What makes Family Guy so kino?

What makes Family Guy so kino?

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it's had pioneers like South Park and The Simpsons provide them a roadmap to success

Also seth has work with hannah barbara. A big reason why i unironically love it.

Because it doesn't give a fuck who it offends and has no agenda.

id give it a 7/10. 8 max

um i'm sure it has an agenda. It leans highly liberal but is aware so it picks on that side to.

Shit that's better than rick and morty. I give that a 6/10 7.5 on certain episodes.

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Absolutely based.


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American Dad > Famiy Guy > Futurama > BasedSons

Meet the Press > Family Guy

Grow up.

nothing and its not

this. South Park and the Simpsons are both vastly superior shows to Seth "Showtune" MacFarlane's hackjob.

Haha remember when it made fun of Obam...oh it never did...remember when it made fun of Hilla...oh that neither...remember Just Trud...oh...well at least it made fun of Bush and Trump. Some really risky moves there.

The new Disney owners really shun through last nights New episode

Funny thing is justin trudeau actually shows up in the recent season of family guy. How fucking stupid do you feel right now?

You mean when they do everything but suck his dick in that episode you fucking flaming faggot? I said make fun of, not praise like a Jesus figure. You’re one cucked cunt.

literally who


Last night's episode had the four guys ripping on Sean Hannity's appearance. Then Matthew Perry, it was actually pretty funny.

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"Holy crap, Lois. It's Sneed!"
"Oh Peeta"
I frickin' love family guy bro.

do people really still watch family guy?

You didn't feel that was a one sided political jab? Multiple jabs