
The City Of Dorne Edition

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What did D&D mean by this?

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First for goblina

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we don't talk about the city of dorne here

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nth for Stannis

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>the little girl ran back to her mother just in time for both to be incinerated

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But who's the new Prince of Dorne? Darkstarfags need not apply btw

Post forget memes.

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post the ep6 script


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Sansa yes

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Why did Arya want to kill those characters so badly? I didn't really get it.

The 9/11 similarities are piling up

What are D&D really trying to say?

What was your favourite GoT moment, /got/

for me
>jon goes to meet Mance
>one way mission, our guy is fucked this time
>mance about to fuck him up
>noise outside
>Stannis out of fucking nowhere

Best episode ever

Now we get KLcaust

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Do you guys think Arya took the head of that white walker dragon? Would she be able to use it's face to stop Dany?

Nth for Drogon

>tfw Davos should have been the PoV with the smallfolk and not Arya

Missed fucking opportunity

>2 off

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Promise me, Ned

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Anyone thought that was a boy

I literally did, maybe because the screen quality was bad


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Book wiki has more info about Targaryen madness for tl;dr. Not only a lot of them were legit mad, but they had legit diseases yeah schizophrenia, down syndrome etc and mutations. Miscarriages, children without limbs or with both genitals, with two heads, with scales and draconic tail. Their family really did something weird with magic in Valyria times. Or maybe was cursed.

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>tfw Game of Thrones is ending with normies being on suicide watch

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lmao, some guy that posts GoT soundtrack

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I'll miss agghhposting. I won't miss the show but I'll miss this general, lads.

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Why do you guys say normies and not normalfags?


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As much as I love Stannis, that was the beginning of the end. Stannis actually getting his army to the wall in that time was so implausible, there had to be some real mind games done to allow it in the show.
It was a warning of what was to come.
In Season 6 we get fucking teleporting Varys, then we get teleporting Jon and teleporting Dany and teleporting Bronn. It's literally like anyone can show up at anytime.

When did she decide to kill everyone? Was Greyworm secretly given orders?

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Tell me that's not real

Wait that's a woman?

t. normie

Or maybe it was the hundreds of years of inbreeding.

It’s real

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We could have at least Davos staring at a little girl burning. It would have been heartbreaking, but also kino.

It wasn't dragon fire alone. The dragon fire ignited her dad's caches of wildfire throughout the city.

Based D&D redpilling the normie masses

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Kek look at these niggers who can't recognise a true irish beauty when they see one, I pity you guys

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I hope the prequel is good so we can shitpost in a general.

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Yeah that's a fair criticism

My problem with it wasn't actually that he couldn't get his army to the wall, it's that Jon goes out, then reaches Mance pretty soon and chats for like 2 minutes, then suddenly Stannis' entire army is on them

So was Stannis just coming in when Jon left? How the fuck did he get his army through Castle Black in time

>cleganebowl actually fucking happened

I thought it was dewy from malcom in the middle all grown up

How many times have you watched E5?

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white northerners raped and pillaged too you dunce

>no finale battle with night king in kings landing and killing everyone with wild fire

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hey its dewey from malcolm in the middle

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This too of course. But scales and tails? They abandoned Valyria before doom and changed their religion. Maybe this was case too.


Maybe 20,000 by the end of the month

yeah cause when the lannister army sacked kingslanding during roberts rebellion there wasn't any rape murder or pillage.... grow up

why are normalfags so dumb at putting 1+1 together and are confused about why dany was acting when she went berserk? I've seen various "critiques" of the ep and they all think it came out of nowhere obviously missing the obvious as fuck clues that she went mad because she fucking KNOWS she's never gonna get to sit on the throne that she perceives has been stolen from her and looks at in distance with bewilderment and rage and sadness and these fucking normies think it's bad writing for no reason etc


>Euron kind of forgot about the fact that he can just run away and rebuilt his fleet to conquer & pillage somewhere else. Instead he chooses to die at the hand (heh) of Jaime.

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Episode 5 would have been better if they were told to cut 20 minutes off the runtime and rewrite the first 4 episodes of the season). It was still better than everything preceding it though.

this midge has been compeltely useless since the battle of blackwater.

wtf the happened?

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stop forcing this

I know Qyburn is dead, but can we still have Qyburnposting?

Can someone break down the physics required for a dragon breathing some flammable gas or liquid required to create enough force to break down stone walls?

Can someone explain how the Dragon essentially has unlimited fuel to create said magical flames? I assume the dragon has some kind of organ that secretes a volatile and flammable liquid, and another organ that excretes it from its mouth, while another organ that creates a spark that drives the flame.

How much fuel capacity can drogon hold?

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it was disasterporn, and it was great.

Bad fucking writing

I gasped, laughed and cried at the same time

he should have died along time ago with Samwell

writters couldnt find anything creative for him to do and the audience likes his cock and balls joke
so he just became a useless character that give 0 real input

These were the best threads on Yea Forums my lads. I was but a newfag when S6 was just airing. I had already caught up entirely and was outraged along with the rest of /got/ at how shit the show became after S4 without the excuse of nostalgia goggles as I watched it all continuously. I am still but a newfag, but one who will miss you all.

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Reminder that the wrong king sat the throne. Fuck Targs and Fuck Dany.

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>daenerys targaryen is the most evil character in game of thrones
>not ramsay, not joffrey, not cersei, not the night king
>mfw danyfags defend her

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>it was a 2min, jump-cut riddled mess in front of a green screen

Just fuck my shit up senpai

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I aint gotta explain shit nigga its magic

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No, his inventions were proven useless.

I saw GRRM at the grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Dad says it's my turn on the Iron Throne

looks exactly like him

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In D&D case this is clearly not their intension. Sometime the story writes itself. Trainwreck writes itself

>the fucking jumpcuts

I know dude, I fucking know
But I wasn't expecting any different after the fuckery involving Brienne and the Hound

Still, it was emotional and it ended as well as I could have hoped, and it generally made me fucking tense up. I'll give it that.

Well the real answer is after all that and Tywin came and took all the glory and stripped Tyrion of what he was actually good at: ruling, he went back to being pushed aside by his own family. Then after all the shit in S4 where he escaped into exile he joined a mad Targ bitch who didn't know a single thing about ruling and pissed everything she ever did down her leg up until that point, and then D&D decided to make him into a meme spouting comical figure.

You'd think an assassin would stick to murdering the target and not going around killing civilians.

>Eternal /GoT/ General

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Stannis posting is what I'll miss when all is said and done. Maybe the prequel shit will give us all a reason to pay homage to our rightful king down the line, but it's been a privilege shitposting with you all Stannisbros

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It's hard for retards to write a character who's entire skill revolves around him being clever

Unironically I've hated him ever since he opened his mouth in the Season 5 premiere. All he does is make bad jokes or reference shit that already happened, it didn't help that I didn't like Dany that much. He could have been redeemed if the moral conflict he had with Dany over the Tarlys in S7 had gone anywhere, but it didn't. He's just too popular to die, but really should've for the good of the story. He's literally an invincible exposition machine at this point.

/tpg/ exile here

It won't ever be the same bois, sorry

D&D invention. Don't even bother with anything related to physics. GOT is cinematic video game. Every episode has own patch notes for balance.

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You simply haven't seen his biomechanical power armor yet. It'll btfo that dragon

How does fire breath break down castles and stone walls like butter? I don't get it. Have the dragons always spewed TNT?

>Jon, every minute you're not putting a baby in by belly, a baby will be fed to Drogon. Better get to work, now.

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this but unironically, jon fucked up big by not immediately stepping up to prevent the slaughter of surrendering enemies at least by not his own troops, all he had to do was to yell an order and his army would've stood down because the northerners had little to no beef with the kingsguard and most of them probably had no idea who they even were so it's not like the chinese and japanese at all

What will /got/ do after Game Of Thrones is finished?

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Dragons are somehow related to magic in the canon. Their return is either because of an increase in magic or less likely their return caused it too return.

Either way it can be assumed that either the dragon produces organically some form of wildfire chemical through a variety of magic organs or it's just pure magic I don't have to explain shit.

The real question is why after 8 seasons and them constantly being mentioned do none of the Neanderthals, the Ibbenese, ever get shown. They would of made a great little addition to the story and made the world differ slightly.

They should have shown the stones melting, that would have looked cooler too.

Shitpost about the endless prequels and side material trash

is the dance of dragons finished??? if HBO makes it there is no way they can fuck it up like they sort of did with Game of Thrones once they ran out of books and had to come up with their own shit!!!

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>Well after watching episode 5 season 8 of game of thrones based off of the best selling series a song of ice and fire I've decided I can't possibly write a better ending. I hope you enjoy your only ending book readers.
>also stay turned for our 5 prequels

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At this point? Celebrate.

Hope the prequels are good and wait.

Sannisfags on suicide watch

The wheelchair that will mount the world

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Finally read the books I suppose.

So is that Dornish woman Cersei locked in the dungeon dead or is there a chance she survived?

Go shitpost about Chernobyl and write some shitty long blog about how much I hated this season and share it with my three friends

green fire stored inside the walls, magic explosive fire or figure it out yourselves lol

Alright seriously though.
I understand it was written fucking piss poorly, but the fact that these normalfags who always looked at this show with rose tinted glasses no matter any of the shit they pulled post Season 4 can't comprehend what they were trying to do makes me realize just how delusional people are.
At the end of Season 6 she had everything she ever needed to take the Throne and Btfo any competition, including the White jobbers.
Season 7 comes around and due to her advisors, particularly Tyrion's retarded decisions she loses almost everything she gained on the way over here and to top it off one Dragon.
Season 8 comes and what does she lose? Her oldest servant who although wanted to fuck her, was looked at as a Father figure.
Another Dragon making her lose two thirds of what made her feel so special.
Her Slave bitch who you could easily say was her best friend.
And to top it all off she finds out that her Claim she worked the whole series to achieve is forfeit, all by the manlet who refuses to continue their relationship even though she fell for him.
Why do they refuse to just realize she snapped after all of the above.

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It's worth it just for Jaime, Cersei, Arya and Sansa chapters

They won't

>the prequels will fail
>martin will die
>GOT season 9 will be back in 5 years with D&D running the show again

>Your grace, may I present you the latest addition in our ongoing war against the Targaryen usurper.
>This is the Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus or as I prefer to call it The Mouse, a super-heavy tank from the faraway Kingdom of Germany. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armoured fighting vehicle ever built.
>Weighing 188 metric tons, the Maus's main armament was the Krupp-designed 128 mm KwK 44 L/55 gun, based on the 12.8 cm Pak 44 anti-tank field artillery piece also used in the casemate-type Jagdtiger tank destroyer, with a coaxial 75 mm KwK 44 L/36.5 gun. The 128 mm gun was powerful enough to destroy all dragons and any armoured fighting beasts in existence.
>Perfectly capable to withstand even thousands of Dothraki hordes. Also, we shall cover it with Valyrian steel and specially developed wildfire bullets from my personal collection.
>Also, yes your grace I have prepared your wine for the evening.

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Where in fucks name is Bronn

I'll reread the books and cry.

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Chernobyl is good. Approved by slavs

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Curing himself of being a cunt

This last episode confirmed my suspicions that no matter what GoT does at this point, I'm going to dislike it. The episode itself was fine if not good, but the show has so thoroughly ruined itself that I can't enjoy it anymore.

Who gives a shit, literal non character who's only in the show still because he's a "fan favourite" fucking useless character

Chilling in Winterfell while being creeped out by that one weird boy with a rape fetish.

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Fucking this

Normies: Wh-why is she killing them all?

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For some reason 1/2 the main cast are niggers but yet Game of Thrones have had 2 except for slaves.

>Can someone break down the physics required for a dragon breathing some flammable gas or liquid required to create enough force to break down stone walls?
Force is the rate of change of momentum is mass * velocity. Since the flames are obviously rather slow, it's obvious they have great mass, but since they're flames it makes no fucking sense for them to destroy stone walls like that. People responsible wanted cool explosions but at the same time wanted flames, so they mixed their effect.
Though some of the destruction is because of the wildfire stashed all over the city for the purpose of burning it down.

This show fucking sucks I have no idea why I keep watching it

>shereen is my everything. if i must i'll sacrifice myself so she can rule in my place
>what, burn her so i am blessed enough to defeat ramsay? very well lol

stannis kind of forgot that he loved his daughter

>What was your favourite GoT moment, /got/


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anyone have the ultimate aaagghh image with everyone agonizing around stannis

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He's waiting for ep 5

Read this while listening to Nazareth

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If Jon becomes azor ahai and his sword lights on fire when he stabs Dany and she burns, I will bow to D&D and suck their dicks but it wont happen.

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I feel bad for him getting raped.


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>The wheelchair that will mount the world

>Yeah, well I could kill ya now and claim me castle which is all I want because I'm a canon psychopath.
>But wait, you say the Dragon Queen will give me Highgarden?
>alright lads, you 'ave 48 hours.

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Official list of biggest cock size by family:


>dorne is smaller than towns in morrowind

So we never know what the Varys heard from the flames when he was castrated?

God she's hot.

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I'm a hater too but I loved last nights episode. Reminded me of some early 2000's historical epics, mixed with saving private ryan.

No true baratheon ever even threatened to burn down Kingslanding, just saying.

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>He wanted to go get Cersei and have children with claim to the throne
>Him and Jaime were both headed for the secret entrance at the bottom of the rocks
>He thinks he's a god and can kill anyone for fun

Fits perfectly desu.

So wait a fucking second.
If Sandor Clegane is good enough to slaughter 3 Kingsguard in like 5 seconds last episode, how the fuck did he lose to Brienne of fookin' Tarth back in Season 4?

Fucking This. It's ridiculous, Euron doesn't even hate Jaime or have any sort of grudge with the Lannisters. But suddenly he wants to duel Jaime to the death like some sort of cliche anime villain. Literally why? It's not like he is going to be a fucking legend by killing a one handed man, he already shoot a dragon for fuck sake and is the greatest captain in the fourteen seas. FOURTEEN FUCKING SEAS! BUT LET'S JUST DIE LMAO BECAUSE FUCK COMMON SENSE, ME BAD GUY!

why did he fight jaime again?



>We don't have a TV show where every episode is a new evil plot of world domination by Queen Cersei that must be stopped by the rag-tag group consisting of Bronn, Tyrion, Varys, Jon, and the Hound.

>each week would involve new weapon is devised by Qyburn
>Episode won't end with "NEXT TIME SNOW, NEXT TIMEEEE"

Fuck this gay earth

showrunners chickened out and didn't have Jaime blackpill Tyrion on his first wife in season 4, so he didn't spend the last 4 seasons being the demon on Dany's shoulder encouraging her to slaughter as many Lannister troops as possible.

>not using the "tomorrow" style while browsing at night
God Stannis fags are retarded

Transporting butter


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sorta dumb to store wildfire inside the walls of buildings, no?

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He got peasant aids from that one fucker who bit him and wouldn't let Arya burn it away

>the episode itself was fine
not it fucking wasn't
the writing was horrible and everything that happened only happened because it "needed to happen", not because it made sense

He probably heard "Dracarys".

It would require similar pressure to that of 2000 meters of water, or a large bomb shockwave.
The unsullied should have been blown back as well.

t. back of a napkin calculations

To be fair if he is really smart he would just run off to Essos or somewhere with Cersei's given money. Or just stay the fuck out of any kind of fighting and support anyone who is going to win. In this case Dragon Queen which makes him not that dumb.

Qyburn was literally Q

Cersei literally did nothing wrong

Why was she hyped up to be some sort of tyrant who's downfall supposedly justified the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocents to achieve?
Did the common people of Westeros suffer under her rule more than previous rulers?

Because they both fucked the queen

If the dragonfire can penetrate stone it can easily penetrate the catacombs where the wildfire is stored underneath the city it isnt in the walls of the building dummy

It's amazing how much of the shows dialogue revolves around le witty kwipps xD and back-and-forth exchange of one-liners. Reading the book, that was never something that stood out. There was focus on building scenery, on the actions and routines of characters as opposed to their words, their expressed emotions. Characters would speak eloquently, and often draw out their dialogue, meaning would be communicated in subtle manners.

We've devolved from writing for 110 - 120 IQ individuals to writing for 90 - 100 IQ individuals, or more precisely put a collegiate level to an 8th grade level, and it's a world of a difference. Everything has to be communicated directly and explicitly, no subtlety. No fancy words can be used, no drawn out and ingeniously formulated conversations between characters. One or two lines per character maximum, going back and forth until the episode ends. Action, action, action. Big explosions and battles and wall crumbles and epic DOOLS!!!! to keep their attention at the expense of plot and character development.

I'm just glad that despite raping the execution with their made-for-TV Hollywood kikery they've decided to remain somewhat faithful to the ending George R.R. Martin desired.

He was obviously bluffing while talking to the greysoy bitch. His fleet was also gone, he had nothing left. He was "probably" upset that they lost the war and wanted something to vent his rage on, he also wanted to prove who the alpha male is.


>Dorne is literally just a beach and a garden where people get stabbed

Brienne is the best swordswoman in westeros

His father was right about him. Fucker betrayed Varys after all he did.

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>Asshai Dany plotline was cut
>hell Asshai was cut

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Can someone post the webm of Strickland getting killed? I want to see the magical Unsullied who were somehow right behind a bunch of galloping horses.

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name my band

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>It's a Cersei and Euron plotting to take over Westeros and failing miserably for the 999th time episode
>It's a Qyburn weapon is OP as fuck but malfunctioning every time or easily disabled episode
>It's a Tyrion and Jaime casually ruin Cersei's evil plan while low key trying to reconcile with her episode

What book is this from? I've only gotten through the first 2, or is this one of the spin offs?

Nah, I totally get why he chose to trust Dany winning, the tavern scene was just retarded though.

Something I was wondering, does Davos even know Brienne killed Stannis?

D&D seem to deliberately be not bothering to answer any of the long-standing mysteries the show has had. They probably just said fuck it let the fat man answer them in a decade.

Tarly between Baratheon and Stark.
think about it. Randyl was a fucking badass. One son was literally named DICKON. And Sam's cock must have been massive to not get completely buried under all that fat.

Jon is fucking off to Braavos, right?

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didn't she tell him to his face in season 6?

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Rapin' and slayin'

This is the girl that played young Lyanna Stark way back when.

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>>We don't have a TV show where every episode is a new evil plot of world domination by Queen Cersei that must be stopped by the rag-tag group consisting of Bronn, Tyrion, Varys, Jon, and the Hound.


Yes, she tells him and Mel, then just walks away

Dickless Fingerless Know-Nothings

>Payne not the highest

I love how you accuse me of not watching the show when your answer is "please ignore the dialogue of the show." Yes, Euron is totally "bluffing" about the idea of him just leaving and going somewhere else if the war goes bad. Except...that's literally what he already did in the last war!

Fire and Blood. Not really book in proper meaning. Just "bible" for dance with dragons events.

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Did I miss something or did he seriously never comment on Tyrion knowing about the pregancy? Him being butthurt that he was going to raise Jaime's child could have been a motivation (not a good one but still), but instead we got nothing but a dumb boss battle.

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What was Pod doing?

Yeah he did. Brienne basically rub that in front of Mel & Davos face in season 6, sometime after Jon is resurrected. One season ago they would probably go berserk but they kind of forgot about their true goal in Winterfell and choose to be loyal servant of Jon-Snu and his sister.

>negotiate a deal with slavers who break the deal right after
>attack an empty and poor casterly rock while losing highgarden
>negotiate a deal with Cersei for troops only to get absolutely nothing as it was obvious from the start

Did he do anything right after meeting Daenerys?

trips of truth and Clegane can go under Payne

How the FUCK does he leave when his fleet is in the bottom of the bay?????????????? On jaime's dingie????????

Yes, he and Dany will find the house with the red door and lemon tree, get married and live there peacefully with their 3 kids, dog, and dragon

Why was the golden company so worthless? I get the, dragons op, but why hype them up with the Iron bank payroll? Aren't they supposed to be unsullied level badass or are they second fiddle?

But the show was so inconsistent in showing dragons actually doing shit its crazy. One minute, its 3 of them to take down 1 boat. Another minute, its 1 dragon wiping out lines upon lines of men. Then its 2 dragons BARELY able to hold back the undead, then its 1 undead dragon absolutely demolishing Winterfell like its made of legos. THEN we see how much damage one dragon does this episode.

Like I get they're powerful, I love the idea, but why do they just not have a proper sense of scale for how much destruction they bring?

Is there literally anything that could be done now in the final episode that will redeem the show?

It takes a smart person to write clever characters. D&D don't qualify.


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>What was Pod doing?

Probably laying 13 miles of pipe in Sansa.

He. Is. FUCKING. Varys.

Neat! Worth the read? I love any bit of extra lore. World is interesting enough for me to find it believable. Especially with how they treat 'fantasy' monsters and the effect they can have on a society.

Agehhh... Smells.............. Dornish

He didn't. Or it was a deleted scene. Euron's motivation is kind of sensible at first when he is first introduced
>Wants to take over Westeros/Gets the Iron Throne
But later on he is just a horny guy who seems obsessed with Cersei Lannister. He kind of forgot his endgame and just be evil for the sake of evil kind of dude.

>On jaime's dingie????????
Yes? If we're supposed to believe that it's realistic in this world for that boat to take a one handed cripple and his sister across to Pentos, then the master sailor Euron should be able to take it across the sea with ease.

Who /myastone/ here

Maybe they could have just written that shit better. Lord knows the fight scene sucked dick.

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an hour and a half of dany fucking jon to death

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Warfare is largely based off chance. Real warfare especially isn't some game of league of legends and sometimes the course of victory can depend on pure chance, for example not a single bolt hitting the dragon they were supposed to hit and as result your whole fleet and defenses get wrecked. Not good writing but not implausible in terms of realistic warfare.

What happens to /got/ in a week?

>giving GRRM money for some Targ shit he pumped out before all the hype went out with the ending

Also did Davos and Tyrion know that Jaime was going to help Cersei escape?

The Imp used to be my favorite character until season 4, but now I can't even stand him and his stupidity.

is this how the lord of fire charges up for the next centuries before the snow niggers come back up ?

because D&D needed to subvert another expectation.
seriously, in the books the Golden Company is hugely fucking important and have a very interesting history/background. in the show they're literally nothing.

He was going to take it after killing Jaime but guess his plan didn't include him losing to a cripple in a fight, and if you try to say he didn't need to fight, refer to my earlier posts.

Final scene is Bran waking up inside the tree.
>Three eyed raven: Now you see what will happen to Westeros if we don't act
>Bran: Yes

Why did they bring up elephants so much? Just as a jab at bookfags?

Get in the robot Tommen!

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He's so repulsive wtf is she doing with him


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holy fuck my dick

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It was tactical explosive dragon

Dany kills everyone, the end.

Made a guile’s theme mashup for cleganebowl. It was sloppy but whatever.

GRRM's raw history is tedious to read. But if you have free time or want more lore about Targs and dragons then sure.

Confidence + money will get you literally any girl on the planet

They were mostly killed by the dragon.
Only group fighting in kings landing who have proper equipment and formations.

I feel like dragons would have a separate "lung" type organ filled with a flammable gas, and their teeth would have some sort of flint-like compound to spark as they expel flammable gas from their gas sacks

What the fuck is the point of having cool settings if you never use them?

>Oh hey guys, I have a million dollars in the bank, how neat is that? Pick up the check? No thanks, I gotta watch what I spend.

>We will never see Cersei's Golden Company army with elephants fighting Night King's army of giant riding zombie mammoths
We are denied of the great pachyderm war.

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I thought Rickon and Dickon were supposed to become the gay emperors of essos. What happened bros?

Jon stabbing that bitch and take her dragon

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>If the dragonfire can penetrate stone
that's stupid and it shouldn't

right looks like a psychopath

even though she has a better body at least the other one looks like she has a soul

please tell more about tyrions first wife

They fucking died, that's what happened.
Lord of Light in the show doesn't give a fuck about humans killing each other so long as the Night King and the White Walkers are contained or dead.

>hey, you guys remember that prophecy about Cersei and the Valonquar?
>heh, looks like we subverted your expectations...AGAIN

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15 cuts in 12 seconds, jesus christ.

>Dany walks into throne room to take iron throne.
>Night King is already sitting there.
>He winks then raises his hands.
>All the innocents that Dany burned rise again and maul her to death.
>Listerally gave death more ammo to kill her with by betraying her nature.
>Remaining dragon raises wing and takes of mask, it's Arya in disguise who was planning to kill Dany.
>"How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?"
>Kills Night King again
>Jon becomes King of the 7 kingdoms
>Sansa Queen in the North
>Arya gets spin off show
>Tyrion falls down a hole and dies.

Unironically what was the point of the Meera/Jojen arc?

They all die getting Bran to the Raven and back, or nearly, then nothing happens

The Children of the Forest shit had no payoff whatsoever

Who the fuck wrote this

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Robert Baratheon wakes up, looks confused for a moment, looks over to a roasting pig, and laughs.

Did you notice how Jaime teleports to being above Euron halfway through?

>begs jon to kill her for her crimes

>Implying Stannis won't do a bit of sacking and burning had he defeat the Lannisters in season 2.

Wait, what the fuck, she was the little boy?

I like how Meera just dipped and doesn't get involved in any of this.

Harrenhal buddy boi


The whole goddamn series is essentially a Shaggy Dog Story.



lel why didn't grey worm wear a mask during that invasion? he was literally the only unsullied that didn't have a mask.

You see Jon this was my entire plan, I out maneuvered the "Queen" and she danced exactly to my tune, I deceived her , deluded her, hoodwinked her , mislead-ed, duped, fooled, double-crossed, cheated, swindled, outwitted, outmaneuvered, caught out, gulled, hoaxed, bamboozled, beguiled; entrapped;
bilked, diddled, rooked, put one over on, pulled a fast one on her, pulled the wool over her eyes, took her for a ride, lead her up the garden path, spoofed and tricked her into slaying millions with dragons, exactly as I planned.

Now truly, the North Remembers

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I like how the Seven Kingdoms with all its size was reduced to like three houses at the end and 70% of the continent and its people and politics don't matter anymore. They throw lines about how they have all this support from the rest of Westeros but we don't see any of it.

I still don't get what's the deal with the Children of the Forest. What happened to them? How did they turn peoples into white walkers? Why did the Night King turns against them? How did the warging or greenseeing or whatever it is supposed to work? Why Bran? What's a three eyed raven anyway?

Do you have any more webms of this scene?


So if Jon ends up killing Danny and not Arya what the fuck was the green eyes, blue eyes prophecy about?

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>The show missed out all the best snide comments between Jaime and Cersei in the books, the MOST ENTERTAINING points where they fought like siblings, because of TWU TWIN WUV

all Jaime had to do was gutstab Cersei and collapse from his wounds

all they had to do was die in each other arms on top of the world map, while the keep crumbled around them

it was right there. a perfectly satisfying ending. are DnD doing it on purpose? do they know?

gotta wait for fat man to explain it lol

Littlefinger would be proud

Subverting expectations by having Arya abandon the prophecy at the end

So we could see him chimp out and start a rape riot.

It was in their reach, it would have satisfied EVERYONE, it was FORESHADOWED IN PREVIOUS EPISODES, and they still did NOT DO IT

Uhh, that fat kid she killed in S1 had green eyes.

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or maybe the writer knew this represents the cycle of fall & rises of civilizations

Because that's the only way we could ever possibly tell him apart from the other niggers.

I dunno man, Bran denied her the D as well

If Dany is anything to go by then she's going to nuke winterfell next ep

I was thinking all throughout that scene that that's what was going to happen but NOPE. EXPECTATIONS SUBVERTED

prophecy was never in the show, idiot

>looks like another subverted expectation Dabid
>all in a days work Dan

What would happen if Cersei escaped?


no main character ever wears a helmet in any tv show/movie

would NK winning be a better ending? if he did we wouldn't have this episode

I guess it's casting problem or the difficulty to juggle with all those plot lines. So they have certain houses exterminated and their banner man kind of forgot to avenge them or to just take over power. Take the Lannisters for example, back in S2 & 3 there are dozens of them outside Tywin and his children. By season 7 all of this is ignored, Cersei claim that she and Jaime are the last Lannisters (ignoring Tyrion). Riverrun story is also kind of forgotten, so does the Martell being half-adapted (or in-name only).
As for the rest, I kind of understand. No way the Boltons and Freys are going to be in any form survive or stay in power.

>Cersei and Jaime escape
>he dies in the boat
>Cersei is all along in the middle of the ocean, crying

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>and out of the series



the mountain is good at dashing skulls against stones

She would live on Pentos and raise her child and Army until it was one day ready to take their throne back.

Any of these would be a better ending

>Gendry and Ghost row by and let her hop in

what if jaime lives but Euron also swims up to the boat and the 3 of them live together in essos

it's not the concussive force that does it, the extreme heat of dragon fire is hot enough to reach the specific heat capacity of the enthalpy change required to break the ionic bonding (where ms= + or - 1/2 in any n primary energy level of any value of l) between individual electrons of atoms in stone

in realistic medieval combat they would all be wearing at least bascinets, horsemen could do with maybe kettle helmets but still never go in without any sort of head protection

it's for filmmaking purposes so you can see the characters reactions

every other unsullied had the usual armor on. Even if it had been torn off or something mid battle it would make some sort of sense, but he literally never had his helmit on. Even before the battle started. kek.

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>Jaime and Cersei make it to the beach
>but Euron stole the boat and is gone




Do you remember when growing dragons were problem in S3/4? Food and shiet.
>Drogon kill shepard child
And they were small.

I'm rewatching season 1 and its sad how much better ALL the characters were back then.

Think about how great Rob was and he was only alive for like 8 episodes, the longer they live the worse they become when the show becomes a shit cash cow

>Dany has green eyes in the show
>not purple

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Jaime gets victorions fire hand.

I would prefer the NK 'win' in the sense that he ultimately can't be beaten by mere sword fight or fancy fire magic. But ultimately Jon or Bran somehow sacrifice themselves to appease the greater threat to stop them permanently. Jon being the son of ice and fire could be a blood sacrifice or 'honored' hostage to forever protect the peace between the white walkers, children of the forest and humanity. Lots of main characters need to die to achieve that point, but the main threat of Westeros existence ends permanently. They could some extra episodes or one more season as epilogue about the succession crisis and the final war against Cersei, Euron Iron Bank, or Littlefinger or whomever they choose to be the last human villain.

It'll be Arya tho

I was expecting him to stab her right there and then. It's kinda dumb he rode to winterfell for no reason other than to fuck briann just to go back to cersei but whatever.

Why did Daenerys go full Columbine? What the fuck is that going to prove to anyone?

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jamie had one on in s1e1 and you couldn't tell who he was

you don't want the full image

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Leaks are saying that Jon will kill Danny and will join the Night's Watch. The same leaks have been 100% accurate so far.


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The Hound also wear a dog helmet in S1 and I think parts of S2 as well.

Try this.

>Cersei and Jamies make it out off the keep.
>While they float away in the fucking boat >Jamie pulls out a cask of wildfire.
>Detonates it, killing them both
>and who
>are you

T. yoinked from Legend of korra season 1.

>Join the NW

To do what though

There's no more night king or wildlings that they aren't mates with

>she was once ruthless queen, and he's her former lover and current brother
>together with their zany pirate friend, they'll try to make it work
>coming this fall, 5 hands just aren't enough to handle this wacky trio

Then what the fuck was up with this episode's ending? What are they setting up Arya to do?

>Drogon kills some kid
>lock up the other 2 dragons who aren't niggers
Good call, Dany.

Just had a bookfag idea.
What if the valonqar is a baby boy that she dies giving birth to? Possibly "Euron's kid" if the show has any accuracy.

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Bran will build a wall to protect Westeros from Essos


makes no sense, nights watch is gone. that ending is fake.

Yu an I knoe Dabid did'nt haev the bidget for taht

I never think about that. Actually would be pretty cool, could be a nice callback to season 2 as well when the wildfire is first used (to destroy Stannis ships).

Because D&D are retards who haven't heard of heraldry.

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post it

arya was there literally just to act as a reporter on the ground for the destruction, she had no plot-specific reason

this is in the post-episode talk part

Go ask on Yea Forums

For the love of god just have sex already.


She'll probably go back to Braavos as some damaged little girl for some reason.

Chernobyl threads are already going to shit, I don't want any more /got/fags ruining them

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how would you explain seconds 5 and 6 of that webm to me lads

>flat ass

I had sex last week

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They're not the invading savages from the Andals. They were living peacefully, shagging sheeps and fucking children of the forest before the shitty Andal's came over.

They prefer talking about random jews bashing their heads into a keyboard and calling it literature.

good thing he saved that monkey to be the future of Britain

The Free Cities have loaned so much fucking money to these Westerosi bastards. With all but one of Daenerys' dragons dead, her military seriously war-battered, and the continent in absolute anarchy and ruin, I low-key feel like they will call in their debts when she dies and occupy parts of the continent.

Was it actually explained at any point how Jamie ended up getting captured by Dany's forces at the start of the episode?

It's mentioned before that the inbreeding causes madness. Happened with joffrey.

Jon happens to be a mix

god I wish that were me

It likely isn't, it looks like the NK didn't even bother attacking Castle Black

I'd watch the Repossession of Westeros and see a miniseries of them dealing with only bureaucracy and finances for six issues.

Only justification I can think of is that his ship got destroyed so he was like "fuck it, might as well go out with a bang". Although that's a pretty big stretch and can be easily disputed by just stealing another ship. They didn't even really talk much about his ship, The Silence, so it's not like it was super special.

One random "Your brother tried to cross our army line" from Dany to Tyrion.

I wish I was a handsome, rich actor with handsome, rich friends. And I wish I cared about football so I could go and watch it with said friends :'(

The Plotholes

more evidence of lazy, stupid writing by dabid. would've been more kino if jaime was captured immediately after the boat sink incident, and held prisoner so that dany/gayworm could do an exchange for mysundae. then the scene of her and cersei talking at the gates would make more sense. they do the swap, as jaime makes it safely inside the gate, cersei's archers shoot down mysundae and greyobamaworm goes mad and starts chucking his spear. drogon swoops in and saves durrrrnayres but almost gets shot by scorpions. this would lead to the bigger conflict. have varys die in that scene too. don't even include tyrion, have him resign and disappear after he heard slaykween captured his brother.

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GoT has turned into a bad anime. Everyone needs to die for emotional effect. March of death.

And by "has turned into", I generally mean it's been a theme through a good chunk of the series. If I had actually tried to get invested in this series it'd have probably ended the same way as me marathoning The Walking Dead. Disgusted at the emotional exploitation and the introduction and disposal of characters.

Because she didn't go straight for the red keep. She went through every street of the city burning it to the ground before she even got to the keep.
If her rage was like that she would have gone straight to the red keep.

If you look at her before the battle, she clearly is thinking about just not giving them any quarter, which matches what she actually does. That makes far more sense than her going berserk and matches dany's usual ruthlessness.

stop reposting this retarded bullshit
>jon joins nightswatch in s1
fucking retard. when there's another mance ryder then what?

Cockles you fucking idiot

Then he'll be a citizen of the 7 kingdoms dumbo

There were neglible amounts of wildlings left that weren't at Hardhome, everyone who survived lives behind the wall now

Were you not listening when Tormund said he'd take them back beyond the wall?

how could davos wield a sword if the tips of his fingers were cut off to the first knuckle?

jfc this is just sad. how do dargon work? use your imagination