The collapse is coming

The collapse is coming

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>feminism killed itself

Well done

neo vagina is funnier

Holy shit lmao

cant wait for 10 years for now when women are screeching and gnashing their teeth for someone to save them from the mess they created

nope, not real. not this time


>Revenge fantasies

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Take it to /pol/

oh you mean men lol

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Queef, Incestuous, Asian?

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>revenge fantasies
watching a trainwreck happen isnt a revenge fantasy triggered tranny

men wont exist itll just be androgynous traps everywhere

we need riker to clear this one up

Radical feminists will save us all.

they keep doubling down on this bs and it pushes people away
same reason trump got elected

Women are now literal holes instead of a recognised gender, absolute pottery.
You know what, I'm okay with this.

You can't predict the future, so these teleological ways of discussing history aren't helpful. Also, I assure you that it isn't going to lead to communism, however things pan out.

Why do transsexuals get lumped in with homosexuals?

What's being trans have to do with being gay?

Shouldn't they be fighting for their own identity?


holy shit, i wonder when will the other power house countries will have the balls to nuke america before it speads its disease to them

A GoT thread died for this

is it that time again?

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I always refer to women as holes so I'm in the clear here.

>The collapse is coming
There is no collapse you retarded gullible hopeful idiot.

There is only orderly extermination. This shit is not an accident and you're wasting your energy putting your hope in it being so.

>I assure you that it isn't going to lead to communism, however things pan out.
This will lead to an increase in communISTS, which will escalate into a new Civil War. But it's a war that will be ended by one side very quickly. I'll let you guess which one.

tons of gay people are becoming increasingly tired of this shit because, according to trannies, being gay is "bigotry".

Attached: gayistransphobia.png (400x336, 88K)

>Why do transsexuals get lumped in with homosexuals?
>What's being trans have to do with being gay?
>Shouldn't they be fighting for their own identity?
Hur dur, Hmmm. What do they have in common.

Well, depopulation. Both devaluate it. And for some strange reason Trans was pushed immediately after gay marriage.

But you guys are just civil rights heroes for supporting something that was for some reason pushed by powerful billionaires who also, in unrelated news, desire depopulation.


It's just not going to happen. People want stability, especially if they have reasonably comfortable lives wasting time on video games and internet. They're not just going to go out into the street and have a revolution. And thank God.

>tons of gay people are becoming increasingly tired of this shit because, according to trannies, being gay is "bigotry".
Just like true feminists (terfs) found out that women have literally no power in "feminism", so will gays find out that compared to trannys (who explicitly remove their ability to reproduce, rather than just declaring their intent not to) they are second class "protected class".

Queers should be executed


Get the fuck off of my board you bigot.

>It's just not going to happen. People want stability, especially if they have reasonably comfortable lives wasting time on video games and internet. They're not just going to go out into the street and have a revolution. And thank God.
People are abject cowards. And people will be throwing other people under the bus until and past the very moment people are being thrown into gas chambers.

>TERFs aren't real

Women already figured out that cross-dressing men are stealing the spotlight from real women. It's not a fantasy if I'm watching it happen in real time.

You have a cartoonish, inexperienced view of reality.

Kill yourself faggot scum

>Get the fuck off of my board you bigot.
The civil rights issues of our time! We get to be heroes by literally supporting issues that are being pushed by all media, all politicians with power, and all the big billionaires.

We're heroes for literally supporting what we would be destroyed for not supporting.

I don't want to be in Clown World anymore, please let me off.

>Women already figured out that cross-dressing men are stealing the spotlight from real women. It's not a fantasy if I'm watching it happen in real time.
I didn't say they weren't real. I said they have no power. They are proof that feminism has never been about women, just about fucking over other men as we see castrated men being placed above women. I was watching how it played out. TERFS were immediately BTFO'd. They have no power, never had power, and never will have power.

Yaaaasss. Transwomen know so much more suffering than biological "women".

lets be honest kiddo, you just got here.

how much more can they even escalate this? is this some sort of transhuman conspiracy to destroy gender and sexuality entirely?

>You have a cartoonish, inexperienced view of reality.
The cartoons are what tells you that people struggle fearlessly in the face of all odds.

In reality, without strong leadership, people don't even struggle at all. Without a strong counter media narrative, they don't even think about it resisting.

You're right. Women will never have power as long as perverted men use deception to hijack women's movements.

That's why it's all so funny to me. You can't see outside the fish bowl you're swimming in.

At this point it seems like trannies are actively trying to crash this LGBT shit

what's a J and A?

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Nah, it's just unhappy, ugly nerds on the internet/ twitter, who dressed up as women in hopes of becoming more attractive, and who are mad about being single, so they latch onto these stupid discourses where they can complain about why straight men don't want to fuck them.

>And for some strange reason Trans was pushed immediately after gay marriage.
It's not being "pushed" - it's always existed. It's just given more attention now.

I've seen enough, this will keep spiraling out of control.

you figured it out

They just can't help themselves. They are mentally ill after all.

>how much more can they even escalate this? is this some sort of transhuman conspiracy to destroy gender and sexuality entirely?
It's about creating a generation that will be in favor of taking the right to reproduce away from everyone. Literally supporting Gay Marriage and Trans both means devaluating reproduction.

The very choices made by Psychology in their magical religious book that is considered scientific fact declares that you cannot consider reproductive ability to be worth some increased suicide risk (assuming they are even right about claiming lower suicide risk for "transitioning").

You're literally just larping in your head. All this ideology is just pissing away your time. No connection to reality.

the answer is yes.

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People have to be programmed to not resist.

What am I suppose to call Woman?


>is this some sort of transhuman conspiracy to destroy gender and sexuality entirely?
yes but the trannies, faggots are just useful idiots.

These retarded groups will literally self-divide and rule their own to death.
These fucking idiots triggered a chain reaction in society by making virtue signaling an acceptable behavior, which opened up for new genders and sexes to be created by everyone who feels so.
Fuckkkk, i mean genders and sexes now daily grow in larger numbers than the entire universe grows in square millimeters.
The absolute state of retardness.

kill all trannies

>genders and sexes now daily grow in larger numbers
Not really. Nobody really keeps up with that.

this is Yea Forums, right?

We really need to start locking these retards up.

youngfags posting clown memes are literally tranny tier

>It's not being "pushed" - it's always existed. It's just given more attention now.
Some potential to engage in degenerate behavious always existed. It's being pushed now for a reason. And it is clearly being pushed. You know that literal governments have made it illegal to "misgender"? You know that they are literally pushing kids to "consider" if they are the opposite sex (in other words just to make sure we don't miss any kids that need to be castrated).

Psychology jumped to conclude that the be all end all cure for this is to castrate people and then force all of society to affirm it as a valid sex change.

No consideration that a better solution might be found, indeed they have literally declared that even a consideration that there is something wrong with that behavior that should be fixed is in and of itself the problem.

This has beena sick and twisted rigged conclusion.

>The very choices made by Psychology in their magical religious book that is considered scientific fact declares that you cannot consider reproductive ability to be worth some increased suicide risk (assuming they are even right about claiming lower suicide risk for "transitioning").
Yeah I'm sure internet conspiracy theories are more reliable.


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Jelqing and asshole.

>People have to be programmed to not resist.
They are actually programmed to support these things strongly.

>You're literally just larping in your head. All this ideology is just pissing away your time. No connection to reality.
Powerful people chose to push this shit via media.

Powerful people didn't do that because they thought it was moral. They did it because they don't like you.

It's not about the memes, it's about the idea. This kind of shit is straight out of a fucking joke world

>It's being pushed now for a reason.
Again, it's not being pushed so much as given coverage.
>You know that literal governments have made it illegal to "misgender"? You know that they are literally pushing kids to "consider" if they are the opposite sex (in other words just to make sure we don't miss any kids that need to be castrated).
There's no evidence of this whatsoever.

It's real. Also on HealthLine.

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>Why do transsexuals get lumped in with homosexuals?

Because they're both forms of Mental Illness.


They literally get children to roleplay as different genders in school now you cock sucking nigger tranny.

Why are you 4channers so fucking evil?
42% of trans people kill themselves and you'd rather brush it off as a conspiracy rather than helping them.


>Yeah I'm sure internet conspiracy theories are more reliable.
If you as a rule don't believe in conspiracy theories then you are fundamentally a brainwashed irrational idiot.

I know what your next response will be to this. Because I know you don't actually use your brain. It's so sad.

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>It's just given more attention now.

i.e. it's being pushed?

so why do you little faggot always post that gay shit?

>They are actually programmed to support these things strongly.
Strong leadership? Actually, it's a given that people will always keep asking questions unless programmed not to.

Why the fuck is 'asexual' included? Nobody is being "oppressed" for not wanting to fuck.

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>There's no evidence of this whatsoever.

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kill yourself faggot scum

This genuinely activates my fight or flight responses

As a fan of "Doom Patrol" that has entire episodes about transexuals, I support the front hole movement!

Attached: LGBT Focused Shows.jpg (750x422, 41K)

Have sex.

Where's the evidence?

>Again, it's not being pushed so much as given coverage.
No it's being pushed, not merely covered. It's being encouraged, not merely pointed out. And no one has an incentive to help you. Media never existed for that. It never existed for justice. No one has an incentive to do that. Media does not point out, or clarify, it exaggerates. It creates narratives. Media is all about propaganda and that is why many media organizations literally lose money but are kept afloat. Shaping opinions is power. It's never done for your benefit (unless you own it).

>There's no evidence of this whatsoever.
Of what? Governments doing it or that it's done for bad purposes? Do you need the bad guy to spell it out for you?

queers should be executed

Just wait until many of these retarded people realize they can benefit from creeching about being an opressed LGBTXXXX multiple non binary trans of african american and jewish heritaged red squirrel or something else with additional *****'s

This wil be the basic qualifier for being allowed to run for presidency in the US and A in the next coming decades.
And i'm sure, i told you about the short version of the basic qualification.

this is what the left calls "progress" lmao.

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who the actual fuck is Healthline
ignore these crunchy morons

I do want to help them, help them kill themselves

Fuck transhits

>Strong leadership? Actually, it's a given that people will always keep asking questions unless programmed not to.
One big example of being programmed not to: showing alex jones being destroyed. Don't ask questions!

The idea of conspiracy theories being irrational by nature is a powerful program not to ask questions.

This is a good thing for us. Anyone who uses "front whole" we can immediately write off. You don't even have to probe to find out you don't need to waste your time.

The fact that they even use the term 'front hole' is kind of telling that even deep down inside they know what happens post surgery for transexuals. It just turns into this hole in the front. Equating that to a vagina however is quite strange.

lmao based trannies coercing dykes

>People want stability
Then explain how past civil wars and revolutions have ocurred. Civil unrest is far worse today than you think it is.

the schools and media reporting faggot enabler

Because they are both faggots.

I do want to help them. By locking them up in mental asylums.

Or maybe the babies didn't like having shit put on them. Why have people thrown away Occam's Razor?

Lets Go Beat The Queers Incel Anons

>Equating that to a vagina however is quite strange.
It's the problem. The "front hole" term was proposed by trannies and accepted by these fucks.

Why do /pol/cels spend so much time thinking about transgender people when they should be much more concerned about dispelling their own mental illness by having sex?

Because they are mentally ill and need REAL help from a therapist rather than just surgery to affirm their mental illness. It’s so fucking upsetting watching liberals literally kill people with faulty logic.

>42% of trans people kill themselves
Objectively false. 40% attempt suicide at some point IIRC. The rate for those who receive proper treatment and support is much lower though.
Okay I'll go get my orgone cannon to stop HAARP from controlling the weather, and I'll buy some new water filters on the way.
Being pushed is being encouraged, not being given more attention.
>Daily Fail
Try again.
>No it's being pushed, not merely covered. It's being encouraged, not merely pointed out. And no one has an incentive to help you. Media never existed for that. It never existed for justice. No one has an incentive to do that. Media does not point out, or clarify, it exaggerates. It creates narratives. Media is all about propaganda and that is why many media organizations literally lose money but are kept afloat. Shaping opinions is power. It's never done for your benefit (unless you own it).
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to support this?
Fake news. Read more.
>Alex Jones getting btfo is programming people not to ask questions
Hi Alex.
[citation needed]

>Why do /pol/cels spend so much time thinking about transgender people when they should be much more concerned about dispelling their own mental illness by having sex?
Find some random hole to stick your dick into! That is what life is about people!

It's not about procreation or survival! Just fuck some random thing!

why do trancels think becoming a girl will solve their crushing loneliness?