What was the point of his character?
What was the point of his character?
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To realize wincest is the best sex.
To take Breannes v card
A person's true nature will always remain the same.
You'll do crazy things for some bad pussy.
People don't change and basically you are fucking stupid if you expect them to be. Redemption is a meme for retards and religious people.
Not a bad life all things considered
To realize that no love will be more ever-bonding, more pure, more soul intertwining than the one with your (hot) sister
What is the point of your life if you're going to spend it here? This show isn't a parable. Stop looking at it like a little kid trying to sort out archetypes.
At least he didn't have to worry about a burial.
The point is that improving yourself is sometimes a meme and you shouldn't force yourself into being someone you're not.
Jaime tried to be a better man and in the end he realized being a good guy wasn't as fullfilling as being with Cersei.
>nig perspective
>learning disability formatting
Sansa changed. Arya changed. Daenerys changed. Lots of people in the show changed.
It's a negative character arc, he has the final chance to change but rejects it and pays the price
unfortunately they decide to do it in two fucking episodes and it feels stupid and rushed like everything in this season
There's no cure for being a cunt
To fuck Brienne and cripple Bran. That's literally his entire purpose in the show.
To impregnate Brienne so she has a QT lannister babby
This is really the most egregious thing they've done. Literally any other ending for Jaime would have been better / made more sense. Why did he even have sex with Brienne in the first place, just to leave later that night?
He took Brienne's virginity which in medieval times pretty much guarantees that she'll never get a decent suitor.
>Realizes his sister, who he still cares for, but not necessarily in a romantic way, will die
>Goes back to save her knowing it might result in his death
>Says bad things to Brienne to prevent her from coming along, as that would most likely lead to her death as well
>Somehow this means his entire arc is wasted and he's a bad guy again
I fucking hate normies so much.
You forgot Theon.
But, it's realistic that not everyone is gonna make it. You can be an amazing person and still go back to whatever destructive habit you have and ruin everything.You have addicts who have been clean for decades and still throw it all away, sometimes at the drop of a hat.
"I never cared about the people of King's Landing much," - Jaime, the man who killed his King to save the people of King's Landing
>What was the point of his character?
The whole series has been about the dangers of globalism and "emotion over logic" women with political power.
Or to save Cersei and his own ass, despite whatever pretty words he came up with. Or at least put an end to all the misery.
>Rhaegar would sing in the streets for his people
>The lannister's hated the small folk
>Daenarys burns them all alive a minute after having won them back
>in his most memorable scene he was just full of shit
bravo D&D, cersei wasn't even in king's landing when he did it, and he could've just left if he wanted to save his own ass.
Dany was a Targ, none of this is unexpected.
This board is such a dumpster fire, on one side you have feminsits REEEING because their princess is evil, but you have delusional fucks right here gloating about le females being irrational despite tons of empowered characters like Sansa, Arya, Melisandre, Margarey, Olenna - need I go on?
/pol/ is the worst thing to ever happen to this website.
Honestly him being an unredeemable, sister obsessed loser who in the end accepts himself for what he really is after realising that being on the morally right side doesn't matter if he can't be with his sister is the only satisfying character arc we had so far. Want to talk about unsatisfying character write-offs talk about Littlefinger or Clegane.
>have your hand chopped off
>have your entire identity destroyed in an instant
how can you not change after that? you are basically forced to.
Probably my favourite scene in the entire season yet, I was very pleasantly surprised.
When he showed up I thought he was going to stab her but at that point it would've been pointless, it was over and she wasn't half as evil as what they were running from.
Plus Cersei was carrying his child.
>being on the morally right side doesn't matter if he can't be with his sister
Didn't him leaving to fight the White Walkers demonstrate the exact opposite of this?
He literally goes through 7 seasons of changing only to decide to unchange at the very last episode.
Even if it's not an unbelievable endpoint, it's so sudden that it makes no fucking sense.
Only women change, Theon lost his male appendage and was able to change.
having him lose his hand, without ever showing enough of his talent with sword fighting, was a huge waste...the fight with starks was not enough. wish there was at least a flashback of when he was a great warrior. the lannisters become a neutered threat when they cut off jaime's hand and revealed that their mines had run dry. it got worse when they killed tywin. also didn't get to see lannisport or casterly rock be formidable places. weak shit.
This honestly. Jamie's ending is the best thing about this series and the true blackpill. I'm so sick of these limp wristed basedtard hipsters calling bad to good characters "growth" and good "character development" and "depth". Literally no person you know in real life changes like this. And you don't know anyone who has to deal with committing murders and rapes and shit like in these shitty shows, you have to deal with toxic, abusive, manipulative and selfish people and unless you are a teenage sheletered retard you know they can't change. Anyone with an ounce of wisdom knows that your first impression of a person, your instinct on them is who they really are and they aren't going to find redemption.
Fuck off you christcuck scumbags hoping a character can redeem themselves so you can project onto them and feel you can grow and change from the shitty aspects of yourself. Protip, you can't. It's part of who you are and Jamie going back to his toxic addiction is the most realistic and believable character portrayal on this shitty show.
nah my dude, his narrative arc is brilliant because in reel life you literally never change as a person from the moment you're born, and plus because reddit and twitter hate it
i know this because i've read a couple wikipedia articles plus like half of a philosophy book
Jaime did change into a better person DESPITE always loving his sister
Don't know why you are so mad about it
>posted by pic related
>i watched House as a teenager
>people don't change
That's stupid. I personally have changed a lot. I used to be a bleeding heart libtard, until I became a /pol/tard, and now I'm at the point where I'm neither because I realized both are shitty. I've changed quite a bit.
Cause you're a teenbro while jamie isn't a little kid.
To promote the purest form of love of course.
The people’s reaction to that is why he doesn’t give a fuck about them. He care about people, just not those cunts.
>people don't change
>except when they do but I don't count that
okay basement dweller
I'm 25. Also used to have no friends, but I've very recently learn how to have friends and be comfortable around people whereas I used to not to. Just cause you don't know how to change doesn't mean it's not realistic that others can.
>people are shaped by their experiences
>no way those experiences force them to change
>people can't change
what the fuck
You will relapse
So what’s everyone’s general reaction of this episode?
no, it wasn't. that is you projecting (again)
You proved user's point: you never stopped being an impressionable tool
seems you are always searching for your next flock to follow
Except I'm not following any flock right now. I think you're all stupid retards.
I think you want to believe that.
>banged his sister
>killed mad king
>banged his sister
>saved tyrion thereby killing tywin
>banged his sister
>knighted brianne
>banged his sister
>"ladied" brianne
>banged his sister
>cock blocked tormound
>banged his sister
Banged his sister a bunch?
>What was the point of his character?
There is no point of characters. It's for entertainment. There is no moral lesson. There is just interesting situations, behaviors, and cause and effect.
Ugh. This. Preach queen
I don't believe, I know.
extremists and fringe dwellers like the one you're responding to hate moderates more than their opposing faction because you don't want to be their good boy tin soldier
It felt like having a weird dream where the characters are the same, but entirely devoid of their own personalities - kind of the same vibe you'd get from a creepypasta about a movie or game you like.
Dare I say it was positively lynchian in how it revelled in the violence and shock value without any of the grit, realism or philosophy that made the first few seasons great. A truly terrifying and discomforting experience.
Whatever, doomer.
To save Tyrion and help him escape to essos.
But the fight between hound and mountain ass everything burns to shit.
>your infant-self is your adult-self
to tell us that yes, it was all planned out. GOT is the masterpiece of the century
To give us the most kino scene in the series so far when he stood there with Cersei.
Can't wait to see picrelated post-credits scene.
To fuck his sister, cuck a king and die to rocks
i hate cersei but i wanted to hold her when she was crying and scared and im glad jamie was there with her
Same theme that was established with The Hound.
No one ever changes. There is no point trying to better yourself or find peace.
To show how easily 6 seasons of character development can be destroyed
To show that people who pretend to care about innocent lives are liars
That was a good scene, probably one of the best scenes in the episode. When she was saying "I don't want my baby to die" it was frankly really touching and a bit haunting. I think even people who absolutely hated Cersei didn't want to see her die in that moment.
Nah, call me cynical, but I had zero sympathy for Cersei at that moment, because she was only one who wrought it upon herself while she was trying to look as epic final boss. Her one positive trait really did nothing to me, she's like a box of cereal with raisin and her love for her children is like the one and only raisin in that entire box.
You didn't change. You had no personality then and you still don't have one now
>I think even people who absolutely hated Cersei didn't want to see her die in that moment.
No way. Fuck Cersei.
Based. Cersei had so many chances to surrender but she had to be a stubborn old bitch. The price was losing the entire city and her life.
There was none
it's not meant to redeem her, but it does make her a consistent and interesting character and she's the only one whose story feels remotely tragic as a result.
Your adult self is a just a less confident more defeated version of your infant self though.
He is so fucking cute hnnggg
To demonstrate an eternal GoT truth
>You want a good girl but need the bad pussy
you dont change. your view on certain topics has nothing to do with your personality. you might be able to hide your weaknesses better once you grow older but you are always the same person. you will be who you always have been, in my case a lazy piece of shit and in your case a retard who lies to himself.
Fucks sake Kit stop shit posting and go on holiday or something
Cer-sea's femdom pet
>I dont care about innocents
>Is okay with everyone dying as long as he can go save Cersei
Jaime wasn't an infant. Maybe he could've changed if Cersei didn't fiddle with his little wee wee
>Cersei will never fiddle with your wee wee
Why even live?
>What was the point of his character?
To have two fucking FRAUDS fucking rape and destroy him
still loving cersei means he hasn't learned shit, he didn't have an arc he just stood still. if you don't understand this you're a fucking retard and you deserve all the abusive relationships your life will be dominated by.
remember this post in the future. remember that when bad shit happens to you because of the people you surround yourself with willingly because you're a natural born victim, it's _your_ fault, not theirs, when they abuse you
Congratulations, you completely missed the point of his character. Go back to your capeshit with dumb cliches.
>the point of his character was to learn to truly embrace the most abusive relationship in his life and remain a slave to the abuser who literally ruined not just his life but his entire family and is arguably the most evil person in the entire story
>arguably the most evil person in the entire story
Oh, wow, you misunderstood Cersei as well.
>hello again uncle, or should I say, father
>joffrey smirks
>i've been watching you, you know. you and your journeys. i always wondered what you'd end up filling your pages with
>let's see here ...
>lost a battle in the kingswood
>captured by the starks for over a year
>killed your own blood to escape
>lost your hand to the boltons
>oh, here's something nice, you saved a woman from a bear
>went back to mother, oh uncle, you dog
>armed with a valyrian steel sword by father. steel stolen from the starks, though. not very noble
>conspired with uncle during his trial; the knights of old would turn their faces from you
>actually comitting treason and letting a convict out of his cell
>infiltrating dorne, nearly causing a diplomatic catastrophe to get myrcella back, only to get her killed anyway
>you try and intimidate the pope like a common thug, but get nowhere
>took command of the siege of riverrun from the freys and spoke with the blackfish
>actually break the siege relatively peacefully with edmure. well done
>successfully siege highgarden, and kill olenna tyrell with poison
>you battled the dothraki on an open field. what did robert always say?
>charged a dragon with a spear. father, i believe this is the first knightly thing you've done since you met brienne
>then you do, what exactly, for about a year? jerk off left-handed? i mean, there's just nothing here
>then you go north, abandoning mother, but i suppose that is noble in the circumstance
>in the battle of winterfell, you kill like, three zombies? really?
>then you abandoned your friends, brienne, the north and everything just to get one last chance at mother, and get stabbed in the kidneys for it by a retarded sailor.
>did i forget something, father?
Jaime was never meant to become a great man, his arc is basically going from being a complete asshole to being relatively humble while remaining deeply flawed. His arc is very realistic and over the series he changes in a way that real human beings change, while still remaining essentially the same person.
he didn't go back to be with cercei. He went back to kill her, to stop the rape of king's landing. When he saw that dany was worse than cercei, and the war was lost anyway, he chose to not kill her, as it would be pointless.
He thought killing Cercei would save the people, but when they were fucked anyway, he didn't see a point in doing it.
>incel cant grasp on a tragic love story coz he was never loved
Its a fucked up "true love" story. If it wasnt his sister I dont think people would be as confused and dismissive of it, he really did love her despite being a cunt.
>2 movies worth of time to change is rushed.
I mean you want this to be 3 movies worth of show for it to be okay?
>"It's a love story"
Cersei has cheated on Jaime dozens of times and even tried to kill him, all with no remorse. Any idiot with a functioning brain would've never even go close to Cersei after what she's pulled. But I guess Jaime is just fucking stupid like a teenage girl that's in love with some highschool bad boy. Fuck all of you.
Who fucking knows, he was my last favorite character
Have sex.
You just like to have an excuse for not changing the things you yourself perceive as wicked and try to externalize it to christians to assauge your guilty conscience.
You can't outrun your conscience.
If you want a less tortured life you have to start taking responsibility
People on Yea Forums defending Jaime's flip flop as good writing are triggering me harder then the trolls who defended TLJ. What's wrong with you people?
Well you're clearly a fucking moron
jesus christ, stop grasping for straws, man, it's pathetic
Get a load of this brainlet.
Uh, I dunno, maybe we enjoy decent writing and hate cliches? Also, why do you bother arguing about movies for children like TLJ?
No see this is what should have happened. But there was no indication whatsoever that he wanted to kill Cersei. They flip flopped his character because they suck at writing and just wanted to write him off the show in the least complex way.
Just because you won't change doesn't mean that other people don't change
I work on bettering myself every day. Sometimes I fail, but I get better at it nonetheless
He is right though. Clegane never overcame his fear of fire and in the end was reduced to a supporting character for Arya's 'development'.
If that was his goal all along, then he shouldn't have been baited by Euron for the duel.
True but they've butchered basically every character since they ran out of book material. The hounds story was probably done second best after Theon.
>my sister gf made my son kill himself after murdering half of the religous officials in the city along with my sons wife and hundreds of others
>so i ran away and she had an old friend sent to kill me
Oh boy she sure does play the hard game
well if *you* say so Sayaka
>my sister gf made my son kill himself after murdering half of the religous officials in the city along with my sons wife and hundreds of others
After he left her to be publicly humiliated. It just shows that when they are apart everything crumbles. And her actions were bad but justified.
jaime can't seem to live without cersei, but bad poosy was always a bad idea for jon.
I'd like to think of Jaime as an actual 60 IQ retard. That way I can imagine him ignoring the fact that Cersea just tried to kill him in the previous episode, cheated and cuckolded him numerous times, betrayed him a numerous times and threatened him with death. That's the only way I can make sense of it all, he's actually mentally handicapped
Who gives a fuck about his fear of fire? His whole being was about getting revenge on his brother.
>The Wire gets praised for showing how people never really change and everything is cyclical
>GoT gets shit on for the same thing
>the things we do for love.jpg
Who gives a fuck about his brother? He's been dead for several seasons.
tume us a flat curcle , people are what they are.
don't forget to take your meds tonight
stop fantasising about licking your dad's asshole
why didnt he just snap his fingers and grow his hand back?
>Daenerys changed
She was always a psycho bitch.
He did have an arc. An arc goes up and comes back down.
that's an arch
Incels who cannot change or evolve to survive in the world around them are doom to be unhappy. I've learned to moderate my personality to try, and just get along with anyone unless they are intentionally being a dick for their own means.
The moment I realize someone is out for themselves. I try and cut them out. These people are cancer. It's kind of interesting that social media showcases how shitty people can actually be publically. Even using their real identity.
You know these people are horrible human beings without the concept of empathy. The world treated them like shit, and they treat other people who did them no wrong like shit instead of treating them kindly as they would like to be treated.
A generation of bitter spoiled children raised by shitposting as a past time.
I think the great thing about Jaime's arc is they really make you question whether a person can change. Saying that I wish they handled it a little better.
I mean he did change for the better, and it was possibly the most realistic portrayal of change I've seen on TV. It was slow, had real reasons behind it, and it was in a way growth rather than redemption or change. At the start he was some cocky rich guy who had it all, looks, sword skills, and he was cucking the king. We could very much believe that up until now he was simply like that because he had never been exposed, or ever put in a vulnerable enough position to make him think, so he was just a teenager mentally.
To watch his incest babbies die and to die along side his sister wife.
So a fanfiction?
Same as all the characters in the original book LE SUBVERTED UR EXPECTATIONS FAEC
Jaime is
>the tournament winner is actually a pompous dick not a magnanimous paragon of chivalry
>If you think this is going to have a happy ending then you haven't been paying attention.
Jaime's character is an addict, he's addicted to Cersei. Whether by her manipulations or not, she is his other half and he is irresistibly drawn to her.
I think Jaime realised long ago that the world of Westeros is a senseless, cruel, and unfair place. He saved King's Landing only to be called a kingslayer and despised by Ned Stark. He watched as a conquering buffoon married his love and let the kingdom he saved go to rot. Through all that he grew jaded and contemptuous of the smallfolk.
Brienne's character is a perfect foil to his since she's full of earnest honour and nobility. But all that stems from a naivity about the world. When Jaime finally sleeps with her, it's his first time being with anyone other than Cersei. And he realises that this isn't him. He respects Brienne and wishes he could be like her, but he's denying himself the one person who knows all his flaws and loves him despite, and often for them. Cersei is bad for him, but she's the only one who he can feel at peace with.
So when he goes back to her it's a completion of his addiction. He's submitting to his desires, but this time it's his choice. Cersei's manipulation didn't make him do this, and Tyrion's clever plans wont save him. He's going to die on his terms, and in a bleak world that's more than most people can hope for.
Jaime was a good man at the end, and he came to the realisation that he couldn't be saved. This is the most honest and based interpretation of his own life and necessary judgement.
He's not the same man as in S1 even though he returns to Cercei, I don't understand how plebs do not understand this.
Showing that incest destroys everything. They were the first and passed the torch to auntie targ who decided to burn the world because she can't get that sweet incest devotion.
He never cared about that though. Even in season 1, the only time they fought, it was to protect the homo knights not because he wanted to get revenge.
Jaime getting fatally stabbed and surviving long enough to make it to Cercei was like Jack getting fatally stabbed and surviving long enough to get everyone to safety was equally ridiculous but at least Jack’s death with Vincent was legitimately touching whereas Jaime’s death was the opposite.
>they took azor jaime from us
it still hurts bros
>it still hurts
Take that dildo out of your ass and it'll stop.
Incest is taboo because it makes you do stupid shit. If Cersei was just some girl he was fucking and not his sister, Jamie would have dumped her ass a long time ago.
The point is to always lust after beauty. Uggos just don't cut it.
I honestly liked his ending. Everbody "muh character arc ruined", I disagree.
I think he changed to a better person and he redeemed himself and his honor but he fell back into his vice. I don't think that ruins his arc in any way. His character arc was never about going from "bad guy to good guy".
I think he represents human beings pretty well, probably better than any other character.
Of course, it could have been written better and had more time to build up to it, but that goes without saying.
Sounds like an excuse not to improve yourself
>I don’t know how to quit you
It is, the show is appealing to lazy incels that don't want to blame themselves for never trying to amount to anything.
Will his incest babies be alive when he gets back to KL?
Fatman would be an even worse asshole than those kikes if he kills tommen and myrcella right after Jaime decides to finally be their father.
based and redpilled