What the fuck

What the fuck

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It's 2AM you fucking loser, don't you have a job?


>not the janitor
Missed opportunity

Literally everyone other character is straight.

One gay character, and people here flip out.

I do not understand

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kill yourself faggot enabler

If you don't understand how this cartoon character being gay is propagating a genocide against straight white males, then you're just too far down the rabbit hole.

It seems like just 15 years ago this kind of thing in kid shows never mattered to anybody, gays included.

>season 22
The real WTF.

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Sesame Street is like five generations old.

I don’t understand because normally “those” types would call it queerbaiting.


That’s what we’re all asking. Children shouldn’t care about sexuality at all until at minimum high school.

The liberal Jew agenda is using media to turn the world into one massive Satan worshipping communist fag colony. Duh. Don't you know anything you sheep?

So why would a gay character not matter? If they "shouldn't care", but should they care if they are there or not?

>Every other character possesses a common trait
>One character appears who doesn't possess this quality
Seems pretty natural for people to take notice of the difference.

Most of these characters are literally the children of other characters in the show. Unless Ratburn buttfucks his husband in the show you've got nothing to be concerned about.


No one here has seen Arthur in a decade. Your point is retarded, people notice for the outrage

This. Would've been a renaissance for Yea Forums meme culture.

t. virgin

have sex

I suppose it depends on how it’s handled. I don’t watch Arthur and haven’t since I was very small nor have any plans to, but if their sexuality isn’t meant to be the first thing to be thought about, then I guess it’s fine. I’m just saying that children shouldn’t have to think so hard about it.

First of all, season 22...

We needed this.

my kid sister was telling me about this and literally called it "disturbing" lel
and our family isn't even christian

A) I found out Hey Arthur is back
B) This was first order of business

Jews need the fucking ovens again

>our family isn’t even Christian

This post comes from a personal perspective; I'm not on the fence about homosexual relationships. I know the science on homosexuality, and while I support its use for people who find love, I don’t support the idea that all gay people want to love someone of the same gender.

The irony of this post

Every gay when your walking down the street
Every faggot you meet
Has an original point of view

Thanks God I am not a mutt.

Wtf is wrong with you retards?

>Mom? Why doesn't Mr. Ratburn have kids of his own?
Well Arthur, men can't give birth. Their relationship is unnatural.

>Mom? Why does Mr. Ratburn look sick?
Well Arthur, fucking up the ass gives you aids. Their relationship is unnatural.

>Mom? Why did Mr. Ratburn eat ALL the wedding cake?
Well Arthur, he's a gigantic faggot.

With Jews, you lose!

Arthur is a Canadian show.

that character always seemed gay as hell

>dude trust me, these guys rule the world!

>50 years is 5 generations
americlap education, everybody!

Mom! Pol posted outside their refugee camp again.

Remember when Mr. Ratburn betrayed the Illuminati and turned all augmented people into violent lunatics by hacking their brains with satellites, all because he was a jealous cripple? That was a weird episode.

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TV = Electro Jew.

Gay people manipulate kids and use child grooming to cause untold damage to them. This is just one of their creepy methods.

nah its produced and written by amerimutts

A fucking pedo had been Arthur and his buddy for years and no one said anything?!

No he didn't. He just seemed like one of those old time fashioned autistic bachelors who go through life never seeing a cunt and instead collect model trains.

>a gay anthropomorphic rat on a twenty year old cartoon is a grooming tacting ftom gay people

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Yeah, that's all people are doing here, "noticing". Do you people actually think the people reading your posts are that fucking stupid?

showing media implying or depicting sexual content to normalize it for a kid is a grooming tactic
the fact that it's cartoons makes it even worse

What's not to get? Literally nobody likes fags, not even other fags


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Nothing wrong with being gay. You will just burn in hell when you die.

This. Kids shows should be explicitly non sexual and non violent.

Didn't the last thread about this get pruned?

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Do you really believe this episode of Arthur implied or depicted sexual content?


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What’s sexual about a wedding?

Ya, gay.

No, it reached the bump limit.

Reminder that the gay agenda is literally just wanting to be equal members of society

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All men ... are NOT created equal! Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress. Inequality is not wrong, equality is.

So are you ready for another round of not Television and Film discussion?

Which they became in 2015 onward, when Obama legalized gay marriage nationwide. Nearly every first world country followed suit. What more do they want? What power does some toothless redneck in Alabama really have?

Its not 2am here tho

I presume that gay people want to not encounter people that fundamentally disagree with their identity.

So how many of Arthur's classmates has the pedo molested, then? We all know homosexuals are far, far more likely to be sexual predators.

Lmao, you are so paranoid. Just as bad as the SJWs. Really pathetic to watch. Unless you are baiting then screw it.

>hey arthur
Fuck you

>can it aardvark head!

I always thought he was gay and they just didn’t overtly point it out because its a kids show. So kinda weird i guess but ok

yeah and if you let that slip the next time you blink you have tranny story hours in your local kindergarten

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It can’t be helped. Nobody’s ever going to unanimously agree on something. That’s why flat earthers and other loons like that exist. What truly matters is the power those who disagree have. And those hicks don’t have much power beyond calling you a queer that will burn in hell. What difference does that make?

Richard Nixon was right. Why didn't we listen?

Lincoln started sesame street when he let elmo give the gettysburg address

The sex

Why are you shoving homosexuality propaganda into a children tv show?

What made you think that's morally acceptable? Why are you acting surprised people don't like this? Why should a fetish be in a children tv show? Why are homosexual so fucking selfish and narcassistic? They know they are a minority, they know they aren't normal, and yet they lash out and what's normal. You are a degenerate force on society, and its not a concidence that homosexuality was never ever accepted as normal in any society on planet Earth. Not even among the Greeks or Roman, they always treated homosexuality as different from what was normal.

That was Grover actually

Xenophobia is more than just hicks calling people faggots, there are definitely more subtle instances like acquaintances distancing themselves when you come out to them. Like the entire concept of "coming out" exists because there is a fear of rejection because of sexual identity.
It sucks and it will probably never go away, but we're taking baby steps.

Nope. “Queerbaiting” is when the creators string gay people along by hinting at same-sex romance when it’s never really confirmed. None of them have a problem with just adding confirmed gay relationships.

>the holocaust was ba-

How is it propaganda

As cringey as this is its never happened outside an event people willingly chose to take thier children to. Take it up with those parents if it triggers you so much

Xenophobia has nothing to do with homophobia.

>I’m just saying that children shouldn’t have to think so hard about it.

Kids literally don't think about it once it's been explained to them.
>What's gay, mommy?
>It's a boy liking another boy, or a girl liking another girl, more than just a friend.
>Oh, OK.
Bam. It's not traumatizing to kids. Kids don't grow up bigoted unless their surroundings and parents teach them to be bigoted.

he teaches children, their papers and tests are 100% exposed to hiv jizz and shit....

oh wait no, that's totally cool now it's 2019.

RIP Arthur and friends.

My bad, wrong word.

Completely agree, i thought the same before I even knew what it meant

>confusing is with ought
Shiggy diggy

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You don't think some kids would find that weird?
Kids can be pretty judgmental.

You do know that people can wash their hands, right?

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What’s next? Barney the Dinosaur dealt with mental illness this whole time?

making leftists mad is my job

If you think simply including a gay character in a show constitutes propaganda then of course this is going to offend you. Gay people exist and most people don’t give a shit.


we're talking about queers

So then you explain that some people are gay and some people aren't, and there's nothing wrong with it because what actually counts is what kind of a person you are. Unless you want to raise your kid intentionally as prejudiced asshole.

Next thing you know they'll be saying Francine is black

He has a skin disorder. Why do you think he's that color?

Kids are pretty naive, their perception of the world is shaped by what they encounter. So if kids watch Mr. Ratburn's wedding, they'll learn that some anthropomorphic rat men marry other anthropomorphic rat men and that's pretty neato.

>gay people want to control others' minds and opinions
thanks for being honest

I miss what TV used to be like before all this gay degeneracy got into the media...

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So why all the kerfuffle then? Why do drag queens need to go into schools and explain how they live life?

Is queers not washing their hands a stereotype? I've never encountered that before.

>what kind of a person you are
I mean, that is part of "what kind of a person you are."

You’re not talking about anything. You’ve got an image in your head that has nothing to do with reality.

what rights are homosexuals deprived of, and how and by whom is this deprivation carried out?

That'd never fly, she has a dad. Arthur is semi-grounded user, it's not a fantasy show.

>being this mad that kids now know gay people exist
Why do people get so upset at reality

We used to show our kids wholesome stuff...

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Is that what they tell you?

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Brain is the token black. Fancine is latina

Your asking how this is NOT propaganda? We already know that this move is being engineered for far left political purposes. And you are taking a long running children tv show, and then you are just shoving this character trait into a fucking child tv show, cannot even make something INDEPENDENT of that, nope. that's publicly funded with tax dollars. And they do it, because they know you can't do anything.

Why? To NORMALIZE abnormal sexual fetish. Its kinda fucked up that we even have to debate why this is screwed up. No other country does this type of shit, just the west. In 20 years, they'll be including transsexual dating into children show or praising body positivity and whores, and you are seriously gonna ask "what's wrong with that? How is that propaganda"

I can tell you what's wrong. Its an objective fact that normalizing homosexuality is wrong, both as being something normal, and both for acting like its a valid sexual orientation, and not a sexual fetish that shows all the hallmarks of negative associations with strange sexual fetishes. Its even more wrong to expose such things to children before they even get sex ed. LBGT is a far left construct that needs to be opposed and dismantle, because its goal, like all far left goal, is to destablize society using an identity to accomplish far left political goals and to use the insecurity of homosexuals to their advantage, by indoctrinating them into this LBGT cult, controlling the narrative of homosexuality, controlling the agenda, and punishing dissenters. Homosexuals are just inherently damaging to civilization, so its no wonder that homosexual was never normalized in any society. Even in Ancient Greece, they treated homosexuality differently. Nothing like how the West treats it.

Like, its amazing that they pulled a similar stunt like this, over 15 years ago, and that reference was so much more subtle and less insulting then this one, and TV stations were willing to not air it.

How dare they not want others to treat them as lesser people.
I think that user means "how you treat others"

Ratburn was always a faggot. He's just gay now.

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>take people conditioned to be disgusted by homosexuality due to spending their whole lives being told its wrong/unnatural/deviant/bad
>be surprised that they present physiological repulsion

>Yea Forums is actually triggered by this
You niggers need to get lives

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>We already know that this move is being engineered for far left political purposes
Dam you couldn’t even make it two sentences without going off the fucking rails

Because kids don't need to know that gay people exists anymore then they need to know child rape or people fucking prostitutes is a thing. More importantly, gays should NEVER be glorified on children tv. This is what you defend.

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Anything aimed with a political message is propaganda.
Even something as simple as "war is bad" is propaganda.

>Why do drag queens need to go into schools and explain how they live life?

You have an issue with show and tell now? Exposing kids to different things makes them understand the world better and not fear things they don't necessarily understand.

>Why do drag queens need to go into schools
I found one story about a drag queen going to a career day. One.

you don't get to control how others "treat" you. no one is obligated to like you or support you. that's not how free societies work. retard

i don't know about you guys, but i'm starting to think that maybe that hitler fella had a few good points.

I know, just being very anal about definitions of words

Just to be clear, you're saying gay people are as bad as pedophiles, right?


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s o y

You sound a bit deranged.

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Regardless of the truth of that article, that sounds like your problem faggot.

How did gays claw their way from being universally despised to universally beloved, while straight men can't even keep control of their own culture? Why do suicidal trannies act more assertively than any "high test" /pol/tard?
Droves of fags in the 70s came out to their work and families as people that liked getting buttfucked, while you racists are literally too scared to mention your "natural", "objectively correct" political views at the dinner table.
Maybe you aren't fit to rule Western civilisation anymore?

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Gay people exist and children are going to encounter this reality in the same way straight relationships exist and we explain those exist to children. Also what sort of retard thinks we shouldnt warn children about predators trying to diddle them? Why do you want to endanger children?

>no one is obligated to like you or support you.

I'm guessing you're the type who misses any irony but his own.


Oh man

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I'm more pissed he took 20 years to cum out of the cloeset
See now instead of being hip and cop gay is the new straight/bi what the degenerates will move into next is tranny kids unironically
I just hope we get oppai loli shota incest soon

what is this even saying? that people have to employ you if you're a homosexual?

Nobody is obligated to like you, but ideally, people should at least be neutral to others unless they have been explicitly wronged by someone.
No problem

>reddit double enter

mishima loved the cock. that and dressing in women's clothes

Lol being gay doesn't even compare to those other things you said. Being gay is not equivalent of child rape. That's a traumatizing act/concept. Children knowing that gay people exist is not going to harm them, it's utterly delusional to believe otherwise.

Yeah, you're right.
Straight people can't be homophobic!

Jewish influence. They did the same thing to Berlin back in the 1920s and 30s before getting kicked out.

Do you really not know what employment discrimination is?

The conservative mind is at war with large swaths of reality. Diversity is a threat to their idealized image about the core archetype of what things should be, society, individuals, romance, sex, and so they see things that diverge from that as ugly, and try to cut those things out or pretend they don’t exist as much as possible. They cannot be satisfied unless the people that don’t fit that mold no longer exist, and are not acknowledged to have ever existed.

>Ramzan Kadyrov says there are no gay men in Chechnya — and if there are any, they should move to Canada

>There Are No Homosexuals in Iran

Theres been gay shit on tv for a lot longer than 15 years my friend

>Unless you are baiting then screw it.
I think Yea Forums is the dumbest board on this site because that was clearly a bait post.

Its obvious when people are actually triggered by gays because they post infographs or that one maggot article.

Most people dislike that a behavior or an inclination is actually a secretly awesome identity that makes your experience more significant than other humans. It's also bestowed with unique legal attributes that give you the ability to wreck someones livelihood or receive uncritical support by claiming to have suffered impolite treatment.
The constant marketing of 5% of the population is also annoying. Hungarian Americans are nearly 5% of the population, so it would seem forced to find Hungarian characters in countless media and have established characters retconned into actually being Hungarian the whole time.

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won't somebody please think of them?

I would disagree on a fundamental level. I was an awkward kid, I only had good male friends growing up, and I'm pretty sure that if this kind of blatant propaganda was going on while I was in school, I would've seriously considered the idea that I might be gay.

And when you consider the basic fact that precocious sexual abuse often turns its victims gay, there's a reasonable chance I could have been molested for being a dumb kid and emulating the garbage TV is pushing.

This shit is not only traumatizing, it's psychologically manipulative and harmful. I can't believe there are people out there who are okay with fringe sexuality shit being pushed in children's shows. I don't give a fuck if you're gay, just stay the fuck away from kids.

I thought facts didnt care about feelings

You can't call out anyone who's against gay marriage, because everyone who opposes gay marriage is actually gay.
So attacking people for being homophobic makes you the REAL homophobe!

I'm actually not surprised Mr. Ratburn is gay desu senpai.

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pushing mental illness in kids show is not ok


>How did gays claw their way from being universally despised to universally beloved
mass media, aka propaganda
>Why do suicidal trannies act more assertively than any "high test" /pol/tard?
because men who speak out against degeneracy get their lives ruined
>Droves of fags in the 70s came out to their work and families as people that liked getting buttfucked
droves of them also died of aids, which they knowingly and happily spread and turned into an epidemic
>while you racists are literally too scared to mention your "natural", "objectively correct" political views at the dinner table
because it's not "politically correct"
>Maybe you aren't fit to rule Western civilisation anymore?
white men haven't ruled western civilisation in 60 years. go back to your bathhouse, reprobate

>If there were only some way of contriving that a state or an army should be made up of lovers and their loves, they would be the very best governors of their own city, abstaining from all dishonour, and emulating one another in honour; and when fighting at each other's side, although a mere handful, they would overcome the world. For what lover would not choose rather to be seen by all mankind than by his beloved, either when abandoning his post or throwing away his arms? He would be ready to die a thousand deaths rather than endure this. Or who would desert his beloved or fail him in the hour of danger? The veriest coward would become an inspired hero, equal to the bravest, at such a time; Love would inspire him.
-- Phaedrus speech in The Symposium by Plato

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This bizarre moral equivalence between rape and prostitution on one end and consensual sex between two adults on the other says a lot.

Oh, and if you still defend homosexuals, as I foolishly once did, there is a way to reverse the propaganda of accepting and normalizing homosexuality by doing what tends to kill all leftists trends.

By presenting scientific facts. I wonder how many people will look at homosexuals the same way if they knew the facts, and didn't just accepted homosexuality because they felt that "oh, they are just like US". No, heterosexual relationships and homosexuals relationship are fundamentally different.

Romantic love, statistically speaking, doesn't exist in homosexuality. Its just about sex. The majority of long term relationships among gay couples don't last. Most of them engage in destructive behavior, and tend to have many negative associations like drug use. Most gay men simply engage in short term relationship and promiscuous sex. Do you think its a coincidence that bug chasing and AIDS become such a thing in gay communities? STD are abnormally high in gay communities, along with suicide. Because the suicides aren't from a lack of acceptance, its from the destructive behavior.

Homosexuality is a fetish, and it wasn't that long ago when people understood that fetish aren't to be glamorized, or normalized, or given an identity. The only good homosexual are the conservatives one, because they deep down understand it. Too bad for them that LBGT associations, and the mental illness of faggots who are attracted to the far left, marxism and pro immigration, have the power to silence you, just like they did to that faggot Republican who spearheaded the LBGT movement into America, wonder if he feels regret now? Maybe you shouldn't have sided with people who were also partners with pedophiles.

And these same people seriously wonder why people are mad at this shit being pushed into a children show. Good god westerners.

i'm guessing you're a leftist who despises freedom

>I don't give a fuck if you're gay, just stay the fuck away from kids.
Are you going to write PBS and complain like a soccer mom? What's your plan here, user?

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We're going down the same path as the last thread about this, is everyone really okay with just retreading the exact same points and the exact same posts?

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out of all the "suddenly gay" reveals this one makes a lot of sense,. Ratburn acted like a flaming queer a fair amount of the time.

Can't believe Binky is a tranny now though

>this again

Yeah! Lets have another character have a BDSM fetish and let another character be a furry who jacks off to animals! Fetishes totally should be in children tv shows

OK now you're just being *too* gay.

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The guy who said that just stormed off of the BBC beacause the interviewer challenged his beliefs, and hurt his feelings.

no one is obligated to be "neutral" towards anyone. what you want is protection from criticism

Lol wtf

>Most people dislike that a behavior or an inclination is actually a secretly awesome identity that makes your experience more significant than other humans.
Most people in the US are fine with gays, not sure what 3rd world country you live in

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prostitution is also consensual, not that i'd expect some dick-for-brains retard to understand

Sorry it is just so fucking hard to tell anymore. I've encountered people that act like that before and with how people are sometimes, honestly, you just don't know.

You couldn't find an image of anything other than a teenage boy, you pedo fuck?

yes, another leftist fantasy

Heterosexuality is degenerate. Sex war now.

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People say that children under a certain age can't consent. That might sound strange. Say you live somewhere where 16 is the age of consent. Why could a 16 year old know enough about sex to consent but a 15 year old couldn't? It's a pretty arbitrary line to draw. You could easily try to make up some kind of dumb justification as to why men can't consent to sex with other men and it would be equally ridiculous.
There is no consistent logic which allows for homosexuality but not pedophilia, so to support the former but oppose the latter, you have to create an arbitrary age of consent.

Look at these homosexuals Yea Forums. Just look at them. Just remember that these are the very same thing people will say about transsexuals in the future, and pedophilia in the future, if you allow them too. Its all a slippery slope and I regret defending them.

Homosexuality is just a fetish, and that shit doesn't belong in children television.

A sexy path..

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>I would've seriously considered the idea that I might be gay.

>consider the basic fact that precocious sexual abuse often turns its victims gay

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But there was nothing sexual about the episode

While there are legitimate /pol/tards triggered by gays here its still pretty easy to tell when someone is being ironic. I do agree with you that its pretty prevalent on Yea Forums though because this board is the most /pol/ board outside of /pol/.

Okay, maybe you should look up at the new CEO then.

I don't understand, do you not have a neutral perspective on people you are just meeting?

Our proud ancestors never allowed homosexuality onto film ...

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Asexuality is the final redpill.

Read who you’re quoting before spewing your retard shit moron

>consumes western "culture"
>doesn't expect every character to be gay

Yea Forums is a pro gay website, sorry user

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>this is the most /pol/ board outside of /pol/
I thought that was /r9k/?

homosexual relationships are deviant and should not be exposed to children

Shut up femcel

Any other straight fags find this hilarious? It's so milase to make him gay by retcon and lazy.
should have made him a trap pedo or something even more fucked up like a zoofag animal fucker T. Incestuous virgin

user, why aren't you fucking traps?

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you can tell they were always pushing a homosexual agenda by the theme song which prepares children to sing stuff like HEY IT'S WONDERFUL TO BE GAY/WHERE WE CAN ALL LEARN TO BE GAY/AND GIVE AIDS TO EACH OTHER

I will never understand why all these moral conservatives and puritans are on one of the most degenerate sites on the clear net. Fuck, this is one of the most degenerate boards on the site.

not on people who look like this and want me and wider society to celebrate their lifestyle

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/r9k/ is gay as fuck, they just hate women almost as much as they hate themselves.

What are you going to do about it? Send emails to PBS?

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>nothing sexual
A gay relationship that isn't sexual is called friendship. It's the ANAL SEX that makes the relationship gay. Read up on some classics, dude straight up say they love their friends. That was before gays infiltrated culture and started pretended that love means ANAL SEX

It's projection.

>consensual sex between two adults
That's not what we're talking about, though. What we're talking about is you pushing that on kids, which is already widely documented as an incredibly bad thing the world over. The homosexual community is teeming with pedophiles, a solid third of homosexuals will rape someone during their lives.

I don't care what you degenerates do to someone over the age of consent. But the idea that you should be allowed to spread your propaganda to the most vulnerable is as sickening as it gets.

Now you’re moving the goalposts

go to r*ddit if you don't like it here

Damn dude get a life

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Nothing. If there's one thing terrifies the neckbeard element more than the imminent collapse of the Western civilization from which they're so completely cut off it's standing out as individuals.

Thats not necessarily true. My bf and i are strictly oral

Because you'll be ostracized for expressing these views in real life, so an anonymous forum like this is the only place where you can safely blow off steam and express your opinions.

We understand that you're a fucking retard.

You're into shitting dicknipples? Great, me too. Do I think they're acceptable content for children? Not so much.

Isn't that at Pride or a rally? People don't dress like that in their day to day.

>and pedophilia in the future,
But that’s straight conservatives, and the past. Every time you guys say it’s all going to lead to pedophilia, it comes across as wishful thinking, because child brides are a regressive, reactionary conservative phenomenon. On some level you know that it won’t happen, because the ideal for liberals are consenting adult relationships, but you just can’t help sneaking that in.

Keep quipping faggot that's all you've got

>The homosexual community is teeming with pedophiles

more than the "conservative community"? I seriously doubt that. hell, it's splitting at the seams with faggots and pedos

Trannies dating services for children, furries, child models, drag queens, self-harming, pedophile boy love and body positivity are also consensual movements, so I guess we'll know what side you'll be on when they push that shit into children programming.

we're going to expose your propaganda and agenda and ensure you don't go unopposed
i have one. enraging leftists is part of it

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Romantic love between two people is different from platonic love, regardless of sex. I had a crush on a boy when I was like 9 that was "different' from the normal friendship love I had with my close male friends. It can be difficult to make a clear distinction, but sexual activity isn't the marking line.

Yes why don't I express views that femcels will start campaigns against me for in public??? I guess we'll never know

Maybe you can't understand because you strawman your crics into snl caricatures.

in a civilised society there would be no "pride" rallies. keep your deviance to yourself. stop trying to change society

>sexual activity isn't the marking line
Yes it is. That's what love is, it you wanting to give the d. That's what those butterflies in the stomach are telling you.

Why are you acting like its gays that are triggered by this? This thread (and the other ones) are /pol/tards bitching impotently about a gay character existing in a cartoon they don't watch.

What are you guys going to do about it other than whine? As a faggot I've got the high ground here, so I'm genuinely curious what you plan to do about Mr. Ratburn being gay.

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>genetic purity

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Why dont we allow children to sign legally binding contracts?

This is seriously one if the dumbest posts I've ever read on Yea Forums

Tough shit then.
You're always going meet people with differing views.

/pol/ is the king of boards

yes, considering the majority of pedophiles are homosexual men

Not here and not in my country either. Keep making your home a degenerate hell, I'll keep laughing at your faggotry.

>i have one. enraging leftists is part of it
It must be a pretty shitty life if you spend it getting assblasted about gay characters being in shows

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>What we're talking about is you pushing that on kids, which is already widely documented as an incredibly bad thing the world over.
Pushing on kids the idea that consenting adult gay people form relationships with each other? So? Straight people fetishize relationships between underage straight kids all the time. Straight people make movies that center around these romances between teenage or pre-pubescent children, and have for decades.

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>non sequitur

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Perhaps, it's definitely an element -- but what about people you want to fuck without loving? in some kind of harem ape man king way?

Stop pretending that your lifestyle is just some consensual normal thing. The moment anyone starts to look indepth into the homosexual community, is the moment you stop pretending that homosexuals are equal to heterosexuals.

Its bizarre that you think kids need to be exposed to your disgusting and abnormal lifestyle too. Being exposed to homos seems to be a traumatizing and confusing experience for children, given the type of shit you faggots allow to expose children to in gay pride parades. Transsexual children dating is also consensual, so I guess that's okay too right?

Why this ego? Why do you feel the need to shove your lifestyle into civilization face when its so unlikable and objectively destructive? Do I shove my fetish into your face and demand it makes an appearance in children show?

I have never heard a single instance of American conservatives having child brides.

... when they're targeted at children. keep leaving that part out

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What country are you from? Yea Forums is absolutely pro-gay, if you think otherwise you're new here. We have multiple gay porn boards, lmao.

And it doesn't sound like you're laughing, it sounds like you're crying that there's a gay character in Arthur.

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>are also consensual movements
You don’t know what consensual means if you think child beauty pageants (which often happen in the conservative South) are consensual. You should probably brush up on that before you end up raping someone.

>better wear outrageous shit that will turn people off our movement! that'll convince them we're normal people! haha this in no way represents our normal selves, don't be ridiculous, we all brought this specifically for this event!

Isn't this your vision for a glorious white society? Look at the strength.

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Roy Moore was a pedo that the right rallied behind pretty recently.
So what are you going to do about it? You can't change Mr Ratburn from being gay, so you lost this one user.

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>Straight people fetishize relationships between underage straight kids all the time. Straight people make movies that center around these romances between teenage or pre-pubescent children, and have for decades
big difference, at least for those with a brain

You're not even making any sense

That shit shouldn't be introduced in a kids show like its normal. I bet you wore dresses as a boy to huh? Fucking sexual deviants

Its especially hilarious since Yea Forums lusts after cunny and loli feet



They're furries as well

Why is it so easy to get you guys butthurt over cartoons?

That's not a child bride.

no, my vision is leftists hanged in the streets
we're going to protect children from you and your degeneracy

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There are absolutely kids cartoons where boys have crushes on girls and heterosexual relationships between underage characters are portrayed, are you fucking high?

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I mean, Teen Titans had a ton of romantic drama and it was all between teenagers. Well I don't know if Starfire counts as a human teenager, but the rest do.

Because order emerges in chaos.

Conservatives homosexuals seem to be alright, but leftists homosexuals and LBGT as an identity needs to be destroyed.

Girls are Molested at a rate of like 4 or 5 times higher than boys.

How is a homosexual couple inappropriate for a kids show? Gays are teachwrs and parents. Even my Republican NRA cousin was fine with his son being friends with the child of a gay couple. Is it really that insane to show a married gay couple in a kids show? Even if I didn't realize it at the time, some of my favorite teachers in school were gay. This was in the 90s, before they could really be open about it. Certainly before their marriage was legal.

Pedophilia/child molestation is not a child bride.

why do homosexuals want their deviance exposed to children?

Actually, plenty of cartoons have had straight kid couples. Star Vs. the forces of Evil, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, just to name a few.

>we're going to protect children from you and your degeneracy
How? Because Mr Ratburn is gay and it seems like there's nothing you're going to do to change that. Bitching on Yea Forums like an impotent retard isn't going to make Mr Ratburn straight, user.

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Ara ara, so you are advocating for violence.

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wrong. and "molestation" is not the same as clinical pedophilia

What rights? It's fucking disgusting and immoral. To speak otherwise is disingenuous. I'm not kidding or trying to be funny. You want to get married by the state and held to the standard as the rest of us? Fine! But since society favors females more, who gets the upper hand in a queer marriage? The more feminine one?

The absolute irony

Girls are molested more than boys
Most pedophiles are men (white men by the way)

Therefore straight white men are the most likely pedophiles.

by keep children away from you, and you away from children
absolutely. when did i say otherwise?

That wasn’t a quip

honestly dont get the outrage?

i mean he's gay so what? literally every other person you know might be gay but they're just quiet/silent about it/closeted or something.. who the fuck cares.

I would get mad if that gay cartoon chracter started preying on the innocents/borderline cringy but this is literally the problem most prominent on straight characters on cartoons.

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>Girls are molested more than boys
citation needed
>white men by the way
citation needed
>Therefore straight white men are the most likely pedophiles.
citation needed

I don't think either gets the upper hand. I think ideally in any marriage, between any genders, both partners would be equal.

>consenting adult gay people form relationships with each other?

Do they also mention that these "consenting relationships" include short term relationships, high level of infidelity, high rates of STD, self-harming behavior, higher rates of suicide?

Why the fuck should something like that be exposed to children? It really says alot about you homosexuals when you treat heterosexual as a "fetish". No dipshit, heterosexuality is inherent to our biology, something like that cannot be a fetish, its naturally emerges as a product of human behavior, and you need to have a literal brainwashing state apparatus to put a stop to it, and you'll still fail. You are the one that isn't inherent, and you need to stop pretending that homosexual and heterosexual relationships are the same.

>by keep children away from you, and you away from children
How are you going to keep children from watching Arthur? How are you planning on keeping kids from learning gays exist?

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Ratburn always seemed gay to me

yeah, totally

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Honestly, it's refreshing. Most people would use the guise of civility. I can kind of respect it.

Misread as “child abuse”. In any case

>More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years
>In May, the high-profile Republican governor for New Jersey declined to sign into law a measure that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception. Chris Christie claimed it would conflict with religious customs.
>Republican governor opposed it
>claimed it would conflict with religious customs

The problem isn't gay characters. Introduce a character, go ahead and tell us where he swings from the get go. Establish their background. That's cool.
What's not cool is taking an established character who's been around for years and saying "Oh, btw, this character was gay the whole tiiiime" to earn woke points. It's just fucking pandering to the gay community. Make a new character ffs.

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stop asking fake questions you dishonest reprobate

>What's not cool is taking an established character who's been around for years and saying "Oh, btw, this character was gay the whole tiiiime" to earn woke points. It's just fucking pandering to the gay community. Make a new character ffs.
Who the fuck cares. When has Mr Ratburn ever been shown being romantically involved with women?

Formerly employed

Accepting pedophilia is already discussed TODAY you dense fuck.

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Also clinical pedophilia isnt the same as homosexuality. Or heterosexuality. It's actually kind of a nuanced understanding of the subject.

I thought the lefties were the ones who were supposed to be easily triggered.

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people who actively subvert, attack and degenerate western civilisation do not deserve civility

Its a real question.

How are you going to keep children from watching Arthur? How are you planning on keeping kids from learning gays exist?

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>It really says alot about you homosexuals when you treat heterosexual as a "fetish".
Actually, I said much of fiction fetishizes straight relationships between underage children. It was who called someone’s entire relationship a fetish.

I am legitimately surprised at this.
I have never heard of child marriage existing in this country (in the modern age, it was obviously the norm 100s of years ago).

>that pic
You know ehat? Gay pride for supporting gay rights is one thing. Yet these pride parades have just devolved into freak shows where people want to display every fetish under the sun. Just because your kink is out of the closet, that doesn't mean you should parade it down main street with "pride". Everyone wants to leap out of the closet and hitch a ride to the gay pride floats. Gays barely got to have their day in the sun to march for their rights and now everyone wants to trample past them in a race to see who can freak people out the most.

What the fuck is wrong with leaving some shit in the bedroom? Hell, most of my kink stuff is relatively vanilla, but I would not be comfortable to openly broadcast it in public in display of the people that live around me.

That's what Yea Forums is for.

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You don't get to scream "no u" after you threatened to murder this kid.

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Do you think that image is from a pride parade?

Have you guys ever actually been to a pride parade?


I get to do whatever the fuck I want

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Ideally, don't really mesh up with reality. Someone has the upper hand. Usually in the traditional sense. It's the female. I'm assuming in a queer relationship it has to be the feminine one. In a deviant relationship, there is a top and a submissive.

American conservatives stopped legislation that would have put a full ban on child brides in America, which is btw, still legal in many places in the US.

boys are sexually abused as often as girls, they just don't report it as much. there's also a lack of research on sexual abuse of boys (and men) because feminists won't allow it
>Also clinical pedophilia isnt the same as homosexuality
no one said it was. the majority of clinical pedophiles are homosexual men. the majority of men incarcerated for child sexual abuse are homosexuals who abused boys

I would assume that it's just whoever has the more assertive personality, both in straight and gay relationships. Like when discussing where to go to dinner, one person would just be more forward in their opinion.

>Mirjam Heine presented her talk “Pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation” at the University of Würtzberg in Germany, and said that pedophilia is like any other sexual orientation.

>“According to current research pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation just like, for example, heterosexuality. No one chooses to be a pedophile, no one can cease being one,” Heine argued. “The difference between pedophilia and other sexual orientations is that living out this sexual orientation will end in a disaster.”
Yes, various medical researchers bring this up from time to time, and then the LGBTQ movement keeps telling them “Fuck off, you can’t be part of our movement, you’re not just another sexual orientation, you’re hurting children” meanwhile, religious conservatives push for them to still be allowed to marry children.

it's not a real question. if you can't imagine how a parent might keep a child from watching something on television, you're just plain retarded. but i know you're just being dishonest, like all leftists

This. I heard about this and thought “I am totally unsurprised.”

>I-I can't believe gay people exist! Damn those SJWs for reminding me of that!

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Ratburn always gave me homo vibes but I don't get why everything has to be so latent. Is it really relevant from the perspective of a child's universe that he's gay?
Actually, by proportion, boy victims of child sex abuse and child sex abusers of boys are both most commonly black. Look up the statistics. Hispanics molest boys the least and molest girls the most

>there's also a lack of research on sexual abuse of boys (and men) because feminists won't allow it

>it's not a real question.
It is a real question.

How are you going to keep children from watching Arthur? How are you planning on keeping kids from learning gays exist?

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I saw some bullshit flyer for a group supporting lgbt+ rights at a small movie theater. Somehow they felt the need to include BDSM. The fuck? I am into couples trying out BDSM and having people accept it, but I am disgusted that people think exploring your kink like that is somehow on the level of gay rights.

I am almost surprised the media outlets aren't pushing the transfur movement more than they are. Maybe get some otherkin into the mix, as long as it isn't too close to that failed trans-racial fiasco. Hell, I may have dabbled in furfaggotry from time to time yet even I am fine with letting furry movement stay mostly in the closet. Why the fuck does everyone have to march down main street in a pride parade?

Plus isn't it disgusting that the media wants us to define ourselves by what we want to stick our dicks into? Why do we have to label people so much? Is this push to wave a rainbow flag really that much better than being forced to wear a pink triangle armband?

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Dude, I don't know what to tell you. You sound like you need therapy if you genuinely believe that kids seeing gay people living their lives is going to somehow damage their brains.
If it is between two adults, it is, by objective definition, a consensual thing. It's not a fetish. It's a human being loving another human being. Two normal people in love does not constitute a fetish. I think you need to look up the definition of that word again.

no. everything has to be publicised. everything has to be celebrated and encouraged. no one is allowed to dislike anything or anyone (not including straight white males). no hate allowed

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Pretty sure the ones near me are pretty tame, but I have seen some pretty dumb photos from ones in CA and Europe.

i dont think so m8

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Oh ok I see providing actual facts and sources isnt going to get through to you. Stupid faggot.

So? Neocoons advocating pedophilia get the rope too.

here are some facts, you probably won't like them though

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I like that the /pol/ thread is less retarded than this one

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probably because leftists and faggots are afraid to use /pol/, thus they don't shit up threads like they do here

>43% of gay men have 500 sexual partners
That source is hilariously retarded

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To be fair, even the #metoo mocement by feminists has become a way to avoid talking about the sexual abuse of young men and boys by Hollywood producers. The entire modern feminist mocement has become hijacked by leftists to promote a view of "straight white men bad". The idea that men can be victims goes against the eternal victimization of women by the evil patriarchy. I grew up as a liberal beliving that feminism was about empowering women. I am disgusted to see how much of it is leftist rhetroic that paints women as victims who need big government to come in and save them from the evil of men instead of teaching women to stand up for themselves.


So that's a no on the source, huh.

>less retarded
literally the first post is that it's all the jews' fault

gay monogamy does not exist

Whatever you say champ~

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I don't get how people can think Yea Forums is /pol/-lite. This thread makes it pretty obvious where the majority opinion stands.

Have you ever sat down and considered the logistics of even attempting to have 500 unique sexual partners?

And its still less retarded than this thread.

>Let me just change the subject

What do the Jews gain from this anyway?

Kids already know about fags. It's a common insult all throughout school, the most important thing they could learn is to keep away from queers since homosexuality reproduces through abuse.

it's funny

have you ever sat down and considered how many people visit gay clubs and use grindr daily?

So are you going to write PBS about it?

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the subject is homosexuals are degenerate freaks who damage societies

That source you're citing is from fucking decades ago.

Seriously. This is an excerpt from the book in question.

>The editors explain about this 1978 book, "It should be pointed out that reaching any consensus about the exact number of homosexual men or women exhibiting this or that characteristic is not an aim of the present study. The nonrepresentative nature of ... our own [samples] precludes any generalization about the incidence of a particular phenomenon even to persons living in the locale [the San Francisco area] where the interviews were conducted, much less to homosexuals in general. Nowhere has a random sample of American homosexual men and women ever been obtained... [and] it is unlikely that any investigator will ever be in a position to say that this or that is true of a given percentage of all homosexuals. We cannot stress too much that ours is not a representative sample... what we want to demonstrate is the relationship between homosexuals' sexual life-styles and their social and psychological adjustment... Our hope is that... it will become increasingly clear to the reader that there is no such thing as THE homosexual... and that statements of any kind which are made about human beings on the basis of their sexual orientation must always be highly qualified." (Pg. 21-23)

This is the power of pol infographics

Depends on the thread. Most of Yea Forums is somewhat /pol/ leaning but not everyone likes to talk about politics. You only see shit like this only on reddit colonies like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums

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No the subject was refuting a sourced claim that girls are molested at a higher rate than boys which nobody would do unless they're w total retard.

then things are probably even worse now

>Most of Yea Forums is somewhat /pol/ leaning
Most of Yea Forums is fucking gay

Also Yea Forums is reddit as fuck, people here love to talk about capeshit, Star Wars, TWD and GoT

Explain the result, homo snowflake. Facts don't care about your feelings.


Homosexuality is a mental illness that is being pushed on children.


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I'm more shocked they've been making this show continuously since my childhood. this means that whenever I've been channel surfing and seen there was an Arthur episode playing, it's likely they were broadcasting entirely new episodes instead of reruns that I had watched. this changes everything.

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turns out Steven Crowder voiced Brain for seasons 5&6

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Truly we live in the most degenerate times.

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