Further proof that /pol/tards should move to Korea

Further proof that /pol/tards should move to Korea.

>everyone here loved last night's episode
>nobody understands the criticism it received at all
>everyone thought her slaughtering civilians was based
>when she started burning people alive the people I watched with started cheering
>the only criticism the review in China mentioned was that Jon murdered his own men, even though he was trying to stop a rape
>everyone hopes that Jon is executed in the last episode for his crime

Attached: 823022-gameofthrones-season8episode5-review.jpg (1280x720, 33K)

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Chinese get it they average IQ between Dog eater or Cat Eater very smart.

What made her snap like a Tom and Jerry cuckoo clock?

based bug person poster

>>everyone hopes that Jon is executed in the last episode for his crime

Asians love donald trump and consider life to be cheap. This is nothing new.

if koreans aren't as cruel as chinks

I'm also in Korea (english teacher fag) and yeah, everyone at my school thought the same. You forget tho that everyone in Korea would applaud at watching every last man woman and child in Japan be burned alive because they occupied Korea *hundreds of years ago*.

The whole 'revenge is a sad and destructive force* theme is completely lost on them.


Chink bugs have no critical thinking skills

revenge kino is koreas best export tho fagboy

Are you talking about the Yan review? I thought it was funny, but I was also blown away that their most respected critic has such god awful basic comprehension. Maybe because it's only shown in English and not subtitled or dubbed?

He seemed to think that every man woman and child in King's landing was a Lannister and that Dany was just getting revenge on them for killing Missandei. He also mentioned revenge for overthrowing her family, but that wasn't even them it was Robert and Ned.

>everyone in Korea would applaud at watching every last man woman and child in Japan be burned alive because they occupied Korea *hundreds of years ago*.
koreans are retarded in that point, but revenge is a good thing

"Yeah kill 'em!"
Fuck you asians are scary. Truly mindless ant people no offense.

>Asians have no emotional intelligence whatsoever

yeah we already knew this, thanks for the thread

I'm American bro, just living here. Couldn't agree more, they're a truly terrifying people and god help us if we ever go to war with China because they would dragon nuke the shit out of a hospital for disabled children without a second thought.

Should also go to show how misguided hollywood is in thinking they can make big bucks by targeting China. They have completely different taste. The fact that the episode intended to be the darkest and most brutal of the season ends up being the most celebrated episode in Asia shows you how fucked up this culture is.

Maybe we should take them out now before they get any stronger.

Are we really bringing politics into this fucking show?
This season is absolute shit,this episode was absolute shit,if you felt that the show got anything right this episode other than Sandor's arc , congratulations because this season was made especially for you

>Are we really bringing politics into this fucking show?

Um no, faggot.


Um yes?

>white nationalists obsessed with race should move to a non-white country
WNs idealize Asian countries but have no desire to actually live there.

Did showfags really not read the books? Its so obvious in the books she is crazy.

South Korea in the Vietnam War

>tfw Gorean but only shows I like are Mad Men and Sopranos
>None of my family members care about that boring shit
My aunt and sister love Game of Thrones and Marvel movies though

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My dad is constantly harping on Japan shit and I had to tell him to shut the fuck because I was raised in US and I don’t care about it. It’s fucking obnoxious how all my relatives are like that

>everyone here loved it
lmao no. It was shit, but I think it's weird how normies are just getting woke to how shit the show is suddenly. It's been this dumb for years now. they're acting like the show was top tier and then suddenly took a nosedive in the final season.

>no critical thinking skills
>Asian-Americans have higher-iqs and earn more than Whites
And yet here I am living in America and I think my korean father is a shitheel for ranting about Japan. You ever stop to think that maybe it’s a cultural?

>South Korea in the Vietnam War

They might have higher IQs but critical thinking is dead on. China and Vietnam both designed their education systems deliberately to hinder critical thinking.

Most Koreans are so robotic in their reasoning that 300 high schools drowned to death on a sinking boat rather than disobey their teacher's instruction to stay in their room.

I wonder if that would be enough to uncuck the west

people only like it because it made the psycho retard sjw hypocrites who only see things in black and white mad

I said Asian-Americans for a reason user

Dany was justified in taking her revenge. The north men were justified in taking their revenge. Grey worm was right to take his revenge. Jon was justified in killing a rapist. The assassination of grey worm and dany in the finale will also be justified. Which country do I go to for this?

Doesn’t Korea have a problem with some Feminist-gestapo branch of the Korean government? Maybe that’s why they were so happy

>insectoids enjoy show for those with insect iqs

move along folks, nothing to see here

What does that make the US considering they produced this shit in the first place and is more popular here

This is a racist, oversimplification.

No, Jews produced it. D&D and Martin are Jews.

Sandors arc was ruined though. It was supposed to be about him overcoming his anger and hate. If he wanted revenge on his brother he could have tried his luck at any time during Roberts rules. Turns out Sandor has a taste for the dramatic though

Some African shithole. Dany isn't justified in anything because she's the invader

Nice job losing the fucking ball, maybe Jews really are smarter than Viking-fags since all you guys do is complain and threaten that the day of the rope will come as our constitutional rights go to shit anyway

That’s the libtard view though. They think their feminist Queen was just misunderstood and deserved to kill a million people because a WoC died.

>Further proof that /pol/tards should move to Korea.
Maybe most of them are really just bitter Asian incels that can't get a white gf and are trapped in a liberal country while their genes and families tell tell them to be cynic neocons that shit on the joys of life.

What is this 1930? Genes are destiny? Nazi pig

Of course she is, they didn't surrender in time.

Why they would be against scene when Jon killed his man? That's literally how army works, you ignore officer's order - you die without trial, at least in wartime.

They tried to assassinate her before she even crossed the Narrow Sea and murdered almost all of her family when she was just a girl. Her revenge is warranted without taking into account anything which happened to her during her return to Westeros.

>cynic neocons that shit on the joys of life
It's liberals that create dystopias such as the current society though

Last two about China and Jon Snow are obvious false-flags but 4channelers will eat it up of course

If you aren't teaching them elevated Western values, what is the point?

Oh my bad.

The single mother of her non biological dragons is an invader and did exactly what an invader would do.

Is she the female Muhammad?

Is this a nod to Europe?

who cares what finns think

Deep down all Asians think the Rape of Nanking was justified as long as they are doing it to the enemy. In their mind the soldier was justified in his barbarity against the enemy. Jon having higher scruples was in their mind immoral.

I live in Vietnam, not China, and he's a hated character by everyone I know who watches because he's weak and a pussy.

I think it would be a stretch to compare her to Muhammad. IMO she's more like Justinian invading Italy, in theory trying to restore what was lost by his predecessors, but in practice just burning and killing her own people's homeland and making them all really angry at her.

It’s obvious in the show too. She has been demanding that the entire world obey her for the entirety of the show like almost any cliche “bad guy”

>Deep down all Asians think the Rape of Nanking was justified as long as they are doing it to the enemy.
Even if they did think that, would that make them so different from the Germans and Soviets with all the mass rapes they carried out on the Eastern Front? Doesn't really seem to be an asian-only thing.

They'd be pretty retarded to waste their best weapons on disabled non combatans

From a narrative written point of view the story is just fine in the show.

If you bitch that
>Arya killed the night king
>Danny went full retard
>Jon snow didn't have an epic sword battle with night king
>Jamie fight
Consider you have 70 IQ and are a fucking moron.

It is however okay to bitch that
>it was rushed
>Danny went unchallenged on her dragon and her plan to use a dragon to destroy all the boats is stupid
>that they didn't have a scouting boat to move her army through the water when her second dragon died

The shows story is written very well and most likely similar to the book. However they cut corners on logic to push the main plot. But Danny turning evil was not rushed... Literally every development needed was shown for this to make her snap.

It’s okay because their white and they rape people while wearing fashionable military clothing. Appearances make all the differences

>applying modern morals on a medieval setting

Ye no. She knew she had to rule by ger and therefore nuked a city so NOBODY else would rise against her. It’s a perfectly valid strategy and has been done multiple times in history. Back then nobody cared for peasants.

>What made her snap like a Tom and Jerry cuckoo clock?

She realized that she can't make the people love her. She couldn't even keep her inner circle loyal. So she decided that she'd rule the kingdom through fear. Thus, when the town surrendered she wiped it off the map to make an example out of it.

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The problem is that in the show when she's burning people alive and acting like a tyrant, 99% of the time it's accompanied by this music:

(skip to 0:22)

Moments that should be Dany showing flashes of being a maniac are framed as heroic triumphs, and the critics going all YAS QUEEN SLAY hasn't helped either.

We are talking about Asians today. Not Asians 70 years ago. The Asian mind like a cockroach is incapable of evolution.

>Ye no. She knew she had to rule by ger and therefore nuked a city so NOBODY else would rise against her. It’s a perfectly valid strategy and has been done multiple times in history.

The Assyrians, Alexander the Great, the Mongols.

You mean the soviet mongols?

For the most part it just sounds like they’re able to enjoy a TV show without turning it into a dumb ass debate about whether or not a character SHOULD have done something.

Also practically speaking, it's not like there's any food left to feed king's landing anyway.

Who ? Cersei, Jaime? They never did that. All the people who hurt her family are dead. If you're going to punish people for the sins of their fathers Dany would first on the chopping block

>Not Asians 70 years ago.
You're the one who brought up the Rape of Nanking though.

I browse Korean equivalent of Yea Forums, no they don't.

The Mountain was apart of the slaughter of her family and he was alive in King's Landing.

>skip to 0:22
*2:22, sorry

>Also practically speaking, it's not like there's any food left to feed king's landing anyway.

Because she literally burned it all in season 7.

That’s the way to get assassinated.
Being a cruel ruler takes practice and cunning, Dany has neither and she’s pretty vulnerable without a dragon.

Yes, that was an example of a travesty that the Modern Asian would be okay with as long as they are sticking it to their enemy.

Yes, those wagons had all the food in Westeros. It's not that everyone in the Stormlands, Riverlands, Westerlands, North, and Crownlands has been too busy fighting to actually harvest, or that winter is starting. All the food was in a big pile in those wagons and she got all of it.

Meanwhile the white mind evolved to allow enough space for jews to live rent free

Revenge brings peace, balance and relief.

You think modern europeans and north americans wouldn't be okay with the same thing under the right circumstances? Serbian soldiers carried out mass rapes in Bosnia and that wasn't that long ago.

Tywin also did that

Varys actually put out the order for her death and he was part of her council

proof only fags watch this show

They are barely European.

>That’s the way to get assassinated.
Idk plenty of rulers have leveled cities to prove a point and got away with it. If anything it's the ones who are too lenient that get assassinated (Caesar for example).

Go to any youtube video involving the US vs Middle East and you get the same blood thirsty remarks that /pol/ idiots love spouting, meanwhile they are aghast and horrified when another generalized group from another nation does the same.

Do I even have to fucking say it?

niggers and shitskins have got to go

He was always trying to restore her to the throne.

Whites too

>for the autistic impaired
At the time of Dany's siege on King's Landing, as a specific example of one who did wrong to Dany's family, the Mountain resided in the besieged city.

nope. i knew you were a shitskin nigger. darkies are the only "people" devoid of empathy post westernization

uuh welcome to asia

>Implying muricans aren't the more violent people living.
How many war outside there borders the chinese have done the last century ? American are the truly dragon nukers, lmao

if youre a nigger, have some dignity and try not to force your detestable presence on other light races. get a clue take a hint

It's not explained. This is shown clearly because we have to do the explaining. TV should not need the viewer having to do explaining. (This is not the same thing as the viewer working something out or coming to a surprising revelation). Aside from being a generic tyrant ruler occasionally there was no build up of her descent into madness, even her past killings were at least justified in comparatively complex dialogue over a number of episodes with constant themes (eg; I am.thr rightful heir, so I can kill my enemies). The same thing occurs with Jamie or with the dragon death (D&D think pirate jumpscares are the same thing as the red wedding)

Madness is not the same thing as being an overgrown angry child. Aside from 2 , maybe 3 of the last episodes this noticable decent did not happen, a longer psychologically explained undercurrent us needed for this. Burning tarlys and crucifying masters is very harsh, but not "madness".

They could have done some flashback thing or dialogue, like what they should have done for bran and the knight king, anything... Instead they have killed both as "le generic baddies" . It's fucking awful television writing and you all know it.

Pic related for more horrendous writing.

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You hear this dude? Shitskin nigger darkies. Real fucking dark character

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>How many war outside there borders the chinese have done the last century
Sino-Tibetan War
Korean War
Sino-Indian War
Sino-Vietnamese War

I was in Busan yesterday and the pollution was ridiculous. You can't see past that big bridge. Glad I'm back in Straya where the air is breathable and i can see stars at night

let it out.

They live comfortably in their homes playing vidya and sitting on their asses all day, passing judgement on others on a cambodian basket weaving site. Good times make weak minds as they say. They will never see the hypocrisy

If only they had been loyle...

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>talk shit
>get caught
>oh bloo bloo how dare yew judge us

crying shitskin

Based Chrissy poster
You first. I’m waiting for the day of the rope you guys promised will be coming. Let’s see how good Anglos and Viking fags are good at organization skills beyond US “riots”

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Not really all that unexpected that sacking a city leads to horrible shit in medieval setting. This was during reformation in the 17th century.


im quite done. rioting is for niggers

Her going crazy is the nu/tv/-reddit explanation for her motivation. Without more context where she does something truly crazy she seemed just seething with anger. With all they have put her through it was understandable.

>hundreds of years ago

>because they occupied Korea *hundreds of years ago*.
I didn't realize 1945 was hundreds of years ago

Does this mean you’re going to finally get some balls and make a bomb to fight the Jewish menace

what a novel idea

What the communists did to them was more recent, they have already forgotten it, and are ready for reunification tomorrow.

jews hate niggers too, very passive aggressive

>I didn't agree with her behavior so the show is bad
The most /pol/ argument there is. Fuck off femcel

The CIA glowniggers are working the honeypot reall hard tonight.

>inciting terrorism against a group for their religious beliefs in a public forum
wtf is wrong with you

Reported to FBI

How’s that inciting terrorism

On second thought, probably not the best thing to post lol forgot where i am

>With all they have put her through it was understandable

Who, the people of king's landing?

The bells?

It doesn't make any sense from a rage perspective either. In fact it makes less so. Liquidising literally all the defenses ,the red keep and getting drogon to eat cersie and tossing her corpse in front of the plebs would be just as intimidating and make more sense.

They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

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Uh oh CIA nigger didn't want FBI to investigate him

more recent by 5 years? also north koreans are still koreans.

Tbh the West has designed its education systems to hinder critical thinking at this point senpai

>all the German mass rape
Wasn't that like, Dirlewanger and his scumgang plus a small number of people in the Wehrmacht? Wasn't the Soviet advance basically a rolling front of SLAVing?

The Americans.

You can't separate the people of King's Landing, the Gold Cloaks, the South, The Lannisters, and Rob's Rebellion from each other since they are so intertwined. These people have done Dany wrong since the time she was so young she can't even remember. Sacking the city wasn't simply about taking back Westeros. It was always an act of revenge for her as it was for Grey Worm and even the North Men Jon thought he was leading.

I would move to Korea if not for the fact that I hate Koreans and their culture.

dont, they dont need rude shitskins

Not really. They live in two different cultures. I've heard even their languages are starting to separate.

Americunts PROVED that they were ok with it. Britain incinerated Dresden, America deleted not one but two cities in Japan (after being talked down from nuking the cultural/historic capital Kyoto), but it's different when the "good guys" do it. America was also fine with the Soviets sacking Berlin.
Britain also starved half a million people to death sieging Germany during world war one, and then made Germany pay reparations for it. And America did the same with Iraq in the 90s.

>gooks are soulless
Thanks for the news flash, only people here didn't like this episode because we thought it was based that Dany burnt them all, we liked it because however rushed it concluded Dany's madness arc and showed the vanity of her false claim to the throne.

What did it say?

thats some nice onga bonga.

its always a nigger stirring things up

I asked if the person was going to make a bomb in the heat of the an argument. I forgot Yea Forums has a rule against this

t. gook

you chimped out.

i dunno how people claim this wasnt coming. it was clearly building for a long time.

t. nignig. like i said.

Agree Korean peninsula needs to be nuked.

they're still at war with them retard, also anti-chinese sentiment is common in korea so no

Losing two of her "children" and pretty much every friend and advisor she has had.
>Husband died
>Beta orbiter died
>Black friend died
>Dragon 2 died
>Dragon 3 died

africa needs to be nuked, billions of niggers and multiplying

That user was mo fuckin’ good
If anything he was the honeypot. Now FBI is going to investigate me

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fuck off back to europe while you're at it

Didn’t she lose her people the same way or something

can you imagine if africa had nukes? what kind of demands would those wily tribesmen demand on the rest of the world?

could be a tv show

Imagine having slant eyes, pan face and a gigantic head. On top of that a 3 inch dick on average. Yikes.

keep hiding behind the white man, dirtcake.

hahaha this nigga is heated up. i got him

Their continent wouldn't last for long. They would just end up threatening each other and then nuking each other into oblivion.

its always a nigger stirring up shit. they cant help themselves, low impulse control.

Yet they reproduce so fast they have turned aborted fetuses into a delicacy. Maybe Melissa Milano should check the place out.

>Aggressive afroghoul literally hated wherever he goes for the content of his character and extreme afroaggression as shown by every single statistical analysis world over, including Africa itself.

>Telling the people everyone will sell their own mother to be near to go anywhere

Absolute state of homo erectus.

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Also, Jon rejecting her.

oh come now, give them more credit. if africa had nukes they would rebuild wakanda with all the reparations they would collect from the rest of the world.

you sound like a 56'er or a poo.


afroaggression lmfao

>>everyone hopes that Jon is executed in the last episode for his crime

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>move to a country of yellow autistic manlets because of a tv show

East asia is just balkans on a much larger scale

Everyone raped each other at some point and they're still mad about it, they also all pretend to be unique and different cultures when to the outside world they're all the same.

Literally balkans.

asia has a "no niggers allowed" rule

you cant seriously be using that scene seasons ago in a different context (bluffing) to justify the way they handled things right?

We've seen Dany at the very worst go for 'grey' decisions not outright True Evil. If they wanted to convince people that mass killing was something she would do, they needed to not make the transition happen in one episode.

Are HBO shills paying people to pretend the writing is good?

If they wanted Dany to make a morally repugnant decision like massacring people, then they could have placed Stingers in the middle of civilian clusters and have them fire at Drogon. They could have even moved the death of Rhaegal to episode 5 where he is surprised by hidden stingers (possibly fired after the Bell Toll 'surrender').

japanese language is different though, its more romantic.

Yugos at least have a sense of humor and produce some good athletes. Insect people are only good for making iPhones and cheap apparel.

Night king doesn't even exist in the books.
He's was hyped as the ultimate threat and never got any character development or exposition. He was just lol evil.

Shouldn't it be a large ghost town then?

i wonder if japanese was always this pleasant on the hearing, or if the Portugese missionaries somehow altered the language centuries ago.

yet theres more niggers in the world than any other group, even asians

Is it just me or was Daenerys absurdly hot when she got into Holocaust mode?

She had no qualms about harming the Masters many of whom were as innocent as the citizenry of King's Landing, but you enjoyed that when it fit neatly into your politics. Now she is killing people you can't justify by hiding behind the argument "lol it is okay. they were slavers." Now like a petulant child you pretend they changed the rules on you but Dany never changed.

Enjoy your 3 day ban you smelly gook.

thats funny, cause nigs smell the most. not getting banned cus i called out your afroaggression, mudcake.

what did she ultimately decide to do? Listened to Jorah to let the Masters surrender. This was also season ago where you are supposed to believe she learned from her experiences.

Probably not worth talking any further, I can smell your triggering due to you accusing me of political bias.

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>The whole 'revenge is a sad and destructive force* theme is completely lost on them.
Its lost on D&D too

She went all ficki ficki on Jon literally 2 minutes after she burned a dude alive for thinking Jon might be the more mentally stable person for the throne. Jon could probably still smell Varys' ashes in Dany's hair. No shit he rejected her.

not even a /pol/tard but my fb comments on how based it was left a lot of normies pissed off at me.

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Varys tried to kill her in season 1 and he was actively trying to poison her in the last episode. Dany had every right to burn his retarded ass.

It's a shame he didn't succeed, particularly in season 1, would have saved alot of lives from her dragon-fuelled tantrums.

you sound like a butthurt yuropeon or canadian

That's probably because you came across as contrarian and unlikable.

>comparing killing slave masters to burning a million random civilians
I feel like you guys are being willfully obtuse about why this was badly executed.

>mutts need the right music and laugh tracks to understand anything

If you just asked someone else, I doubt they'll do anything. Even if they come to see you, you can just tell them to talk to the lawyer cause the face don't wanna hear it.

It has a "few niggers allowed" rule.

>leftards cheering a child murdering psychopath

Pretty typical honestly. Lefties are always true evil.


what leftards are you seeing shitbrain?
OP is telling /pol/ to move to Korea where they love this shit
/pol/ is plastered with "she did nothing wrong" posts
fucking conservatives are in a perpetual delusional state

Sadly, yes. Each and every moron here and everywhere has tried to stuff politics into this show
2019 it's a fucking nightmare. Puppets can't even watch a shitty show without doing that shit

Sandors arc was ruined, same as Jaime's was.

And that justifies personally destroying the entire city?
Just admit she liked the pretty fires, it makes her more interesting as a character

They didn't do it in the city they intended to rule from, though.
They did it when they were conquering a foreign people that was belligerently opposed or otherwise gave great offense to them.
Except the Assyrians. They were just sick fucks that were hated by every people around them, similarly to the Aztecs.

So that means you need to burn down the entirety of the city?

>when she started burning people alive the people I watched with started cheering

Reminder that they're cheering you being burned, you the working men and women of your country

There is a difference between letting your men take personal spoils because it's expected of you, and personally burning down an entire city

Why would Korea want them? Either Korea?

Meanwhile in literal medieval europe you don't massacre people and use captives for a traditional courteous ransom

Did the crazy get ramped up really quickly and awkwardly at the end?
Was there no build up at all? Fuck no.

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This actually strengthens a nation, like it or not.

>are you trying to bring politics in my fantasy medieval show about politics?

It's like when that talented liberal theatre group genderswapped Trump and Hillary and played a debate, with similar mannerisms and clothes in an attempt to highlight sexism against Hillary, but the result was that liberal audiences suddenly hated Hillary more and found Trump relatable:

Pro-female bias. We practically all have it as humans.

>shilling against freedom of speech through anonimity
Fuck off back to social media and kikebook where you can censor everything fucking moron cancer shill fucking faggots

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The use of the word /pol/tards is proof you’re a weak minded imbecile who shouldn’t be on Yea Forums.