
I'd prefer one of those edition



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Other urls found in this thread:


Anything we should be worried about Yea Forums?

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Attached: chernobyl.s01e02 - Webm Test.webm (1280x640, 2.6M)

>5 years


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As a diver myself, that episode gave me the radioactive spooks

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Attached: chernobyl.s01e02 - Russian quality control.webm (1000x500, 2.26M)

covered the truck boss

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Attached: chernobyl.s01e02 - Sweaty nights in the Ukraine.webm (1280x640, 2.56M)

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Someone please upload to mega or something? This download is taking forever through torrent

first time in years since i've been so tense and anxious due to a spoopy scene in any form of entertainment
9.9/10 so far, Ulana's introduction could've been better


>There are 50000 people in this city

Attached: Now it's a ghost town.jpg (1612x809, 442K)

Cast interview, the host is a retard, Jessie is my new waifu. youtube.com/watch?v=yI9EfRoXJDE


Pretty damn close all things considered.

i linked it to you already bud

new thread, post it again

How did those scooba dudes live irl

Honestly I think Soviet Russians were better at covering their own asses then Americans are

was the radiation so powerful it melted the helicopter blades?

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what radiation?

The crash happened months after the disaster in October 86.

>we have a list of those responsible
based as fuck

nah, the blades just hit the cables

The 3.6


A lot of people died, but most who died were the first night when they didn't have protection gear and didn't follow radiation protection stuff like changing clothing and showering to get any radioactive dust off of you.

The suits were radioactive, but they washed them off, peeled them off, and dumped the suit.

>this shit actually happened in real life
Wtf? How are we all still alive? Did they manage to fix it in the end?

Wouldn't be possible at only 3.6 roentgen


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this was the only part I didn't get. Why those glasses?

That gloomy vignette music is scary as fuck desu.

chernobyl burns to this day, user...

It hit the crane cable.

define "fix"
barely equivalent to a chest x-ray, nothing to worry about

Atmosphere is definitely major accomplishment
Accuracy is better than would normally be expected from HBO with a few flaws that do not get in the way of show
Hopefully this leads to more historical drama

my grandfather has similar glasses after all these years, from finland

Thanks bro I appreciate it

someone in the other thread said that the firemen just pumped the water out and the divers weren’t really needed, is that true?

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They were freshly washed and less likely to be covered in radioactive dust.

old people glasses, brah
shit vision needs thick lenses
thick lenses need huge frames


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The glass he asked for was wet, guess it was just washed

so you be sayin we sum kinda suicide squad?

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she a cute

they where down, so not collecting radioactive dust.

The reactor fuel merged with the sand and made lava, but since it so hot it expands, which cools it off. they covered it and then waited 20 years for a lot of the highly radioactive stuff to decay. Now the radiation is lower and they are doing more cleanup.

Because they looked like they were just washed. Hence no residue on them. Also they were standing upside down so no ash on the bottom.

That's just like a chest x-ray, nothing to worry about

>Did they manage to fix it in the end?
Nope, europe is that inhabitable hell because of it.

the gorbachev actor is shit

It's misleading. They were dealing with an unprecedented emergency situation which had no SOP. A lot of what they did turned out to be "unnecessary" but that hardly matters because nobody knew that at the time.

the upside-down glasses should still have clean(er) air trapped under them

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A reminder that the divers story is a hoax that was not mentioned in any documents and was perpetrated by the Ukranian government just recently.


>died of cancer in 1990

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What is that jizz they are spraying all over?

How could the scientists be so off then

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t. Putin

>no ferris wheel

have they even played cod4

didn't catch the "just washed". thanks, anons.

>roof stormtrooper got BTFO by the core too

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talks like an american lol

Facing up means they are lined with radiation. Facing down makes the inside clean and safer to drink.

Soap and water

Didn’t even cover the whole thing lmao, just the driver’s side

Why didn't they just Believe Her?

No it's not. The diver story allegedly happened 5 days after the explosion. It is not mentioned anywhere except recent Ukranian news.when Poroshenko was giving them medals.

Correct. It's such a contrast even, when you just saw Harris and SkarsgĂĄrd performing and then cut to him.

Perfect casting

That's it? Not some special isotope grabbing goo?

they did, that's how this whole apocalypse was averted

Soviet patriarchy

Holy shit, that was real

It was not their fault, right? They were sleeping.

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she's not a real person and kinda obnoxious desu
but they needed fem energy, despite the plant having women security guards

t. khokhol

Pay more attention comrade user, people's ferris wheel is in the background shots of the hotel.

fresh washed

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>he did not die of cancer, you moron.


>she a cute

She’s an amalgam of the hundreds of Soviet scientists who forced the party to act faster and smarter.

Should've been honest from the start.

lol it's hilarious how russcuck shills are so easy to bait

>We almost got to live in the kino "Europe is a giant exclusion zone" timeline.
It's just not fair

Helicopter Pilot must have been delusional.

Fomin was the one who made the guidelines for the test, guy actually had no real engineering experience and got the job because he knew the right people.

Bryukhanov was asleep, of course it wasn’t his fault

too much feedwater

so much for accuracy

Go starve somewhere, commie faggot


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Yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian. And not, say, somebody who doesn't agree with you.

they tried, but she didn't exist irl, so they just went for people who happened to be real for help.

bait with what? you are just spreading misinformation, comrade.

Kino trial coming up.

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Actual death toll.

31 people died directly. As in workers and firefighters who were killed in the actual blast, or got some much radiation they died from Acute Radiation Syndrome.

It goes to 51 when you include the people who died from stuff like the helicopter crash and so on.

The real dispute is from the "liquidators" which were about 600,000 workers who did cleanup work in short shifts.

Due to piss poor public records, the general ill health of Russians in that age bracket, and so on, the death toll from the liquidators range from a dozen to 6,000+ depending on how you count it.

In addition, according to maths, there is not a huge spike of cancers, about 20 deaths from cancers that one would not expect in a set population. There is a increased cancer rate, but no one can agree if it higher actual cancer rates, or that more cancer is being detected since people are getting full body scans and detecting cancers that would not be a health issue before other illnesses take hold.

The general low life expectancy in the area for males also limits the cancer rates, as they drink themselves to death before cancer pops up.

i don't mind her too much really, the writers really needed a woman in the story tho, imagine the shitstorm that'd be having only men in the story.

If they would have followed his guidelines they would have been fine. Dyatalov insisted on winding the reactor below 700mwh

What would have happened if Europe was turned into a nuclear wasteland? Would America and Canada have let all of them in?

yep. thanks for the confirmation. That'll be all komrade.

>let's be honest
>immediately lies

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How the fuck did the guy who wrote all this garbage make something so good?

I can't comprehend this.

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Why didn't they use one of the scientists that actually worked to solve Chernobyl just like they'd done to the other composite characters?

>was the radiation so powerful it melted the helicopter blades?
Fries electronics. Pilots took massive dose of radiation. Ionized air bathed them in tremendous heat. They were fucked a dozen times over when they flew into the smoke.

Substantive post. There's no distinguishing cancer from exposure to radioactivity from cancer period.

Are there any good books about Chernobyl, that attempt to look at it more honestly, without the US propaganda grease smeared all over it?

the whole of europe would've been sent to the infirmary

Shit, are they going to show the trial? That'd be nice.

with each other?
to the gulag!

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What shitstorm? What woman would watch this?

They showed people who were on "death bridge" in the hospital, I though it was a myth that people who were on it died, since not even all people who worked at NPP died.

>dabs milk on your radiation burns

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he was a shoe factory worker
and was promoted to his rightfully earned position as governor

The whole thing is actual British propaganda, it never happened.

Yes, there are, but they are written in Russian.

Yes, Paul Ritter says it was one of the longest scenes.

They were at fault for setting up the test and not making sure the people who ran it (it was supposed to be day shift, but it was delayed due to power needs to night shift) did not understand the test fully and thus the managers did not stop the test even if the reactor went below the power level needed to safely run the test (the more power the reactor had, the more reserve flow of water to the reactor, thus since the test was done at low energy there was not enough water flow to the reactor, combined with the poorly designed Scram rods and the fact that almost all the control rods was removed since the reactor was being poisoned by low power operation resulted in the disaster.

TL:DR - you get blamed if your the boss and shit happens.

>Scary Movie 3
>Scary Movie 4
>The Hangover 2
>The Hangover 3

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got my sister and mom watching


>We need your permission to kill 3 men

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unironically have sex

Most women don't know where electricity comes from.

there would have been a "shitstorm" no matter what because Russian cucks decided this was subversive and are scandal baiting anything they can to keep the retards distracted with culture wars autism.


>Oh well in five years time our organs will be turning into goo
>With that core shining down over me and you
>And there are bodies in the bowels, near the elephant's foot
>And I'll put my hands over graphite, so you'll seep through

>And there'll be rads rads rads all over our bodies
>And rads rads rads all down our necks
>And there'll be rads rads rads all over our faces
>And rads rads rads - so what the heck!

>and so on ....

Delusional Slavs are really easy to uncover

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>he thinks the official international version is true

download link pls

The bridge was "deadly" as anywhere else, it's just that it was not especially deadly.

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Well I'm pretty sure that it did happen, but I mean without stuff like the woman scientist who didn't actually exist. You know what they say I guess, fake it til you make it haha.

>not an argument
stay cucked lol.

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user, you do know the populations of the neighboring areas, right?

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My girlfriend is watching with me, but mostly 'cause I asked her to. But she disliked Emily Watson's character, so it's not like it's a pull for women.

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That actually never happened.

Reminder that magic is mundane and we live in an age of miracles that inevitably lead to catastrophe.

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Thanks, I am the user who worked at a few pool style reactors, though my main degree work is production of specific nuclear isotopes, not reactor operation (thus working at pool reactors producing isotopes.)

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Screenwriting is a lot of shit contract/editing jobs and then maybe one or two passion projects that you develop on your own. He'd likely been working on the script for the series for years.

Yes yes, you're completely surrounded by Russians, who are also Nazis and virgins and cucks and, no doubt, also orangemen and hottentots, and any other words you come across.
The world needs your perspective, user.

Many got sick, but many did not die.

according to the podcast, he started in 2015
well after he cranked out all that other trash

can someone shoop op picture with the glass under his hand /got/ and pointing toward /chernobyl/

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>posted from St Petersburg

How can they just decontaminate the truck with some soap and water? I thought the irradiation would be "deeper" than that.

I see, I just can't find reliable info on it.


That's just the refugees user

This is what I get from this show a lot, the sense that it will be used as justification in the public mind when the Israeli occupied US government is obstructed by Russia ie in South America or Iran, they'll say "you know how incompetent those Ruskies are". While the USSR was a shitshow, it just seems like they are using it to hide their own ineptitude, and I wish it was more realistic.

I'm not seeing any TDKR memes comrades. They had a whole scene involving staying on this chopper.

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There you go, everyone is a Russian Nazi virgin cuck orangeman hottentot gash tranny. Everyone except you, the guy with the magic sunglasses.

Weren't the tanks emptied by the workers of the plant right after the accident?

reality is indeed stranger than fiction

So was it aliens user?

They put the RBMK reactor well outside of its safe envelope, and also it had (but no longer has) huge issue with the Scram rods.

So what do you propose did it? MI6? Greenpeace?

You gotta produce trash at first. That’s how you get to better projects.

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Not if it's just 3.6 Roentgens

over 9000 hours

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ability to split atom is like magic desu.

i think the radiation only sticks to certain stuff like moisture and bounces off or goes through shit like metal

i'm talking out of my ass here

Spoil me on this comrades, are there any scenes of curly hair and fireboy?

Radiation would mainly be in the form of dust -- outside. Remove dust and you're good. Were they to go inside and get close to the material, and be exposed to more kinds of particles, then you'd be right.

you can't take radiation out of a thing by washing it, but you can wash any residue off it which is also radioactive


based and actually also redpilled.

Wait, I thought they'd just mutated or something.
Wh-what happened to Europe that was even worse than Chernobyl then?

It is the very act of alchemical transmutation, user. It is the philosopher's stone. The way we turn lead into gold. The way we achieve immortality. It is also a raw force of creation that could kill us all and poison the Earth to death.

This actually happened, irl those pilots had been making multiple passes, and were suffering from severe radiation sickness, and hit the crane cable by accident

anyone got mega?

It was all a hologram bro, look it up.
Including the highly intelligent woman, especially her.

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No. It was done with pumps by firemen crew.


>Iodine QT will NEVER take your pants off in a hurried panic
why live bros

Attached: iodine qt lets get these pants off.png (1970x1232, 2.44M)

Based Chernobyl saving television

What do you mean? It accumulated on top of the lead, and then it got rinsed off. That’s why the firemens clothes were burning people, it accumulates on top


you don't. that's why they kept showing shots of the soapy water and shit running off probably into the local water supply.

thx lmao

god I wish I was me

Our foreign policy and diplomacy has been a joke for years and Russia routinely embarasses us overseas. They might have a limping aircraft carrier that falls back on coal but they do not have over-promoted female officers that crash into giant cargo tankers and kill a dozen sailors sleeping in their bunks.

>those glasses were just cleaned
That guy already admitted he's fucked in 5 years, he knows hes done for, so this explanation really doesnt fly

Is actually rather correct.

30 some odd people died directly due to being blown up or getting enough radiation they were sunny side up and threw up their livers before dying. Add another 20 who died directly after in the cleanup.

Then it is arguing over cancer rates and what is to be expected cancer rates and so on.

pic related and her husband

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what did she mean by this?

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Follow the dosimeter in a maze of pipes without any light worst minigame ever.

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it's HBO, they have to show something

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Exactly. I keep thinking we are living in the capitalist version of USSR except instead of the communist party its the zionist party.

Lost to the Zone

they actually used 2 mixtures of things, one was latex. spraying it on things makes the radiation particles heavier and fall to the ground to get it out of the air.

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they embrace, and the radiation kills aborts their unborn child

>quick user, I can still suck out the radiation!

Imagine the smell

This user is obviously a PhD in Nuclear Engineering, every question about the event or nuclear fission in general should be directed towards him.


>in b4 she dies of radiation poisoning in episode 4

I know that from the book, im talking about the episode

Episode two has her and her husband being airlifted to moscow for treatment.

her husband will die a long, horrible death

everyone dies of radiation poisoning by episode 4
jk, it's only 3.6 roentgens

[Screams internally]

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No amount of iodide is going to save you from direct contact with radioactive dust.

not in this one, at least, probably episode 3


What was he thinking at this very moment?

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Radioactive brappps

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Just needs a Yea Forums on Legasov

No. RBMK had shitty design and the no one on the plant was informed about the feedback loops within the reactor. Dyatlov was a scapegoat. The real people responsible are Aleksandrov and his people in the Kurchatov institute.

I would honestly run the fuck away at that point, duty be damned

Dancing 8 year old in background is more entertaining

atleast jezebel posting would stop.

>people don't know the difference between radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons) and radioactive materials (uranium, caesium, thorium etc.)
>they think irradiating something makes it radioactive

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Why the fuck would I fly into blue smoke.

"It ain't me" playing in his head

Even if I didn't read the book with her story, that would have been obvious, poor firemen

this shit is still down there right?

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radiation CAN melt steel beams

I'm reading Serhii Plokhy's "Chernobyl: History of a Tragedy" released last year. I didn't know much at all about the accident before, but I found it to be a rabbit hole that leads deeper and deeper into the sociopolitical circumstances that lead to the disaster and the state secrecy within its response.

>god I wish I was me
Have I got good news for you!

why is it so fucking fascinating

Scientistdude is risking a bullet too. He must mean it.


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It's a tell. Whenever someone lies, they try to smooth you into believing it.

Stupid fucks will tell you that you should believe them, or say let's be honest. If that fails, they pull rank and threaten you with consequences.

Mid-level fucks will leaven the lies with facts, so that it becomes hard to discern lies from truth. If that fails, they'll say they had bad information, were misled, or if even if that fails, they will admit they were mistaken, but that it was natural to be mistaken in light of the facts known at the time.

High-level fucks will not lie directly, they'll let you draw your own false conclusions from incomplete but basically true information. Some aspects may be emphasized to mislead the other side. Now, these guys won't often directly provide views, they'll provide information as claimed by others. If the full truth ever comes to light, they'll say it was only natural for YOU to have drawn the wrong conclusions given the facts, but that they themselves assumed you would have known better, and that they're disappointed in you.

Also it doesn't abort their baby per se, it just dies real fast after being born due to cirrhosis and heart failure


Only if it's above 3.6 roentgens, comrade

Are you a bad enough dude to sneak into the exclusion zone and steal a radioactive helmet?

she didn't put enough iodine on her hands

Attached: hands off to iodine qt.png (2090x1276, 2.25M)

Have sex.

>da, i would much like rather be shot for disobeying order than fly into smoke and die slow death for next 5 days.

it's scary and tragic, but also miraculous that smart and brave people were able to sacrifice themselves to prevent the apocalypse. real human condition type shit

Capitalism would require that student loan debt over a certain threshold be cancelled and banks lending Mozilo loans be made to go out of business.

Literally every other nuclear plant in the USSR told them to fuck off with their (((test))). Fomin agreed to do it, he was later declared insane.

>bad enough
bitch I'm RAD enough

Right, she really makes the clip

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I liked how when they heard him talk about flux they knew it was all over.

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user, it wasn't a shitty design, though it had a two specific flaws.

However if the test was run when the reactor was at power (and not in its low power mode) the disaster would have not happened, as the only way you can get the voids in the coolent is shutting down the pumps without the emergency system when the reactor is at low power and almost all the control rods being out. This was well outside of the design and operational guidelines.

I can take the most safe reactor and if I start to do crazy things it will melt down or explode. Even a Generation III+ one.

Hell, even a pool reactor if you let the water boil down and not refill it for a few days can go bad. and those are the reactors like slowpoke that you can leave unattended for almost a day.

The Soviet Union in the 80s was falling apart, a lot of critical infrastructure had actually been built under Stalin or Krushchev.
>but user, that's kind of like --

Based /hoc/ poster

there are various dump sites for equipment too radioactive to ever be used again.
fleets of helicopters, trucks, construction vehicles, you name it.
every uniform used in the clean up is piled somewhere to this day.

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Where did you get this information from?

are you stupid user ?

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It shows both the worst and best of humanity in an absolutely (un) real situation

Yeah, they'd been trying this same test for years without a success.

>first time in years since i've been so tense and anxious due to a spoopy scene in any form of entertainment

That's because men actually went through that. Nobody's been killed by a herky jerky spoopy ghost that crabwalks at 85mph, but real flesh and blood motherfuckers with families and hopes and dreams and futures waded into radioactive water underneath a burning nuclear power plant in pitch blackness.

Shit's fucking horrifying.

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seems like gloves would have been a thing by the 80s

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But it wasn't cavitation that set of the explosion. It was excess operative radiation caused by the positive feedback loop when lowering the rods.

The boneyards are so fucking spooky.

so europe would be uninhabitable right now if the sarcophagus wasn't built?

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>going into the basement of a building that's been abandoned for 30 years
the balls on that guy

The test in question the other reactors operating said "Hell no" since it was a stupid test that didn't match safety standards.

This and not magic spandex men is what kino is supposed to be all about.

last time I actually felt this sort of dread was when I went to see K-19 in theaters
it was a rather meh movie overall, but the scenes in the reactor are absolutely terrifying

Is it still kino?

Woah, this show has Jared Harris in it? I've gotta see this shit.

>dosimeter going crazy

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You're already fucked brother. Might as well finish the job.

did he smoke in mad men too?

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>gulag if I do, gulag if I don't

This is an arms dealer's wet dream

A large portion of eastern europe would be completely unlivable, yes. You know that shit's still in there right? They have to pour more shit on top of it to keep the cracks sealed. If it ever cracks open it will go right back to spewing pure death into the air.

Attached: exclusion zone.png (960x540, 209K)

>eal flesh and blood motherfuckers with families and hopes and dreams and futures waded into radioactive water underneath a burning nuclear power plant in pitch blackness.
i hope they cover the bio robot liquidators who are tasked with shoveling wreckage of the core and can work for no more than 40 seconds but still go back for another turn at shoveling anyways.

what is this shit in Russian?!

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Besides reports from various organizations and first hand accounts I can't fucking find any more, Chernobyl History of a Tragedy is my personal favorite by far. It's very well researched and covers a huge amount of background information and aftermath where most books would just put "Chernobyl was barely a decade old and unit 4 was one of the USSR's newest reactors" and "People went to gulag and then the USSR collapsed"
It's been a good few years to be interested in Chernobyl.

Maybe if he wants to get cancer and die horribly.

>living in Steschnya or Dytyatky

Slavs, explain.

Nothing at all

*chugs vodka*

yes, just pretend emily watson is a guy.

Pretty sure that's next episode.

More likely Ukraine would be fucked and everybody in Europe would need a thyroidectomy. The real problem would be all the contaminated food and water.

wait this thing isn't in russia?

A new cover was made and finished already. They are thinking about removing the old one, in fact.

That's the report mentioning the firefighters handling graphite.

Fucking YIKES

This was informative and the guy plugs his book at the end if you want to read more.

Yes just filter the vatnik tripfag subhuman

You sell it quickly to idiots first.

Northern Ukraine, with some of the worst fallout affecting Belarus.

When you know you have 5 years but drinking from a contaminated glass my reduce that to 4 or less which would you choose?

lol nope

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It was considered impolite at the time

>They have to pour more shit on top of it to keep the cracks sealed.
the nsc has sealed the sarcophagus now and they're going to dismantle the roof.

Shit man I just wanted to fly helicopters

What do you mean 400 rubles ($527) per year isn't enough?

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>american education

*throws up on social norms

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>Light LEAKS through the CRACKS. My mind is BRIGHTER than it EVER was. THE HIGHER I RISE THE MORE I SEE.

That's not true at all. The core didn't melt through the ground into the ground water. It cooled on it's own. In fact a lot of the containment work at the plant was unnecessary.

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Honestly the fact that the Soviets even understood the concept of compensation surprised the hell out of me.

he starts out so cocky.

i love how this episode is just him going from being the bigshot cocky soviet until >5 years hits him and he just deflates for the rest of the episode

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My family should be living in a fucking mansion for my sacrifice. What a joke.

It gets massively overblown because of the constant anti-nuclear shilling that was going on at the time

>there were hundreds of scientists involved
>so we had to make a fictional amalgamation of them
>it's a woman

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>dude free mi-8!
>no way
>it still works!
>why did they leave fuel in the tank?
>who cares, let's go!
>oh wow this is pretty good
>straight up no problems
>and this thing was free
>imma sell it to an African warlord for half a million dollars
>what's that over there, gotta flip off that switch
>[reaching further, all the skin comes off your arm]

I sure hope vodka cures radiation sickness.

Okay, you seem to have read about it, but do not have nuclear reactor experience.

The test was supposed to happen at 700 MW. In the RMBK (and quite a few other designs) at higher energies produce more flow in the design due to natural convection.

The reactor was first powered down to 30 MW, then raised to 200 MW, the issue being when you start a reactor from such a low power you get Xenon poisoning (Xenon is produced that slows down power production) and the only real way to deal with it is let it naturally balance out and let the gas system get rid of it (which takes days).

To maintain the power they removed almost all the control rods which means that there was very little control of the reactor, combined with low natural water flow.

The experiment was to turn off the pumps and see how to control the reactor before the diesels kicked in. If it was run at 700 MW with the control rods mostly in, you would not have power spikes that started to cause steam. Due to the RMBK natural positive void issues, this lead to even larger power spikes, so they scramed the reactor, however this lead to the issue of the design of the control rods.

However if the experiement was done as designed at 700 MW there would have not been the cooling issue or power spikes.

The reactors afterwards had extra dampeners added so that it just shuts down in low power mode and then you only have to deal with the 6.6% of waste heat from decaying waste for a day or two.

I hope that thing is as sturdy as it looks. If it ever falls we are 100 kinds of fucked.

From where do you know this?

It's not about the ground water if it had hit the water tanks the whole plant would have exploded taking reactors 1-3 with it sending all that shit into the air with no hope of containing it.

based no guy

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A rundown of the Kinobyl Incident by Valary Legasov: head director of the memetic magic department

"First you take the seed, the then you apply it to the feed-water. This gives you the Chuck rods which then produce the aurora borealis.
Now, the situation we have here has the Chuck burning in oxygen, creating highly toxic Sneed which is spreading the aurora borealis throughout the air, the water, the food we eat.
The Sneed, formerly Chuck, will eventually burn through the concrete floor and hit the water, creating a massive amount of steamed hams.

Casualties are expected to exceed six gorillion."

Attached: that's actually significant.jpg (875x875, 119K)

fug, that's scary as shit

most have had so many parts salvaged off it they will never run again.

Fukushima is probably worse than Chernobyl, not in terms of radiation release, but in plant mismanagement.

no completely,
the plant was built on a watershed, the potential heat generated by potential structural collapse was real. the new safe confinement now has to dismantle the old sarc, but it did it's job.

While nominally a union of equals, in practice the Soviet Union was dominated by Russians. The domination was so absolute that for most of the Soviet Union's existence, it was commonly (but incorrectly) referred to as "Russia".

It's a common mistake

Getting gud, didn't mind the addition of element Stronkium-39 Womyn to the mix, had me worried for a bit but she's fine as background radiation (heh) to the show.
The conversation navigating around the nightmarish soviet system via code was clever.
That ending was probably one of the clearest examples of being sent to a version of hell made real.
The extreme radiation pockets being so great that the lights go out in a deadly maze, the hopelessness of knowing a brisk pace to your objective is still a death sentence.
Can't imagine feeling around to find a fucking valve as you die.
Chernobyl has always been interesting to me for the fact it's a very real horror that still hasn't ended, it's contained and the surrounding reactors are decommissioned, but if anything went wrong with substantial water reaching it, it could still cause a significant incident all over again.
I was born the same date the liquidators were traveling the "umbilical" tunnel beneath the plant.

>it is me
>it is me
>I am a fortunate son
>Because as a son of Mother Russia I am fortunate enough to live in a country where refusing to literally fly into the jaws of death and metaphorical into the face of common sense and reason will get you shot, comrade.

Am I understanding the sequence of events wrong? IRL the Soviets evacuated Pripyat on the 27th, before the West found out about it on the 28th. But in the show they moved the date that the West found to the 27th. Then Gorbachev is watching the US TV news program that also says that the Soviets have admitted to the disaster. After that the buses show up and take everyone away. I don't understand the causality of events here.

That literally would not have happened.

Having them mix the salt solution by hand was incredibly fucking stupid.

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but the power spike happpened only after the lowering of the rods. that was what caused the excess reactivity and heat.

I also like how he takes the situation seriously once the facts set in and he tries to do his job properly.

This, Japanese are actually worse than Soviets at not talking about things that need to be talked about.


Forgot my link

I know Ignalina refused to do it, as they had power spike issues in 1982 when this was first being researched.

She's got very bulbous thumbs.

>that look they exchanged before he asked about the graphite on the roof


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They talk about them and then proceed to never do anything about it because that would involve challenging authority and doing things like telling some politician's lackey to shut the fuck up when they ask you to use freshwater to cool an actively melting reactor that already was filled with seawater and completely wrecked, or admitting that the lowly working fuck engineers might actually be onto something when they point out how keeping the backup and emergency switchgear in the same place which just so happens to be the lowest point in the plant isn't a wonderful idea when you're next to the sea.

Shcherbina called for evacuation on 26th. It's just the buses only came on 27th at 2 pm. The whole diver thing allegedly happened 5 days later. Sweden detected radiation only on 28th.

yep, their clothes are still down there and still very hot. I've been to the hospital, can confirm meter readings are substantially higher than outside. I did not go downstairs to the clothes because i'm not fucking insane, though.

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When he was grilling Dumb and Dumber using what he learned from the scientist in the camp, I felt feelings.

"I don't like you, but I respect your opinion" is a bit that a lot of actors and writers fuck up, but they knocked it out of the park in that scene.

God damn bodysnatcher

One reactor blowing up and then rapidly contained was enough to have most of the food in europe deemed unsafe to eat, a huge spike in thyroid cancer, and led to an exclusion zone around the plant which still has numerous radioactive hotspots 30 years later what do you think all four cores being completely dissolved into the air would do.

Correct, the Swedes at Forsmark didn't know about the spike in background radiation until the 28th. The show is correct in showing that the Soviets admitted the disaster after foreign pressure, but the evacuation came first.


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But it was unsuccessfully tested in Chernobyl in 1982 on the same reactor. It just failed to produce any power with this turbogenerator regime.

>BRDM's and other APC's have NBC overpressure protection systems, as well as lead lining/paint additives that can somewhat *mostly* stop anything short of gamma
But it doesn't matter because the entire outside of the vehicle is irradiated and no longer safe

Incorrect, SKALA had already inserted 12 rods within 30 seconds of the start of the experiment to try to control the power spikes, After that, there was no more rods under SKALA Control and the power had already doubled.

No, it's only 3.6 roentgens an hour

Hard to believe this happened, it plays like a comedy sketch. I laughed throughout the entire scene.

it is very kino

Wouldn't matter, sterile rubber/latex/etc gloves wouldn't have stopped shit

>How are we all still alive?
A lot of lies, a lot of cancer, and a lot of very brave and very doomed men.

This is fear spread by anti-nuclear propaganda, it isn't reality.

The Ukraine rendered unlivable would have killed 1/4 of Eastern Europe alone do food shortages, not even adding radiation to the mix

Yes, just vent your rage by screaming as loudly as possible every time Ulana the Hedgehog appears on the screen.

>thyroid cancer is propaganda

My bad, it was 1983, not 1982


That's not true. They were pulling out the rods to keep it at 700 MW, which they failed to do anyway, cuz it dumped to 30 again before the experiment. When the operator pressed the AZ-5 button that wat triggered the rapid power increase and the explosion.

Nobody even dies from that anymore, unless they're already in terrible shape.

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They're just delusional

God I hope they get a working fusion reactor set up in the next 50 years. Leaving nuclear fission behind for fusion will be like leaving sails behind in favor of steam engines.

Really appreciate your insight pool reactor user

1/3rd to 1/2 of the USSR's remaining Mi-6 Hook fleet was abandoned because Chernobyl. They had sold/exported ~300 to client states, out of ~920. By that time it was out of production it's safe to say 1/3rd were either rendered un-airworthy by flight hours or unfit for military service it was a stupidly short lived airframe, others were transferred to civil authorities. By this time the USSR had under 350 in service. At least 60 were rendered unsuitable for further service and abandoned on site or scrapped shortly thereafter, because they were the main heavy lift helicopter transporting military supplies in and casualties out, and up in the air the airframes got more exposure to radiation.

The fucking scale of this event is underplayed. This shit bankrupted the USSR. They lost a city of 100k, several hundred square miles of arable land, tons of military and civil equipment

All the Helium 3 is on the moon, so good luck with that.

For modern radiation horror:

Using the radiation therapy standard, Gy, which is 1 (J/kg) - 5 Grays of whole body exposure is fatal. Chernobyl tier exposure.

Radiotherapy (external beam most prominently) send something like 60-100Gy into the tumor and anywhere from 10-50Gy into other flesh.

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Let's treat cancer with more cancer!

Do you think they will actually have a real one of these flying around or will it be CGI?

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>spells cesium wrong

Take a gander at this.

Yeah, they are outdated and dirt cheap.

>thinks the American spelling is correct

user, the reactor was at 200 MW when the experiement happened, not 700.

So why don't you just shut up?