Was the Cleganebowl worth it?
Was the Cleganebowl worth it?
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Damn straight. You don't see people bitching about cleganebowl.
i've seen a lot of people bitching about it though and with good reason it was pretty shitty tbqhwymf but it was always destined to be so because it was just a meme
Just turn your brain off lol
>a meaningless fight because nothing at all is at stake and no matter who wins they're both going to die anyway
wow so hype
This meme stopped being hype or funny like 5 years ago. It's just embarrassing now
It was more like a shit half time show you have to change to a different network to watch
i'm impressed D&D were so desperate for ideas they put it in the show though, bravo
meme magic works at least
That shot is absolutely kino
Was worth all the years of hype
it actually is a really good shot. too bad the actual fight is a poorly edited mess.
It was like some metal album or some shit
>lameass grabs and tossing around for like one minutes on the stars
If any fight needed some proper ground to be covered it's this one.
Looks good as a still. Looks like greenscreen in motion
yeah oberyn got a way better fight vs the mountain
Not really, Gregor died fucking years ago, their first fight in season 1 was way more intense.
It was full anime tier
would have been better without the zombie fantasy shit
It would have been better if there was actually something on the line. Like Gregor was protecting Cersei from Arya as a mini boss.
it's pretty great until the fight starts
>qyburn getting bopped in 1 second
>cersei Getting the fuck outta there
Arguably that's kind of the point. Sandor straight up acknowledges and tells Arya that his whole life and quest for vengeance on his brother has been pointless and brought nothing but misery, and urges her not to be like him. It's meant to be tragic and hollow.
the hound's whole story was becoming a father.
I'm sure you can attribute some sense of duty to his actions from that
>his whole lifelong quest
>that he didn't start until a season ago
fuck this show lmao
On the whole, absolutely. They dropped the ball on a lot of shit but Cleganebowl is the least of their fuck ups.