Abandon all your friends...

>abandon all your friends, ideals and the final request of your favourite deputy because your ex-girlfriend you haven't seen in over a decade has become a hobo yet you still want to tap dat porcelain ass

Bravo Pixar.

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This is just gonna be Toy Story 2 all over again. "You can make thousands of children happy if you come with us" "But I already have an owner and he/she is counting on me" the end.

he actually leaves all his friends behind

Nah, they're doing things a little differently from what I've heard.
Bo wants Woody to stay with him, to be with her. He's very tempted but ends up refusing her. So she goes nuts and burns down the small amusement park.

Source? Was there a leak?

you literally have the last page of 2 book right here in the thread


So this book got leaked or it already came out? How do we know this is definitely going to be the ending of the movie? Sounds pretty shit.

did you miss the Wreck it pedro 2 leak months ago? The book also spoiled they going their own ways.

porcelain can't shake it's ass like that

And the incredibles 2 storybook from last year too.

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>Bo isn't the real villain

Welp, there went all interest for me.

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no one wants to watch a toy story movie about a roastie bo peep and a cuck woody

>first wreck it Ralph, now this

It seems really odd that Disney is now teaching kids it's ok to drop your friends for your own selfish needs

>"you have a friend in me"
what happened with the meaning of that song?

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theyre teaching young kids to be slaves to whatever pops their brain boners and to get detach themselves from anything that doesnt coincide with whatever they are fixated on at the time.

this is in effort to enslave them to the 24/7 propaganda machine which tells them what to enjoy and what to hate. once someone tells them anything that goes against the machine they will find it easy to cut them out so they can return to the machine.

we empirically live in the matrix

means you have a friend fucking your woman

>complete opposite moral lesson from toy story 2

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Oh I guess Andy doesn't mean anything to Woody anymore. That girl Andy poured his heart into to pass on Woody to enjoy for years to come? Nah, forget him. I got a carnival to enjoy. And then after the carinval leaves, I'll go sit in a dusty antique store with Bo and some creepy manequins while my real friends enjoy true friendship with a child that loves anything, even if it's a spork.
>You got a friend in me

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The book said she was already bored of Woody anyways. Andy poured his heart out to her about how special Woody was and she tossed him aside after like a month.

there's an entire thread on Yea Forums dedicated to the full leak

>third movie ending is about Andy giving away all his toys to a girl he's sure they are going to make happy
>bonnie stops giving ttention to Woddy
>she creates a new friend and forget about everyone
>Woody left everything behind and go away with Bo Peep

I'm so damn confused about what's Pixar doing

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They’re making MONEY for DISNEY. That’s all that matters.

I thought all the toys were donated to the daycare. Did bonie steal all of andys toys just for herself?

you havent noticed how our old movies/shows/books are being subverted/rebooted/and cleansed of everything that made them wholesome and enjoyable?

theyre rewriting history in the postmodern jungian identity