Other urls found in this thread:
holy shit i completely forgot about this
Not based. He will be dead in a few decades but his cruelty will last for eternity. We're insignificant specs of dirt on the cosmic scale so you might as well be good while you're here.
the guy was an actual pussy.
not only was he too scared to kill himself but some random civilian who just grabbed his gun from him when he left the building causing him to run.
Absolute loser.
whoa bro that's so deep
And a manlet to boot
Unironic /pol/tard shot up a mosque in NZ for memes.
I was in the stream when it happened and you are lying and i dont understand why lol no one grabbed his gun faggot.
With that being said tarrant was actually gay and a try hard autist.
this sloppy false flag has already been forgotten and buried
nobody cares or remembers anymore
lol random civilian, what was this guy australian special ops? You're calling him a pussy but only bc you're judging him up on the pedastal you've already put him on. turn the computer off and go have human interactions for a while.
They will never learn
Geez, I wonder why that is
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
>you clearly are less informed about this mass murder than me
>turn off the computer and have human interactions
hahahahaha, what?
>aussie scum
We live... in a society.
Lol wtf are you even trying to say with this post?
I hate summer
well it was heavily censored on Yea Forums yet allowed a bit on all the other boards for some reason
Why did he do it? Now we won't get to watch the final episode of Game of Thrones...
sloppy job mossad
oh is this that, fair enough, i think he needs to have sex
>minority does something
This proves all of them need to be exterminated!
>white guy shoots up a place
anyone got a copy of the full vid? didn't get to save it when it first hit the rounds
>redditposter complaining about summerfags
ah haha
i dunno...that sounds kind of based
See you’re getting it.
Kys brainlet
>kills a bunch of innocent people instead of targeting a gang or terrorists
What a total fag
Just how it should be. 50 less future mudslime terrorists thanks to this guy.
This mosque was known for radicalisation, at least know they've got a valid reason for it
To the kiwi town of Christchurch rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly glanced at all the muslims, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one gave him eye contact
The stranger there among them had a rifle on his back
Rifle on his back
In this town there was a big mosque with the name Masjid Al-Noor
Many muslims came to pray there, and they hoped for many more
They were vicious third-world killers, rapists, welfare queens and worse
And our hero planned to send them all to Allah in a hearse
Allah in a hearse
It only took him sixteen minutes and he racked up forty-nine
He double tapped those muslims, wasn't wasting any time
And his statement, his agenda, when the let those bullets fly
Was a simple plea: "Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie."
Subscribe to Pewdiepie
lmfao roastie mudslimes BTFO
if we're insignificant specks of dirt with no meaning then there is literally no reason to be "good". if that is truly the case you should attempt to kill, steal, and dominate your surroundings as much as possible.
your hippy sensibilities do not work within your atheistic worldview
didnt happen
>mosque was known for radicalisation,
Do it Bart! Post that shit source link again!
>you have to be good because nothing matters
ummmm sweaty, just shut up and have sex ok?
can someone post the whole thing
why did you stop after the mosque? there was a church just down the street!
pop pop yourself tranny
it's on kiwifarms. just search for the thread on the shooter
>babbies first nihilism and apologist post
Sad that you need a desert people sky daddy to derive meaning. Stay untermensch
I didnt know it was this easy to trigger the atheist edgelords here. You incels will eventually grow out of your "draw a swastica on the bathroom stall" phase and realize that integrity matters to anyone who's not a nigger. It's the only thing separating you from the homeless, drug addicts, hedonists, and low accomplishing NPCs of the world.
Nice samefag faggot.
Relax and dont try so hard next time, dont be so mad ;)
this guy killed 51 people
meanwhile his white women kil million times more white babies everyday and breed thousand times more mongrels with non-whites
But I guess the white race will finally win because of that shooting. Wo-hoo.
>buzzwords the post
embarassing pseud
>He will be dead in a few decades but his cruelty will last for eternity
>We're insignificant specs of dirt on the cosmic scale so you might as well be good while you're here.
>Not based
HOLY FUCK, is this how libtards make arguments? LMAO so fucking retarded i can change the order and you'll ruin your own argument
The response of a true brainlet. Again, kill yourself.
Fuck off terrorist sympathizer.
Not an argument. You have no will to power and probably believe in Pascals wager despite not understanding the paradox infinity offers to it. Apologists are the real psueds and have chick tract logic. SAD
>white people advocating for white interests
Whole lotta shitty sub-Yea Forumstier posts ITT embarrassing.
>right wingers are okay with killing people
>are not okay with aborting kids because muh life
such hypocrisy
>manlet shoots a bunch of defenseless civvies
>other manlets rejoice
Actually, those posts were under 1 minute apart.
>white people being hypocrites as always
this didnt actually happen btw, it was pure propaganda. watched the entire video multiple times, Tarrant never runs away from anyone
>i just read the /pol/ sticky, the post
He actually was a sexhaver
I'm not the one with a vagina that gets wet for Muhammad. BIRTH RATES BIRTH RATES BIRTH RATES
Unironically have sex instead of shooting up mosques lol you can't even patrol the thot that is your sisters and mothers. Sharia is needed and yet you hate it. What a tweeest
I was saying your post didn’t make any sense. Seems like you’re fucking drunk and you type like it too.
>okay with killing people
only a certain group, now stop lying cringey fag user
I remember that thread, it was glorious.
You didnt create a new argument by changing the order. Youre just fucking retarded and you've convinced yourself you said something you think you agree with.
Zoom out and think about it "that spec of dust hurt people he didnt like" versus "that spec of dust resisted his instinctual urges for the higher purpose of being good." Being evil is no different from being glutonous, stealing, etc. Elevate yourself and be noble, and that is what will set you apart from the brown hordes
funny considering its usually muslim incels that do that type of thing, I bet you feel pretty awkward now that it happened to you guys for once
Never been. Maybe you should go back there with your non arguments zoomer brainlet
>still replying
Im actually laughing for real. Get over it kid, why are you so angry? Relax bud
>gets high and watches the cosmos once and starts rambling about specks of dust
reddit have arrived
so where did he livestream this?
Huh? What are you trying to prove? Are you unironically feeling ok?
What thread retard there were multiple across the entire website
>some people did something
the minority is repeatedly terrorizing the majority's homelands in an unprovoked offensive manner that could easily be prevented
governments don't respond to legitimate security concerns
the majority is sick of being repeatedly terrorized, feels existentially threatened, and retaliates in a defensive manner
nobody was asking why the shooter did it this time
>i subscribe to peterson and shapiro, the post
like a little embarassing parrot. keep going i want to hit bingo
Kids dindunuffin, these guys chose to be muslim.
>dudes that perpetrated 911 had doctorates and globetrotters
>their benefactors fly your mothers and daughters out to shit on them for venmo peanuts
Keep crying incel as volcel chads answer the call to arms
this nigger doesn't know about the ying and the yang
will you two just suck and fuck each other?
There was a thread wherein people were sharing edits of this webm. Many laughs were had that day and someone actually made a shrine for the guy.
You are a spec of dust though with a decreasing amount of time left. You dont have to spend it obsessing over /pol/ idealogy.
>damage control
Again. Kill yourself. There are two of us and we can do this all day. Stay mad and wrong.
was a good first shot, waste of the second.
>left wingers are okay with killing people
>are not okay with repelling invaders because muh life
Cringe yourself to death dumb frogposter. You type like a nigger too, that’s why everyone called you retarded ITT.
the second shot is a mercy tap. He probably didn't want them to suffer
Hey bro, don't forget to return to your homeboard after this post. I hope it gets gilded for being brave enough to defend the honourably Islamic people!
Im hispanic/latino if i was walking down street just to go to nearest taco stand would this guy shoot me? even tho im caring a jesus christ necklace that he cant see?
You really think it’s just one guy that’s what’s most funny. Stop talking in only reddit memes and maybe people will take you seriously.
Was talking about the first two
Probably since it was a jew falseflag by ((((them))))
depends on how tanned you are
>Im not white
do you live in a white country?
>accuses me of buzzwords
>lol Sticky lol pol lol shapiro lol peterson
Read a book. I know it's foreign to zoomers but maybe start with paradoxes as far back as Pythagoras and even middle age monks up and at the reformation. It forms the basis for enlightenment thinkers and existentialism and absurdism that follows.
> story?
/pol/ went irl.
Do you not have sex
yes montana