Clinical psychologist Janina Scarlet says Game of Thrones has functioned as a kind of refuge for trauma survivors who were able to feel and establish a sense of connection with characters who endured suffering from physical disfigurement to the loss of multiple loved ones.
So Khaleesi's heel turn is particularly troubling for fans who might have felt a true sense of connection to her character following her epic story arc, which has seen Dany escape some awful circumstances to literally walk through fire, free the slaves, bring Dragons to the north and help rally the troops to defeat the Night King. She has basically been Abraham Lincoln, Hercules and Winston Churchill combined into one person riding a dragon.

Scarlet uses the term "parasocial relationship" to describe the bond a fan might form with a fictional character or celebrity.
>"Parasocial relationships can help fans to feel less alone in their mental health struggles, can inspire hope, and create a dialogue about trauma and recovery," Scarlet explained.
"Seeing a person who came from an abusive childhood, experienced violence, assault and tragedy can inspire many other trauma survivors, especially"

'Scarlet is also a self-proclaimed geek, author and creator of Superhero Therapy, which integrates beloved characters from comics, science fiction, fantasy and video games into certain types of therapy. Scarlet, who's based in San Diego, works with clients to identify their own skills and strengths using characters like Veronica Mars, who has a talent for detective work, as role models.'

>"For many fans, especially women, who might identify with Daenerys in terms of being a survivor, this sudden change can be both confusing and emotionally distressing. Such story arc can appear to take away from agency that many trauma survivors may develop through parasocial relationships."

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Other urls found in this thread:


'Scarlet agreed with countless fans on social media -- and everybody watching in my household -- that the Mother of Dragons' slaughter of thousands at King's Landing doesn't exactly jibe with the image of Daenerys Targaryen we've become familiar with from the good old, chain-breaking days in Meereen and beyond.'

'She's also concerned the depiction of extreme violence against a multitude of unnamed characters in "The Bells" could trigger fans.'
>"It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff, especially when writing storylines dealing with trauma, shock, and horror in order to be conscientious about the potential effects the particular episode or scene may have on the viewers."

Honking just became ringing

Based psychologist BTFO'ing DnD.

These people need to die off so humanity can progress.

psychology is a fucking meme science

More proof that women would act exactly how Daenerys did, and if anything she showed restraint compared to the people who project themselves onto her

>'She's also concerned the depiction of extreme violence against a multitude of unnamed characters in "The Bells" could trigger fans.'

Is television in general going to be banned because of snowflakes?

a "refuge for trauma survivors"

>>one of the most violent, bloody and traumatic shows on TV where the good guys are always fucked over and killed


But can she explain why anons like her after 7 seasons of bullying?



looking at pictures of women on twitter losing their shit has been so amazing it literally GAVE ME 10 MORE YEARS OF LIFE so I am sure I will live 90 or 100 years!

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D&D bait and switched SJWs and showed them to be the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>can't lead without male advisors telling her what to do
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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God I hope so.

Instead of letting this issue divide us and liking how the latest episode 'triggered the libs xDDDD' why can't we all just agree that our hate for this awful fucking ending is a chance to bring everyone together.

Now she has a personality

I watched all of GoT and this bitch is making it up. Dany was always screwing up everything she did, she was not a Mary Sue or some feminine Superhero destined for a perfect ending AND IT'S GATE OF THRONES, NOTHING IS PERFECT.

>It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff

hahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah what a loser

This is why women struggle to create great art.

>Superhero Therapy, which integrates beloved characters from comics, science fiction, fantasy and video games into certain types of therapy.
fucking bugmen

>Clinical psychologist
They misspelled child.

>>"It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff, especially when writing storylines dealing with trauma, shock, and horror in order to be conscientious about the potential effects the particular episode or scene may have on the viewers."
She says that as if authors D&D and Martin don't love fucking up their fans. Nothing like building up a character and have them take a tragic turn that rips out the hearts of your readers.

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Shouldn't this be empowering though? Like, "Look, I came from a defeated past, but now I am a literal dragon god who can accomplish anything at any cost."

But women are exactly like Daenerys. That's why they are so upset. Nobody likes to see their ugly projection turn evil. Liberal women want to allow hordes of brown people to come to our cities to rape and murder us. Liberalism will burn our cities to the ground. Millions of white children will die screaming. Being hit with this makes the uncomfortable

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>Janina Scarlet

Sounds like a porn actress.

Hopefully the re-election of trump is finally enough to drive these people to mass suicide

>the Mother of Dragons' slaughter of thousands at King's Landing doesn't exactly jibe with the image of Daenerys Targaryen we've become familiar with from the good old, chain-breaking days in Meereen and beyond

lol feminists can't admire or appreciate a flawed character, everyone has to be a Mary Sue

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mass suicide?? hell no I want to see them suffer on tv and have nervous breakdowns. a few can kill themselves. the only bad thing is that our ENTERTAINMENT industry is led by these fuckers so they will pour all their politics into it like they have done with star wars, comics and video games

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>it is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff

And there you have it, the modern racket. She's not suggesting this because she's an idiot, she's suggesting it to provide jobs for her failing work sector. Just like Diversity Consultants. Everyone wants a piece of the diversity pie.

>this shows not allowed to make an edgy and shocking move because its become too popular
Jesus christ

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If I say I have a parasocial relationship with anime characters can I get autismbux?


Why americans feel to need to identify any and all characters of fiction with an entire race, gender, minority, etc.?

A crazy woman character appears
>Noooo they're saying ALL women are crazy!

A white character kills a black character
>Noooo they're saying BLACK LIVES MATTER LESS

A black character kills a white character

How full of yourself you need to be and/or insecure to feel your identity and ideas attacked by every single thing you see on entertainment?

>Janina Scarlet
she also looks like one

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the obvious progression of this is that we get to a point where if writers make their characters behave in ways that upset viewers, the viewers are victims of abuse and have right to legal recourse against the creators, and potentially the characters (reparations from which would be supplied by the studio/network).

>show is chock-full of gratuitous murder, torture and rape that didn't even exist in the books
>"ahem pls trigger warn this particular episode"

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>Scarlet is also a self-proclaimed geek, author and creator of Superhero Therapy, which integrates beloved characters from comics, science fiction, fantasy and video games into certain types of therapy. Scarlet, who's based in San Diego, works with clients to identify their own skills and strengths using characters like Veronica Mars, who has a talent for detective work, as role models
What. The. Fuck. Am I reading.

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>she likes the genocidal, magic-supremacist, KKK-hat-wearing house

Women were a mistake.

It suddenly makes sense why they felt like Arya had to kill the Night King. They knew feminists were going to lose their shit over this Dany stuff and felt like they had to throw feminists a bone, hoping it would make up for it

Danyfags btfo like anybody with a brain knew they'd be. Make way for the one true Queen of Westeros.

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first psychology was used to separate religion from self help, and now psychology is being paired up with Marvel, Disney and other franchises. It's truly interesting to see how the city leftist professions like psychology will literally never go back to Logos, they will only descend further. I used to be a hardcore leftie, but I don't think the rest will ever awaken.

How fucking selfish do you have to be to force a show that's for a general audience to cater to your own needs? Go watch a show that's about female empowerment. Nothing wrong with that. But the world doesn't revolve around you.

Two reasons not to believe a word this cunt says.

>take a morally grey show and use tropes and le current year trends to gradually steer the audience into picking and rooting for protagonists over the course of 5 years.
>Make violence cool by framing it as Tarantino-esque expression of overcoming personal oppression. Yay strong Stark girls, murder your oppressors, feed Ramsey to the hounds, feed Frey's kids to him, slit Littlefinger's throat. Return the violence that has been wielded against you by your oppressors throughout the show.
> Have the audience literally rooting for slaughter of the people who stood in the way of the subtly established protagonists, then given them a full dose of what they want. Force them to look at mothers and children being burned alive for 20 minutes, "good" Northern soldiers raping and murdering women, honorable and disciplined unsullied murdering surrendered prisoners.
>Do much of this through the perspective of Jon and Arya who have been built up to be unstoppable badasses getting utterly crushed by the carnage around them. There's no going back to warrior or assassin from that.
>You can't turn away. You've been self-inserting into these characters, contemplating things from their perspective, weighing their decisions against your moral compass. You're a feminist, Dany's a Strong Woman in a world of cruel men who goes over the line (BECUZ ITS REALISTIC) but tries to be just. You're conditioned to support her
>People snap, cancel Dany, screech about white men, do ANYTHING not to feel disgusted with themselves and being tricked into letting their worst instincts take over. But ultimately the lesson that War is Hell even if you think you're on the side of the angels will seep in. Which really is what the entire series is about for better or worse.

Given the cultural saturation of GoT, is this the greatest subversive mindfuck ever pulled? Not Rian Johnson le Epic SpaceBear subversion, but legitimate Michael Haneke fool the audience into hating itself hypnosis level mental meltdown.

The only people posting the 'HAA TRIGGERED LIBZ HUR' posts are shitposters. Virtually everyone agrees that this season is fucking horrible


I'm genuinely worried about the infantilization of adults in 1st world countries


got fans are literal retards

You both obviously want to fuck your mothers

>is this the greatest subversive mindfuck ever pulled
Only if you're a literal retard who didn't read the very not-subtle hints of the past several years that were leading up to Dany wanting revenge on the people who killed her family.

>she unironically never realized that GoT was set-up to be a tragedy
bittersweet ending my ass. there's no coming back from the abysss for dany.

>that the Mother of Dragons' slaughter of thousands at King's Landing doesn't exactly jibe with the image of Daenerys Targaryen we've become familiar with
Have these idiots ignored the past three seasons of the show? What the fuck are they talking about

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And men get shit on for male power fantasies. Fucking bullshit.

HAHAH I love the pictures and video from that night.

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They already showed us northerners are unhonorable rapist murderers in the last episode so meh.

Highschool education forces you to consider all works of fiction as sets of themes, symbolts, and representations. Nothing is just "a character doing character things", it always symbolizes broader elements or is an allegory for something greater.

That, and people unhealthily identify with characters "literally me omg" so a character doing anything that isnt pure power fantasy feels like an attack on everyone that worships it.


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What the actual fuck is a 'french door refrigerator'?

This. Problem is too much media is just voyeuristic power fantasy so the plebs go crazy when it doesn't go that way.

>It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider hiring someone with my specific degrees and qualifications
Just can't fucking help themselves, can they?

>northerners are unhonorable rapist murderers in the last episode so meh
With Sansa on the throne they wouldn't dare. Dany lets her people run wild like disgusting animals, Sansa will install order and morals, like her father did.

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>but legitimate Michael Haneke fool the audience into hating itself hypnosis level mental meltdown

It would have been a fucking masterpiece of performance art if it had been done on purpose, but we all know D&D's writing skills or artistic integrity are up to the task. Jon's an Arya's nerfing from superhero-esque back to normal people were done only because it suited the plot, and Dany's actions were written that way only so that they could shock the audience (they've expressed numerous times that they are dumb fucks who think they are clever and like to shock people with unexpected moments) rather than because they want to showcase a morally gray lesson to the audience via a bait-and-switch.

I like your post though.

Two doors

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they were inferred from the books. they don't call him George Rape-Rape Martin for nothin'

Her views on them are still idealistic. John needs to order decimation to discipline them but I'm not sure he has it in him.

literally blame the jews - i.e. the Frankfurt school

So women self inserted as her and got BTFO

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>People trying to sue D&D forces HBO into bankruptcy, but not before they finally fucking finish Deadwood
Please, I can only get so erect.

Based Dany killing the plebs. Reminder that those were the plebs who slut shamed Cersei.

Look at how many people are freaking out lol. It's clear it worked insanely well even if you were too smrt for it

not really, qualitative data is still data

Yes, themes, symbols, representations. But no one seems to look past "is MY group being attacked?", "can *I* victimize over this?"

>"parasocial" relationship
I think they mean parasitic

>Her views on them are still idealistic. John needs to order decimation to discipline them but I'm not sure he has it in him.

Everyone was afraid of Stannis sacking the city and he is the sternest of disciplinarians. You can't control the soldiers during a sack. Command and control becomes next to impossible once the soldiers spread into the city and are angry about having to breach the walls. Not even Stannis would be able to stop it. Traditionally, a sack would last three days if the town refused to surrender and the attackers had to breach the walls.

>the only good episode in the season
>psychologists literally condemn it

That or imaginary.

Meh, much of Star Wars fell into place by accident as well. In a way the fact that prior sloppiness reinforces the effect makes it better. If Arya didn't become Mary Sue Ninja Wonder Girl her getting demolished into a scared little girl by the full on horrors of war wouldn't be as effective. Killing the night king vs watching women and children next to you get napalmed made for a great juxtaposition of self insert action figure hero fantasy and reality of war.

It probably followed GRRM's outline, he's very much about turning fantasy archetypes on their heads so people think about what's happening to all the commoners that get glossed over. And DnD may not be the greatest but they're not idiots, there's no way they did the most on the nose GRRM thing they could (here's what it looks like when your "bad guys" get destroyed by the "good guys" up close, enjoy the show) by accident.

respect. she mastered fighting on fucking dragons. she was always incompetent on dragons. this was legendary.

This is what women do, user. Have you never heard one of them, when hearing a song on the radio, say "this is my song"? Now, you may think they mean it in a general sense, but they actually mean it literally. Women who have nothing in life but the entertainment they consume, childless emcels for instance, are especially prone to this behavior.

nice take

she's trying to create an epoch. she must have unquestioned power and dominance. pax americana resulted from hiroshima and nagasaki. that is how the world works. they have to know you will kill anybody and anything at any time.

face it, heathen. mankind needs a god. dany knew this all along. by instinct.

>...women are just WaY ToO EmOtIoNaL to be leaders!
imagine not being able to understand why this is fucking hilarious

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Is fiction really supposed to be about messages now? Why can't people just create fucking stories. Jesus fucking Christ. I fucking hate these people. Nothing makes them happy.

Destroying everything you love makes them happy

Best episode of the past few seasons. I thought the show had gone to shit after all the sjw predictable crap then they pull this! Epic, it’s what I always liked about the show from the beginning the gritty rawness of it how things can just change all of a sudden and your favourite characters are either dead or now the bad guys

>"It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff, especially when writing storylines dealing with trauma, shock, and horror in order to be conscientious about the potential effects the particular episode or scene may have on the viewers"
And once Tv and movies are "fixed", what's next? Books? Are they going to start burning books again? I never thought I'd see shit like that in my lifetime. Fucking lunatics.

>show known for senseless slaughter, rape, vulgarity, brutal murder and anime plot armor
>refuge for damaged people

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But Abraham Lincoln didn't free the slaves because he wanted them to be free citizens. He wanted to ship them back to Africa and have nothing further to do with them. Then he got assassinated.

>When it's not the handsome white guy but the dopey hotwheels and white girl who are the rulers



what is this condition called ?

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Those common folk all cheered when Ned's head came off. They celebrated Robb getting murdered. They sat in the comfortable South while the Northerners held off a zombie army.

Fuck King's Landing and fuck the Lannisters. The North Remembers

I am convinced that out world is a parody of another, more sensible world. Embrace the absurd, anons.

good take

d&d isnt intellectually capable of this though

rage ate a pizza///// HAAHHAH no wonder these sjw cunts are always fat.
i will have her raped by my dothraki blood riders

did anyone tweet her "have sex" yet?



Let me guess she called the fans a bunch of incel racist, Islamaphobes?

Now we get GOT and capeshit in our psychology.

A clown world indeed...

>It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff,

Just fucking ban TV then.

Jesus I feel like im back at primary school being around modern "adults"

>Danyfags btfo like anybody with a brain knew they'd be. Make way for the one true Queen of Westeros.
It's Bran.

Buckle up, people are only going to get more autistic at this rate.

If Bran gets throne and not Sansa SJW are going to riot.

It's would be glorious.

>woman wants to bog down the creation of art with a bunch of bureaucratic nonsense
Imagine my shock


Didn't she fail at restraint a ton? Didn't she have to be reminded of restraint more often than naturally picking the right choice? Didn't she also lose an army, two dragons, her best friend, her best guy friend, all for people who don't give a single shit about her?

Why is it so hard to understand that a person would snap?

Have sex.

>self-proclaimed geek
in other words, attention whore

>If Bran gets throne and not Sansa SJW are going to riot.
He is. The leaks are 100% accurate up to this point, so salt prices are going to crash next Sunday.

this guy was the polar opposite of a larry stu, though... the first season was almost impossible to watch because of him (just my opinion, I know tons of people love this show, and I can understand why)

She is supposed to be a psychologist, yet she is not addressing the fact that viewers not being able to separate fiction from reality is unhealthy.


>people relate to fictional characters

More news at 11.

>She is supposed to be a psychologist, yet she is not addressing the fact that viewers not being able to separate fiction from reality is unhealthy.
She literally incorporates that shit into her therapy, even though most fictional characters aren't very realistic by design.

>I just rage-ate an entire pizza to prove my point. I hope you learned your lesson.

this is satire. it has to be.

Absolutely not. It's just been severely degraded by degenerate liberals (like all things).

I saw that leak too, and I just cannot understand how or why anyone would choose Bran. It's completely fucking out of left field. We* the viewers know Bran's story, but only a select others, and especially not the regular people

just because shes a psychologist doesnt mean shes a not a dumb cunt, she probably watched the show with phone in her hand and not paying attention lmao

These people are going to drop dead in 2020 when Trump wins reelection.

How long before these psychopaths truly run amok, lads? Is there enough time to go stock up at the grocery store?

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>believing in generationalist bullshit
>like every retard who gets old has done before them
>thousands of years of civilization
>i seriously...

If the commoners don't really give a shit, then the support of the lords is the only thing that matters.

And since the only intact houses are all in the North...

I completely understand. Few times in media does a TV show respond to a certain audience as heavily as Game of Thrones. Yesterday, I felt betrayed. Hurt. And almost made me want to give up on the show (but this would mean giving up 10 years of my lives)

The first season came around my Junior year of High School, and has shaped the way I viewed media as a young student to a college graduate I am today. My girlfriend feels the same way as I do. We actually started watching Big Little Lies instead, because Game Of Thrones is just that emotionally draining.

All these damaged, fragile, fucked up little bitches. Why Game of Thrones?
Why expect ANY kind of happy ending from this of all series?

You're pretty dumb.

>Game Of Thrones is just that emotionally draining
No shit. That's the point

>angry because a fictional character did something you don't like

how far can the clown train go

Don't have to stock up. They're self destructive. Their rage is impotent and internal. It's not like they're capable of organization or effective action. They just scream on social media and rage eat pizzas.

>My depression is a patriarchal, oppressive abuser.

my sides are abusers right now

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I'm also a clinical psychologist and everything she said is bullshit, a giant amount.

dumb bitch
hercules murdered his wife and children
he never has been any form of hero to those who know better/didnt learn of hercules through a disney cartoon

>rage eat pizzas
Mostly ice cream and chocolates.

they're obsessed with control to the point even fiction has to be according to their whims.

Back to plebbit you insufferable faggot.

based and redpilled

maybe you don't have access to the same pamphlets she does

what other curse words do redditors use?

you realize the "frankfurt school" conspiracy(and those other conspiracies like it e.g. the illuminati) is a tool zionists use to identify anti-zionists and then coalesce them into groups that then support anti-zionist movements that are actually zionist fronts, right?

This whole time you thought you were working against zionism, you've been playing into their hand the entire time.That's why I just mail my checks to Tel Aviv and save myself the trouble. Because, why would Zionists make the most obviously zionist nation actually be zionist? Therefore, it's actually Anti-Zionist. u retard lmaoo

Was it fahrenheit 451 where they had thehj TV shows where you voted on what happened, sounds like that's the way they want things, literal fanfiction

you're right, we got 50 years left, tops


Anyone who is not a child who wears a graphic tee gets the rope

Daenerys in the biggest special snowflake in the series, that gets away with some serious bullshit because of her plot armor. It's not surprising that other special snowflakes get triggered seeing her getting owned by reality she's unprepared to face and losing her shit.
Dany is actually a perfect metaphor of today's American youth.


Looks like a 40 year old heroin addict

I hope it's pronounced Juh-NIGH-nuh.

Toastie roastie.

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>women have higher average IQs than men

>Missandei dies because Cersei is a racist

I'm now imagining Cersei, Qyburn and the Mountain in KKK hoods lynching Missandei on top of the gate and it's the funniest shit

Sit down Tom, your thetans are flaring up.

>implying the average feminist does not enjoy seeing children being burned alive, white or not

>implying they care about other women


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>Misandry dies because of misogyny
It's like poetry.

>chain-breaking days in Meereen

Daenerys "Kill All The Masters" Targaryen

>establish a sense of connection with characters who endured suffering from physical disfigurement
hey now maisie cant help it

fiction is not reality, it will never be a 1:1 and it isn't meant to be.

It's perfectly normal to relate to characters, but you have to realize they are not real and that you shouldn't be taking it so personally if something bad happens to the character.

Of course it upsets you personally if you really relate to the character and grow to care about them, but it's just a fictional character and I highly doubt the author wrote it just to specifically piss you off like they know you personally.

I think there is a conversation that could be had about why an author decides to make certain decisions and how that could relate to misogyny, but just assuming is ridiculous. And even if he was a misogynist cunt, who gives a fuck? It's a fucking tv show. You are in far more trouble about the fact that you are looking at fictional stories to tell you how to live your life.

This is really prevalent now and it's honestly concerning to me. So many people are taking fiction so seriously and it's honestly hurting literature and art. I don't like it at all, but what to do about it?

Are they just bots? wtf?

I'm in the medical field (RN) and one of the many things I've learned is that the HCPs that go on TV to give a medical diagnose on someone or people involved with some hot topic are usually shitty hacks trying to make a quick buck and fame. Diagnosing someone takes a lot of assessments, history taking, and testing to accurately do. For her to imply that the majority of the fan fury comes from some sort of refugee for mental trauma... without even sitting down 1-on-1 with a lot of these people... Jesus Christ, what a hack.

Can't it just be simply that like with a lot of beloved characters; many people invest a lot of time and interest in these characters' stories and they want said characters to act in the established ways they approve of as well as have stories they find acceptable? Why the fuck does she need to hamfist the victim complex into this?

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>not really, qualitative data is still data
It literally isn't. It just muh feels and interpretation at that point and Literary studies tier

>Scarlet agreed with countless fans on social media -- and everybody watching in my household -- that the Mother of Dragons' slaughter of thousands at King's Landing doesn't exactly jibe with the image of Daenerys Targaryen we've become familiar with from the good old, chain-breaking days in Meereen and beyond.'


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I'm not even in the medical field and every time I see a "professional psychologist" show up on tv to give an opinion, I know they are a certified sellout and hack. It's just common sense that you can't diagnose someone unless knowing A LOT of things because every situation/person is different.

>pay a shrink to treat you
>proceed to tell you to watch a tv show
Clown world

How fucking entitled do you have to be to think that a project should bend over trying to appease to the way you see the world?

>It's just common sense

Apparently it's not because this shit keeps happening and seems to get enough attention to promote it to continue to happen.

Psychology is the practical study of human behavior and not a "meme" in any way.
Often people refer to psychiatry and the pseudoscience Freud and Jung popularized as "psychology" but that just shows ignorance on their part.

>Psychologists are now talking about parasocial relationships as a good thing
Every day we stray further from God’s light

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Showfags can burn in their own feces I don't give a fuck, only a brainlet would predict "game of thrones" would have a happy ending that didn't include the entire cast dying or succumbing to what everyone does. This episode has the same consistency with the rest of the season I don't think anyone doubts that.

This episode just keeps getting better and better. All hail Queen of Fire.

>mops floors in a hospital
>claims to be in the medical field

>really says a lot
Yeah, it says everyone - yourself excluded - realizes how irrational your attachment to the character is.

>and seems to get enough attention

This might blow your mind, but a lot of what you see on tv or social media is overblown to be made out to be a big deal when most of the actual world who doesn't live on social media/glued to the tv/computer give zero fucks.

I just gave you an example with myself. I watch that shit too, but I know it's fake and dumb as shit. Are you just assuming everyone who watches that stuff can't see through the bullshit?

>whites can't help people

No fuck off. This episode was the least bad one since season 5. These people hate the show for the wrong reasons ans they’re still why it went to shit to begin with

its just a fucking tv show holy fuck

do these people literally have no lifes outside of complaining about shit

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>>the Mother of Dragons' slaughter of thousands at King's Landing doesn't exactly jibe with the image of Daenerys Targaryen we've become familiar with from the good old, chain-breaking days in Meereen and beyond
It really isn't the same as when she killed everyone in Qarth and Mereen

A psychologist doling out escapism.... what could go wrong?

>do these people literally have no lifes

Probably. They also just want attention, and social media is like an instant way to get attention or "validation" if you tweet stupid enough or recently "woke enough" stuff.

I'm convinced at least 50% of people who get so "outraged" on social media don't actually care and are only doing it for clicks. I've seen numerous isolated cases of people moving onto something a day or week later when the last week they were acting like they were going to die about their previous obsession.

>this misogynist show based on misogynist books that has been on for 8 misogynist seasons did a thing that triggered me, so I'd like to welcome y'all to my TED talk.

no, they don't.

Attached: lesbianism is rape.png (573x357, 31K)

>Abraham Lincoln, Hercules and Winston Churchill combined into one person
And then she went and did what Churchill did, so what’s the problem?

This type of internet hyperbole extends beyond TV shows and entertainment. It whips up a whirlwind of fear and paranoia that leads to doxing, lawsuits and even real life physical violence. Cyberbullying and death threats most times are taken with a grain of salt. But cyberstalking and defamation have quite literally led to job loss and all kinds of other misery. These petty squabbles on social media tend to snowball when left unchecked, and big corporations do their best to enable this attitude for clicks and likes, rather than aim to keep the peace. Journalists even more so. It's all a mess, and it will get worse as long as people like you continue to pretend it doesn't exist.

Mate, remember Freud
It was a poisoned well from the get-go.

They latch onto whatever is popular like parasites and try to feed off the attention.

>durr this fearmongering is bad!
>proceeds to fearmonger

Most of the extreme cases like doxxing you talk about are still pretty rare and it's pretty tame to me considering how many fucking people are on the internet that only a small percentage are actually engaging in this behavior publicly.

Humans are fucked up and will hurt others. More news at 11.

I hope they eat each other. I don't have to worry about it because I'm not a fucking brainlet like you who posts on or worries about social media. Like, just don't post on twitter dumb bitch.

Don't guys, especially white guys, have parasocial relationships with comic book superheroes, at least before they started becoming SJW superheroes?

I'm going to stop listening to any further crap that's going to come out in regards to the Zionists. They may be Zionists, but they're not Zionists for religious reasons. They cannot support any organization like that. Just because there might be a faction who supports Zionism, doesn't mean they don't have an agenda. They could be pushing a similar agenda in regards to Islam, but I refuse to believe the religious side is pushing that agenda.


The sad part is that she's completely right.
Martin is a talentless hack.

When that ignorance is practiced on multiple large universities, you can't really keep using the excuse.

>not a "meme" in any way.
Replication crisis
Also, where are ANY actual verifiable models of literally anything? Imagine physics being on the same level psych is today. It would be calling lightning a "Tesla-Edison Flash Phenomenon" and produce countless papers on how the phenomenon MAYBE might happen, sometimes. Somehow. For not sure what reasons and can't actually measure to what extent. But hey, we've observed it and gave it a fancy name so it's Science(TM)!

Why do I find reactions of guys in Burlington bar videos so unnatural and weird?

>dude literally giving the middle finger to on-screen characters
>mouth wide open during scenes
>weird fucking gesticulations all the time

I know that they know they're being filmed, so there's that. But still, I feel like there's something else wrong with them beside being turbo-hipsters.

Freudian "psychology" isn't taught seriously in any reputable universities.
Give it up. Television is not reality.

behaviorism has literally a century of experimental demonstrations of functional relations.

This has to be a meme account like Titania McGrath

Attached: MFW roasties BTFO.jpg (704x818, 106K)

social psychology, sure but no one actually listens to that shit. other branches of psych aren't invested in trying to push weirdo agendas in the way social psychology is

'Scarlet is also a self-proclaimed geek, author and creator of Superhero Therapy, which integrates beloved characters from comics, science fiction, fantasy and video games into certain types of therapy.

jesus fucking christ

how fucking weak are these people?

>GOT is a mental playground for nutjobs

Sounds about right

in all the handwringing and clickbait articles over the last 24 hours, has anyone provided any sort of clinical explanation as to what exactly made Dany look so fucking hot during the bell ringing scene?

And its completely ignored in favor of pseudoscience.

Jordan Peterson was literally professor psychology in harvard and he literally don't know anything (even foucault or subjects on psychiatry) except Jung.
What the fuck are you talking about

just like physics, biology, astronomy, and math

These people have pozzed their own souls out of existence.

Attached: these are the people calling others Nazis and incels.jpg (854x480, 365K)

call her a seething incel.

we find emotionally vulnerable women hot because they are easy to woo and will often bond much tighter

The rare occasion when a cosplayer not fat enough.

On the female IQ tests maybe

Calling behaviorism as psychology is as same as calling neuroscience as Philosophy of mind. It is very different field.

My man on the left having a big think there.

>conspiracy theory

You know it existed and was incredibly wide-spread in the 60s yes? People these days dont need to read Adorno, they get taught by people that did.

>looking to game of thrones to treat your trauma
>a show where main characters are maimed, killed and raped

sounds about right
emilia did a hell of a job conveying that vulnerability
never knew she had it in her

Jungs ideas are actually pretty well rooted in evolution theory and the study of human social behaviour.

Freud meanwhile is Philosophy at best.

>tfw no more pictures with food after tonight

Attached: oh noooo.png (444x143, 11K)

Of course next to Freud anyone, even Jung seems like a genius.
Historically relevant at least.

>multiple rapes
>a show where a prostitute gets bludgeoned to death with a chair leg
>a guy gets his eyes gouged out
>a child gets nailed to a wall
>a child gets burned alive
>a child gets thrown out a window
>a child gets poisoned
>someone is left to die in a dungeon
>someone is flayed alive
>someone is eaten by dogs
>someone stripped naked and sexually assaulted
>hundreds of people get blown up
>hundreds of people get crucified
A "REFUGE". This proves the trigger shit is complete b/s and only happens when its something they hate

Attached: 1524781697426.jpg (775x643, 44K)

As entitled as Dany

>JuNgS iDeAs ArE aCtUaLly PrEtTy WeLl RoOtEd

>my boyfriend had sex with me once when i wasn't in the mood which made me feel powerless and worthless for a decade until i "met" dany who had the same thing happen with drogo but she became the messiah as a result and it makes me feel special like the messiah too because i'm literally dany

>pre 2019
>make shit writing
>claim you're racist if you say it's shitty

>make shit writing
>you're a cuck and sjw if you say it's shitty

Truly the biggest subversion

Imagine western art & entertainment if these people get their way.

Haters can hate, but I still believe in Sigmund.

Everyone might say he's a joke, but he has an explanation for why contemporary slang is obsessed with the word "ass," for example; it's because most people never get past what he identified as the anal stage of child psychological development.

Attached: sigmund-freud+.jpg (220x299, 12K)

ill mop the floors with your brains, kiddo

*unzips scalpel*

need more twitter screencaps. I also want to increase my lifespan like that other user

>"It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff, especially when writing storylines dealing with trauma, shock, and horror in order to be conscientious about the potential effects the particular episode or scene may have on the viewers."

Attached: 23658925_10155214440473753_5662708644792323127_n.jpg (300x222, 10K)

BTFOing sjw always puts you on /tvpol/s good side.

the entirety of modern intelligentsia is just one massive fucking circle jerk

that's like 25% of psychology. other shit like perception and cognition and neuroscience is very rigorous.

>hundreds people get crushed under cars
>hundreds people get shot and killed by guns
>hundreds people get burned alive by the fire in their houses
>several people have been burned alive at the stake
>a man is forced to watch his wife and children tortured
>a man has sex with his sister
>a man has to lick a corpse
>many people die from hunger
>a woman is stoned to death by the authorities
>hundreds of people get beaten to death by their families
>a thousand people are thrown into jail and burned in effigies
>a dozen people are stabbed to death
>a hundred thousand people burn and loot houses at night
>hundreds starve
>200 people are shot dead by armed forces
>a number of women are raped by local tribesmen
>a woman is executed by religious authorities
>a huge fire destroys the market of a large city
>hundreds of Christians are massacred in the name of Islam
>200 people get killed by Muslims in the name of Islam

we're going full steam into the dark ages of cinema and filmmaking boys

Gee, I wonder who in particular she wants these people to hire as their consultant. This kind of blatant self promotion is embarrassing.

>he doesn't want to btfo sjw
What a fucking cuck you are, holy shit, piss off back to plebbit.

Your girlfriend cucks you on the reg faggot

Attached: i voted for khaleesi.jpg (827x492, 150K)

>that photo
these are the "people" calling you incel, Jesus Christ

I know it's incredibly foolish to fall in love with a whore, but I LOVE THIS WHORE.

Should I laugh or should I cry? I think I'll just laugh.

Attached: 1500496640463.png (474x311, 151K)

Every major blockbuster or tv series from now its gonna be like the MCU, basically so shallow and inoffensive and packaged for a generation of children who can't separate fiction from reality.


More like 99%. Neuromeme has potential but it's mostly bullshit currently and has little to no application in current practices outside pharmacology and even less in clinical psychology

>>too smrt for it
>baseline intelligence and comprehension of story
>this means DnD are epic performance artists or some shit
you have to go back

This guy gets it. It's the same shit as the Apu controversy on a larger scale. When the guy who did the documentary says it should be an Indian voicing him, what he means is it should be him

ah ok so you have literally no idea what you're talking about

You know it is not 25% when one of the most authoritative person in social psychology admits meta analysis is one total bullshit

no u

ahahah how HIGH do you even have TO BE to even write something like that?

>go with handsome white guy who was "born right"

Completely ignoring the fact that her womyn hero his born as "fire resistant, powerful beasts falling into your lap because of vagina" person

One of my majors in college was a "studies" degree. I wish I could drag the profs and admins who prop that shit up out into the street and shoot them in the head on a livestream.

Attached: GoT final season redpilling normies.png (579x433, 50K)

>She has basically been Abraham Lincoln, Hercules and Winston Churchill combined into one person

None of these persons were ever heroes. Not even Hercules. What the fuck has journalism come to?

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Literal suicide watch, I love it

ahaha this fucking timeline man, I can't believe it.

>I just rage-ate an entire pizza to prove my
point. I hope you learned your lesson.

This can't be real.

Attached: butter at home.jpg (528x360, 37K)

Attached: Bugmen Wars The Soy Awakens.jpg (554x554, 50K)

>Liked GoT all the way up until now
>Thinks show-Dany was a good, well-built character who made sense up until now
>Thinks her opinion on what constitutes "Good storytelling" is even remotely valid

I think Freud's work says a lot more about Freud than it does about the human condition.

>social psychology, sure but no one actually listens to that shit.
>Scarlet uses the term "parasocial relationship"
>trauma survivors may develop through parasocial relationships

>look at the term "parasocial relationship"
>literally made by two sociologists
>only concerns in social psychology

Attached: f5a.png (600x526, 200K)

They hate seeing their nature being exposed as anything other than perfect and worthy of everyone bending over to praise them.

>There will no doubt be a lot of ink spilled over this development as fans and critics digest what may very well be the final major twist in a television show a decade in the making and 25 years in the writing. In the end, author George R.R. Martin’s story is in part that of a woman who spent her entire life training and studying to one day become the leader of Westeros, only to become someone the country’s elites deem “too dangerous” to be allowed to take power. It looks increasingly likely that the savior of the country will be a man who knows almost nothing about ruling it. Even knowing this is based on an ending Martin had plotted out decades ago, the shades of the 2016 election are too hard to ignore.

>The “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels and the “Game of Thrones” adaptation both appeal in part because of their anti-patriarchal themes. But the idea that toxic masculinity hurts everyone has always existed in contrast to a production and writing team comprised almost exclusively of white men. (The show has had an all-male writing and directing team from season five onward.)

>Unlike in the show, the novels describes many of the biggest surprises from the character’s viewpoint. In this first-person perspective, the events make more sense. Ned believes the world is honorable. Catelyn and Robb believe their allies have their backs. Losing that connection is a mistake. Daenerys would almost certainly have been better served by being able to narrate her own thought process ahead of her apparent moment of madness. Instead, bells rang and a woman who had been hanging by a thread, driven to the brink by a patriarchy that does not want her, snapped.

NBC news.

>And once Tv and movies are "fixed", what's next? Books?

Your brain.

RN's officially on blast

>Jungs ideas are actually pretty well rooted in evolution theory

So basically they are bunk to start with.

The best thing that can be said about Jungian psychology is that it is only slightly damaging when used to treat psychological disorders, unlike Freudian psychoanalysis, which is terribly damaging.

Is this one of those kino episodes that only men can understand?

>power fantasy
the show has never been a power fantasy
do these retards even watch the show? almost every powerful character has died

clown world indeed
it never ceases to be jarring no matter how much I think I've come to terms with "the new normal"


>Psychology is the practical study of human behavior and not a "meme" in any way.
Friendly reminder that serious, reputable universities had "Parapsychology" departments all the way up to the 1980.
LIterally studying ESP, reincarnation and astral-projection as though they were a real and relevant aspect of Psychology.
The dicipline isn't even close to being reformed into a proper science.

too bad none of that character development means shit once reality ensues, she realizes Westeros gives no fucks about "stronk wite womyn freeing the exploited brown people," and those incest genes start kicking in

ring ring

>leftists crying for muh wiminz model
What part of Daenerys snapping and torching KL is due to her being a woman ? She's been betrayed, rejected and turning paranoid.
Just like her old man, incidentally.

Jesus, do these people think with their vaginas or what?

Not saying he was a scientist but at least he looked at science and drew conclusions from that which is pretty much the only thing you can do when it comes to the human psyche.

Honestly she's not wrong

>a caricature of a white racist kills le innocent black man
>just ignore this goyim!

Its tribalism.

A woman on screen represents ALL women.

That screenshot shows exactly why Martin is quite talented, he;s only talentless if you're female

That's correct, psychology only really started to emerge as a real science in the 70's through 90's. However only the projects that focused on real life observations produced results.

god i love the onions boy meme

>a woman who spent her entire life training and studying to one day become the leader of Westeros
lmao the only thing she did was get raped by a biker and ask men for help
in what season does she join politic science college?

>t. C- stem student who's "really good at pattern recognition"

She is wrong if she seeks mysogyny in a story thats whole premise is exploring moral relativism.

Penis envy explains this latest era of feminism to a tee.

Really want to see all the traitors executed next episode.

Execute Brann
Execute Sam and his kid (to finish his bloodline)
Execute John
Execute Sansa
Execute Arya
Burn the northern armies and lay waste to Winterfell for their leaders treachery
Execute Tyrion

Live happily ever after

psychiatry is the science of physiological phenomena that can be demonstrated and proven

psychology is the fluffy pseudoscience where people get ripped off to talk about muh feels


jesus fucking christ

She was always a heel. She's killed people just for calling her names. And she insulted them until they said they'd punish her and only then when she had the result she wanted did she kill them to justify her insults and behavior. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and what she thinks she's owed.

make sure to tune in sunday
you wouldn't want to miss Dany getting penetrated by Jon on last time

Separating the study of the human mind from its occult roots in the first place was a mistake. Indeed psychology should be thought of as "spirit science".

Lmao people actually pay this quack for this psycho babble bs
I hate (psychology)


Did you just type that out and think "yep that sounds smart".
Well I have news for you buddy, it sounds absolutely fucking retarded.

Patchman, is that you?

Attached: PPSqPic.png (275x275, 98K)

That's what happens when living is too easy

wow, just imagine if this were a matter of opinions, your post might actually have some value!

Psycholgists and psychartrists are hacks and pseudo-intellectuals which has been proven by a german con artist.(postman who larped as the chief psychatric of a clinic for 10 years)

At least this one has read the books. A lot of journos acted as if this episode pissed on GRRM's 'heroine' when they've clearly read nothing. Yes she's better written, but Daenerys is clearly being set up to be insane in ASOIAF

It's the same when these retards were angry about the Jaime-Cersei or Sansa-Ramsay rape. If the show is 'misogynistic', so are the books. And actually there are tons of rape scenes in the books that aren't in the show

Are you fucking retarded?
When exactly was psychology "Pure and untainted" by liberals?
Before the 80s when reading fucking tea-leaves and speaking to ghosts was still considered to be a proper aspect of Psychology?

>best argument you can come up with is "u r dum"

Unearned Power
Single Mother of non biological dragons
An honorable man bending the knee to you and loves you

but who was become hysteric lunatic?

>"It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff"

Attached: 1536633413987.png (541x498, 463K)

What utter nonsense.

I bet roasties are complaining about 100 of hours of emotional labor invested only to get back stabbed.

Are they going to sue HBO and Rape Rape Martin?

Is this emotional assault?
Is this actual rape?

Roasties BTFO eternally

I am not aware of who that is.

I like to think that I am easily far better than this woman for not going on Twitter and complaining about my worldview not being applied onto fiction for likes and retweets.

>bemoans stereotypes about hysteria
>proceeds to display hysteria over a tv show

>You can't control the soldiers during a sack. Command and control becomes next to impossible once the soldiers spread into the city and are angry about having to breach the walls.
That's why you need good officers, to keep man in line everytime

Attached: 356189-sepik.jpg (1280x773, 476K)

Book Dany is someone who means well but who rules entirely based on her emotions, to disastrous consequences, everything she touches falls apart because she doesn't really know what she's doing.
All she needs is enough pushing for those emotions to turn grim and there's no limit to the attrocities she'll commit.

it's exactly the fucking same, she was a psycho from the start, she just got aimed at people that a modern viewer would see as terrible, thereby giving a false sense of heroism

>>"It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff, especially when writing storylines dealing with trauma, shock, and horror in order to be conscientious about the potential effects the particular episode or scene may have on the viewers."
It legitimately scares me that this viewpoint could possibly become popular in our clownworld society. This is how you kill entertainment media.

>Scarlet is also a self-proclaimed geek

A wacko who runs a Youtube channel called "Spirit Science" where he talks about chakras, speaking to extra-dimensional gods with telepathy and jews being from space.

>When exactly was psychology "Pure and untainted" by liberals?
When it was still called alchemy.

In what possible way is alchemy the predecesor to Psychology?

>hours of emotional labor
I hope someday we get to see the professors who made this shit up get massacred in the streets

So... kinda what Dany did in the episode. And they still claim it didn´t fit her character ":D"

Reminder that psychology is a meme field with weak scientific basis

>She has basically been Abraham Lincoln, Hercules and Winston Churchill combined into one person riding a dragon.

Attached: cuck.gif (276x360, 3.5M)

>Even knowing this is based on an ending Martin had plotted out decades ago, the shades of the 2016 election are too hard to ignore.
>the shades of the 2016 election are too hard to ignore.

Why. Why is everything about orange man bad. Why does it need to be tied to that. It has nothing to do wit-

>woman who spent her entire life training and studying to one day become the leader of Westeros, only to become someone the country’s elites deem “too dangerous” to be allowed to take power. It looks increasingly likely that the savior of the country will be a man who knows almost nothing about ruling it.


Jesus H. Christ, these people are actually fucked in the head

At its core alchemy is the study of human soul and psyche. The proto-chemistry aspect of alchemy makes lots of people get the wrong idea about it but it's a spiritual tradition first and foremost with the ultimate goal of perfecting the human soul.

>Oh really? No one's ever really gone? Has anyone really been, if you think about it, far even as decided to use? Even go want to do look more like, for that matter

Attached: 155125.jpg (1000x1000, 114K)

>The “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels and the “Game of Thrones” adaptation both appeal in part because of their anti-patriarchal themes. But the idea that toxic masculinity hurts everyone has always existed in contrast to a production and writing team comprised almost exclusively of white men.

Attached: 1554443036403.gif (360x360, 1.5M)

>these "people" actually believe the solution to patriachy would be a female Dictator.

>>"It is my hope that in the future, writers of television and films will consider having cultural and/or mental health consultants on staff, especially when writing storylines dealing with trauma, shock, and horror in order to be conscientious about the potential effects the particular episode or scene may have on the viewers."
Could ANYTHING be more antithetical to art?
As if suits don't have enough fucking power in the artistic process.

Fuck. Now I have to go watch some Violet Monroe scenes.

Still miles ahead of sociology and social science. That shit isn't even science.

While many psychology field drift into that shit, much of psychology is in the real of real sciences like biology and chemistry.

(Though certainly there are plenty of quacks looking to make a buck and get media attention like the psychologist in this article. )

Maybe when she was younger, but she was way used up by the time I got in there.

What are they wrong about?

The slut shaming was purely for sexual. Don't tell me it didn't move a little bit, user...

>Dany escape some awful circumstances to literally walk through fire,
Yeah, the fires she stared to kill people with.

>free the slaves

With no plan to transition them into paid employment, just expecting an ancient civilisation to deal with it.

>bring Dragons to the north
Eat everyone's food and scare the shit out of women and kids at a sensitive time

She's a crank

>[my character] is supposed to win
Please fuck off

>mfw my character is Bran

Attached: 124354233463546.jpg (484x363, 26K)

I punched my dick because it was inappropriate.

>things are the same as they always were and always will be!

I wouldn’t mind Slytherin-in that if you catch my drift