Is there still any hope of time traveling Bran?

Only one episode left and I can’t imagine even Dicksucker and Donglicker will peace out without answering some big questions somehow:

1) Did Bran use his time traveling and warging powers to affect what’s happened?

2) If not, then why not? Wouldn’t he thence be most responsible for every shitty thing that happened?

3) Or, if so, then wouldn’t he be most responsible for every shitty thing that happened?

4) Where, when, and into what did he even warg into before Arya nothing personnelled the Night King?

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there's time traveling? in a medieval fantasy story?

>Makes sense but also makes no sense

I haven't even been watching this shitshow, but that's a beautiful shot.

Adding time travel shenanigans to any story, let alone a deeply flawed plodding mess like GoT, is a terrible idea. Nothing in the present matters when you have a built in undo switch. Why did they have to add in this kind of device? There would only be irreparable logical gaps all over the place if Bran was playing hop-scotch with the fabric of time.

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She cute unironically

The intro actually alludes to traveling back in time, given that it’s been changed to depict previous events of the show in reverse order—whereas before, everything moved forward through history leading up the events of the show.

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Isn’t his time travel unable to change the past? Hence “Hold the door”.

But that was a change he made in the past AND he managed to warg into Hodor and control him.

Bran has been warging practically 24/7 into people's panties since he figured out he could do that. dude is completely gone at this point

I think 's point was that even before Bran warged Hodor, Hodor was Hodor's name. In other words, closed time loops, and Bran can only change things so they end up the way they already are.

Bran was literally useless 90% of the time (we haven't seen him in 2 episodes) and the only reason he's still alive is because he's going to sit on the throne.
What a fucking nightmare this show is.

Has there been a visual breakdown of the messages in the opening sequences?

You know what I like in my Lordship? A barren cripple.

Yes. I saw some YouPube video on it but need to dig up the link. First it depicts the Night King on the dragon burning down the wall. Then comes the wed redding. And finally, the birth of Danny’s dragons.

I think she looks cute here

Neato. Wonder what else is in there?