Admit it.
Admit it
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unironically like 7/9 of those and the other two I've never seen
which ones?
Never Ending Story 2 (no interest) and Moonraker (I've only seen clips, I need to watch all of the old Bond movies but never got around to it).
NESII is one of the most beautiful films made. And it's actually a decent enough adaption of the second half of the novel, at least in terms of the themes.
Moonraker is just dumb fun.
Admit what? This is just some movies, you didn't say anything.
Never watched Dune, and it's been so long I don't remember NES2, but yeah.
I mean the critics have a point that it's a bit of a mess and neither the theatrical nor directors cut versions really do it justice.
but, behold
The Lost World has godawful writing, but some of the set designs are just so fuckin cool, especially the ruined island command center
I watched dune with 1% volume on a scuffed ass TV when I was on day 3 of food poisoning in a fevered barely consciousness and Ive never been the same
How does it have bad writing? This is one of those generic criticisms that has no apparant meaning.
Stargate and ID4 : purest escapist kino.
Dune: a failed but interesting experiment (the second of three such experiments)
SW1: ditto, failed but interesting
ST:TMP - yawn
Godzilla was shite and I didn't see Lost World, Moonraper, or TNES2.
they are based on real events
yeah, Godzilla too
You know it when you see it.
I've seen it many times and I can't think of anything bad with the writing.
I’ll take a shot at it briefly. Poor/forced character development (e.g., oh shit Ian is a dad, and his daughter is a handful, oh shit she’s on the island, and Ian has to confront his irresponsibility—what a crucible this is), improbable Chekhov’s gun bullshit (the gymnastics routine to defeat the velociraptors), poor pacing and bathos (the whole San Diego sequence at the end), recycled tropes (e.g., the t-rex is coming—jump in the new and floor it!
= the ship is coming—jump in the pontiac and floor it!), awful dialog (e.g., casual danger bullshit, which is about as lazy as it gets), distracting plot holes (e.g., not meming: what the fuck happened to the crew on the ship?). This is a quick list off the top of my head and I haven’t seen it in years. It’s an intermittently entertaining but generally shitty movie. Watch it back to back with the original and decide for yourself.
new = jeep. Phoneposting.
All of those films are kino.
These are all kino. Such a better time for films. We will never see their like again.
2 of those are kino, fuck you
6/9, I have never seen Dune, The Never Ending Story or Star Trek. How much did I miss and if I right now pick one of these three, which one makes the most of it?
opinion disregarded
but seriously, none of those things are problems in any way, you're just retarded.
We don't know much about Ian from the first film, so introducing new characters from his family is a literal, literal non-issue.
>poor pacing
another meaningless sound you make when you have no real criticism
>san diego sequence is bathos
it's cool as shit, it's made to be cool, if you find it funny you probably didn't understand that you were watching a movie about dinosaurs in the modern world.
>recycled tropes
what the fuck does this mean? driving a car is not a "trope".
>what happened to the crew on the ship
artistic license for dramatic effect happened. the dinosaur killed them.
watching the two back to back, they are very consistent, feels like a natural extension of the first film in every way.
seen all these besides moonraker because i dont really care for Bond movies
Star Trek is amazing, make sure it's the blu-ray and not the CGI'd directors cut.
Dune, watch the spicediver fanedit, it's a somewhat dated but still really important film.
NESII is a movie for kids, and you'll definitely notice watching as an adult. But it is also a marvel of special effects, and the story is a decent adaptation of the second half of the novel, only knowing the first half of the story is a bit of a disservice.
>introducing new characters
Is that what I said?
>poor pacing
Pacing is an essential element of storytelling. Get your head around that or risk looking like an ass every time you discuss it instead of just this once.
>San Diego sequence was made to be cool
So what? Shitty failed blockbusters are made to be cool, and to make tons of money, but that means nothing about the writing’s merit.
>a movie about dinosaurs in the modern world
That’s not an excuse. You can walk a fine line between improbable and and impossible, which the first movie did, or you can fall off to either side, like the second one did, and wreck the audience’s suspension of disbelief.
>driving a car is not a trope
Did I say it was? No. A car was incidental as a means of flight in both instances. How about the stampede in the first movie? Same trope. He stares at the approaching danger and says “run.” Same shit as the boat crashing into the pier.
>artistic license for dramatic effect
Jesus you fucking suck at this. That’s not even an attempt to defend it.
It must suck have shit taste and being ignorant of the fundamentals of storytelling, but you’re certainly in the right place here on Yea Forums, user. Back to your capeshit thread.
you are an idiot
user, all of them are.