I don't get it

I don't get it.

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See, the joke is that his name rhymes with "feed" and "seed", and when we apply that to Chuck, it would be "fuck" and "suck".

walled wine aunt

That’s because your iq isn’t high enough.

that was fucking adorable

She was expecting someone a little taller

Jesus she aged horribly

>new zealand

What an absolute unit.

Shes like 32 and 78 at the same time.

someone edit her face into the shiggy diggy guy


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why the fuck are they making fun of her?
They'd never do this with fucking rihanna or some nigger

Because the place will then be on fire.

perfect description

God, your mind really is just rewired to find any excuse you can possibly think up to make a situation out to be some grand injustice towards the white race.

In what world is it the actor’s fault if something is left in the shot

engage in coitus


>/pol/fag can't take even a tiny bit of banter and gets defensive... on someone else's behalf


I hope Brad Pitt inseminates her.

hit the wall harder than a test pilot

The mad queen will die

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Three-eyed crows feet

Lol. That's a chad bear

Is there anything more pathetic than rich people sitting front row at a basketball game?
I swear these idiots run off a checklist after they get rich.
>buy front row basketball seats
>buy mansion
>vacation at rich island
>only shit-talk the general public behind their backs as to not let them in on the truth


>im upset rich people go to basketball games
I don't get it why does this upset you?

Who shooped those wrinkles on her?!

You know for a fact he's not wrong.

alt-right russian hacker incels who hate women
emelia clark is a goddess


I'm upset the Rockets lost such a winnable game as #6 at home when Kevin Durant wasn't playing

Poor woman, can't even go to a fucking zoo without this shit being pulled.

she will be embarrassed to have been a part of GoT for the rest of her life.

The fact that you care about Ape Ball is the saddest thing in this thread.

and then she burned the arena to the ground with no survivors

>"Only" 45 years old

>all those wrinkles
the bong wall strikes again.

You are just very disconnected with normie humor.

>making fun

Holy shit go outside

They are laughing with her

>You know for a fact he's not wrong.
Except the part where your retarded incel ass initially thought they were laughing at Emilia Clarke when in fact they were recognizing her and giving her spotlight. On top of that, Clarke is English and comes from a culture where it's okay to make fun of each other in a light-hearted manner without having to overreact and shoot up a school like an Amerimutt would.

he's a big gay faggot

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She looks like a granny. YUCK!

It was adorable. She seems like a swell gal.

I'm starting to love her

why do normals go to coffee shops instead of just purchasing a coffee machine

I know one guy who has an espresso machine. He's a pathetic autistic retard who is in the middle of a divorce from his ugly green card chink wife and is unemployed and living on welfare.

Why get a coffee machine when all it does is pour water for you?

Jesus christ, the show isn't even over yet. What the fuck do you mean she "aged horribly"?

What does the show not ending yet have to do with the aging process? Does she turn into Benjamin Button in the last episode and transfer those powers to her real life persona?

I now have a soccer mom fetish

because you'll pay 0,5€ per cup of water instead of 3-10€

Coffee makers are cheap, get a Cuisinart. But espresso machines get pretty expensive even just for basic ones.

It's less hustle I suppose

Oh I agree. Just saying buying a machine to pour hot water is only slightly less retarded than paying a human to do it. Just get one of these.

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the humans you're paying are using the same machine, too, you retard.


Right, so why would I pay them to do it? What's your argument is English your second language?

Ahhh I get the confusion, you're under the assumption I'm arguing for paying a coffee shop. I am not. I am just pointing out that paying 60$ for a coffee machine is not much better than going to a coffee shop. All I was saying is you don't need a machine to make delicious coffee.

yep correct.
Well I have the same coffee machine for 8 years now (Krups brand) so I'd argue I saved a lot of time and money. And I have constant quality assured.
Then I go and vaste all that saved money to make delicious filtered coffee on V60 instead... so fuck me.

$60 for a good many years of service and likely used at least twice a day isn't bad. You can also autoprogram them to start brewing before you get up. A pour over and french press won't do that.