Why did normies hate it?

Why did normies hate it?

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It felt contrived throughout.
>Euron and Jamie on the same beach
>Dany snaps at a very dramatic and convenient time for the plot
>Arya survives something she shouldn’t once again

because muh qween and muh poc characters werent morally perfect winners ONCE like they have always been, it's too much for brainlet culture warriors to comprehend


Bc they didnt like the idea of Jaime going back to Cercei and Dany going mad and dont even know what Cleganebowl is so they were let down, even though these are all things that are bound to happen in the books

D&D had to stop spoonfeeding fanservice to the brainlets and tried to actually send a message regarding "just wars".

They were too retarded to see the obvious implications that Danny was a psycho since season 1, which everyone fucking called. In addition they were actively cheering the obviously immoral actions of a conqueror who brought hordes of foreign armies to massacre armies comprised of peasants because MUH THRONE.

They see the kino unfold and they cry.

Because it was something dark and not for them

Because the writers made her descent into madness far too subtle for the casual watcher to pick up on. To them, it seems like her bloodlust and tyrannical nature just came out of nowhere in order to justify Jon killing her and taking the throne. Little do they know that the ending is far more retarded than they can imagine and that nobody is getting a happy ending. Also, I had sex today.

Why do incels pretend to love it?

normies got super buttmad at the end of season 1 as well.

the writing on Dany turning bad was written on the wall for multiple seasons you'd have to be retarded to not see this coming

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>I had sex today
I'm sure your right hand was glad for the company.

Yes user, getting buttfucked is sex


/pol/tards and sjws/redditors are two faces of the same coin. They're not normies, they're all brainlet spergs. True normies don't complain on the internet about fictional shows.

I watched this episode with 4 normies and they all thought it was the best of the season.


>get insulted by jealous sexless medieval soap opera fans
>not even mad because I fucked my bitch

Stay mad

>all those ignorant fucks just stood and watched
based danny gave the urban niggers what they deserved

t. inbreed northern

farmers rise up

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dios mio

what's it like being an autistic brainlet?

>northern inbreds
>meanwhile lannisters (jews) literally fuck their siblings for "royalty reasons"
ok faggy

>They were too retarded to see the obvious implications that Danny was a psycho since season 1

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>Why did normies hate it?
D&D bait and switched SJWs and made them look exactly like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>can't lead without male advisors telling her what to do
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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Retards just wanted to cheer at their standard good guy defeating the bad guy story. However GRRM's work is inherently anti-war, so was this episode and that's why it was so good.

they couldn't swallow the redpill

>normalfag posts reference this scene a lot in regards to her "character assassination"
>fail to see how straight up cultist it is

I just wanted a good clegane bowl what we got was so fucking boring. Mountain was boring, clegane just hit things a bunch. Eye gouging was cheap. The ending to it was cheap. Arya's running in the mid game ruined it.
The sword fight they had in the very begining had more emotion.

It was pretty much what I expected after the Hound kept getting severely injured and the mountain became some super mutant zombie.

You just know the only reason normies hate it is because the show made a point to show dragons incinerating whamen and children. If they only massacred surrendering Lannister troops en masse it would've been seen as triumphant YASS FUCK YTPIPO moment

I think it was more DnD wrote themselves into a corner with the last few seasons. Now that they don't have any more time, they have to use the canonical ending, which is a 180 on what they've been doing thus far.

Because mad Dany.
Don’t get me wrong, the episode was poorly written, but swathes of normies suddenly got mad exclusively because YAS Queen! started burning people.
Her descent in the last few episodes felt pretty rushed, but this was clearly always the way it was going to end for her.

this and also this

yeah her decent into madness always would have been rushed regardless of how it was done. why d+d didnt do 10 episodes these past two seasons is beyond me.

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>her madness makes about as much sense as it could
>but it also makes anyone who fangirled over her look like a retard
>It...it just doesn’t make sense!! Fucking writers UUUGH!!!

That wouldn’t really prove anything. If it’s soldiers they’re directly aiding Cersei, literally everyone in the show was fine with them getting mowed down.

..poop scene?

This. She was always cruel and evil, she just never had the will to act on it. All of the slavers bay shit was just her trying to hold onto local control and build her army while her dragons grew.

They're too used to one dimensional capeshit style characters now. They don't understand character development. They expect A is the good guy and B is the bad guy just because they are.

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They were pissy about Ned and the Red Wedding too. GRRM always planned to have Dany torch the city

Because Daenerys actions made no sense, she basically turned into a school shooter, it wasn't even ends justify the means type of situation there was no ends there was no means she just straight up started killing everybody.

>r-rule trough fear

Lets say that wiping off a fleet and an army didn't cause enough fear, she could have only destroyed the red keep and everyone in the world would know about it and fear her without her losing all her allies.

so where did the horse come from

from the book

It had reigns but no saddle so it was probably one of the Dothraki ones

it robbed them of their yaas queen slay bullshit.

It was the horse the golden company dude rode on

Every good thing she did was only because she needed an army to reclaim her throne. If she didn't need an army to go conquer westeros, would she have freed the slaves? Nope. The biggest problem is that there weren't enough episodes to show her going crazy enough, because after 10 years each actor and actress costs 10x more to hire.

her dog turned into a horse

>people dont find dany’s turn of actions believable
>"feminists and salty tumblerinas got rekt lmfao"

>people dont find jaime’s turn of actions believable
>"8 years of character development down the shitter"

Does the hypocrisy has anything to do with gender?

wasn't the owner of hbo throwing more money at dumb and dumber to stretch it out but they wanted it done in this amount of time?

you could of had one room fill with dragon fire and have clegane beat gregor into that fucking room with sheer rage. Than as as gregor stands in the door frame. He kicks him in and rushes into the room conquering his fear. Then we cut to arya.
That's all we need. And the hound washes up somewhere else. Surviving the burning room and the fire.
What was that whole redemption arc earlier?


What the fuck are you on about?Most people hated it,both sides disliked how they handled Dany.The problem is not hoe they made her "mad" but how they did it.It felt rushed and hamfisted,the bell scene is so fucking retarded...

The way they did was too fucking bad,she went from 0 to 100 real fast,the problem is that this is not the only shit they fucked up this episode

I'm sure everyone saw her descent into madness coming, even the dumbest of the normies.
The problem with the episode, however, is how her descent has been handled. It's gone from being fairly subtle, with a few obvious lines here and there, to this extreme 0 to 100 real quick over the past 2 episodes. It's bad because it's too fast. They need more time to flesh out her insanity to make it feel more realistic. At this point it just feels like shocking for the sake of shocking.

thats the issue with episode, not the episode itself but lack of buildup towards it.

Exactly. She was always like Viserys, always. She just didn't vocalize it until later on but she became as petulant, greedy, narcissistic, and short-tempered as he was in season 1. Season and "WHAR ARE MY DRAGONS" and locking the dude in the vault showed who she'd become.

The episode's many arcs were concluded with alot of pacing issues

>The problem is not hoe they made her "mad" but how they did it.It felt rushed and hamfisted,the bell scene is so fucking retarded...
This. While it was a nice surprise they went with Mad Queen, it came out of nowhere with zero build-up. Losing Missandei suddenly turned Dany into the big bad and Grey Worm into her number 1 evil henchman, all in the span of an episode.
Game of Thrones used to have shocking scenes that made sense in hindsight, now it's just shocking scenes that make no sense at all. Dany and Grey Worm starting the butchery was just retarded.

Not saying the rest of the episode wasn't dumb of course, with the most ridiculous Cleganebowl execution possible, Dany suddenly being able to destroy every single scorpion with no sweat, Euron coming ashore at the secret cave entrance near Jaime etc.

She wasnt you fucking mongoloid,it took her countless traumatic experiences to go mad,Viserys was always mad

how so? aside from varys i was pretty satisfied with how the characters arcs were concluded

Cleganebowl felt pointless because the mountain was going to die anyway,but it still was an acceptable execution nonetheless

All the neon haired women at that one bar say they believe in equality then they take a kind of sadistic pleasure in treating white men like how black people were treated in the 50s.

>Why did normies hate it?
for the same reasons why people hated the episode when stannis burned the daughter

the difference is:
percentage of stannisfags - 0.1%
percentage of danyfags - 80%

normies rule the world

contrived shit has been happening for 3 seasons. why does it starting to bother them just now?

they didn't

I am still for House Baratheon, rightful rulers of Westeros. King Gendry!

I think both are equally stupid but at least I can enjoy laughing at shitty tumblr fans. At the very least they don't get to enjoy the show any more either, it's ruined equally for everyone now.

I don't get this "rushed" meme. She's always been a blood thirsty bitch forestalled by her advisors.

Didn't they go a bit over the top with destruction happening around Arya? I get that the dragon attacks are pretty devastating, but the way the showed it was like a ceaseless WW2 bombings. It's just one fucking dragon hovering over what I assume is a city of at least several dozen square miles. Realistically it would take Dany several days to cover every street.

>The fact that Jaime did a 360°?He used to be all about the innocent people,sure he loved Cersei and that can explain why he went back to KL but he told that he didn't care about the innocent anyway.Book Jaime is significantly different but oh well.The way he diee was pretty anticlimatic too
>Dany's descent into madness was foreshadowed but the way it was done was pretty bad.In two episodes she went from 0 to 100,not to mention she went out of her way to kill innocent people unnecessarely
>Euron was pretty fucking pointless,he is a shell of his book character
>Arya did nothing (saved no one)
>Scorpions were absolutely worthless this episode for some reason
>Golden company had 20000 soldiers including, 2000 cavalry but got eradicated

Everything was rushed.This season is shit,the public outcry that you see crosses every forum and social media,mu group of friends include normies and non normies and they all hate how things turned out.
People are focusing too much on the mad dany bit,it was going to happen anyway,but the pacing was too bad.

>Dany snaps
You know what proved the tv writers are retarded? They don't even believe that. They said it's "perfectly logical" because of past events. What a load of bollocks, if she wanted to kill Cersei she could have done it without killing innocent babies personally.

Those hacks don't even get the outline that Martin gave them. Probably inherited some money and fame from their jew parents.

It looked like out of a completely different show to me, if you compare it to the Mountain vs. the Viper and Brienne vs. the Hound. The collapsing building, dragon flying past breathing fire, and the Mountain being an actual undead (as opposed to just resurrected) felt more like Revenge of the Sith than GoT. A Cleganebowl wouldn't have needed all that over the top stuff.
At least it was entertaining.


>thinking to myself all day "Yea Forums" will probably be circlejerking around it just to be special
>come here
>it's actually what you guys are doing
>in your effort to not be "normies" you literally have the same opinion as r/got

never disappointing

dickless nigger slaves and mexican invader rapists are her fighters and army.

kill her.

Back when they had a shorter budget,they focused on doing exposition through dialogue over actions This last seasons have been all about flexing their blockbuster magic budget instead of investing on additional writters

>nerd who never liked the show because he complained it had "too much sex" complains that I liked the penultimate final episode where a dragon destroys a city during a huge war and resolves a lot of characters
>hes mad that, like other fans of the show, i enjoyed it

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>>The fact that Jaime did a 360°?

They associate dany going mas as "hahah fuck you libtards" but they disregard the fact that they were deliveres shit on a plate and ate it

another great strike on the sjw, cucks and liberals

> it was going to happen anyway,but the pacing was too bad.
yeap, and the other reason it felt so rushed is the fact that they had so much material to reflect on Dany's incapability to rule without advisers and to rule without any other cause except to raise an army to conquer yet another target.
They could have reflected it through dialogue instead of just pushing some bullshit past sentences about Targaraeins' madness in the recap section.

Most of the people on this board (myself included) long gave up on the show. The fan rage and butthurt around it is the real entertainment.

The show has turned to shit,if you watch the show to use it as a political weapon at all you are an NPC yourself

What a bunch of fucking children jesus christ

Why did Arya turn into a scared little girl this episode?

I'm glad I don't watch this shit show, it sounds even more retarded than the average seasonal anime.

>Episode 4

>Episode 5

You literally can't win.

They showed that but at the end of each season Dany would just heal her wound and be good with everyone.It was only when Vyserion died that shit started to hit the fan

you would be surprised how retarded normies who hang around even one or two sjw are

From a narrative written point of view the story is just fine in the show.

If you bitch that
>Arya killed the night king
>Danny went full retard
>Jon snow didn't have an epic sword battle with night king
>Jamie fight
Consider you have 70 IQ and are a fucking moron.

It is however okay to bitch that
>it was rushed
>Danny went unchallenged on her dragon and her plan to use a dragon to destroy all the boats is stupid
>that they didn't have a scouting boat to move her army through the water when her second dragon died

The shows story is written very well and most likely similar to the book. However they cut corners on logic to push the main plot.

because Dunken & Donuts needed a relatable character to witness everything the civilians did, even according to their own words.

why didn't they just have rhaegal die in this episode? it would've made the battle more shocking and give Dany a plausible reason to snap.

The last episode redeemed the whole show for me.

Sjws do not even make up 1% of the population.Check youtube comments and dislikes on their recent behind the scenes episodes.Youtubw is almost as worse as Yea Forums when it comes to anti-libtardism

>From a narrative written point of view the story is just fine in the show

You say this but proceed to essentially say that it was rushed.
Do me a favour and shut the fuck up

Because it’s being done to their favorite character whom they thought was a shining beacon of morality or something

>it is narratively fine except for the fact half the narrative is missing
Are you actually retarded or just pretending

>if you disagree with me you are dumbdumb

Best episode this season for sure, but I agree that everything felt rushed.

>if you bitch that arya killed the night king you're stupid
nigger, even the fucking actress that plays arya said her killing the night king was out of place

Ah 70 IQ bitches let me explain. Basically the story is written exactly how it should on its major plot points. If for example you were SHOCKED that Danny went full retard that is your own fault.

However the path to get to these major plot points is rushed. All these these were going to happen but the rushed nature and the fact that ITS A TV SHOW and not a book is why getting to point A and point B is not as important. In a book getting to point A and point B is vital. In a TV show these can easily be skipped. It is fair however to complain it is rushed. But the narrative of events that unfolded will not be changed even if point A to B was explained.

I expected you Yea Forums brainlettes would know this. Every show does this. Even the best shows. It's not important.

most of my normie friends liked it. it's only incels and sjw's that are throwing a bitch fit (as usual).

Let me explain something to you IQ 50 bitch. If you tell the beginning and end of a story perfectly but cut out the middle which is the critical component showing how events proceeded from the beginning to the end it is a shit story.

Great so you sided with a 22 child that probably has not read a book in your life.

Either Arya or Sam were the. Most likely to kill the night King. With my money on Arya. It's literally her character development for 8 seasons retard. She is built up as a assassin and killer and was told for seasons she was going to kill high priority targets important to the story.

nobody is shocked about mad queen people here have been calling it for years we're just laughing at how shittily they executed on it

a story is a story
if you were sitting in the park and saw some mad stuff unfold then fell asleep half way through does that make it a shit tale? no fuck you nigger faggot

yeah if the story involved me falling asleep in the middle that's a pretty shit fucking story, by your logic any story is just fine with cutting out the middle act

It was a good visual spectacle, but a shit story.

the universe doesnt revolve around you girlyboy
other people saw the whole story, you just stupid

But it wasn't cut retard. Danny is a tyrant for seasons now. It was only a matter of time she went full mad king. Was was extremely unstable the past 3 episodes. What the fuck else you want?

Arya was built for 8 seasons to kill people. Do you expect no pay off? Don't be retarded.

you're so fucking stupid what kind of autism is this? so it would be okay if frodo just left the shire and then it jumpcut to them blowing the ring up at mount doom?


overhype the shit out of the night king for 2 seasons
overhype the shit out of the upcoming battle for a whole season
kills everyone interesting in a single season

kills the night king so easy
kills everyone in a matter of "right our budget is done kill them all and lets go eat some pasta"
yet again makes arya literally the GOT deadpool
dothraki dick eater conviently goes mad

They cut so much of the actual sequence of events that they had to compensate with illogical contrivances and plotholes all over the place to jump from where they were to where they needed to be.

Literal brainlette


yea if you only got an hour to show it, retard ass
fill in the gaps yourself use imiagination dont rely on being spoonfed trench brain low iq dog fucker

>Because Daenerys actions made no sense

Uhm what?

>best friends dead
>two dragons dead
>most of army dead
>north and south don't want her as queen
>Jon won't touch his aunti's froo froo
>two advisors keep going against her
>Crucified thousands of people
>executed a whole bunch of people
>destroyed at least three civilisations

Gee, I wonder what might have caused this?

Ahahahahahaha Ahahahaha

They were offered 10 episodes this season and 2 more seasons to fit in the content they removed. They had time, just not the narrative skill.


HOW MUCH MORE DO PEOPLE WANT? She was going to snap at any fucking moment. She was alone, not eating, in a panic, NOT seeing how she herself isn't a TYRANT, burned her fucking adviser alive.

How much fucking more development does she fucking need??? Brainlet retards.

>the post that triggered the retards


They got subverted for real and they don't like it. Not Rian SpaceBear Johnson style, but Haneke/Peckinpath

>DnD take a morally grey show and over the course of many seasons guide normies into picking protagonists and antagonists by layering tropes capitalizing on sjw stronk womyn/woke minority phenomenon
>Take violence committed by protagonist and apply Tarantino-esque coat of overcoming personal oppression. Yay strong Stark girls, murder your oppressors, feed Ramsey to the hounds, feed Frey's kids to him, slit Littlefinger's throat. Return the violence that has been wielded against you by your oppressors throughout the show. Makes it nice and easy to swallow. Top it off with Ninja Stronk Womyn Arya killing Night King in the most magical contrived far removed from real world sequence possible.
> Drive the audience literally root for slaughter of the people who stood in the way of the subtly established protagonists, then given them a full dose of what they want. Force them to look at mothers and children being burned alive for 20 minutes, "good" Northern soldiers raping and murdering women, honorable and disciplined unsullied murdering surrendered prisoners.
>Do much of this through the perspective of Jon and Arya who have been built up to be unstoppable badasses getting utterly crushed by the carnage around them. There's no going back to warrior or assassin from that. One dose of real world consequences of total war and they're utterly crushed morally.
>Normies can't turn away. They've been self-inserting into these characters, contemplating things from their perspective, weighing characters' decisions against their moral compass. Dany's a Strong Woman in a world of cruel men who can go over the line but tries to be just. They're conditioned to support her and the 20 minutes when they're experiencing extensions of themselves committing or witnessing unparalleled atrocities is absolute hell. Cognitive dissonance bombs are going off in their heads.

>>Jon snow didn't have an epic sword battle with night king
I'm okay with Arya killing NK but I would've wanted something more out of it.
For example
>Jon has a duel with NK
>They are surrounded by NK's lieutenants
>Jon's losing
>Camera is shaky and close-up, can't see background
>Suddenly NK gets penetrated by a knife from behind
>All lieutenants are already dead

Still a convenient asspull, but a much better one compared to what we were served.

Tyrants don't randomly start burning civilians.
>She was going to snap at any fucking moment.
Except she wasn't last episode. Then this episode she's suddenly completely absolutely bonkers! Everything must burn for no reason! Didn't see that one coming! Bravo D&D.

Aside from being a generic tyrant ruler occasionally there was no build up of her descent into madness, even her past killings were at least justified in comparatively complex dialogue over a number of episodes with constant themes (eg; I am.thr rightful heir, so I can kill my enemies).

Madness is not the same thing as being an overgrown angry child. Aside from 2 , maybe 3 of the last episodes this noticable decent did not happen, a longer psychologically explained undercurrent us needed for this. Burning tarlys and crucifying masters is very harsh, but not "madness".

They could have done some flashback thing or dialogue, like what they should have done for bran and the knight king, anything... Instead they have killed both as "let generic baddies" . It's fucking awful television writing and you all know it.

Pic related for more horrendous writing.

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They do if they are inbreed morons for generations all that all inherent crazy genes.

>yfw your beloved feminist character becomes Hitler and slaughters womens and children by thousands

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Yes but there aren't any normies here.

No one here disagrees with the above, merely its absolutely hamfisted execution.

Found the brainlet

>her closest friend dies
>lost 2 dragons
>everyone is scared of her
>everyone would rather talk to others than her
>her own advisors dont trust her
>Jon seems like a better ruler and the actual rightful heir
>has killed so many she has already Devalued life

What more fucking development do you retards need?

It's an allegory for Dresden, Hiroshima, Tokyo raid, actually thousands of battles/sackings throughout history where thousands to hundreds of thousands of people got murdered for no reason. Any side in a war can massacre people that don't deserve even the good guys. War is hell and if sanitize it into a good guys wrecking evil guys power trip you end up like Arya when dropped in the real world.

It's only the entire point of the fucking novels.

If you debate any of those plot points you are a retard.

Your mistake was watching this hot trash after the third season when it started to go off the rails.

The entire point of the novels is humans are a piece of shit and no one should rightfully rule. In my opinion.

Google 'sunset found her squatting'

It's Jaqen.

Of course she was. Jon revealing his heritage -> Jorah dying -> her sitting alone as the northerners swoon over Jon Snow -> getting denied by him -> Sansa -> dragon 2 and missandrei dead. Fucking Gilly would have snapped there.

That's a more clear and observable progression than 99% of psychotic breakdowns. Most mass murderers come out of nowhere compared to that. Did the guy who burned everyone alive in the terror seem insane in the preceding episodes? No one ever questioned his breakdown.

Moreso that there's no good guys in a war. If you believe you're the good guy and the other side is evil then you become Daenerys and your atrocities become justified to you. Pretty sure the novels are his 'nam protest pampthlet just like Star Wars was for Lucas.

Man you're fucking stupid huh. All of the things you mentioned don't advocate her suddenly flipping all her morals and killing all the women and children. She was basically a savior for 7 seasons.

The fact you have to fill this out and explain this proves my point. We're not reading books here, we are watching a show. All those things listed are true; but they aren't not properly flowing into the conclusion.

>Madness is not the same thing as being an overgrown angry child. Aside from 2 , maybe 3 of the last episodes this noticable decent did not happen, a longer psychologically explained undercurrent us needed for this. Burning tarlys and crucifying masters is very harsh, but not "madness".

Again, the bad things you discuss happening to her have happened in the last two. TWO episodes. Non of the pior suffering made her mad, if anything the whole writing has been "suffering has made her stronger" not "madder". Suddenly this changed with a few lines of dialogue with Jon.

The plot of her going mad is NOT bad, the rushed way it is done IS. The only retard here is you who doubles down instead of admitting it's rushed garbage from dumb and dumber.

>savior for 7 seasons
Do you really believe this or are you really a fucking retard????

Well the difference is that Dany's character arc has always been building to this whereas Jamie's hasn't. Of course a showfag like yourself wouldn't understand just how Dany poor and cruel of a ruler she has been everywhere she has conquered. Jamie has been building up resentment to Cersei and what he's been for years. Whatever the fuck happened to the valonqar?

Why does any of this mean she'd go on a rampage? She could also just ride into the sunset and disappear. Actually that would've made more sense.

If it was Viserys I can understand that he'd burn the city down.

even "normies" hate it huh?

why wouldn't anymore hate it?
this shitshow was the biggest disappointment on cinematic history

Deep seated femcel culture

obviously, but for some reason normies seem to hate this episode in particular even though its the best since hardhome

The hamfistedness is part of the reason it works. It's abrupt and unexpected, sort of how troops in Afghanistan or Iraq can finish playing videogames with each other (fantasy arya night king stab), then go on patrol into a village on enemy territory after and next thing you know they're gunning people down My Lai/Blackwater style because someone heard voices

>Probably inherited some money and fame from their jew parents.
This. They're totally talentless hacks.

She's been a tyrant for fucking seasons. If she was a grown man everyone would call him crazy. In the books she was 15 years old when sold she was a tyrant for a long ass fucking time. She literally had everything she needed to snap. The biggest part of her snapping is her being alone. No one wants to be around her.

Did you forget how she locked her dragons in a cave because they burnt a kid.

She showed extreme empathy to people who were subjugated by tyrants. Always wanting to save slaves and give them a home. Hell they even call her Mother.

But now in the span of 2 episodes the completely flips and turns all of it around. This is very shit writing and you are a faggot for defending it.

>this is how
How do we deal with the femcel problem lads

Did you forget that she didn't want to do that and valued her dragons more than the kid or are you stupid? She only did it because everyone told her to. She would have not done it herself.

>locked her dragons up
It wasn't her choice...

Are you blind?

>Again, the bad things you discuss happening to her have happened in the last two. TWO episodes. Non of the pior suffering made her mad, if anything the whole writing has been "suffering has made her stronger" not "madder". Suddenly this changed with a few lines of dialogue with Jon.

>The plot of her going mad is NOT bad, the rushed way it is done IS. The only retard here is you who doubles down instead of admitting it's rushed garbage from dumb and dumber

Again; burning tarlys and crusifying masters is not "madness".

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It's so weird because she literally could've just burned the soldiers, claiming that the surrender signal was a fake but it would be clear to the viewer that she was just satisfying her murderous impulses. Still stupid, but at least it would make sense. Now we have binary black and white options for the iron throne by turning her into the Scorcher of Peasants.

Dany was always foreshadowed to be a danger to the common people while Jaime was always foreshadowed to have a redemption ark.

For someone who values her dragons so much she doesn't really give them nearly as much attention as she's given other people. The two times her dragons have died she's been like "Damn lol that sucks".

Stop making up shit because it fits your narrative.

My problem with Arya killing the night king is more of an extension of a gripe about Arya as a whole after she returns from Essos. Arya isn't a particularly deep or complex character, the entertainment value from her chapters stems purely from the outrageous obstacles and suffering in her way, and how she either gets her teeth kicked in or evades danger and grows and matures directly in response to what she is overcoming. The problem is her training is all about subterfuge and lying to people. But the show breaks the chain by having it randomly translate into ANIMU SWORDGIRL. When the character's entire integrity relies on us seeing the path of evolution, breaking it leaves her as this ingenuine figure who feels hamfisted into any conflict she resolves.

Sansa is basically the same thing.

What do we do about the Danyfag question boys?

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She switched from that to wanting to be seen as the savior of the masses though

Hey retards BBC made an article agreeing with you that the show is shit! By the way the man is a retard.

Arya, Sansa and Bran still alive. The house Stark is a win

normies cant handle the fact tha war is hell

COCK!!!! BLACK!!!!!

Jon reuniting with Ghost just before being elected is one of the most heartwarming moments in the entire series.

>agreeing with you
Don't try to fit in, BBC femcel

This is a massive cope, you fucking retard.

There's probably a hundred people who snapped and murdered/maimed somebody today for far less than she did. She went through shit after shit after shit to lose everyone she cared about except Grey Worm and the final dragon. This is her one chance to get revenge on the world because the world has been out to get her since she was born and finally got her.

Fucking watch a mass shooting dissection or any cold case tv show.

B-b-b--b-but she has a history of mental illness in the family so that's not realistic!!!

you're one of them faggot

especially being force fed the notion at the expense of their favorite characters they've been bonding with for 10 years.

It's one thing to look at a battle you don't care about and nod that war is hell and a whole other thing when you're watching your "good guys" burn innocents alive.

It's a cop out for cheap shock factor. Everyone saying this episode is good is saying TLJ is good.


All niggers must hang.

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Because it unironically subverted their expectations. Once the shell cracked they realized the writing was shit for a while now.

keep up the good work.

lol they're not remotely the same. This episode was the entire point of the novels. War is hell, innocent unnoticed people suffer when heroic white nights fight forces of evil and we're gonna take these characters you believe are good and beat you over the head with them until you get it.

yea and what are you gona do about it

fuck off faggot, dany could have started flying around herself and they would have no problem with it.

NO last jedi is shit for its narrative and does bigger ass pulls.

The narrative 100% makes sense in this episode and only a retard won't like it.

But you really sound like a fucking brainlette, "HURRR IF THEY LIKE THIS THAT MEANS THEY LIKE THIS HUUUR"


weirdly I hated TLJ but actually liked this episode.

have a few cones and watch b5

>Man you're fucking stupid huh. All of the things you mentioned don't advocate her suddenly flipping all her morals and killing all the women and children. She was basically a savior for 7 seasons.

Saviour to who? That one episode when the slaves were all up her cunt for beating the masters? Later on they had a riot and the unsullied fucked them. She's being going on for ages how she feels nothing what fucking show have you been watching?

>I like epic twist hehe danyfags OWNED and PWNED, women are CRAZY and stupid like I have always said, this episode was EPIC because the sjws are totally OWNED.

How about I slash you up?

actually good taste, nice. Dont get fat tho

>How about I slash you up?

African confirmed

If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now.

>contrived shit has been happening for 3 seasons
Try 5-6

because they did my qt queen dirty by turning her into a 1d character (targ gonna targ, hurr durr coin flip) just so jon snow has a reason for killing her next ep.

it was poorly executed. Her descent to madness shouldve juts been after the battle start executing people. Not killing civilians. It shouldve got to the point where she tells jon shes gonna kill sansa and arya and bran and then he kills her. Its prob gonna happen the same way in ep6 but the overkill of civilians just wasnt necessary

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If you see it as a "epic twist" you are a retard. The entire narrative has pushed to this moment. I was talking to my wife saying, "I wonder when she is going to snap" when her 2nd dragon died.

Only a retard didn't see it coming.

Too bad the capman was too low of energy to make everything nice and fine.

You are literally a subhuman retard who thinks hamfisted foreshadowing in the intro can make up for rushed hack writing.

>it was poorly executed
So was the rest of the show hole, but you had no issue there.


Because their feminist power fantasy was destroyed, the righteous Kveen of immigrants and minorities became a genocidal maniac and not even in an interesting or convincing manner. She just snapped for plot convenience.

You are literally a subhuman who should have seen it coming since season 3

Everything about Dany's character is executed poorly.
Even in the otherwise steling season 1 she's the weak link.
Her character literally can't work without her internal perspective.

Should've been Davos instead of Arya. But dumb and dumber made him forget that he's from Flea bottom and seeing his city being decimated by his queen would have more impact then seeing in plot armor clad Arya stumble around.

Dany had this zoned-in look in the dinner table when the Nords paised Jon. Varys noticed this.

Maybe should have had more David Lynch-tier directing and hallucinations for proper effect.

A better twist is Jon turning heel and joins her in the killing spree.

Nah man, TLJ doesn't let me dab on the sjw le ebin style, this one does, so it's of course better. Now fuck off back to plebbit where your kind is wanted.

Yeah, you neitzher watched the episode nor TLJ let alone read on line of the books. Good to see that /tvpol/ is as alive as ever and bends itself backwards as long as it goes in the right direction.

>The narrative 100% makes sense in this episode and only a retard won't like it.
>says the tard who has to headcannon everything to make it fit

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All Targs a shit
No Targ deserves to live.

Normalfags only see characters as "good" or "bad" thanks to capeshit. Also sjw asshurt for some reason

>Arya and Hound are together in KL
>Go their seperate ways
>Arya heads off to "kill cersei xD"
>Hound find cersei and mountain immediately
>Arya goes on a big tour of kings landing running around arbitrarily
>Even jaime manages to work his way up to cersei from the Euron fight on the beach with 2 holes in him quicker than Arya can find the red keep

what the fuck was arya doing

>he didn't sere it since season 1
Christ, only fucking retards around here. No wonder you think this is good writing.

>D&D bait and switched SJWs and made them look exactly like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

it was fucking glorious, although I don't think it was intentional. I can only imagine watching the episode with a SJWesque brain.

HBO wnated to give them 2 more season of 10 episodes each. That would've been more then enough. Now you have her dacing the murderer of her father and being okay with it, only to snap three episodes later for not getting the dick and not killing those responsible for her pain, but fucking civilians of all people.

>No wonder you think this is good writing.

The guy conspired with the warlock steel her dragpns

>retard who didn't saw it coming doesn't understand his own posts
Not even suprised.

Nah, DD are master storytellers for btfoing sjw this hard. Don't forget to dab on them while going out.

>>retard who didn't saw it coming

>The epitome of a woman...

imagine watching character development of a female character and then writing this garbage. you are bitter about women for some reason, and I don't think we need to guess for very long why

Bingo. I personally stopped giving a shit about the show about Season 5. 20 good men bullshit was the final nail in the coffin for me. After that, I only watched it for the sake of seeing this dumbster fire burn out. Anyone who honestly is upset at this season should only blame themselves for not seeing the signs on the wall years ago.

Creating the series was a mistake.

They didn't they love this shit series
stop being NPC

You forgot to end your post with "Have sex"

i hate this season, but the scenes with Arya in the last episode were 10/10

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lmao you got owned

the other dragon

Everyone I know loved it.

Goddamn SJW normie want a beautiful, happy ending. Well fuck you bitches, this is GoT! I laugh so hard when Danny burn those pesky peasants. Really love this episode.

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you're one of them little faggot.

>200 IQ brain thought that it is quite a stupid plan to just rely on the dragon wiping out all ships and harpoons to kill dragons

>80 IQ brainlettes complain that dragon queen is now evil for no reason

Any videos of that normie pub that watches this show and then posts it online?

It would be interesting to see their reactions.

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she was always addicted to being cruel 'for good reasons' against 'evil people'

there was barely any namby pamby liberal/feminist pretense behind the thirst of power , blood, punishment, cruelty and subjugation. Even people at Nuremberg had less warnings of what was to come soon

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You just know they had to make sure to have tons of shots of the innocent civilians so people wouldn't YAAAAS QUEEN throughout the whole massacre.

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Nobody questions Bomber Dany

It’s elementary, my dear OP

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Because muh writing

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I've only seen the bit where Dany "goes mad" and they're all staring in disbelief. Would be interesting to see the difference between their reaction to Dany burning the defenseless Golden Company and this.

and when has anyone with a messiah complex ever gone down in history as a great and kind hero??

This isn't true at all, the whole reason she stayed in Mehreen was to be a good ruler, learn to rule and free more slaves. She already had her slave army and dragons by that point.

None of them can have children named Stark. House going extinct

Power corrupts everyone

>what the fuck was arya doing
Looking for her magic horse

The most based comment I have seen here in years

D&D wanted her to stumble around a city being attacked from the air for a while, so you feel bad for all the poor rebel chillens in Syria having barrel bombs dropped on them two years ago when they wrote it

You do realise Arya's dead, right? The white horse she rode off on was one of the dead ones from the front gate. It was supposed symbolise her journey into the afterlife.

good post, very much agree.

The shot of the Golden company captain getting slaughtered by the hordes was the last "yas queen slay" moment of the show, the directors brilliantly triggered the audience's Pavlovian trained brain just one last time before bringing it all down.


she's not mad. She decided to bring "fire and blood" because it became to her the only way to rule. I think she is more angry and enraged than mad.

>You do realise Arya's dead, right?
Not that poster, but the meaning of the scene is ambiguous. Christcuck symbolism in a fantasy realm, meaningless death, etc.

>Whatever the fuck happened to the valonqar?
What's the problem? Cersei died with her little brother's hands on her neck.

>You do realise Arya's dead, right?
The best option would be her to never be found, only rumors emerging.

How do they justify the HURR DANY EBIL TARG and not Jon the good boi? Is it the mudblood genes that absolve him of the genocidal tendencies?

gay cunt
John was raised to be decent

Well, the Qartheen were about to let them starve to death outside their walls.

ive seen it, theyre all cheering and hollering when the golden company and harry strickland die to retarded crayon tactics, despite doing literally nothing wrong

too kino to be true

Normies don't actually love Dany. They love women being strong leaders. "It's out of character!" is just code for "I wanted the woman to win!". I've been a Danyfag since season 1 and I thought her burning the city to the ground was badass. If she gets killed by her lover next episode, it would be a great tragic ending for her.

all jaimes character development in the earlier seasons was retroactively made pointless when they reverted him back to a pussy whipped bitch who goes to dorne and then the riverlands solely for shitcei so he can fuck her again
it was only the end of last season when he walked out he seemingly got the right idea to leave the crazy bitch, and then after fighting zombies for reasons he goes back to cuck mode
point being it was almost to be expected because they already ruined his character when he went on his shitty dorne escapade

>Normies hate it
>Therefore I love it
That's you. I'm just waiting for the day normies declare their love for oxygen so you can suffocate yourself. Give me a call when that happens.

If this is the reason you think people hate it, you're buying into narrative more than you realize.

> Euron & Jaime on the same beach

shit was stupid and useless

>arya's dead
she's literally in the next episode

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I concur, same reason more or less I keep up with star wars


You fool, that's just Jon seeing a ghostly image of her