What does he watch?

What does he watch?

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Harry Potter marathons

Steven Universe

young sheldon

Exclusively capeshit and video game movies like Doom


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Youtube. Bodybuilding, nutrition, nature, history, reaction videos, etc.

Whatever is popular

who actually took the time to do this

gay porn i would think on account of he is a gay homosexual

star wars OT, batman the animated 90s cartoon, aliens, any arnold flick, bill and ted movies

Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which now that I think of it is
>only 17 days away

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His weight

Don't you prefer 3D

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Based Goji Pepe Poster

Slice of life anime

>no Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass
Embarassing honestly.

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people who actually watch movies


>because all good movies are about little girls
>because "little girls" is a genre
have sex

Fast & Furious

Unironically Shawshank Redemption. Something decent and popular but more than a decade old, nothing from the 80s except Terminator.

yeah I will, if you catch my drift

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magical girl anime

he's not you user

Probably whatever happens to be on.

Monty Python