Lost and Dexter fans, how many weeks before the pain goes away and I forget about it?

Lost and Dexter fans, how many weeks before the pain goes away and I forget about it?

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God she's so fucking hot, I want her to rape me after a long day massacring civilians

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It still hurts user...

I detached myself from this show literally the moment Arya appeared behind the NK. I'm just watching to see how it ends now, no investment whatsoever.


less than two weeks

I was just like "wow, really? That's it?" and I moved on. DESU Dexter had sucked for years so it wasn't like I was losing anything, GOT is the same way.

I forgot it even existed till recently

jon kills dany, bran takes the iron throne

Honestly, nothing can be worse than Dexter's last season.

I suppose so. Every time I see anything from it anywhere I will think back on my disappointment though.

I don't think there has ever been a lazier final season of a show than Dexter's. None of the character motivations made sense.

Most of the plot points in the final season weren't done.

Lost had a great ending, fuck you

After you get emotionally attached to all the characters, all of them being together and happy one final time is a pretty kino ending

What about soa fans?

If you can't laugh it off, you have invested too much into something that means very little. It's a show, but it's not real life. Lighten up.

what pain?
the pain of seeing the truth?

>not dropping it as soon as season 5 happened

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>people actually compare GoT and Dexter
I swear people are actually brain damaged today. GoT only suffered from dumb directing mistakes and decisions. The story is perfectly fine.
And Lost was fine.

How is anyone mad about this?

to be fair all these shows peaked in the first few seasons, except for lost where it was only good for the first half of the first season

can't speak for dexter but lost finale was perfect you absolute pleb.
soa ending was actually the best thing of the show, and not only because it finally fucking ended, but because it was good in itself. that show was just a terrible soap opera disguised as a shakespearean biker gritty drama.

no, (((abrams))) is never fine

I dropped Dexter after the Mickey Mouse speech. I wasn't able to see the show I loved so much turn to shit.

What pain? Dany going mad is the best thing to ever happen to her character

From what I remember, it had some promise. Dexter had a kid that was following him and looked like he would pass on the reins. The baddie looked like he could predict most of what Dexter could toss at him. The psychologist coudl have provided an intersting look into his mind. Instead, the killed the kid, made the doc nuts, and found the baddie through the worst CG face recognition software imaginable.

there was nothing after trinity killer.

After the awful resolution to the white walker plot, i feel like the mad queen trilogy is the show redeeming itself. Even if half the fandom hates it, i would still much rather see the series go out in a literal blaze of glory like this than in boring mediocrity

See, even at GOT's worst it was better than seasons 6-8 of Dexter. The ending of Dexter didn't feel bad because it just made me happy the garbage had finally ended. Here the show will end badly and I hate it because a mainly good show ended with garbage.

Yes, you now just now became upset and realized the show became unredeemable shit with this episode. Fucking redditor faggot

this episode was the best one in years 2bh

its nowhere near the quality of s1 but im honestly surprised the show didnt get even worse

I thought the gay Russian mobster was a little interesting. And Yvonne was at least in her prime years.

I did this emotionally and critically and I'm so happy i did. Nothing from this season or the other ones has pissed me off or disappointed me because i just don't care anymore. I treat this series like capeshit now, just turn my brain off, drink a ton and enjoy the stupid shlock.

>keep yourself safe
y-you too

Yeah, I hate to sound like a contrarian now that normies are turning on it, but I kind of liked it. Aside from the whole business with Jaime, and to a lesser extant, Sandor.

im actually surprised, i thought Yea Forums would shit on the anti-war message and the streets of KL looking like Syria

guys i think im in love with her now.
i just want to hold her and tell her everything is going to be alright

I unironically think that Season 8 is worst than LOST’s last season, as bad as it was

Anything is better than S6-8 of Dexter. Say what you want about GoT but even it has some nice production values and is entertaining.

Hear the loud alarum bells—
Brazen bells!
What tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells!
In the startled ear of night
How they scream out their affright!
Too much horrified to speak,
They can only shriek, shriek,
Out of tune,
In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire,
In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire,
Leaping higher, higher, higher,
With a desperate desire,
And a resolute endeavor
Now—now to sit or never,
By the side of the pale-faced moon.
Oh, the bells, bells, bells!
What a tale their terror tells
Of Despair!
How they clang, and clash, and roar!
What a horror they outpour
On the bosom of the palpitating air!
Yet the ear it fully knows,
By the twanging,
And the clanging,
How the danger ebbs and flows;
Yet the ear distinctly tells,
In the jangling,
And the wrangling.
How the danger sinks and swells,
By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells—
Of the bells—
Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells—
In the clamor and the clangor of the bells!

I never thought of Syria, though their "war is bad" propaganda did look similar. Some people pointed out 911 imagery with all the debris.

i liked jaime scenes and cleganebowl

but arya running through the streets and surviving shit that should have killed her like 5 times was pretty redundant. the horse scene was shit too

but its easily the best episode since battle of the bastards imho

right, there was a lot of slow motion scenes of the suffering and large scale destruction, the tactical portion of the battle was already gone as soon as they breached the walls.

>Yea Forums tries to tell me Poe isn't God tier
Must be some Jewry behind this

Battle of the Bastards was fucking horrendous.
Jaime's arc was completely undone by running back to Cersei, as was Sandor's by pursuing revenge with his brother.

It never ends. The torment, the rage, that empty void of what could have been. It will haunt you for years. You will find yourself carefree going about your day, and then in a flash, you will be whispering furiously at yourself, explaining what they should have done! Family will ask if you need help. But the only help left is a dark room and a bottle of whisky, and when that stops working, well, you know what comes next.

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Oh come on. It's bad but it's not half of the last season was a fucking dream bad.

My pain left after season 5 ended when I decided to drop the show. No Stannis, Won't watch it.
I'm laughing at you norms now who avoided my warnings.

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well the show has been fucking horrendous since after s3

and sandor was always consumed by hate, he never had any intention of changing

her crazy face is surprisingly good

>but its easily the best episode since battle of the bastards imho

this sentence is what people who say they "like" the twist really think. they don't think it's good, they think it's unexpected.

Getting over a show is like getting over your ex-gf, you gotta get another one. I still think back to the disaster that was Lost's final season and sigh from time to time but luckily those times are rare and have been for many years.

>he never had any intention of changing
Yet he did
in the book*

he'll come back for cleganebowl

I stopped watching after the Colin Hanks season, which one was that again? Shit was retarded.


I hate the Lost finale to this day. I'll rewatch the show in 20 yr and see if time does heal all shit TV shows.

It never goes aweh

>seasons 6-8 of Dexter.
Wtf are you talking about? There was NO seasons 6-8. Nope. Never happened.
Dexter started so fucking entertaining, then the retardation started seeping in.
But I refuse to acknowledge any 6-8.
Yeah, I know, I'm basically closing my eyes and covering my ears, but IDGAF.
God Damnit hollyweird, please unfuck yourselves.


But user what can ever replace the first few seasons of game of thrones?

>but arya running through the streets and surviving shit
Did she survive? Or was she brought back?
Did she survive the waif? Or was she brought back?

I bailed midway through season 2 because I thought the show was garbage so you got me man

Wrong. You just stop caring after a few weeks. It's for the best.

yeah she did, nobody brought her back, the show is shit

john lithgow had to carry season 4 by himself though. the show was already declining and they got lucky by having him.

Never. Jon being a gay lumberjack in Essos will haunt your dreams forever.

You won't let me have even a tiny victory eh?
I mean I can't defend nearly anything the "writers" have done. But I can dream that there was some subtle hidden things, can't I?

nobody can stop you from dreaming, but the truth is the writers dont give a shit

Where do they find these writers? Seriously.
Do the post on Craigslist, or something?
>Script writer needed
>No intelligence needed
>No exp needed
>Must adore Reddit

it's probably D&D being super drunk and baked together and then banging out a single draft before they pass out

It'll never sit right and it'll always be a bummer when you remember.

Well I still get mildly salty when talking about Dexter after 6 years, GoT might be 10~ as I invested a lot more into it, emotionally. It's also a lot more pervasive, people won't shut the fuck up about it.

That said, it also put me off watching drama series. I fucking refuse to follow an unfinished series and watch them have an amazing beginning and slowly shit the bed until the ending is hamfisted to hell and back or even gets cancelled. Dexter, Supernatural, Lost, GoT.

Unless a series has already wrapped up and with good reviews, fuck it. I ain't watching shit.

The Hound is dead. Only the gravedigger remains.
He won't fight for revenge, nor for hate. He will bring his brother peace.

This scene where she seems at first lost and disoriented and then you can see that she internally made the decision to go bazonkers is seriously the hottest she ever looked since several seasons.

six i think
the twist was so fucking gargabe
i miss the miami visuals, the humor and the quality of the first two seasons


ssshh don't tell him

Lost wasn't that bad. Dexter was never good enough to be that mad about, and the descent into pure shit was more boring and gradual.

>Where do they find these writers?
Usually they get the gig by having (((friends or family))) in the industry.

If you didn't realize the show was fucking up real bad when Jon came back you deserve to feel bad!

i didnt have any problem with the lost ending and i didnt care about dexter

If you didn't understand lost ending is because you are too much of a brainlet to understand Buddhism, plain and simple

But supernatural is still a good niche show, it was clearly a long time ago that they don't have a definite ending

lmao this is like the Snyderfags pretending BvS haters just don’t understand symbolism. I was satisfied with the finale of lost but the 6th season as a whole was garbage television.

I watched till the Darkness season ended and all they've done is repeat quips, storylines with changed names and "Oh no, someone died, let's pretend it has weight despite destroying our own lore with constant revives". They just fucking bring back characters and do them dirty anytime the story needs it. It was actually a legitimately good and interesting show but now it's just because a strange mix of serial drama and romcom with no point. There's maybe like 3 episodes per season since the Apocalypse that are genuinely interesting and engaging. The rest is just.. going through the motions.

Based user
Lost’s ending was entirely satisfying and conclusive. Everyone who disagrees geberally skipped major episodes/seasons and then were mad when they didn’t understand what was going on.

“Hurr dure, they were dead the whole time” fuck it’s annoying.

after a month you wont care any more aside from occasionally remembering

Never really. You might think it's gone some day if yo ustop thinking about it someday, but whenever you want to watch a favorite show of yours you will remember it and the pain will come back.

Lost's ending was shit because they did what the writers said repeatedly they would not do.

It was a total fucking cop out. I cant think of a show that has done such a terrible job of incompetently writing itself down a hole that it couldn't then get out of.

Killing civies is hot

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What did they say they wouldn’t do?

please dont compare this shit to lost.