
Attached: 5AAA4F48-49D2-4763-9700-D056CD6AF0A2.jpg (3508x4961, 2.63M)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Drogon flies into the sunset only to come back 50 years later to nuke westeros


Attached: ohnoo.png (865x290, 29K)


Attached: qybomb.jpg (680x635, 97K)

>mfw the whole treason plot ends with Varys being burned
>mfw Dany has thousands of Soldiers left
>mfw Jorah failed at eradicating Horsefuckers
>mfw fighting outside the walls again
>mfw archers didn't fire a single arrow, AGAIN
>mfw golden company CGI was taken from a total war game
>mfw scene of a horse dying, because roasties have more empathy for animals than humans
>mfw Dany starts killing civilians
>mfw Greynigger kills POW's
>mfw Jon wants to stop the killing with more killing
>mfw "find a place to hide" while half the city is burning
>mfw "I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister"
>mfw Quasimodo pussies out and "goes home"
>mfw Qyburn gets killed by an emotionless killingmachine because of emotions
>mfw Clegane brothers die while embracing each other
>mfw Vietnam KINO
>mfw the age of women has ended


Attached: Dragon_of_the_First_Age_by_rubendevela-0.jpg (1372x750, 512K)

You see Jon this was my entire plan, I out maneuvered the "Queen" and she danced exactly to my tune, I deceived her , deluded her, hoodwinked her , mislead-ed, duped, fooled, double-crossed, cheated, swindled, outwitted, outmaneuvered, caught out, gulled, hoaxed, bamboozled, beguiled; entrapped;
bilked, diddled, rooked, put one over on, pulled a fast one on her, pulled the wool over her eyes, took her for a ride, lead her up the garden path, spoofed and tricked her into slaying millions with dragons, exactly as I planned.

Now truly, the North Remembers

Attached: sansa.jpg (768x433, 64K)



Attached: OHNOOOOO.png (810x431, 41K)

Reminder that I don't feel like typing all that shit out again and that this triggers the anti-Jorah fags.

Reminder that he was the True King.

Attached: Ser Jorah of Badass Island.jpg (649x365, 36K)





Attached: praise the lord.jpg (656x732, 95K)

new leaks finale episode leaks

>bran warged into drogon to torch the city
>we never see danys face or drogons face once they started the massacre
>its going to be revealed next ep that dany was in tears the whole time and was trying to stop drogon
>she will claim she tried to stop him but couldnt, no one will believe her and will think she is just going actually mad
>she will kill drogon herself to try prove to everyone
>jon will have to kill her, because he doesnt believe her and no one else does too

>yfw Jon marries his cousin

Attached: 1521808966888.png (648x598, 508K)

Nice numbers

JOHN told Dany she should rule witj fear it's Johns fault

Why. Why Khaleesi. Why would you name your daughter Horse Queen? Do you plan on her getting disemboweled on a farm somewhere for some darkweb fetish site? Why wouldn't you want more for your children?

Daily reminder KellyC will threaten to burn Salsa alive and Jon will stab her (using Jorah's family sword) for it.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-13-21h50m14s535.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

Most things are Jon's fault honestly.

Psot your face when Cersei survived and she's raising little Jamie in a comfy hut on the forest.


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Based and firepilled

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>tfw Jorah was Azor Ahai and its his family spirit from killing Dany that creates Lightbringer


Reminder that Bran saw what was going to happen and said nothing.


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>everybody groaning and shaking their heads when Euron randomly shows up.

If Dany was threatened by the fact that Jon is the rightful king and more popular than her, and he was so loyal to her, why didn't he just abdicate the throne to her?

Someone please let her out of her rape dungeon.

Attached: S06E06_-_Septa_Unella_Cropped.jpg (360x450, 38K)

John told Dany of rule with fear fake leaks are fake

Bran only gets partial visions, like Dany in the House of the Undying. He's not fully aware of exactly everything.

Was the euron shit supposed to be a parody?

>A-Arya Dany is evi-


Attached: BACED.jpg (682x1024, 54K)

>And our episode begins with Varr E's.

I don't get it. If you're going to make videos about a TV show why wouldn't you at least pronounce the characters names properly?


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Now that the dust (and the ashes) has settled, is Robert Baratheon the best ruler that Westeros had?

Because D&D forgot that the populace doesn't actually give a fuck who sits on the Iron Throne at all.
Let the man die happy, he killed Jaime Lannister.

bruh I don't think she lasted one night


John told Dany to rule with fear Brann knew it was the only way thats why he said nothing

I hope they make Dany's death the most grotesque, brutal, gratuitous death that has ever been shown on public television. I literally hope the entire final episode is just a montage of her being mutilated, sodomized, ruined, and any aspect of Daenerys Targaryen is wiped away, and the last hours of her life is just her being used up like a piece of meat. First, I hope the cut off her hair, not just like cersei's, but like they are practically scalping her. With her blonde hair gone, she is nothing. then every Dothraki and surviving Westerosi gets 10 minutes to do whatever they want with every hole she has. Then when she's quivering on the ground, holes prolapsed and bones broken, they strap her up and slowly start to peel away her skin starting with her pretty face. If she somehow is still alive they finish her off with burning her alive in wildfire. Very fitting to be destroyed by the very thing her father created.

did you guys know the Alita general only have 32 posters per thread?loooooooooool thats so hilarious

bunch of nerds

>mfw Danyfags have mommy issues
>mfw Stannisfags have daddy issues
>mfw Missandeifags are inbred Mutts
>mfw Badpussyfags are Incels
>mfw Jonfags are manlets
>mfw Cleganefags are ugly social outcasts
>mfw Nightkingfags are sociopaths
>mfw Cerseifags dilate
>mfw Jaimefags are fags
>mfw Impfags are alcoholics
>mfw Sansafags are sub 80 IQ
>mfw CIAfags are Cuckolds
>mfw Coughfags like to get pegged
>mfw Euronfags need to take their mads
>mfw Qycucks are necrophiles
>mfw Impfags are alcoholics
>mfw Bobby B-chads are based
>mfw Radmurechads are redpilled
>mfw Podchads have sex
>mfw Tywinners can't stop winning

Attached: smug pod.jpg (705x652, 43K)

I think the green haired tumblr roastie is cute.
Should i kill myself?

>mfw you are literally Hitler

>Using Khaleesi as Danys actual name
>Thinking it means Queen
>Muh deployed husband fighting for israel
>I want everybody to obey my daughter
White trash


Attached: The Cure.png (483x368, 260K)

Those three things arent really related tho

He liked shitposting.
He died doing what he loved.

Reminder that Viserys was right about everything, as usual.

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Why not kill Cersei here again?

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khaleesi doesn't mean queen it means "the khals cocksleeve" or, a literal translation "The Khals favorite sex slave"

>Last episode ends with the survivors riding off into the sunset
>Post credits scene
>She's still tied to the fucking table
>"H...Hello? Anybody there?"
>Fade to black

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She has to watch everything burn and die around her like Dany has. This is what true madness and fire are.

No problem with onions but if you watche blacked a show where black people are pirates. Murder robots or dead you might not want to watch it

These people don't exist right? It's all just fun an meme's

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she IS cute, even if unnatural hair colors are a red flag. why would you ask if you should kill yourself over that?


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Didn't know bran could see into the future , i thought he could only see the past and the present and that this scene was a flashback to either aegon's conquest or the dance of dragons.

We told you fags it was ash and not snow for years.

Daily reminder that Team Loras is the final redpill

>best Sellsword company money can buy
>get rekt immediately

What the fuck was the point of these faggots?

Yeah and we kind of forgot about the Long Night

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you were correct

Hello thread

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go to the alita general and call them based


Will this ride ever end?

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>they never break a contract

Yeah the survivors just regroup and hire more...

Well I think I'll just have to sadly suffer and stay bluepilled then.

Would Daenarys saying the reason she burned them all was because of this vision make the whole thing better?

>Rhaegar thinks he's creating Azor Ahai with Lyanna, backfires on him immensely
>Night King thinks he's being clever by avoiding Jon aka Azor Ahai during Battle of Winterfell, gets shanked by Arya instead
>Melisandre thinks burning Shireen will create Lightbringer, backfires

Does Daenarys think the vision foretells how she wins the throne, so if she burns everything down nobody can stop her and thus the dream will come true?

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>Arya lives

Like there are any houses left in westeros to support anyone or care about anything.

What were Roose and Ramsay think at this very moment?

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No, I want her to be honest. I want her to admit she's the Mad Queen and that they all deserved it, that everything she loves and cared about is basically dead, and that this is her conquest, her right. Then I want her to get betrayed one final time by someone she loves, crawl to that melted Iron Throne crying, and she thinks about that Red Door/Lemon Tree in Braavos with all her loved ones there by her side, and she dies.

I want a beautifully tragic end and we will get none of it, not even GRRM because he's never going to finish.

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what's gonna happen with sansa?

God, everything about this battle was retarded, especially
How the fuck are you going to set them up as a threat in the previous episode by EASILY killing a dragon and taking out a fleet and then letting them do fuck-all in the next when she just charges them like a retard and takes them all out without breaking a fucking sweat?

Someone please make an edit of this and change the motto to "We kind of forgot."

Attached: We do not care.jpg (318x461, 38K)

>A khaleesi's status varies greatly from khalasar to khalasar. She could be very influential, riding beside her husband as he leads, or she could be worth practically less than the khal's horse; the khal's bloodriders will sometimes share the khaleesi, but would never be allowed to ride the khal's horse
poor kids

Ah that's fucking gold, thanks user, I needed a laugh.

So is House Lannister is dead? All the Lannister cousins apparently no longer matter and Tyrion is an accomplice of bomber Dany. Is it all over for Tywin's legacy?

Attached: Lannister_2048x2048.jpg (1181x1181, 88K)

All Hail Stannis of the House Baratheon, First of His Name, The King in the Narrow Sea, The King of Dragonstone, The King at the Wall, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.

Attached: STANNIS29.jpg (501x561, 87K)

Yes, good riddance.

Bran being the head of a democratic council does kind of make sense I guess. Besides, what other houses are there to claim the throne after Dany is killed by Jon?

Also Jon takes the black because doing so strips him of all titles and removes his claim to the throne, which he does not want. Again, makes sense.

It's not fucking ash, you nigger. You literally only say it's ash because you're looking at a low res screenshot.
You can watch the scene here youtube.com/watch?v=7voZB6Ki7m8

Ash does not look like that. Ash does not fucking act like that. Ash does not CRUNCH LIKE SNOW BENEATH YOUR FUCKING BOOTS, and most importantly she then goes beyond the fucking Wall which the room in the vision immediately transitions to, and it's the exact same "ash".

she teleports into the future and makes me eat red muff until I throw up.

Yeah that's bullshit, just get a different and better horse, let me ride yours faggot.
No House is entirely dead, but for all intents and purposes yes, otherwise Tyrion is currently Lord of Casterly Rock now.

But wasn't the same shot used in the last episode?

Fuck that would've made more sense.

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Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that not including these two screwed up the show?

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Read thee books, its fucking ash and always was supposed to be ash.

This. Do people do literally 0 research before sticking a kid with a shitty name that basically means "Warlord's sex slave" for life?

yeah tyrion ruined it

When that white horse showed up in front of Arya I thought she would kill it and wear its face as a disguise. She is called "horseface" in the books so it would make sense. At least, more sense than what the writers have shat out so far.

When Jon takes the black she'll be Queen of the North and probably marry Sweetrobin (as thanks for their support during the BotBastards) or get back with Tyrion.(marriage never dissolved).

My one and only Queen.

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Just marathoned this last night. What did you like or hate about the episode?

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probably he thought that diorama deserved firing
fuck knows I do


It's snow and only some Burlington thot thinks otherwise. D&D literally just forgot about this vision but "people" think they're being clever by saying it must be ash somehow.

Attached: it's fucking snow.jpg (800x600, 102K)

The books also clearly point out that she is like Lyanna and gaining a fierce beauty to her, basically hitting puberty. Maisie just fugged it up with her own puberty.

Oh no no no no no no no
Golden Company more like Jobber Company lmao.

Attached: Bravo Bomber Dany.png (232x575, 15K)

Do you know that Stannis saved Westeros from Nuclear Winter and NK? Yes by sacrificing his own daughter. That's why NK was forced to move. That's why there is no winter at all. Stannis died for our sins.

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cringe opinion

>What did you like

So 3ER-Bloodraven can see the future (he was waiting for Bran) but 3ER-Bran can't?

Attached: im waiting for Jaime here until he arrives in the morning.png (1920x1080, 656K)

The marriage was never consummated, her marriage to Ramsay was. She is Sansa Bolton still by law.

*heems you*
cringe now, bitch

the horse is Jaqen Hghar wearing a dead horse's face

Fuck you D&D for this scene

>what other houses are there to claim the throne after Dany is killed by Jon?

You know it makes sense.

Attached: darkstarestrellaoscura.jpg (400x480, 18K)

idk, who cares. bran cant see the future.

ive always been a tywinfag

Because the show is retarded.

everything Dany
Jon looking stupid as usual
Jaime and Tyrion scene

Goblin scenes
Vary's 5 second wrap up

>Varys knows he doesn't have a lot of time before Dany goes cuhrazee
>Cuts the bullshit and immediately tells Jon
>Doesnt' tell Jon that Tyrion was very on the fence about it
>Makes sure Tyrion is watching him
>Tyrion sees that Jon refutes Varys
>Before Jon can tell Dany, Tyrion decides to do it, to get some good boy points
>Varys completely understands, since the moment Jon refused he knew he'd die, and rather than take Tyrion with him he's glad that at least Tyrion gets to keep counselling Dany
What's so fucking hard to get? Why are people so dumbfounded?

>Jon confronts Dany in the throne room
>Suddenly the single remaining door gets kicked down.
>Stannis returns
>Kills Jon so there's fewer gormless idiots in the world
>"Mother of dragons? I'll make you a mother of dragons alright."
>Scene cuts to a naked Kelly C bound by her wrists and ankles to the ceiling hanging 10 feet off the floor
>Drogon looms in the distance
>He sees her pale ass wiggling
>The dragon mounts her
>She screams in agony as he inserts his entire girth into her
>The sound of her hips cracking and her rib cage splitting
>He begins pumping harder and harder
>Blood, shit, and piss, run down her creamy thighs and begin pooling on t he floor
>Then a mighty road rings out, bringing down a few loose stones from the ruined ceiling
>Her belly slowly begins to expand
>She screams in agony, her toes curling as her body convulses
>The dragon roars again
>Her screams grow louder and more frantic as she continues to be filled with his seed
>At this point her belly is touching the ground
>Suddenly she stops screaming, her face takes on a blank stare as she begins to choke
>Gallons of semen begin to pour out of her mouth
>The tears running down her face begin to take on a white, milky appearance
>As she vomits dragonseed a good halfway across the chamber red lines begin to form across her swollen body
>Blood begins to trickle from her popped navel
>A third roar
>A burst of white liquid sprays from her breasts
>Semen begins flowing like a river from her eyes, ears, and nose
>Suddenly small jets begin to spray from her belly button
>And with a final mighty roar the dragon queen bursts like an overinflated cum balloon spraying the walls in gore and sperm
>A piece of her ruined body hit Arya in the face, knocking her out a window
>Bran laughs for the first time since he went north of the wall
>Stannis...smiles. He doesn't grimace or grit his teeth. He smiles.
>Roll credits. No music.

Attached: STANNIS.jpg (624x352, 36K)

How many times can I say
>Blame Tyrion



Attached: DanyvsCersi.png (285x446, 14K)

its a parley. If Dany killed Cersei then and there that would even make her more despicable in the eyes of the 7K.

I'm in love bros.

Attached: cute CUTE.webm (336x346, 1.28M)

This explicit vision sequence is unique to the show. The ones she has in the books are completely different and not one of them has her walking through a ruined throne room full of ash. How dare you try to tout yourself as a bookfag when you're just some cunt clinging to his retarded theory.

I don't even know what to tell you, man. At the risk of repeating myself just watch the video to refresh your short term memory. It's snow.

Varys sticking to his principles, even if he forgot how to plot
Destruction porn
Emilia's ptsd look
Cercei's joy at seeing Jaimie.

All else

>What were Roose and Ramsay think at this very moment?


Roose~ Son, I'm proud of you. More proud than any father before.

Ramsey~ Father, I would not be who I am today if not for your guidance.

Cersei is THE MOST despicable person in Westeros at that point.

the fate of jamie makes me tear up. not because of how it was written but because of how fucking disappointingly shit it was

Once she was certain which way was south, she counted off her paces. The stream appeared at eight. Dany cupped her hands to drink. The water made her belly cramp, but cramps were easier to bear than thirst.

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When she closed her eyes at last, Dany did not know whether she would be strong enough to open them again.

what's the source?

It's out


Attached: s8e05.jpg (1280x720, 489K)

Gollum chan

actually that is because of how it was written, i was blinded by my own faggotry


Attached: 2019-05-14_15h01_37.png (303x482, 217K)

shit taste

>ash sticks to your hair in wet clumps
>ash crunches under your boots
Have you never seen ash in your life? It doesn't look like snow.

That's because you're a dumb nigger with no literacy whatsoever. The tragic lover is a classic character you fucking mongoloid

Attached: aroused skeletor.jpg (324x331, 55K)

>Lady Daenerys, I understand we have been enemy since the past few months. But Queen Cersei in all her benevolence decided to make peace with you and help you with Dysentery problem.
>May I present you the Metronidazole. Metronidazole is an antibiotic that is used to treat a wide variety of infections. It works by stopping the growth of certain bacteria and parasites.
>For the best effect, take this antibiotic at evenly spaced times. To help you remember, take this medication at the same time(s) every day.
>Continue to take this medication until the full prescribed amount is finished, even if symptoms disappear after a few days. Stopping the medication too early may result in a return of the infection.
>By the way sorry about your dragon my lady

Attached: 1557810364779.png (375x250, 80K)

It can't be Ash guys, it's clearly a Throne Room, Ash never wins the Pokemon League.

don't try to argue user. it's too late for him

i dont think they're in this thread atm

Attached: 1557817217872.jpg (798x2067, 291K)

have sex

Hello gorgeous knockers.

>that stereotypical Niggerlady
>dey ah killin innoucent peepoo
Living in the US must be hell

Joke's on you I'm getting my ass fucked raw right now

Based and Blackpilled

>Jon confronts Dany after Kings Landing
>She justifies it to him before declaring she’s marching North now
>Jon tries to stop her but fails
>She flies off to burn everything in her path North
>Finally arrives at Winterfell
>Drogon descends upon Winterfell but suddenly takes a spear to the neck and dies
>Dany is thrown into the ground and when she comes to she’s surrounded by people cheering on a figure she can’t quite make out
>Finally the figure comes into view

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So is your mom and we aren't bringing that up, come on user, have some class.

Dabid here

Get fucked everyone


>“I was actually on set all day, every day. I did every part of the battle because I was helping choreograph the fights from beginning to end, every kill. I wasn’t just Night King, you know? Everything that happens in this episode, I was close behind the camera or the sound man to help them. And then when you see someone in the monitor, you can say to the director, ‘[Miguel Sapochnik], have them put their head down!’” Vladimir shared.

>“Ah! That moment, that was very different because [Isaac Hempstead Wright] and I are very good friends. And we were joking many times, you know? And I remember a couple times when they said, ‘Action!’, he gave me a look, and he smiled! He smiled through his eyes! And I tried to hold it back. I said to myself, ‘Don’t smile, don’t smile.’ And then I said to Isaac, ‘Please don’t smile because then I’ll smile!’ And mess up on camera! We were worried about laughing!” he narrated.

Attached: We fail to protect his smile bros.jpg (600x410, 41K)


Stop being reasonable

takes the black

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When she closed her eyes at last, Dany did not know whether she would be strong enough to open them again.

They should have included this scene but spliced it into the parley at the gates of King's Landing.

the only problem with this season is that people had much too high expectations of it.

Oh right, we're on /got/. Bran dumb cripple, who do no good, 1984 end, yay GRRM and book.

That work, or do I need to start pissing off the manlets?

>In that last moment, staring at her brother, waiting for the end, Headey says, “It’s maybe the first time that Cersei has been at peace.”

>When filming those last scenes, Headey says she was surprised by Coster-Waldau’s sentimentality. “I told Nikolaj, ‘I’ve never seen you so sweet and sentimental.’ And he’s all, ‘What’s happening to me?’ We kept cuddling going ‘I love you.’ It was weird. There’s a sense of loss that nothing like this will ever happen again. There was a great sense of grief and an enormous amount of gratitude going on.”


Press F for the one true queen of Westeros.

Attached: Ourgirl.jpg (480x480, 23K)

kys cuck her not having violet eyes ruined her entire character

>You will never watch Emilia Clarke shit her brains out until she's too exhausted to cry and passes out in a pond of her own diarrhea

Attached: 15104658.jpg (500x421, 22K)

I'll give this season one thing, despite things not going the way I want, the deaths have mostly all been damn good.

Get off of 4channel, mom

It's just bad user. Terrible plot, ruining character development and the pacing of the story being way too rushed.


Which would wiggle faster: her anus or her eyebrows?

based and inflationpilled

based and scatpilled


Mommy needs love too boy.

>We kept cuddling going ‘I love you.’


You also need to spam a bit more of "have sex" and "incel" as a reply to some people

seething incels who lacks sex

is affection an alien thing to you user?

NK should have won.

>The name is unique

Attached: 1548385904437.gif (630x385, 3.37M)

>Evil King of the frozen land
>played by a man called Valdimir

have incel

Am I doing it right user-chan?

>imagine not using a filter
have sex

Saddest one is Beric for me. I kinda like they guy and him being brought back over and over again only to die one last time is honestly just sad. That part when he holds off those wights on the corridor of Winterfell is great.

Nikolaj did call Lena 'a very special sister' occasionally.

I needed that.

Attached: 1556553425415.jpg (300x420, 34K)

Brienne is pregnant.

>Vladimir said shooting the final scene with Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark) was fun and it took a few takes to perfect the scene because they were always laughing.
What if NK just wanted to hear rape stories from Bran?

>implying I'm not
It's the only filters I have on Yea Forums

>Vladimir Furdik

Attached: game-throness-night-king-actor-vladimir-furdik-sleeps-full-night-king-costume-1555657751.jpg (728x455, 53K)

Honestly the only deaths I ultimately dislike was Missandei, Lyanna's, and Euron's. Everyone else I felt went out the way they truly wanted and deserved.

A funny thought has occurred to me, you wonder if the Dornish cunt and her likely dead already bad pussy daughter were still in the red Keep and were crushed by debris, what about the Shame bitch that took a mountain of a dicking?

Wait a fucking second. Tyrion's advices are reason why everything went to shit. Even NK can't breach wall without dragon. And she lose dragon because of Tyrion. Hell NK was not even threat

Attached: 1548999121580.jpg (5964x4088, 2.19M)

>Kelly C

Attached: 1533829223866.jpg (317x267, 22K)

no, you see. you were expecting
a better plot, more character development and a different/slower pacing. but you see, they had to wrap it up at some point. and I understand you, theyve ruined Boardwalk Empire the same way for me, just because GOT was becoming poplar and needed more money

Why did they do him in like that?

Attached: 34.jpg (2048x1937, 391K)

NK sounds like a bro

Attached: heil ARYAns.jpg (717x400, 13K)

>using filters
>still sees "have sex"
You retarded or something. Here's a (you) I guess

Attached: 1545025547269.jpg (250x241, 7K)

I can still see the auto-hidden posts you retard.

All those Jamies are different characters.

because they're macguffins

Azor Ahai Jon on Sunday bros.

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Missandei was kind of pointless honestly, it should have been Greyworm during the battle of Winterfell (kinda cliche but whatever)

Lyanna should have live, she shouldn't be on the battlefield at all, Tormund should be the one sacrificing himself to kill the giant (Giantsbane anyone?)

Euron, I guess it should have been Dany or Yara/Theon to finish him off.

Did sansa became so smart after it before getting raped by Ramsay

Except the Nights Watch doesnt exist any more, there’s no need for them and there’s a huge hole in the wall

>Randel FUCKING Tarely

Hello r*ddit

So you're telling me, you filter shit just so you can unhide the post because you're a (you)whore. Well that's even worse

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When Varys talks with the little girl, was he trying to kill (poison) Daenerys?

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No you fucking mongoloid, I can tell when there's those phrases in a post because those are the only filters I have.


Game of Thrones is one of the most based shows ever. How do the three even relate?

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>that black frame

>Show hasn't been any good since season 2 and has been unwatchable shit since season 4.
>What finally tipped the scales for the normies is their precious GRRLLL POWA avatar doing a naughty
Normies should be culled.

>mommy issues
And that’s a good thing

>just because GOT was becoming poplar and needed more money
This makes it even weirder. For all purpose HBO can go add another two seasons and make season 7 and 8 with 10 episodes. Have GRRM supervise some things so the transition from book to original show story can be smoother and if D&D want to quit, find someone else who can do the job. It's just so lazy and irresponsible of them.

Anyway I haven't watched Boardwalk Empire (about to start it after GoT is done next week). I hope it doesn't end up as bad as GoT S8.

so you hang out in general thread of a show you consider unwatchable for 5 years?

>there’s no need for them
Except the Others already invaded before and there is no guarantee that they will not invade again.
>huge hole in the wall
So they need to fix it.


Not him but I think the same way and I have come back to this thread only after several years just to take the piss out of the new episodes.

Based retard

So Sandor would have beat Bronn had they fight right?

Also, how would you rate the Indian/Arab whore Bronn is fucking?

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Euron should have just slipped on a banana at the end.

That's a lot of characters to follow

>is affection an alien thing to you user?

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>Japan surrenders
>Americans nuke it twice anyway because they need to show off their power

Wow clap clap clap revenge for pearl harbour 10/10

>Kings Landing surrenders
>Danny burns it anyway because she needs to show off her power


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To be honest, the mass backlash started in the week after episode 3, although some people were still defending it.

Stop responding to me you peasant. I'm through with you

>Except the Others already invaded before and there is no guarantee that they will not invade again.
Did you miss all the dead blowing up and no one bringing up a third Long Night?

oh we doing this now?

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She's the same one who kissed a guy with another guy's cum in her mouth.


Sex in GoT gives superpowers

>Jon begins to walk towards the Iron Throne after slaying Daenerys
>Suddenly a zombified Gren slowly strides into the Red Keep
>Everyone gasps
>Bran gives Jon a knowing look and turns to back to Gren and nods his head
>The corpse begins to speak
>Jon, my old friend...there must ALWAYS be a Night King
>Drogon flies Gren north of the wall.
>He bows his head sadly and stares Southward before setting his gaze upon the stone circle.
>Where it all began, he sighs to himself.
>Gren leans back upon the central pillar, just as the man who would become the first NIght King did thousands of years earlier
>He puts on the Night King's scalp as the frost begins to overtake him.
>Finally, covered in ice, his ghostly blue eyes turn to a smouldering red glow

>diminishing (You) returns: the post

Episode 4 was when we realized night king was legit dead and this was the shit we had to deal with.

Americans weren't going to rule Hiroshima or Nagasaki. And they didn't nuke after the surrender.


Agreed on all those. Euron was just done poor all around, I love the actor and he gave it his best despite knowing the books himself, so I'll take what I got.

There is some good among the mess of pacing and writing. Jorah, The Hound, Cersei, etc. I enjoyed all their deaths.

They are talking about the scene you fucking spergs

You do realize that Tywin is the Lord of daddy issues right?

>Did you miss all the dead blowing up
All the dead who followed the Night King. You don't know what else is there in the Far North.

Boardwalk Empire is unique in that it's final season is actually a pleb filter.

Name a better female villain.

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Could someone post the list of spoilers please?

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the worst problem with BE ending was they chose to have a huge timeskip, missing some pretty important historycal events that would have been nice to see and the conclusion was p. dumb.

Good thing we got answers about quburn.

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It's near-kino.

Why do you care about the fake ending?

What questions do you have about him?


Wish granted

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yikes dude. You can do better.

i know you fucking idiot

His origins
His motives
How the fuck someone even stronger than the night king back from quasi death

ITT have sex

>You don't know what else is there in the Far North.
Centaurs? Minotaurs? Black people?

John and Dany are same age right? John's entire family was murdered. His friends died. His girlfriend died in fight against his own man. He was betrayed and literally killed by his own man. And still he tried to stop man from murder and rape.
Meanwhile Dany went mad and killed entire city because of her friend death. Just to "show off" her character. What the fuck?

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>Jon takes black
Nightwatch must be really comfy now when nothing happens but occasional small wildling raids

>Gren is Bolvar

Why does this actually work?

I have to admit, I kinda enjoy his scenes in season 7. Him taking down Daenerys's fleet and marching proudly to Kingslanding is great. But it's the start of the problem. He somehow can made a fleet so massive and strong it manages to destroy the Martell-Targ-Tyrell alliance in just one night. The writers aren't sure what to do with him so they just made him a copy of Ramsay Bolton but stronger. Which is fun at first but just plain lame and boring after it goes on. Not to mention he always appear at convenient moment just to fuck up Dany's plan.

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How do we know that’s the REAL ending?

Dyed hair is a no-no.

>council of elders


He spent the knight knowing that jaime is coming

She's older than Jon by a year or two I think.

Esl or just retarded?

Bran knew it all, he's going for that throne. He's actually evil, calling it now.

King Bran will be fucking glorious

Then you're a moron making a terrible joke that is in no way funny, which is even worse.

It's quite correct about the first two. So there is reason to believe the last one could have correct. Simple as that.

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Pretty much this
I browsed /got/ daily from season 2 to season 4.
I stopped watching during season 4 because it got so bad, but I still came here for a while after.
On the topic of old-school /got/, why the fuck did you people let the Normies have Cleganebowl?
What is this shit?

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>His origins
Maester who was expelled because he studied shit that he shouldn't be studying.
>His motives
Learning, of course.
>How the fuck someone even stronger than the night king back from quasi death

the contents (not that image itself, its probably 10 days old) was leaked about 3 weeks ago.

>>Japan surrenders
>before the nukes
Nice meme.

The Others. They were already defeated by Azor Ahai and yet they returned.

In the freezing cold? Ok

Why do you think there are dragon dildos?
Women love this shit.

>No sweetrobin
fuck this gay earth

Yea Forums has been nu-reddit for years now. It takes about 5 minutes for normalfags to steal Yea Forums memes unless they're especially "offensive" or anything.

If the books ever do get finished, I hope they flesh out how Gregor was able to break away from his zombie conditioning to whoop up on the hound. I thought that was pretty neat.

It's a thing with him and Tyrion.

Dude he spent multiple nights over the course of that episode just sitting in the courtyard. They left him there.

Nobody in the fucking middle ages gave a shit about an autistic cripple.

The Others are black?

i wasn't making a joke you aspie

He's been spamming the same post for thousands of threads now.

No, they are white.

>It takes about 5 minutes for normalfags to steal Yea Forums memes
This is not very correct because in this age Yea Forums steal twitter and reddit memes. Sad but true.

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>I wasn't making a joke
>I knew they were in character
Then what's the purpose of posting "HEHE THE ACTORS ARE IN LOVE" you autist

>His origins
He literally explained it in his debut and again in S8 premiere. He is an expelled maester. As for how he end up in that castle and almost killed by the Mountain and his men is anyone's guess. But most likely he ends up a wandering doctor while secretly kidnapping dying paupers and other unwanted peoples for his experiments.
>His motives
Gain more knowledge to satisfy his morbid curiosity and if his dialogue with Bronn can be taken as truth, he also wants more power by serving the Lannisters.
>How the fuck someone even stronger than the night king back from quasi death
Mountain's 'death' and his 'resurrection' is kind of ambiguous I'll give you that.

I still don't believe it. Jon surrenders himself to Unsullied and Dothraki then takes the black? Drogon, and her army let him go? No. Also, NW is no longer needed. This is a fake ending.

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Did Jaime ever reveal that it was his father that order the gangrape on Tysha and she isnt actually a whore in the TV series or did he took that to his grave

kill yourself you worthless virgin

Why was he waiting for Jaime anyway? He did nothing of consequence at all this season.

It kind of blends together because this place is as full of normalfags as any other now. Which is why I rarely visit it.

They'll be easy to destroy then. Just play rap music.


Azor literally who didn't finish the job, goblina did ;)



>“I can tell you the truth because I don’t have to lie about how it’s going to end. When we did that scene, you have to remember Lena and I and The Mountain, everyone was standing 85 meters away from Peter. Peter’s not a guy who likes to shout,” said Asbaek. “I couldn’t hear a word of what he said. So I had no idea that he mentioned the baby. Because if I had or if I had read the script, I would’ve looked at Cersei, like ‘What? Hey, how can he know? What’s going on?’ No one could be that stupid, except an actor who hadn’t read the script, probably. I only read my own lines. I did the Michael Caine method.”

>DnD kind of forgot how common sense & logic works

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Don't give me hope. DABID is rabid

Maybe some less lords and advisors would want to try to prop up Gendry as the king so they can rule through him or something.

Hey remember that illusion scene in season 2, or was it season 3? Where Daenerys walks up to a ruined iron throne?

>quads of truth

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>real quads
There is still hope

>Punished Danny
I wish they had made her like that from the beginning.

>Her belly slowly begins to expand

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>Season finale.
>We still haven't even seen a single one of Ramsay's twenty good men
They will be the final villains are they?

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viserys but dany would have been goat.

>small wildling raids
It's not even a raid, it's just a bunch of idiots trying to provoke the Night's Watch into drinking contests.

Calm down man it’s okay to want to bang women. Even if it’s emotionally dangerous. Baby steps user. Just don’t be a slut.

based shanshaposter reveals the truth

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I think you killed him

While I agree that it was rushed this season, how do normies not get that Dany was always a power hungry cunt on the brink of madness?

Who is the worst king?

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Someone has the Jon stabs pregnant dany pic?
Post plz and have a NK dab

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Theon was confirmed as a good man by Bran

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She is power hungry, but she never did something as brutal as this and the turn to madness feels too quick. Crucifying those slaver dudes in S4 is pretty hardcore though, they should have made more scenes like that in S7 & early 8.

>A piece of her ruined body hit Arya in the face, knocking her out a window
Thus begins the chronicle of the 3 Eyed Goblin. And Jon has to go reform the Night's Watch to guard the realms of men from oysters, clams, and cockles.

Renly was an embarrassment.


Already half figure Kings Landing will be abandoned as the Capitol until it's ever fully repaired, Bronn being on the council will be cause Bran and the council will take Highgarden as the temp Capitol with Bronn as its lord


Damn she Thicc as fuck giv big mummy gf

>Bronn actually owns the entire seven kingdoms
>Could just tell Bran to fuck off if he is getting tired of his creepy NEET attitude anytime
I am not even mad, this is fucking hilarious. They should do a sequel series as a sitcom.

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He didn't say "the best"

>but she never did something as brutal as this
By that logic, no one can do anything.

Rewatching the Clegane fight in S1, it felt like for a second Robert was thinking "Oh yeah this is some good shit... wait a minute they're gonna kill each other"

Renly wasn't the fifth king, it was Mance. They only called it the war of the 5 kings after news of a new king beyond the wall

I think all of them express some level of disappointment after the show ends.
In this thread alone, we already have the Night King's actor, Euron, Lena, also Kit Harington, and Conleth Hill. It's a shame because for all it's problem the casts are still great. What a waste.

Jon will be Lord Commander #1,000 tho

IIRC it's Cersei or Ned who tells him to stop the fight. I think I need to rewatch it. I remember Joffrey looks thrilled with the fight.



Okay? What is your point? You did not answer any of his questions. They would kill him on the spot or drogon would burn or eat him (maybe he wont since he is a targ) but the rest are still valid points.

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It was always Renly, even if he ends up dead before any battle begins.

Yep but I've been saying this since s1
The show really fell down a around s5-7 but I'm glad I pushed through because this shit heap turned into irs so good it's bad to it's so bad it's bad because it's good to be bad
The shows writing is fascinatingly bad especially those first 4 s8 episodes what the fuck where they thinking?



