What is your honest opinion on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
What is your honest opinion on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
It was of much higher quality than I ever expected from Hollywood. Also the best Spider-Man movie made.
First 50 minutes is a fucking drag.
Jewish film
Great movie. Can't wait for the sequel to see Gwen get BLACKED.
NOpe raimis still has the throne.
Why is porky the pig dressed as spiderman?
Pic related
It looked nice. I was bored during the fights though.
How the fuck did something this decent come from Sony, notable makers of trash.
Trash TV, Trash Video Games and Trash Films.
Boomer nostalgiafag opinion
Can you keep posting these high-res screenshots?
Bc Disney bought marvel so they are including some of their characters like porky
But that's a WB character.
>"People with taste" opinion
better than endgame
Top 3 animated movie of all time
Only post-Raimi Spider-Man film that's worth a shit.
Also god tier superhero and animated film. Puts MCU and DCEU to absolute shame.
Unironically pretty good, also triggers sexually insecure incels which is always a big plus.
best spidey movie they've ever made. immediately wanted a sequel after i saw it. gwen and miles are unironically cute together.
Best movie of the year contender.
I'm not a big fan of superhero movies, but the animation looked awesome and innovative and the story was decent.
/pol/tards disliking it because of diversity are 1D. Having women and black people in a movie doesn't automatically turn it into forced trash like Black Panther.
The korean robot and pig spider-mans were unnecessary and made the whole thing way too cartoony. I know, it's an animated movie, but what kind of story has an anthro pig and DVA spider-man knock off tell Miles he's a shitty spider-man.
Bretty fun and an interesting choice of animation style that worked over all.
7/10 Would watch again
all the side characters were one dimensional as fuck. hell even the main character is pretty fucking one dimensional
Cringe post hilarious pic tho
I'll let you know when I watch it.
Which I never will
So I guess I won't let you know.
better than endgame fosho
Great movie
Visually great. Writing is decent, the characters are all very likeable. Though I feel like both the three comic relief Spider-Men and some of the villains could have been fleshed out more. Gwen was a bit too close to the typical "though chick" archetype that's pretty much every single female character in the MCU outside of Mantis.
its alright
looks pretty but i wish the framerate stylistic choice wasn't so choppy
don't know why everyone hypes it up though
Damn... James Spader look like THAT?!
enjoyed it but felt underwhelmed after all the hype. alright film, give it a 7/10