
>kills Ido
>second movie ends wit fight and Alita being charged with the crime of using a gun
>Alita becomes tuned in trade for Idos life
>second movie has overall cyberpunk night feel with second act warm yellow period with Ido
>thrid movie starts witg train scene
>meets Figure
>fight barjack baddies on train
>mad max feel
>end of third movie act 1
>Alita, Figure, and Alita's new tuned opperator track down Nova
>Nova has left Zalam and they want him back
>Barjack fights Zalam and loses because of Alita coppies
>Zalam betrays her
>second act ends with her losing an arm and her opperator betraying Zalam to save her
>third act is killing Nova, finding Ido, fixing Zalam/Iron city, and being with Figure
first for wholesome Zapan
Imagine talking about a movie on Yea Forums, Heavens forbid.
Hello new bread
Please be healed by Texting Alita
I bet you would have hated it back in 1977 when Star Wars came out
I know man, it's Yea Forums, not /movies/. I mean, fuck.
Now this is exciting with someone new appearing! The Deckman point is a smart place to start a story from a blank slate. You may want to have a look over the format though because pastebin sometimes fucks it up when transferring between documents. Also I'm unreasonably proud of the fact that people are writing in the present tense: aka the most based tense. It's hard to do but the presentness you get from it is unbeatable.
sorry guys im just breaking your balls lol. i find cute that you guys keep this general. you guys must be like friends to each other by now
gbye i wont bother anymore
>more devices count pulled out of my ass
>new message from contact user
>"Hey Ali, if Ido's not home how about I stop by and have some 'quality time' with you *wink*
>"user, you know you just send that over the group chat with Ido right"
>new message from Ido
>"I am getting my hammer user, dont move"
We're friends and shared fans. Come join us once you've seen the film if you like!
Oh that's a cool edit thanks user
Why would Alita be on a group chat with Ido
Whose rules does she live by, anyway?
>that better be water shes wiping off her face
Why is this still a thing?
Don't you know when to stop?
We're wrapping up at 999
Once your healed your hear forever
I was with you all until #100 but you've gotta let it go now. It's enough.
I thought about writing in past tense, but present tense seems to make more sense in a story where the reader is a somewhat undefined, Gordon Freeman-esque character.
>why is this still a thing
> We're wrapping up at 999
Don't shed tears! Shed spittu!
Look at the bright side
Your tears are working
Alita is not for spit! She is pure
I don't seriously believe this is actually going to stop at 999. That's just a symbolic point we have agreed upon as a goal. The general as we know it now might go away for a time once the blu ray has been out long enough and the long wait for a sequel begins, but there will still be Alita threads, and all the frens we have made here will not just stop talking to each other.
Everyone spits, user. Even cyborg angels.
Hugo sure is
I really hope The Ultimate Boomer gets a cameo in the sequel. Sure he’s from LO but he’s too fucking based to not get a part.
Hugo didn't get beat up by a smol gril.
Still can't get over the fact that his whole body is CGI
This is such a good scene
More liek gaylita
Yeah we'll see how it goes honestly
Where is this from?
Why do people like Allita? I dont see the appeal.
>Why do people like Alita?
This is like the third time we've been asked this today
> A decade from now
> you get your old laptop
> Decide to browse Yea Forums for old times sake
> go to some boomer forum like /diy/ or some shit because you want to build a treehouse for your kids
> someone uses a comfy Alita reaction pic
> “hey user, you used to browse /ALITA/ too?
> “tfw the good old days”
> you see all the archived threads, all the memes and meet-up pics of all the anons
> I wonder how they’re doing? I hope they’re doing well.
> decide to watch /ourgirls/ trilogy for maximum nostalgia
> you wonder why your life is so good but why you feel so empty
> you experienced all this fun, but you can never experience it again
Volume 1 or 2(?) of last order. I can find the unedited version of it when I get home if someone else doesn’t post it first. Great fucking character
I have a crop of him if anyone wants it
And yet with the sadness comes a happiness that you have the memories in the first place. Being part of something beautiful is always worth the potential pain too. Better to feel too much than too little.
Instead of a Zalemite, they could make him the only guy in Iron City with a well maintained lawn. In a house he bought at 16 from money he saved on a paper route of course.
>Better to feel too much than too little
Browsing these threads is going to be weird in 10 years, Alita could be some huge thing by then
You know I wanted to see this movie when it was out but never got the chance. Is it worth giving it a watch?
If I didn't care as much as I do, I would never have made such strong connections with you all. I'll never forget you guys or this place.
Thinking of watching it is also a waste of time. Perish the thought
nice try Jerome
kill yourself
>you now realize you will never see this character portrayed on the big screen by prime jesse ventura.
>I'm a god damn sexual Centurion
Top call
you first
It really has been something special hasn't it
And the best part is that it isn't even over yet.
First for workout alita
We may drift apart and die, but our memes, our memes will live forever.
This is so cute
>Is it worth giving it a watch?
Nah, rottentomatoes only gave it a 60% critics' score.
>Alitafrens! My brothers of the sword!
>I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands!
>Let no GOT fag forget how menacing we are, we are lions!
>Do you know what's waiting beyond that #999 bread? Immortality! Take it! It's yours!
We also need more Alita/Conan crossover
This movie was a 6/10. Why do you keep shilling?
Sure, oh and I forgot to do one last thing.
Immorality awaits.
>What is best in life?
>To watch Alita
>See her sequels in production
>And hear the lamentations of the Jerome
Now if Peaches would be so kind to turn this into a webm.
Are you a critic?
Fuck I loved that movie more than I should have.
I went to see it instead of going to prom. No regrets. Pump that test into overdrive.
>This movie was a 6/10.
No one who saw the movie would say that...
Fuck I missed the pic attached
Holy fuck this is based, i've been saying it from the beginning, but we need arnie in the sequel.
based as fuck
Blessed patrician taste
This NEEDS to happen.
It would be so fucking good
>using elipseses
> employing comedy chevrons
>...being a no-good fun-hating spoilsport
>You won't have eyes tonight, you won't have ears or a tongue.
>You will wander the underworld of banned fags blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead trolls will know
>This is Jerome, the fool who thought he killed /Alita/
It's funny how closely themed Alita is to troy and Conan. Can a name be put on this?
Goddamn this just gets better and better
based Achilles poster
>Can a name be put on this?
What do you have in mind?
>It's funny how closely themed Alita is to troy and Conan
How exactly? honestly I haven't seen Troy in forever and I don't think I've ever seen Conan... am I missing out?
It's because the protagonists are defined by their deeds and actions rather than their physical presence. I've said it before but you could drop Alita herself in to the middle of an 80s action flick like predator and other than being a different design she wouldn't be tonally about of place. Though she has parts of her story connected to her rebirth after the fall as a girl and then woman, at her core it is the heroic choices that she makes and failures she suffers which leave her a compelling hero. There's no scene of here trying to 'show up the boys/patriarchy' because she defines herself as a character. The film lets us understand her turmoil and growth without beating us over the head with it.
Your ascension to Zalem shall be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matter with GIB.
when will Alita join Cobra Kai? I need an answer
Thanks man, so much can be done with the dialog of this movie. It's ridiculous.
Of course. She'll do a guest lecture and demonstration on Martian martial arts.
Honestly Alita is essentially an 80's movie, back when this shit was made for entertainment, before the dark times.
but he got killed by a guy who got beat up by a smol girl
Could meatboys even learn Panzer Kunst?
It's not surprising that it feels like a throwback to a better era since it's based on a manga written in the 90s, inspired by 80s sci-fi films.
Literally no but she'll still be impressive as fuck
Do you think she's prepared to feel the fury of the hawk?
She'd probably be a pretty good sparring partner if she can contain the bloodlust since the kids can go as hard as possible with literally zero threat of actuator hurting her
Watch it and you will understand
>If you stay outside of Yea Forums, you will find peace.
>You will find a wonderful woman, and you will have sons and daughters, who will have children.
>And they will love you and when you're gone they will remember you.
>But when your children are dead, and their children after them, your name will be lost
>But if you go to Yea Forums and post in /alita/, glory will be yours. They will write stories about your victories in thousands of years!
>And the world will remember your name. But if you go to /alita/, you will never come back... for your glory walks hand-in-hand with your doom.
>And I shall never see you again
>kid does spinning back kick into Alita, she barely even moves
>Alita laughs
>"You are like little baby! Harder!"
These threads... the /healing/ is increating to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
Why contain it? Let it spill over into the meetups and the clyp.its, let the OC pile up in the pastebins. In the end, they'll thank us for the positivity we brought to the board.
Hawk would superman punch her to death
hey anons
>I don't think I've ever seen Conan... am I missing out?
It's on Youtube.
Watch the first 5 minutes and I guarantee you'll be unable to avert your gaze for the remaining 2 hours.
Fucking kek that would be amazing to see him go all out for it
Imagine her sparring in the PHYSICAL printed workout gear
>radiated water
Advertising gone mad
what kind of ad agency would
even put that a clients product will kill people
on the packaging?
They arent going to sell many cans if they keep doing that
Literally says COOL on the bottom of the can. Radiated water is obviously cool as fuck bro. Couldn’t print it on the can if it wasn’t.
A+ reasoning user but it's probably just a brand
I mean I guess it's fine if it's cool.
Lmao she would have to have a governor on her like a car or something, just to keep her from accidentally killing people.
Otherwise we literally get the story outlined in Meditation lol
night anons
Sleep well!
Night fren
Good night, and try not to be too bothered by those little holes in your neck in the morning.
Alita has pushed me to socialize more outside, in light of the meetups, but now i am spending less time on the generals. I feel so conflicted
Garbage shill thread
This is a good thing. Socializing is more healthy than spending all your time on the generals. It means the /healing/ is working.
The same thing has happened to me.
Yeah go socialise. Come back whenever you can/want. We'll always be around when you return!
watch the film
What does that img title translate to?
I'm off to bed now. If all goes well my Vaplita story should be finished by then. Still trying to think of a neat ending though. Goodnight all, keep the thread comfy
>Vamplita story
>should I hit you goddammit should I hit you
Sleep tight user
A+ finnbro I like it
>we have a finnbro now
I really hope he watches InRange
23 year old Rosa, with what might be the worst mic I've ever heard.
We've always had a finnbro
Also Pre orders are available in the UK from Zavvi.... with a release date of the 22nd of July.
How is it possible to have mic quality that bad?
Not quite sure desu, but It was filmed over 9 years ago so guess it should come as a surprise.
god know what shes even auditioning/recording for, but she's got quite the southern tinge to her accent.
yeah I noticed that too- probably for the audition
wtf how is Europistan getting a release date before the US...THEY MADE THE FUCKING MOVIE HERE, DAMNIT.
just make a discord or something to circlejerk in you smoothbrains
>She's a helper
>Santa's little helper
When I was watching this in the theatre there were multiple people audibly laughing out loud whenever a character said "Panzerkunst". Did any of you experience this?
>We've always had a finnbro
Several. I've spent the last 6 weeks doing nothing but listening to Dua Lipa and drinking beer. During that time I've seen many Finnish filenames. I'm buying the bluray so I can make all my friends see Alita too. Gonna make it a movie night where we all bring all our girlfriends and buy popcorn and soda just kidding we're gonna drink beer.
U do realise ur talking about the same mediocre movie for three months now only cause ur trying to forget the void of having no gf with a 3d waifu
What d we think of Uwe Boll's review of Alita?
Uwe is like the retarded cousin who you have to put up with and occasionally produces something funny through sheer accidental flailing. So yeah, 10/10 review.
Only saw her during early hour's and when Alita was leaving the movies. So there wasn't many people in my screening's.
That sounds like an excellent plan fren
Based Uwe. If he hates a movie you can tell it's good.
>You guys like Aladdin right!?
fucking lmao nice work
Ok peeps, just banged out chapter 2, let me know what you think:
Ok peeps, just banged out chapter 2, let me know what you think:
Chapter 1:
Checked. You've got some really nice lines in it.
>Motorball is the closest most people in the city get to religion, and it has no code of morals or ethics, only rules, winners and losers.
Is one that I'm especially fond of. I'm going to be hanging out for your next chapter friend. I don't know how nitpicky this is, but especially in dialogue I know it's super easy to fall in to the habit of using ellipsis points, but if you can at all avoid them or just use them very sparingly it makes you seem more sure of your characters. It's a piece of advice I got a little while ago and I think it helped me draft much tighter lines for my characters.
This post is for this:
Also just so you know your first chapter is a hidden paste which can't be seen on your profile- you need the link to find it.
Good job fren!
Haven't been able to watch the movie yet but these thread are adorable.
Unless you dont have the spare time, or are waiting until BR
Autism incarnate
Thanks for the input friend! I haven't heard the bit about ellipsis before, but I'll put more consideration into it. This is the longest thing I've ever tried to write in present tense, so I constantly find myself slipping into past tense and having to go back and edit it. It's kind of an experiment to me. A long, painful experiment.
I'll fix chapter 1 so it's not hidden. I wasn't sure what that option did, never used Paste Bin before.
Thank you! I'm glad at least a couple people are reading it!
Thanks! Watch the movie though, you won't regret it!
Good luck with the present tense! I would say write in past if you feel it's more natural; there's no use fighting against how you want to express yourself. I'm always immensely proud of all the new writefrens and I look forward to seeing how this develops.
I would say it's just skill building, there are some situations where different tenses have definite advantages, so being able to think in all of them is a strength I think.
No, THIS is autism incarnate....
I hope you come and join us once you do see it!
Based two abatar threads down low keeping Kino on the menu
no wonder the jannies like us we keep our shit all in one place with no exceptions
>My OC was used as a thread banner and I didn't even know about it
Holy shit
I'd very much agree with that. You always learn best from doing.
Oh dude it was deep in the vamplita posting. You did very well with it fren.
>the entire Yea Forums is losing their shit about danerys
>one small general keeps gushing about alita, chocolate and oranges as if nothing happened
It's somehow cute to watch. Dunno why.
Shit, thank you, I spent hours on the damn thing, and actually didn't think many people even saw it.
Alita eternal, that's why. Our girl has always been about the long game. After /got/ is over, after they've packed up the dirt and garbage and shattered expectations, we will remain.
We walk the Golden Path.
Sand dunes meetup when?
I love all content that this general makes. Every single bit.
I'm sure JC has a literal stillsuit lying around in his mansion somewhere.
Most likely.
>yfw you find it
Probably still a placeholder date.
>tfw alita will never give birth to your prophecized child
>ywn watch him lead the world towards the glorious future free from the tyranny of thinking machines
also if you like dune you HAVE to check this out
I thought Alita was the one that was supposed to lead the world towards the glorious future, tho?
>inb4 not male
>inb4 tried and died
I think its legit, or well it's the info that Fox is giving to them. As both Amazon UK and Zavvi have a 22nd of July release date.
Just waiting for Fox to officially announce the date...
I just started playing this yesterday
What background and conquest choices would Alita have?
>two handed weps
>always seek conflict
join rebels?
Depends how you read the role of Paul vs Leto II
>wake up
>still no alita gf
>check internet
>still no alita waifubots/sexbots
You better fucking not because we're going to have a rewatch party for it and I want to see every single one of you there.
>wake up to discover a new writefriend has joined us
This day is off to a wonderful start.
We rise together brother
>the thought of seeing ourgirl in 4K, not being the driving force to live...
its only 2~ months fren... time really does fly by when you do think about it. A week here, a week there and your already down a month before you know it.
>tfw tons of OC projects and meetup anticipation to take my mind off of BR anticipation
I've never lived through so much anticipation before, only thing that could really top this for me would be if the Hughes Amendment came up for repeal.
The best thing is that the hype building can't be let down by a bad product since we already know what it is. It's just pure, unadulterated anticipation.
Based gun bro, but yeah I dont think I've ever been this hyped for a Blu-Ray release ever...
Think about all the things we have to remaster. I feel back for CO's hands having to cut out so many Alitas.
I’m too impatient :(
You're keen on this huh? I'll add it to the list because I have a story in the works which kinda preempts this a little.
Also kitten-training bro I haven't forgotten you.
It took Jim 25 years to make his waifu real, and RR and crew three years from initial filming to release. You can do it user.
Based writefag making a /comfy/ wholesome kitten story
>where are you going Alita
>"I'm going to find him, dad!"
>that's...not likely, Alita...
>tfw Alita could customize herself to fit any kind of titman
She literally gets even more perfect the further into the lore we get. It's amazing. There isn't a way for a gf to top Alita. The history of women can end here.
Whether your a titman or an assman, Alita's your man.
wait what!?
This is a Nova-approved twist.
Is an AR the officially approved gun for ourgirl?
You guys have no idea what that kind of adaptability has for the 999 story. It's gonna be a doozy.
She would be an SL-8 or G11 type of gally. Something from HK
No gay shit tho
Idk but it's a lot easier to make good OC with guns you have than with guns you don't have.
I think for 999 All the name fags, and anons who make OC should try and make 1 really good OC and post it on 999#.
As long as you can think of something good to make.
>not designing a scify Alita themed rifle
That thing looks like an absolute abortion
Cruising out in the badlands with some little shit by your side and stumbling upon a denizen in distress is giving me heavy Fist of the North Star vibes. Can't remember if vampires ever popped up in that one, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Really enjoying this so far, keep it up.
>Whose rules do I live by?
I'll be making something actually good too for sure. I'm really excited.
>Im sorry user
>I-I tried my best
>I guese Ido can make you something better if you hate mine
Why is this still going? Why are they still paying you to post these?
No gay shit
Is Fist actually good? I've never seen it.
Still going on about this Jerome.
This pic still makes me laugh every time. Don't worry friend I think you'll like it. It'll be in an extended version of the style that I've previously done.
I do it for free.
Depends how many blu-rays you buy.
yeah I've been here since day 1
there should be fat check waiting for me
Who's they?
European sreenings, updated. Found Moscow screenings. Poland has a similar problem to AMC in the US - Avengers screenings get listed as Alita in Poland.
May 14th: Antwerpen, Belgium
Moscow, Russia: May 14 and 15th
May 18th: Cologne CANCELED, but June 7th still happening
Neufahrn, Germany: May 18th and 19th
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway, now CONFIRMED at 14:30 or 15:00 local
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Open air Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark in Neukölln, Berlin
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys
I fucking love writefag's lewds
I guess I'm a bad boy
Your names are appreciated even though I'm not in europe fren
We haven't even hit peak lewd yet. Glad you like them though I try to make sure they're a balance between cute and hot.
You guys think this is enough? or I need some more?
>we haven't even hit peak lewd
My nigga!
That's perfect, go with that.
also I am jealous of your money.
>the real /ALITA/ was the friends we made along the way
I remember posts who complained about the bad CGI they used for his face, and how it stood out compared to his prop body.
Maybe the real Martian Reich was the friends we made along the way
why yes.. i don't actually find alita attractive, i just like the plot of the movie.
Rosa on some of RDJ mantlet stilts.
That ass jiggle in the first 2 seconds...
That's an excellent amount if you follow through with this you become a legend.
I'm going to have to ask you all to stop posting we're getting dangerously close to 50 IPs which means that our little group gets too mainstream.
Actually it's kinda cool that her doll body doesn't wear any lifts but the berserker body does since it gives the two bodies a believable height difference.
Also, my god, does Rosa have a cute butt or what? Goddamn if I'm not thinking about rubbing one out now.
Holy fuck that pic is the definition of autism
come by any time friend.
Keeping it cozy tonight frens
Thanks, Epic Fren Guy
As always fren!
I don't know who Jerome is. I am an organic forum user who doesn't come to Yea Forums very often lately. This is the first time I have seen this particular kind of autism.
I actually prefer my forums GM. Better yields for (you)s than organics
Oh God, I wish I'd been around for that. But with the level of retardism that some professional critics have shown, I wouldn't be surprised if that was an actual comment.
Quick /alita/, what's she reading?
And the purpose is...
AMA about the Alita Battle Angel trademark lawsuit.
Looks like Berserk or some shit.
Nothing you can tell us that isn't available for free on Wiki.
exactly, that's what I'm trying to find out
You better bloody take pics of your 99 Blu-Rays once you get them and show us all.
Except that:
They've failed to notice 20th Century Fox
The deadline for a status update filing required by the scheduling order has passed, and nothing has been filed.
Looks like it's dead, Jim.
Death poem.
Why do Ronkers look so much like Gundams?
Goblin Slayer in pic.
I don't know, but ass
They didn't have any legs to stand on right? Because they weren't using the trademark for anything useful? I.e they just trademarked it so they could sue someone further down the line, or licence the trademark for stupid money.
T. Braintlet.
Good luck
Can someone post the pic of RONKER my favourite Battle Angel motorballer
I think the amount is good but once you get them, the smart thing to do, after you get them and take your picture of the collection of course, would be distribute them to friends, family, friends of family, and family of friends who haven't seen the movie yet.
I really think the only thing keeping Alita back was a lack of asses in seats and eyes on screens. In my experience once people actually watch it they typically like it. So I was planning on buying a couple copies and passing them around as Christmas gifts this year.
Looks like the fox website has been updated to show the digital release to be July 9th, so a decent time before BluRay drops.
Slowly inching closer and closer /ALITA/.
>pic related
The figures highlighted in light blue is your autism.
> 11 days ‘til beach meet
>digital release to be July 9th,
What happens to this unfortunate film?
You're right that usage commerce is what counts, and registration only gives you some extra conveniences when you protect the mark. They had only used the mark for some shitty action figures, so it doesn't help that they register it for all sorts of things AFTER they hear about Alita: Battle Angel coming out.
I'm not a trademark attorney, but since the filing deadline has passed, and they haven't even served notice to Fox (which should be dead easy, as Fox isn't going to be hiding in the basement when the process server arrives) - I suspect that this case is going to move on to automatic dismissal.
On the other hand, I don't see any opposition filed to the trademark registration yet, but I think the deadline for that hasn't passed yet.
Healing has got me here
No one on Yea Forums has ever been a paid shill or marketer or anything for any major studio ever. Could you possibly imagine the backlash the studio would receive if people found out they were actually marketing on Yea Forums, "the Asshole of the Internet", famous for its racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, gore, pornography, CP, hackers, doxxers, etc, etc.? Such a high risk for such a low yield. MAYBE a few thousand more people watch your fucking movie. Are you kidding me? Nobody would ever be stupid enough to try that.
tl;dr we're organic fans who like the movie that much to keep making threads about it. That's it. Call us autists who should move on if you will, but shills we are not and never have been and never shall be.
Hey, Nova. How are your fellow mad scientists doing?
Ah cool, that's good to hear.
And wot is dis?
Good job!
Make good projects friend.
Good luck to you.
International science fair
I am about to get my ass Barbarosa'd back to berlin by a Russian kid in my catagory
Its a good thing we have a lot of regulations we have to follow. With crispr and biotech we could be doing weird shit
I want something like this, but bigger, with everyone's involvement.
>tfw only one guy made this. Not all the OC (some of it), but he had the idea for the movie crossover and shopped all the other OC into one big image.
hope you're all having a lovely NO RULES Tuesday
Ah sweet, good luck fren.
Feel free to take any of my pastes and use them as a corner pic.
It's been a decade since I last watched it so my recollection is a bit fuzzy, but after a ho-hum monster-of-the-week opening arc it gets really good and stays that way for a long time.
We shoul post it before 999 so someone could make nice collage
Good morning, /ALITA/. Let's try to have a nice day with /ourgirl/ and our Alitafrens. No fighting. Lewd responsibly.
Are the details for the meet-up next week still the same?
Tfw if the sequel isn’t confirmed I’m killing myself after #999
kek nice
Pls no user, what happens when the sequel gets announced the day after...
Only thing that would make those bonus outdoor and IMAX screenings better is if they were on Tuesdays.
should i read the manga bros?
You guys need to wait for BD sales first.
I enjoyed it with no prior knowledge beyond the film so I'd say yes
God yes
First of all it's great.
Secondly, it enhances the pleasure of the film and does not disappoint.
The screen version is gorgeous.
New bread anyone?
well if the sequel turned out to be shit atleast he died knowing that the first alita movie was good..
Haha, imagine if someone actually sucked on a battery to see what it feels like to kiss Alita... boy that would be funny. Ha ha.
>well if the sequel turned out to be shit
thanks for the reply bros.. i'll be checking it out later this day
I'll do it
Bresh fread