>That fucking idiot who still believes GoT is the greatest TV show of all time
That fucking idiot who still believes GoT is the greatest TV show of all time
Other urls found in this thread:
>That fucking idiot who believes Breaking Even is better than the Sopranos
>that guy who refuses to admit that BB is kino
>implying it's Breaking Bad
It's The Sopranos, followed by The Wire
Yea Forums was fucking top tier when BrBa was airing and people would come up with all these crazy theories and outcomes yet they were always wrong
followed by El Chavo
>>That fucking idiot who still believes GoT is the greatest TV show of all time
Yeah? That fucking idiot is me! Err. I mean i'm not an idiot how dare you!
its white peepo kino tho
Reminder there are people who think Breaking Bad has aged well
It was an addictive, entertaining show but it's pretty overrated. It's junk food that gets elevated by (some of) the acting and the cinematography.
It pretends to be a character-driven story, but the characters constantly do stupid things because the plot demands the stakes rise constantly and for Walt to transform from a meek high school teacher to a ruthless drug lord.
Think about this: in just over a year the protagonist goes from weeping because he let a junkie choke on her puke to whistling a merry tune right after dissolving a child's body in acid. Absurd, no?
The series is built mostly on cliffhangers with weak resolutions, like a modern Perils of Pauline. There are some pretty brutal moments but most of the deaths were that of cardboard villains or side characters who were created solely to serve as collateral damage.
Breaking Bad was fun and a wild ride, but ultimately had nothing to say about either the human condition or the criminal underworld.
this can't be the actual montage from the series
that's Rian Johnson for you
I loved the show while it aired but completely agree with this. It's almost entirely suspense-driven and doesn't stand the test of time after you've seen it.
The Sopranos on the other hand gets arguably better each time.
I still like watching the first few episodes though because they play out more like a movie does with having to do something about Krazy-8.
I have to agree, I don't see myself rewatching Breaking Bad again (though I had a fun time) whereas I've watched The Sopranos 6 times and it's better on rewatches (especially watching with first timers).
>that 20 year old kid who still worships le Heisenberg
>Shitting on the most based scene in the entire show
>That absolute pal who still believes LOST is the greatest TV show of all time
stay durnin'
It was somewhat neat to watch a second time but any additional time is totally unnecessary.
that scene was intentionally retarded though
Breaking Bad was good for the first 2 seasons, went to shit in Season 3, then got good again in the tail end of Season 4. After Gus died it was just meandering then had a satisfying ending. GOT was 4 seasons of pure kino and even now it's more entertaining than Marie shoplifting and Walt Jr eating breakfast.
>but Jesse constantly do stupid things because the plot demands the stakes rise constantly
Do people still do this?
I feel like I haven't seen a Heisenberg profile pic on any media in ages now.
>Hey Bane
What did he mean by this?
>tfw missed out on watching this stupid fun show with Yea Forums back when it was airing
Sometimes waiting for a later release just doesn't do it.
I love this
>Yea Forums is still too stupid to understand this scene
Enjoy being banned
does anyone know did they check when they cast him that he had a good skull shape for a shaved head? cos that's pretty fucking lucky if they didn't
disgusting. apply yourself.
>GOT was 4 seasons of pure kino.
Sorry what?
kino of the highest category
They built them up The Others for 8 fucking seasons as this big bad calamity worse than their petty infighting and then they're stopped by le ninja magic. So fucking dumb. Why didn't the dragons target the night king last season then.
It's definitely up there and for sure better than BB
I was wondering when the low IQ cucks would chime in
Breaking Bad was a terrible tv show, just terrible. Who even thinks its good? Boomers? fucking old fucks shit taste I swear.
Look at that watermark. That is the type of person that likes BB
dude, contemporary crime drama, lamo
Breaking Bad was just druggie degenerate shit, massively overrated.
Fuck that guy
The Wire
Sex gifs
>druggie degenerate shit
you sound like my grandpa who is pushing 90
>in just over a year the protagonist goes from weeping because he let a junkie choke on her puke to whistling a merry tune right after dissolving a child's body in acid
it's a shit show made up on the fly but there's nothing wrong with this
At first I thought walt jr wasn't digging the ride but he was like we are missing my whip. Honestly fuckin classic
>more than five years later and Yea Forums STILL can't comprehend the intricacies of Breaking Bad
stay out of my territory, plebeians
Breaking Bad was casual Yea Forums shit though lol
Is that supposed to be an insult you dumb fucking zoomer?
explain what is wrong with this scene
this is the same as retards who think Fight Club is pro fight clubs
It's shit? It's pandering even.
I found this cringeworthy when I watched it but I think the point is supposed to be that Walt is acting like a dumbass kid and the music playing is obnoxious trash for dumbass kids
BB was legitimately more fun because of it’s normie appeal. Everybody was watching the back half of the last season as it aired and the show always covered it tracks to compensate. Like when Saul randomly points out what Walt did with the phone call or when Walt tells Skylar he did it all for himself.
I just wonder when exactly it was that the edgy give no fucks and laugh at everything regardless of bad taste type attitude that once was Yea Forums was co-opted and/or replaced by a bunch of whiney faggot puritanical snowflakes who get triggered just as hard as SJWs if not harder and are constantly coming across like Reverend Lovejoy's wife from The Simpsons.
The Sopranos was literally carried by boomers
Pathetic cope you druggy degenerate shit.
>gets crushed to death by an atm in your path
It's literally the exact opposite of that. I don't know why you watch drama if you can't even grasp anything beyond the absolute surface level.
nice twitter meme
Reminder NGE is objectively the greatest show of all time.
Maybe you should cope with being irrelevant
didn't rian johnson direct this? would make perfect sense
>in just over a year the protagonist goes from weeping because he let a junkie choke on her puke to whistling a merry tune right after dissolving a child's body in acid
it's almost like that was the fucking point or something
Star Wars fans please die
Irrelevant to who, you?
What, because I'm not your nigger dealer?
Fucking kys.
it is, bb stands on its own, sopranos is only amazing if you already have an infatuation with wogs and mafia shit
I'd honestly enjoy The Sopranos more if it wasn't mafia driven. I watched it for the depression and paranormal themes.
>anything that isn't white hats vs black hats confuses my dementia-addled mind
No, irrelevant in general. I would tell you to kill yourself but why bother when I can just wait until next week
I’ve actually been to the Breaking Bad house. Some little girls were doing a car wash in front of the thing. It was very cool to see
The only reason you're relevant is because you support criminal activities with your degeneracy.
I like how they got Manny's actor from Scarface for this dude
this is 100% unironically a great scene
GoT and BB are both trash
Columbo is eternal goty
Partially this. I still enjoyed the mafia aspect, except the hits were awful and leaving ton of evidence. But regardless Sopranos still had god-tier writing above BrBa. Every episode was like a Shakespeare play. The paranormal aspect, the dream sequence, everything going to shit as Tony’s psyche crumbles. And BrBa is for depressed whitoids and spics
This scene is fucking great, fuck you man
I actually don't, because watching a television show about a reprehensible character is not the same as wanting that reprehensible character to succeed or "glorifying drug use" you absolute colossal fucking retard
The sopranos is number 1
but the wire isn't even better than oz
Deadwood is number 2
*mogs you*
i think Weeds is a nice serie
i liked it when i was 15, can't fucking stand it now
it was good up until the fire. then I just had to watch it for doug and andy.
This scene is unironically kino.
2 seasons of Legion are better than 8 seasons worth of the best bits of GoT condensed.
love this desu based johnson
give it up for one seasons wonders
I unironically like Better Call Saul more. The action in BB became too ridiculous to believe at some parts
Still entertaining tho
> That fucking poster that can't comprehend a thought that people's tastes are different.
*blocks your path*
>it's almost like
Patrician taste
Seething niggas
trying too hard
>thinks typing one sentence takes a lot of effort
your caretaker really shouldn't be allowing you to browse this site
>Think about this: in just over a year the protagonist goes from weeping because he let a junkie choke on her puke to whistling a merry tune right after dissolving a child's body in acid. Absurd, no?
No, it's not, because it literally shows you each fucking step of Walt's journey to get from point A to point B.
It might have been if it had maintained the quality of seasons 1-4 throughout the rest of the run
And if they had stuck closer to the books it would’ve been better, instead d&d decided to make up they’re own shit
Sopranos > Mad Men >The Wire > True Detective > Rome > Six Feet Under > Oz > The Sheild > Fargo > Breaking Bad > Lost > GoT
>Six Feet Under
>1 result
Fucking hell guys
>Rian Johnson does Breaking Bad
>It's all kino
>Rian Johnson does the Last Jedi
>it's genuinely awful
>All that TV
What did you do with your life?
Reverse it and it's already more accurate.
sopranos is undisputed, after that we can have an intelligent discussion. i personally prefer the shield but the wire is good aswell
about the time normal people started getting fired from their jobs for calling out degeneracy, but getting the slap on the wrist that is mandatory rehab courses when they partake in said degeneracy
hang yourself
>The Wire #2
cmon mate.
>all the kids ITT posting overrated dramas from the 2000s
tfw breaking bad was a better live action adaption of deathnote than the Netflix version
this scene was brought to you by chrysler shitty automotives
Breaking bad was one of the best things I ever watched until that absolute dumpster fire of a final season.
They write themselves into such a fucking stupid ending.
That honor belongs to Yes, Prime Minister.
>twin peaks
Yea Forums i am dissapoint
Lol sopranos is some shitty boomer crap, even friends is better than it
>breaking reddit
um yeah that show is also shit
>No mention of the prisoner
>Thinking Season 5 wasn't the peak of BB
Fucking pleb
The books>Yes, Minister>Yes, Prime Minister.
It's funny because BB got ruined by normies the same way GoT was.
>greatest TV show
>not having Jared Harris in it
IDK why, but at the time, breaking reditt seamed like a great show to me maybe top 5 all time. But now, as I got older, it settles like a very average show. This show was very good at being average.
Without a doubt one of the most overrated shows of all time
Maybe explain why you find it mediocre instead of using buzzwords like a mouth-breather
tp is a pretentious art student's soap opera
how many people saw BB again and throught"WOW this is fucking trash!!"
i bet it happens all the time
GoTards got duped hard
I tried rewatching BB but its got so much filler
it has some really kino storylines but then you have to sit through scene after scene of walter jnr being a fag and skylar being a bitch
All HBO shows are the basically cable-clickbait
They are all terrible and people who won't shut up about them need mental assessments
I've tried watching GOT, the Sopranos, and The Wire and couldn't stomach watching the self-validating garbage past episode 1. It's like it blew everyones mind that the word "fuck" could be sent directly to your house for the privilege of $15 a month
Fuck you! Matlock forever!!
>nursing home trash talk
Why should I give a shit about your retarded opinion when you haven't even watched the show
>walt being brazen and cocky because of his inflated ego
Apply yourself.
The last season is literally the best part about BB you fucking knob
You faggots just don't want to admit twd is the best.
>Why should I give a shit about your retarded opinion when you haven't even watched the show
>OMG you have to watch X on HBO
I do, it's always fucking awful. 2 decades of this shit and it hasn't gotten any better
>We now return to BREAKING BAD
wtf he breaks bad???
Unironically this
TWD is the greatest misunderstood kino of our time. Years from now it will be looked back on as the defining show of the 2010s. BrBa will be forgotten and GoT will only be remembered for having one of the worst endings in TV history.
If everything your friends recommend is garbage than maybe stop being peer-pressured into watching it
>Being remembered fondly
if this scene came out in the 80's there would be cheesy synth music or hard rock playing instead. and if it came out today it would be mumble rap. it's just a sign of the times
That moment when Walt is in the bar, waiting for the police to arrest him but then see Eliott and Gretchen on tv and the intro music full version starts playing is one of the most kino moments I've ever seen.
Breaking bad as a whole isn't perfect, but this single moment is worth the entire show.
Breaking Bad has some of the greatest scenes in television.
Literally the anime of real life.
now that weed is legal, this show has nothing going for it.
Not in china
Yeah bitch Hitler was cool yo
Pinkman was our guy
>nazi shit used to be cool for leftie burnouts
What went wrong lol
How do I get a big titty goth jessy/Jane gf?
How the fuck is that board remotely relevant? Insufferable tourist.
Better Call Saul is stealth kino that flies under the radar of normalfags.
Can't wait till the next season.
If The Shield wasn't on FX it would be popular enough to be widely considered the greatest show of all time, but then again it may not have been as good if it was on HBO or some shit.
>walt gets caught because walt kept a piece of paper that says "walt did it" in the house and hank finds it while taking a shit
the last season got really fucking stupid and it definitely should've ended there
Watching someone have a midlife crisis is cringeworthy no matter how it's portrayed
have sex
Chavo was based .
breaking bad is a piece of shit
Mad Men and Sopranos are the kino
Mad Men was kino.