>5 years
>5 years
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that anyone that whines about girls is literally a homosexual cant cope and they're just going to do whatever they can to justify why they're whining about girls.
>ignore this series turning to shit
k bro
enjoyed this ep as much as the first one
Legit the worst bait i've seen in these threads.
the poem in the beginning
Did he actually die 5 years later?
What did he mean by this?
How is it bait bringing up rational criticism of a series?
He wanted a dirty glass that hadn't been washed with contaminated water
No, he died 4 years later.
he wanted the glass that was just washed and not one that has been sitting on a shelf collecting radioactive dust all day
only people saying bro in 2019 are Russian shills prove me wrong
I watched both episodes tonight, just finished.
So what happened with those 3 volunteers at the end? doesn't look so good for them
I think so, yes. Within 5 years at least.
You'll find out next episode, my dude.
Imdb, has episode 2 at a 9.8,the show is currently ranking as one of the best series of all time.
4 years later
>rational criticism
They explained at the end the character is there as an avatar for the many other scientists that were trying to figure shit out
You might hate that it's a woman but to criticise their shortening of a hundred scientists figuring shit out montage is absurd
well, which is it?
I thought the last scene was scary as shit
well you just said it...
>tfw comfykino is back
i guess the glass is recently washed?
is this show getting too sad to meme?
The non contaminated water
Look at this son of a whore
>watching kino with your dick
user, that's pathetic, stop.
Not watching until tonight
>no spoilers
Someone could have left it there and the water dribbled down the glass onto the napkin?
its when things are sad that we need memes the most
>no u
"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"
yeah they're dead. Completely lost in the pitch blackness with radioactivity / EMP strong enough to destroy their flashlights
I'm pretty sure I'm wrong
what did he die of?
The only thing I've seen with worse neurosis then you niggers crying about women being in this are niggers crying about racism everywhere
>i am but simple proletariat comrade. following orders to leave this place
just proving you wrong and pointing out the ridiculousness of your argument. don't take it personal... bro.
might tune in to this show
what am i in for?
I was talking about 2nd post ITT made by the waifu virgin.
I hate that dumpy Belarusian cunt's face so much
Anything we should be worrying about Yea Forums?
In real life two are still living, one died of a heart attack about 10 years after this.
No, we're good
about 3.6 roentgens per hour.
love this method of shitposting.
It's a stupid detail since the water would not get contaminated yet because it was pumped from the ground that the molten reactor hasn't reached yet. For the surface water to get to the pipes it would take month to get to the water system.
kino that you didn't ask for but you deserved to have
then gtfo this thread, because I'm not spoiler tagging shit for your slow ass
leftist propaganda.
That's actually significant
user; you're picture sucks.
About 3.6 roentgens
Not good, but not horrible
Again lying. The complaint is that it's an omniscient saviour and not that it's a woman or a composite. Having one person know everything is bad because the central problem is the compartmentalization of information.
that's literally what you're doing though virgin. I watch shows from a production and writing background and perspective. You culture wars sjw virginal-justification shit for fags that you do is your own cancer.
You're delusional go to the infirmary.
no thanks sweetie
you seem super mad though. That's cool I guess....
Excellent atmosphere
Real life horror with no superheroes to save the day
Mostly accurate
>get accused of being a Russian shill
>say no u
seriously how much do they pay you to be a homosex on a taiwanese basketweaving picture forum?
If it was a snarky condescending male know it all I'd hate it too. Prove me wrong.
cope, nigger
>Again lying
Did you watch the part where the guy explained that's exactly what I said?
>Having one person know everything is bad because the central problem is the compartmentalization of information.
I get that, but it's done to shorten time to explain and show the audience.
What did he mean by this?
So do you have an actual response, or just memes? Didn't think so.
>you guys trust me I'm actually a real Hollywood person
>you guys are all stupid virgins and your complaints about forced details and flubbed background are by fiat actualy complaints about women existing
lol nope
will Jared Harris finally get his oscar?
so why didn't they take his word that the reactor was gone at the beginning of ep 2?
when is this scene?
>the work of hundreds of scientists is embodied in the show by one woman and a dumbass white male who does nothing
i get it, shows have budgets. it's still hackneyed though
>everyone i disagree with is a shill
k bro
Response to what? I wanted to know how much you're getting paid because I'm currently unemployed and could use a job. How do I get into the racket?
That's one of the trolls. His "point" is that Russia somehow doesn't want us to know about this, which is laughable. He also "knows" that anyone who disagrees with him is a Russian.
Good comrade, although my kinometer only goes up to 10...
No one knows, but he died in Moscow. The problem is that the high-ranking people's deaths in Soviet were always under TOP SECRET tag.
reminder that the only people saying bro in 2019 are literally Russian shills prove me wrong LOL
based. why do people not understand this?
>Is wrong about something that happened IRL and is easily researchable
oh no no no
I don't like the strong womyn scientist character who butts into the situation from 400km away and is suddenly able to talk back to and interrupt ranking 1980s Soviet government officials without getting slapped in the face. She is a very obviously forced character.
The rest of the show is great though
But maybe it would then be an example of panic.
Well Episode 2 webms will be coming shortly
need a 4 million xrays meme where the firefighter is holding the graphite
Because he most likely went from the roof straight to the hospital.
I thought the doctor/nurse scene about the iodine was great. Your disbelief is exactly what makes the scene effective. “If one of the top doctors here is this unprepared, imagine how unprepared everyone else must be”.
Anyway the show is really good so far
tldr keep crying about your virginity tho we get it you'll literally ALWAYS be in these threads like you're getting paid or something!
>ulana khomyuk is not a real person.
so why even include her? Yes give credit to some non existent woman instead of the actual people who deserve it. This isn't a fucking fantasy series, so why even do this shit? Fucking christ i hate this sjw era shit.
First episode is kino as fuck and provides tons of fresh memes
Second episode attracts total spergs whining about Nothing because they see everyone having fun and can't make oc
This is what happens larry
>tfw i ruined this thread in the 2nd post
nothing personel, 4channel.
Every nurse Iodinya poster is posting with their dick.
Because the one guy's method is to ignore people and then reiterate refuted claims.
>The rest of the show is great though
and yet we'll only be hearing about the womyn bullshit from the sjw shills in every thread forever.
Reminder that by the time this series is over I will make anglos:
1. Praise feminism
2. Become democrat Russia fearmongers
3. Believe Chernobyl happened in the UK
And all I have to do to accomplish this is tell the truth.
not great but not horrible, i've seen worse
cheeki breeki is back on the menu bois!
i fucking love this series so far
don't remember when my butt cheeks were last puckered this hard than when those three lads made their way into the pool
This please.
is this at all like the terror other than having crozier
Liberals are going to insert their shit. But hey they make kino sometimes. Dont throw baby out with bath water. Its either put up with a little of their shit or listen to Ben Shapiro podcasts all day
Namecalling and telling people to kill themselves (which is illegal where I am by the way). Nothing substantive. Your understanding of Yea Forums comes from a Vice article.
said the person that literally gets triggered by women. you're posting with your dick too you're just a faggot.
Nah, I don't know where it is coming from but I will neither drink from a freshly washed glass, would prefer the one that is dry. Idk, mb it's just a Russian thing.
Aye comrade, kino does not come without sacrifice. Its also literal faggots, trannys and shills larping.
This. This show is an exercise in patience and ignoring SJW shit for the sake of some rad action.
this show literally made me cancel my CT scan
You should kill yourself you virtue signalling nigger shill. Literally nobody will even notice! Your parents will be relieved. Prove me wrong.
Post pictures of your hymen.
Imagine being this fish
Iodine nurse wasn't smug and full of herself though.
pic related but unironically
>americans mad that soviets had more female scientists
qq more amerilards hahaha
Then you definitely don't want to read this (you can actually skip through parts and just read the patient accident sections):
too bad those characters and their trip are made up.
I'm willfully ignorant about the real events until the show ends, good thing I already happened to be ignorant about them beforehand
yeah only men are allowed to me smug and full of themselves.
So, Yea Forums. Tell me how nuclear reactor works.
Any requests?
Do not have subs yet
It actually was not too awful in "Explain to viewers what is going on". And this comes from someone who worked at nuclear plants and seen peoples eyes glaze over.
15,000 roentgens per hour.
or one Hiroshima's worth of radiation per hour.
That'll never happen because I'm here.
it's mostly the "conservative" eastern euro shills that seem most triggered about meanie grils in their tv, judging by the messaging strategy that retard name is pushing.
I torrented this episode, should there have been subs during the female russian evacuation announcer
I thought it hit the crane!
My friend thought it just fell apart from the heat and radiation because it passed too close into the smoke
no, didn't have any subs whatsoever from amazon
take about 5 dozen eggs
thats the water bois who turrned on the valves at the end of the last episode.
only the soviet news broadcast got subs
Are they fucked?
did any of you guys watch the behind the scenes after the EP where the creator admits Emily Watsons character was fake?
Lad there were scientists further away trying to figure out wtf was going on and getting involved despite le soviet government trying to stop them from exposing shit
The character just encapsulates all that and despite being a womyn it's done tastefully, calm your shit
alright anons, let me dive into the first episode
That's actually significant
>virgin faggot swoons over women from tv shows since he has never neared close to even their napes
>u-ur triggered by g-girls
You're not even more pathetic, because you atleast gained your superpowers after 3 decades of not touching a woman.
But don't forget, to resolve your problems you can always just have sex.
These niggas getting carried away
> they're just going to do whatever they can to justify why they're whining about girls.
> he's on the internet white knighting his imaginary Russian roasty girlfriend.
The jewy one was literally trying to pretend they aren't fucked
The Shcherbina-Legasov duo was my favorite part of the episode. How accurate is the portrayal of Shcherbina in this episode? He doesn't have a wiki page or much mention anywhere.
They’re getting gulag’d without a doubt.
user, why did the deputy chairman see graphite on the roof?
Prepare for kino and roentgens
5/10 for effort
1/10 execution
you just said bro, bro
>Smithsonian.org wrote in 2013, "Between 1962 and 1964, 40 percent of the chemistry Ph.D.s awarded in Soviet Russia went to women" compared to America's five percent.
>watching chernokino with Yea Forums
A trip to the infirmary for you
IIRC, guy on left served 5 years of a 10 year sentence of hard labor.
The other guy tried to commit suicide and was put in a mental home.
I bet this series would be 10x better if you marathoned it rather than wait a week between eps. For that reason, I'm out. See y'all in 6 weeks.
Yes, everyone is a Russian, everyone is a virgin, and everyone is retarded. Your "messaging strategy" is second grade namecalling but you're the smart one.
yet he's not made up to be the central part in solving the Chernobyl crysis even thoug he didn't exist.
Their trial scenes are going to be spicy
He wasn't shown at all. I just assumed.
>not kinobyl
this shit almost happened in America at Three Mile Island, only they were not incompetent so it was stopped before it could become such a problem as the core exploding
show tits.
Fuck more then you ever did user.
>implying that was graphite
>implying that's even possible
So tasteful that the fucking new york times said it was forced?
>it said in the vice article that they call each other names and tell each other to kill themselves
Chernobyl showed you de wei
Ok thanks, that's what was puzzling me since the original emergency call in Ep1 had forced subs, would have been nice to have known what the evacuation announcer was saying, shame...
The Shcherbina-Legasov duo is the new Crozier-Fitzjames
He was portrayed as a dickhead though.
>dude just put some aluminum foil on it you'll be fine
who was this actress? found myself searching for breath when she came on screen.
I sure hope that was alumINIUM and not the inferior american alumiDUMB
Then why was it not made to be an actual person, just like all the other characters that were made to "encapsulate all that"?
my dad texted me saying he and my mom are watching chernobyl and got through both eps tonight after my recommendation
>composite character
Ok I don't like them but amalgamating a few people to compress running time is-
>not just a few scientists but literally hundreds
>into one character
Nope. I'm done.
Bretty Chad, but I haven't watched anything live in years so I'm hanging in there.
2014 was a fun year.
It’s true user
All of it
retard name is LITERALLY a russian shill. There's people from all over. (((You people))) with your disingenuous messaging that you're demonstrating right now id EXACTLY what Russian shills and their useful idiots are trained to do.
Keep virtue signaling at me though nigger it's real cute. Post a picture of your gash tranny.
And their reactors MELTED DOWN!!!!
Fair. Enjoy the show user.
Why would you even need that many?
>poor nigger can't get a decent rip to screen cap
If you cannot accept this then you are clearly Russian, and a virgin.
>/u/Garth-Vader is still going on about the percentage of women scientists in the USSR when people only argued about the ones involved in Chernobyl
>he reads the new york times
Yet they only one one Nobel prize in chemistry (Nikolay Semyonov,)
No. Three Mile Island happened 7 years before Chernobyl
Smart women in the USA knew it would be easier to fuck a rich man. Russian women didn’t have that option.
>didn't bother with the full cover
I must be Russian because this guy is using ALLCAPS and ... the word "literally" is Jewish? What?
damn "five part mini series"
was hoping for something new to catch on to since GOT ends this sunday... gonna miss the shit posting
fuck it i'll just rewatch the wire
so when do the anomalies start emerging? are the 3 guys in the tunnels going to turn into bloodsuckers or what?
Can i get a webm of the chad getting sprayed down and just fucking STARING at Bruhmomentnkov and Fuckupmin
Based Volunteer Comrade General died, didn't he?
>15,000 Roentgens
First you take the seed, the then you apply it to the feed-water. This gives you the Chuck rods which then produce the aurora borealis.
Now, the situation we have here has the Chuck burning in oxygen, creating highly toxic Sneed which is spreading the aurora borealis throughout the air, the water, the food we eat.
The Sneed, formerly Chuck, will eventually burn through the concrete floor and hit the water, creating a massive amount of steamed hams.
Casualties are expected to exceed six gorillion.
No fantasy elements, comrade. Well, none that would be cool.
I like that they show the truck turning around and ramming the gate backwards to protect the detector on the front. Wisdom of falcon.
I don't, because they are super lefty.
When even they have a problem with a forced female character, you really fucked up.
>The Austrians were the primary shield against Islamic expansion into Europe for centuries
Literally retard tier, the Habsburgs were allied with the ottoman more often than not. If anything they're the ones who allowed them to get as far as they did. It was primary Russians, Ukrainian (as Zaporozhian Sich) and Poles who beat back the Ottoman at every advance. Infact Russia got such an upper hand on the ottoman when they destroyed the tatar states that France and UK faggots fought alongside ottomans to prevent Russian advancements. Fuck western European they've done nothing but doom Europe over and over again.
> Got me a future, partner. I'm two days away from retirement, my daughter's graduating from college. And as soon as we nail Mendoza, my old lady and I are gonna sail around the world like we always wanted. Just christened the boat. Oh, yessir. Everything's gonna be just per—
Compare her to Apollo 13. That's the problem.
Part of the fun of these fictionalizations is the Engineers bouncing ideas off one another. Overly compressing too many people into a single person takes that away almost entirely.
>word is prounounced ront-kin
>russians add fifteen extra letters for no reason
I mean now you might as well just confirm it shill. Prove you're not. Or keep crying about much of a cuck you are.
Terry Davis in his final performance
yall some faggot trap loving fags
have sex
>jump into the reactor
>be remembered for the rest of history
no speaking role so not credited yet
Right, that's normally the coolest part of this kind of movie, but now screenwriters don't know that. They've got a template and they're sticking to it.
*blocks your path
its like the ultimate sunburn
full of kinos. loved the scene where he realized he was gonna die on 5 yr
Give me a second
What was his fucking problem?
Such anger.
Post real memes.
How much is 400 rubles in 1986?
Can we get some Fs for the three mad lads? ;_;7
The alleged story about the water dump happend 5 days after the explosion. The only sources on that story are ukranian media. The fact that those guys are alive til today and got medals from Poroshenko a year or so ago make me question the whole story.
This Man is Delusional
>visitor tries his first attempt at an impersonation of what he thinks a true fellow 4channeller looks like
>able to talk to secret code with some bitch in moscow and understand exactly what is going on with them dropping sand and boron on the plant
How the fuck did she know immediately what the other woman was talking about?
This character sucks so much.
Toxic masculinity.
>commander showing courage and refusing to send his men into obvious harm's way
That ain't a problem, son. That's courage.
>tfw the first thing I thought during that scene was the authenticity of the guys slav haircut, not even meming
100 bones or something worthless
i imagine they didn't want to excite the men initially to make it seem like they're taking a super risk
Quite the opposite
They prasied captain marvel, which you know was more hamfisted than any other female character in the mcu
This one is good
Thanks for the highly relevant and substantive comment! Sorry about what happened to your sister Tay!
No they all survived. Balls of steel though, fuckin A
Being too based.
*crk crrkk crrrrrrk crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk*
>Terry Davis
Are you fucking retarded?
Ananenko and Bespalov survivied,Baranov is dead.
This man walks up to you and slaps your girls friends reactor. What do you do?
80s Ukraine seems comfy. I want that sweater and that jacket
If the helicopters couldn't fly over the reactor, how was the sand/boron drops landing on it?
>guy said wind
They didn't seem high enough, nor did there seem to be enough wind to move heavy bags of sand.
Why not just fly the helicopters really high over the reactor and drop the sand?
Enormous testicles
Did you ever watch "The Night Of" or The Terror?
If not, give them a go too
>replying to yourself
What are they spraying?
Didnt he die of a heart attack in 2005 though?
I like to think I am
But I think this character is not
Your samefag posting structure is getting too recognizable now. Take a break for a few days, try to get some sleep, this is just petty.
Ugh... why cant stupid white men just listen women.... This is why we need feminism...
rbmk reactors don't explode, explain to me how an rbmk reactor explodes?
>There are 50000 people in this cty
Man: that's what I would do.
Her: *sarcastically* yeah I'm sure it is
Why is she such a SJW bitch?
Here is a movie that is pretty similar to this show, with the radioactivity and Soviets and it all being like an endless crisis. And with the added prospect of potentially having to start a nuclear war. Also based on a true story
why did the flashlights go out? don't get me wrong it was kino as fuck just wondering if there is a scientific explanation
>Why not just fly the helicopters really high over the reactor and drop the sand?
Basically what they ended up doing, though you might say "really" is a bit of a stretch,
Radiation destroys anything electronic that gets close to it
I think the radiation totally fucked the batteries.
gamma radiation fucks with electronics.
this was an okay movie but it was heavily exaggerated.
Has anyone seen that Kursk movie?
>5 years
Tell him to simmer down and trust in the state.
He did. But the whole story about those three is not confirmed by anyone but them and Yuri Andreev.
like a constant electromagnetic pulse damaging the battery wiring maybe?
>over 9000
i did some quick math.
every hour represents one Hiroshima's worth of radiation.
how long is 9000 hours.
375 days
1 year, 10 days
Chernobyl exploded on April 26, 1986
12,070 days ago
thats 289,680 hours
289,680 Hiroshima nukes
Hiroshima yield is 15 kilotons
15 * 289,680
4,345,200 kt
or 4,345.2 megatons worth of radiation
and for fun thats roughly 86.904 tsar bombs "the largest nuclear device ever detonated.
good thing they figured out how to contain it.
im sure theres a LOT of variables that would significantly lower the amount but its still OVER9000 HIROSHIMA'S
Well it’s Yea Forums so I can’t really prove it to your satisfaction, but no.
Radiation fucked with electrical circuit or the batteries.
Having moved to Russia just before Glasnost, it was surprising that where CNN had been proclaiming for years that the Ruble was worth $8.00, the first time I exchanged Dollars into Rubles right across from the Kremlin, the actual value was 150 Rubles to the Dollar. This is a CNN error of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TIMES (1,200 x), but this was mild relative to the rest of the “news” coverage of Russia by CNN. The net effect is that CNN had over-represented Russia’s GDP by 1,200 TIMES. Within 7 years, the Ruble was devalued by 1,000 times, meaning that the new Ruble was worth only 1,000th of what the old Ruble was worth, and that there were now 5.960 Rubles per dollar, rather than 5,960. By 2009 the value had decreased by 81% to only 31.7 Rubles per dollar, and compared to 1998, by 2016 it had decreased by 91%, to a whopping 66.8 Rubles per dollar.
This of course is 66,800 in old Rubles, which is 534,400 TIMES lower than CNN had been proclaiming had been the value of the Ruble FOR DECADES before I got there.
Anything CNN ever says about Trump or Russia is EQUALLY as flawed.
>Why contain it?
The pilots were so insanely irradiated that they became sick in the air
Why didn't they just use the fucking crane instead of helicopters?
dl link comrades?
sure, fag.
K19 is not based on a true story, it's several unrelated disasters sewn together into one narrative.
Radioactive decay doesnt stay constant though, thats why its called radioactive decay. Its a nice gesture though.
The core of the reactor when if fell through the basement combined with sand to form corium, and literally cooled itself out. In other words, it contained itself.
for the fucking retards, the whole story about the divers is a hoax. The fireman just pumped out the water.
>radiation meter clicks INCREASES
what'd they say, like all the tons of water that had pooled up around the remains of the core was going to explode like fuel in a giant 30-40 megaton nuclear explosion?
because the cranes themselves were radioactive as fuck and probably even more unreliable
That shit would take too long, also the mad lad in the cabin would be dead within a day probably
Yea, that was actually part of the reason that the helicopter crashed iirc. It wasn't the first one that went through, the crashed one was being piloted by men who had already made several passes and were suffering from radiation poisoning.
CNN was almost certainly just repeating Russian government information. Much like today.
well, in america, they'd probably get promotions. gross incompetence in the workplace isn't a crime here, especially when it leads to thousands of deaths (see 9/11).
Probably because then they would have to bring all the people and equipment to the crane, which happened to be right next to the burning reactor.
the water would vaporize instantly and send the debris out like a bomb or some shit idk
whatever it was a cool movie
100 percent sure, but whatever you need to sleep at night isn’t my business.
Crane was too radioactive, and the motors had already failed due to radiation.
just stop replying instead of embarrassing yourself some more.
NAH he'll be fine.
he wasnt at the core for an hour getting blasted with one Little Boi worth of radiation.
he got maybe a Davy Crockett.
2.4 megaton. Basically the water would have been instantly turned to steam and in the enclosed space with that much water would have been like a very power bomb going off.
Why didn't they just drop really cold water on it?
An old man who knows it is his duty to sacrifice himself so that his children, his society may live on.
it would release as much radiation as a nuclear explosion, the explosion itself would be much smaller but still big enough to crack open all the reactors
>trapped in the rubber suits
>dead the moment your feet touched the water
>cold as fuck
>wading deep in metallic factory, can't see shit, pipes everywhere, God knows what underwater
>radiation so intense it kills the flashlights
>[geiger counter intensifies]
His massive balls led to hyperfertility, for the good of the world he exposed himself to
Because the crane actually was hundreds of meters away from the reactor 4. It was over the never to be built reactor 5.
imagine having ur skin melt but it can't escape and you become stuck to the latex rubber of your suit and you become a suitman
Welcome, comrade. Please go examine the reactor core.
These guys are still alive, two of them. One died in 2005 of a heart attack.
I thought Boris would be an asshole still denying everything but he's turned out to be based.
Fucking leafs
This isn't nearly as good with out the geigercounter screaming.
Can someone upload to mega or something please? My download is going to take 11 hours because data cap niggers aren't seeding
user, you are here to make shitposts about rbmk reactors exclusively
>subtitles don't say what the announcement is saying
Just dropping a video of the actual helicopter crash, I had totally thought that inclusion was just dramatic effect.
I think the repeating message was the title of the episode
>it actually happened
Wtf bros i thought this show was fiction. So I guess they somehow managed to fix it in the end?
Cast interview, the host sucks, but Jessie is a cute.
Why would I be embarrassed that someone else is wrong?
have sex comrade
ayo ayo ayo hol up
so u be sayin
we some kinda suicide squad?
Yeah, they should've just taken a huge block of ice and thrown it into the roof lol stupid slavs. Just stack some fridges or some shit desu
>i thought this show was fiction.
how, did you think people were dying because of their paranoid delusions in the first episode because they were only exposed to a harmless 3.6 roentgens?
What game are you playing?
Spreading disinformation at a time like this is shameful
Radiation can also damage electronics. This was shown by the radio going out.
I don't know if that was a/the cause of the crash.
>comrade trips into vater
>sopping wet counter.mp4
The first responders and those divers are truly chernobyl's nobles.
The cause was definitely for dramatic effect. HBO's reactor 4 was putting out a ton more smoke than the real thing. I think the implication was also that the pilots and/or the helicopter were crippled almost instantly by flying directly over the reactor, and that caused the crash.
Why are there so many fucking Slavaboos on Yea Forums. What the fuck is wrong with you. At least Japan is a highly developed and sophisticated country with cultural impact on West so I can somewhat get it but fucking Slavs, Russia and Soviets? Living here is a distopian nightmare, nothing but dying old people who are forgotten by their government, 30 years from now there won't be anyone to even pay for your pension while we are losing more young and educated people to immigration than we did to Nazis.
forgot pic
>who was Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Is HBO going to have the divers killed? Did they buy into the urban legend?
The fear was that the molten reactor contents would eat through the foundation of the building and burrow deep into the earth. Once deep enough, pressure and temperature would rapidly increase, allowing for the initiation of a sustained chain reaction. Thankfully this did not occur as the graphite fuel rods required enough energy to melt down to where the molten material could not penetrate the buildings foundation sufficiently and cause such an event to occur.
A steam explosion would simply have resulted in another massive explosion that would have ejected radioactive material from the reactor, as well as potentially damage the other reactors, which could lead to further instability that might result in the extreme conditions necessary for a chain reaction to begin.
Not great, but not terrible
How the fuck are they going to do 4 more episodes.
The story is basically over already.
My vote for kino shot of Ep. 2.
>Trial of the fuckwits
>Cleanup operations
>A cameo of Mr. 1000000 roentgens
We have options
>Emily Watson's character was not a real person.
wow, what a surprise. i guess historical accuracy is only important when you aren't patronizing women. i'm surprised there aren't any black nuclear scientist characters in the show.
It's not over. They still have to build the sarcophagus and the whole liquidation shit.
You know what she was saying.
>Attention Attention
>No fear comrades
>We're evacuating the city
>Please load into common bus in single lines
At times the Cyrillic alphabet is actually quite economical. It's only when you transliterate Russian names into Latin that they become ugly and long.
Consider bald cornmaster Хpyщёв, only six letters.
But in English it becomes Khrushchyov.
In German, god bless those little boxheads, his name becomes Chruschtschjow.
Come on, its not that immersion breaking, if what you said actually happened that would be obscene and credibility destroying
>>Emily Watson's character was not a real person.
Yeah but she's a MILF so it's okay